"Guardian Ye gave this thing to you, saying that it would allow you to understand it, but he did not tell you that you have to practice it to achieve something."

Cui Qinggui frowned and then said

"Are you saying that he is actually perfunctory with us and does not want to hand over the Secret Scroll of the Three Purities of Blue to us?"

The old man shook his head.

"That's not the case, but although the young master is extremely talented, I'm afraid it's nothing in the eyes of those people. After all, there are all kinds of special physiques on the Hidden Dragon List."

"Since he didn't refuse immediately, it means there is still a chance of success."

"If the Cui family were thicker-skinned and offered heavy gifts, maybe he would have other ideas."

"But, the Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll originally belonged to my Cui family."

"My lord, times have changed, and it is completely different from before. Even though it belongs to the Cui family, when Grandpa Taizu gave this thing to others, it is still theirs."

"There is no reason to want to come back after seeing that something given away is precious. Besides, our intention now is to seek the Dharma and seek the truth, not simply to get back the Secret Scroll of the Three Purities of Blue Luo."

Cui Qinggui nodded.

"That makes sense. Then I will visit him tomorrow. I just don't know what gifts to prepare."

He quietly walked to Cui Qinggui's ear.

"Gifts are not given in vain. Ordinary things are simply unacceptable to people like this, let alone when we need them."

"You have to know what he lacks before you visit him."

Cui Qinggui nodded, seeming to understand a lot of things in an instant.

"Since he is good at water-based alchemy, and he has the Earth Water Spirit River in his hand, if he gathers the power of the Cui family, he can make it."

"If I ask him for a Heavenly Magic Spiritual River or a Water Magic Spiritual River to form the Three Treasures Spiritual River water species, he must not be able to refuse."

"Water species are precious. Even if the Cui family wants to obtain them, they have to pay a high price. Isn't it a little too expensive?"

"Young Master, if you don't want to let go of your children, you won't be able to ensnare the wolf. The power of time is beyond the control of ordinary people. Without his guidance, I'm afraid you may not be able to get started if you continue to fumble for ten years."

"In other words, using a water seed to save ten years of hard work and getting a favor from such a powerful person is not a loss."

The next day, Cui Qinggui waited at Ye Yang's door again, hoping to see Ye Yang again.

But what disappointed him was that Ye Yang was never seen.

At this time, Ye Yang was sitting cross-legged on a mountain peak, breathing in the clouds and practicing slowly.

When the wind blows, wild peach blossoms all over the mountain are flying in the sky.

After a while, a layer fell on his shoulders and body.

Ye Yang was not moved by this. There was a scroll of ancient yellow jade slips on his knees. As he breathed in and out, Ye Yang gently let out a breath.

Then, a pure red and red-white smoke beam appeared from his nose.

The smoke beam shot out from his nose like a dragon, and then gradually rose up, forming a half-red and half-white arc behind his head.

Then the two arcs kept tearing apart, merging, and stirring, and an invisible force floated out from his body.

"This An Yi Qing Xin Mantra is indeed the inheritance of God's Will of Spring and Autumn."

"I haven't practiced for a few days, and I've already gained a lot of insights, although I haven't yet integrated the evil of heaven and earth."

"However, at this moment, I can already feel the evil energy all over my body, and a special rhythm has begun."

After practicing the Great Magic Peng method.

Ye Yang has always had difficulty using it freely.

Later, during the battle at the Feitian Gate, he mobilized all his evil energy, and then fought against the right elder of the Five Poison Sect and the elder of the Situ family.

The demons flying around the body flew out and appeared in the form of bright wings, like the golden feathers of a roc, covering the sky and the sun.

The great speed of the Great Demonic Peng was just unleashed.

At this time, Ye Yang moved slightly, and evil energy surged from his body.


A pair of broad wings emerged from behind it, like the golden wings of a magic roc, shining with bright golden light, tearing out all the peach petals flying in the sky, stirring them to pieces.

At this time, the method of melting evil has been obtained.

He also got the news about the Yin and Yang Reverse Chaos evil that the Wang family had treasured for many years from Wang Sandao.

Now it’s time to make some plans

However, the Wang family has been destroyed for who knows how many years, and now all that land belongs to the Liu family.

The Liu family has a deep background in the Universiade Dynasty.

Even many princes and nobles need to visit them.

"How to obtain the Yin and Yang Reverse Chaos, you still need to plan step by step and plan slowly."

Ye Yang's eyes lit up.

The next moment, he already thought of something and had a plan in mind.

Now the Blood Demon Saint Son has stayed in the sect for a long time.

