The huge Luo River meanders under the shade of the water bank, like transparent colored glass, extremely clear.

The river flows, swirls and flows downwards.

A green bamboo raft passes through the thick clouds and mist, shuttles from top to bottom, and soon arrives at the foot of Feitianmen Mountain.

A man in blood-stained clothes and white hair, with two gold rings on his arms.

He rocked the bamboo raft and saw a group of huge purple lion-headed geese on the shore. He couldn't help licking his lips and muttering in his heart.

"I didn't expect Feitianmen to have such a good thing."

"I heard that the meat of the purple lion goose is tender and delicious, fat and juicy, but this thing has been growing in the wild rivers and swamps, and it is rare to see it on weekdays."

"I'll see Ye Yang later, but I have to ask for a few to taste."

Thinking of this, the man shouted, and the group of huge purple lion geese fluttered their wings back and forth.

A splash of water fluttered.

After a while, a person's angry curse was heard.

"Where did you come from, you thief, to dare to cause trouble in my Feitianmen."

The Blood Demon Saint was on the bamboo raft at the moment.

He saw the man wearing a wide robe with big sleeves, short straw sandals, holding a whip, and driving the huge group of purple lion geese on the shore.

He couldn't help but smile when he saw the man.

"But I'm from the Logistics Hall of Feitianmen."

"I'm here to find Ye Yang, the guardian."

The man was quite angry when he saw that he disturbed his purple lion goose.

"Don't you see what kind of person Ye Yang, the guardian, is? You can't find him just because you want to."

"The purple lion geese were obtained by the Zhang family from the depths of the Bihu Lake many years ago. It took more than ten years of cultivation to cultivate this group. If you disturb them, you will be held accountable." (Chapter 14)

The Blood Demon Saint was not angry. He was polite and flicked a blood-red token between his fingers and threw it into the hand of the deacon and said.

"You may not believe me, but you have to believe this thing." The man was not impressed by the token he took out, and curled his lips, thinking it was something else. He picked it up and took a closer look, and was shocked. "Don't be a fake, you must know that the people of the Blood Demon Sect are all crazy." The Blood Demon Saint smiled, and a dragon-tiger-like roar came from behind him. Two silver rings, one gold and one silver, flew in the sky behind him, like a dragon and a tiger. When he saw the famous dragon-tiger golden ring, the man was shocked and said. "It's really the Blood Demon Saint. I didn't know that the Saint came from afar. I'm sorry." The Blood Demon Saint laughed. "Your purple lion goose is fat and juicy. I must try it later." The man showed a trace of embarrassment on his face. "This is the sect's thing. I dare not make my own decisions." The Blood Demon Saint said. "I won't make it difficult for you. Let Ye Yang ask for it in person when we get to Feitian Gate."

The Blood Demon Saint is now ranked 112th on the Hidden Dragon List. In addition, he is from the Blood Demon Sect and has both strength and background. He is well-known.

Hearing this tone, he knew that the person in front of him had a special relationship with Ye Protector.

He complimented the Blood Demon Saint a few more times, pointed the way for the Blood Demon Saint, and watched the Blood Demon Saint arrive at Feitian Gate.

Along the wide stone road, the Blood Demon Saint slowly walked into Feitian Gate.

Ye Yang, who had received the message from the Blood Demon Saint before, had been waiting at the door for a while and led him in.

When he saw the three big words "Shou Zhuo Court" in the courtyard, the Blood Demon Saint exclaimed and spoke.

"Being humble and hiding your edge, you will never get tired of looking at it."

"Your pavilion seems to have a special magic. Every time I come here and look at it, I feel that my irritability disappears, and I unconsciously have the idea of ​​practicing diligently."

At this moment, he seemed to feel the sharp sword energy around Ye Yang, and his eyes couldn't help shrinking.

"You have actually reached a new level in the way of the sword."

Ye Yang's eyes showed a hint of strangeness.

He did break through to the realm of a thousand kills with one sword recently, but the Blood Demon Saint could sense his sword realm as soon as he came into contact with him.

It seems that the strength of the Blood Demon Saint should have improved a lot during this period.

He stared at Ye Yang for a few times and said with admiration.

"When your realm is stable, you may be able to comprehend the realm of a thousand swords."

"Before, everyone thought that your tendons and veins were broken and there was no further progress in practice, but they never thought that they were deceived by you after all. You really have the essence of keeping humble."

Ye Yang said.

"It was just a helpless move at the time, it's nothing." He looked at the Blood Demon Saint, with a smile in his eyes. "I haven't seen you for a long time. Saint Son came to visit. I wonder if there is anything?" The Blood Demon Saint chuckled and deliberately didn't say it, but kept it a secret. "I don't need to say more about this matter. Master Gu will inform you in a few days?" Ye Yang didn't say much after hearing what he said mysteriously. Seeing Ye Yang's reaction, he was stunned and said. "You are really boring. Why don't you break the casserole and ask the bottom of it?" Ye Yang said. "Since you said that Master Gu will come to inform, why should I be anxious." He curled his lips. "Really a boring and dull person." "The purple lion goose in your sect is rare. I just happened to be greedy today. After eating, I will tell you."

Ye Yang then realized that the Blood Demon Saint had come up with this idea.

So he hurriedly gave orders, and within half a day, the canteen delivered the carefully cooked braised purple lion goose.

The goose was fat and moist, and as Ye Yang raised his knife, rich and moist gravy burst out from the goose meat.

The dipping sauce is divided into two types: sweet and sour, and salty and fragrant.

The Blood Demon Saint took a piece, dipped it in the dipping sauce, and took a bite. The goose skin was flexible, the goose fat was oily but not greasy, and the goose meat was firm and thick, juicy, delicious and sweet.

Served with wild onions from the mountains, the spicy fragrance relieved the greasiness, and it was refreshing and added to the flavor.

"Yes, our Blood Demon Sect is bare and has nothing. We don't attach importance to production like your Feitian Sect."

"I heard that the longer this purple lion goose grows, the more fragrant the meat will be. I want to taste it today."

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Ye Yang finally knew the purpose of the Blood Demon Saint.

He coughed and spoke. "Do you know that the Blood Demon Sect is now on the side of the three major sects?"

"Why is the Blood Demon Sect also on the side of the three major sects?"

Ye Yang asked in confusion.

It should be noted that the Great Fortune Dynasty is strong and intends to cut down mountains and destroy temples, take over all the sects in the world, and establish an immortal dynasty.

The area where the Blood Demon Sect is located is not at the border of the two forces.

In fact, the blood sea is boundless and quite remote.

In theory, it should not be involved in this dispute.

The Blood Demon Saint was a little drunk and spit.

"I am also curious. Who doesn't know the horror of the Great Fortune Dynasty, especially that Ren Taxian. People say that there are ten points of immortal energy in the world, and he alone occupies seven of them, and the rest of the people share three points. Why offend him?"

"However, the ancestor returned from the Nine Heavens some time ago and was seriously injured. He went to the Rebirth Zen Temple. I don't know what happened, and the Blood Demon Sect and the Rebirth Zen Temple came together."

Ye Yang said.

"If that's the case, I can understand it."

Many years ago, old man Fenghuo went to the strange vine spirit in the sky to look for treasures.

Unexpectedly, he disappeared for many years, and now he has returned from the sky.

Although I don't know what I have gained, I will go to the Rebirth Zen Temple first after returning. I am afraid there are many stories and secrets in it.

The purpose of the Blood Demon Saint is very simple.

It is to cooperate with the Feitian Sect on behalf of the Blood Demon Sect to kill a person.

In fact, during this period of time, the three major sects have been much bolder than before because of the support of Li Qinglian, the Sword of the Outside World.

They have done a lot of these things secretly, causing a lot of chaos in the Dayun Dynasty.

It's just that the Feitian Sect is also very cunning. Every time they act with the three major sects, they just send a few guardians and deacons to fool around.

So all the revenge of the Dayun Dynasty has not fallen on the Feitian Sect.

The Blood Demon Saint secretly said to Ye Yang.

"Do you know who our target is this time?"

Ye Yang frowned and didn't speak.

The Blood Demon Saint laughed.

"It is Tianluozi, the eighteenth son of Rentaxian, the Lord of the Great Fortune Dynasty. He is his most beloved prince, but he is born with a useless body and cannot practice."

Ye Yang exhaled.

"Such a noble prince of the Immortal Dynasty must be heavily protected and extremely noble. Why do we have to find this person to start with?"

"This is someone that my Blood Demon Sect has specially found. You don't think that Tianluozi is favored by the Lord of the Great Fortune Dynasty. He must have countless masters to protect him, so it is difficult to kill him."

"In other words, it is really like slaughtering pigs and sheep. If you slaughter him, you and my two sects cannot bear this huge cause and effect."

"So we are just playing a show."

"I don't know where to start?"

"It is said that Tianluozi will return to his mother's family to visit his relatives. Three months later, he will take the Tongtian ship, cross the Niu Mo River directly to Tongtian River, and then rush back to Liangzhou Ferry of the Great Fortune Dynasty."

Ye Yang did not make a promise at the first time, but thought to himself.

"This matter must not be done. Niu Mojiang is too close to Feitianmen. If Tianluozi has problems here, Feitianmen must be involved."

"Besides, if someone makes trouble in Feitianmen, it will be even more troublesome."

"It seems that we need to think of a way."

Seeing Ye Yang's contemplation, the Blood Demon Saint smiled and said.

"To be honest, there is another thing I came here for this time."

After saying that, he stared at Ye Yang's hands with burning eyes. Ye Yang's heart skipped a beat, and then said.

"You want to ask for elixirs?"

The Blood Demon Saint chuckled.

"Yes, that's what I meant. I heard that you have a healing medicine called Sanbao Wanying Ointment in your hand. It is said that it can bring back the dead and turn bones into flesh. No matter how serious the injury is, it can keep a breath alive."

"It has now been hyped as a magic pill, and countless practitioners want to get one."

Ye Yang smiled bitterly.

"You see, my door has been trampled down during this period of time."

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