According to him, the great monks at the Purangsheng Zen Temple used their clairvoyance to track the whereabouts of Tianluozi and a group of people along the way.

Presumably, it won't be long before we arrive at Feitianmen's territory.

"It seemed that Luozi's mother clan was the Liu family that day. I wonder if we can start with Tianluozi."

"However, no matter what, Tianluo Zi cannot die within the Feitian Sect's sphere of influence, otherwise the Feitian Sect, which has been peaceful for a long time, will be in trouble again."

There is a canyon seven hundred and sixty-three miles east of Niu Mojiang, called Split Wind Gorge.

The canyon is deep and narrow, and when a large ship reaches here, it will get stuck in the middle if there are even slight twists and turns.

Hard to escape.

The land chosen by the three major sects is in the Split Wind Gorge.

On this day, Ye Yang and Gu Xuan were sitting opposite each other. The two of them already knew what happened to Tian Luo Zi.

Ye Yang said.

"Tianluo Zigui is the prince of the Universiade Dynasty, and there must be strong warriors around him to protect him. I don't know if the three major sects have taken any measures to deal with it."

Gu Xuan's face stiffened.

"Not only is he a real strong man, there are at least two secret protectors."

Ye Yang exclaimed, how rare are the powerful people in the real world, this Tianluozi is really a noble person in Tianhuang, and is quite popular with the Lord of the Universiade Dynasty.

There is actually a real person beside him to protect him secretly.

If word spread, it would really shock a group of people's jaws.

"You also know the real person sent by Taixu Taoist Sect this time. He is from Hongzhen. A crazy monk also came from the Purangsheng Zen Temple. Both of them are real strong people."

"In addition, they also invited me to participate, but I said that I was traveling during this period and was not in the sect."

As the head of the Feitian Sect, Gu Xuan's participation in the war would have completely different consequences and meanings.

The drizzle was falling, and the fine raindrops fell from the sky. It didn't take long for the ground to be wet.

It smells good when worn.

At this moment, in the pavilion on the mountain behind Feitianmen, several people were sitting on the stone table, letting the gentle wind and drizzle blow, having a cup of warm tea and talking.

"I have always heard that Protector Ye is extremely powerful with swords and swords. Not only is he ranked at the top of the Hidden Dragon Ranking, but he is also a rare expert in medical elixirs."

"It's really extraordinary to see Protector Ye's grace today."

The speaker was a man wearing a green robe and long sleeves.

Although he is not very old, he has two strands of black beard under his jaw, which were deliberately grown, giving him a rather fairy-like air.

The other person was wearing a short robe with large sleeves. Although he was a bit short and chubby, he had an indescribable sense of luxury about him.

These two people are both friends of the Blood Demon Saint Son.

The taller one is named Yang Zhou, and his Taoist name is Qingfengzi. He is good at sword and talisman techniques and comes from the Taixu Taoist sect.

The short and fat man named Shen Lin came from the Shen family, a wealthy and wealthy cultivator in Liangzhou.

Logically speaking, the background of these two people is not lacking in elixirs.

Unfortunately, Ye Yang's reputation during this period was too great, especially the Sanbao Wanying Ointment, which has become a panacea for treating trauma due to rumors spread by the outside world.

Under the invitation of the Blood Demon Saint Son, the two of them gathered together a collection of materials and prepared to beg for one.

Ye Yang looked at the materials they took out, pondered for a moment, and then said.

"The materials are enough, but these materials can only be used to refine one set."

Sanbao Wanying Ointment covers internal injuries, external injuries, and blood circulation.

Three pills in one can achieve the best results.

If there is only one of them, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Hearing what Ye Yang said, the three of them frowned, then discussed it and made a decision.

The Blood Demon Saint laughed loudly.

"To be honest, I need strong energy and blood support to practice the Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring. In this case, I will take the Huoxue Quansheng Pill."

Seeing the words of the Blood Demon Saint Son, Qingfengzi Yang Zhou said.

"I practice Sanqing Sword Talisman and am always easily troubled by external injuries. I only need the Red Flower Shennong Pills to treat external injuries."

Another short and fat Shen Lin said.

"Since the two of them have made the best choice, all I need is the Apricot Yellow Heart-Protect Pill."

Ye Yang knew that these people were either rich or noble, but he was afraid that they were more curious about the Three Treasures Wanying Ointment.

They may not value or believe in the specific effectiveness of the elixir.

That's why there is such a distribution method.

However, they have already made their decision.

Ye Yang didn't say much.

"In this case, a few Tao brothers can take the elixir after a month."

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