The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 400 The method of inheritance of Taoist soldiers

"Logically speaking, Lord Tianyi Chunqiu has been dead for who knows how many years. There should be no powerful creatures in the crypt, but looking at this situation, it seems that someone is sucking brains to practice martial arts."

The two of them looked at the billowing head inside the dilapidated wooden box, and an idea arose in their minds.

"Could it be that the purpose of those creatures' existence is to help others practice kung fu?"

Gu Xuan was also shocked.

He seemed to have thought of something.

This tomb is the tomb and resting place of Lord Tianyi Chunqiu, but now it is connected to the underworld.

It is very likely that something escaped from the underworld and occupied this land.

This tragic scene just happened.

The two continued to walk inside, and behind it was a palace-style cabin.

Inside, there are magnificent carved buildings and painted buildings, with snow-white walls, and several pairs of strange baby human skin murals hanging on the walls.

Although the lines are rough, you can still vaguely see the specific content.

The first painting is of countless magic jars, and in the jars are the heads of countless babies. At this moment, the babies seem to be coming out of the jars, whistling, but it has no effect.

The second painting shows them wearing magic pots on their heads, tied together by ropes, and tied to the boat.

The bunch above has been exposed to wind, sun, and sea breeze, and has become dehydrated bacon.

The third pair is that these babies were put on their heads without seeing the sun for many years, and then they grew up and were forcibly mated, giving birth to many offspring.

Those descendants were passed down from generation to generation and gradually turned into miniature snake-faced babies.

"Maybe that's where those snake-faced people came from."

Ye Yang frowned as he thought of something while looking at the mural.

"I heard that after the death of God's Will Spring and Autumn Lord, three thousand babies were sealed in the tomb and buried with them. Maybe these weird creatures were born from those babies."

Ye Yang and Gu Xuan looked at each other.

A bad thought came into my mind.

This large tomb has been sealed for thousands of years, and it seems to be connected to a foreign world.

There are many unexplored places inside, and there are many treasures, especially spiritual materials with cold attributes. The elixirs are valuable outside.

This place can also be used as a trial place for Feitian Sect disciples to hone their fighting skills.

It's just that there seems to be a ruthless man smuggled from the Netherworld hidden inside. He is a big threat, and he has to find a way to deal with it.

Gu Xuan looked at the huge ship and said.

"This spirit ship is precious, especially for the sect. It is even more rare. It is better to dismantle their core and take it out. If there is a chance in the future, we can cast another sea-suppressing spirit ship."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the bow of the ship and took out a huge magic hammer. With the help of his magic power, the magic hammer became as big as a house.

At this moment, Gu Xuan used the magic power of a real person to activate the Heaven-Hanging Demon Hammer. When the hammer hit it, a big hole was immediately smashed out of the ship.

He got into the hole and smashed against the huge ship.

After a while, the body came out, holding a huge ball with a diameter of about ten feet in his hand.

There is a spiritual light shining on the ball, and there are nine holes arranged in it.

It is breathing spiritual wind at the moment, but tens of thousands of years have passed, and the outside is already old and dilapidated. Two of the apertures have been damaged, and there are cracks everywhere.

However, the internal core is still intact, and it is floating in the air at the moment, automatically without wind, which is quite rare.

Gu Xuan was full of surprise.

"This is the Nine-aperture Puppet Heart in the ancient Puppet Sect. Without the power of this thing, it would be difficult for such a huge ship to sail in the sea."

"This thing can be said to be the most important treasure among the most important treasures. It has been lost for countless years. Although it has been damaged a lot over the past ten thousand years, you can ask an expert to take action and refine it into a seven-orificed puppet heart, which can completely create a rampant ship. A giant ship in the sea.”

"As long as we find this thing, even if we can't get the inheritance method, our trip will be worthwhile."

After saying that, he excitedly put the Nine Apertures Puppet Heart into his storage bag.

Ye Yang looked envious for a while.

Ordinary storage bags are only one foot in diameter. The storage bag in Ye Yang's hand is also high-quality, but it is only three feet wide and three feet high.

And Gu Xuan's storage bag can actually accommodate Zhang Xu's puppet core, which must be of extremely high grade and extraordinary.

After putting away the Nine Apertures Puppet Heart, the two dismantled a lot of good things on the Wanxiangsihai Ship.

However, the storage bag was limited and they couldn't take it all with their own abilities, so they piled the good things together and watched by Zhuri Feigui.

Prepare to take it away after returning.

After everything was done, the two walked out of the giant ship, and Ye Yang immediately sensed an unusual aura.

He raised his head and saw a looming cave hanging in the sky in front of the two of them.

"It is the inheritance cave of the Master of Spring and Autumn of Heaven's Will that has appeared in the world, and the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will is very likely to be in it."

"I'm afraid the method of melting evil is also among them."

Ye Yang suddenly thought of something, and most of his fiery thoughts immediately dissipated, and he felt extremely calm.

"You have to be careful. This cave is extremely weird. I'm afraid it's not as simple as it appears..."

"Now it seems that it is a good idea to cooperate with a few real people to plow it."

Ye Yang nodded in agreement.

At this moment, in the illusory cave, a vast sea of ​​clouds began to rise and fall.

There seemed to be countless shadows of souls flying out in the sky.

The next moment, a blood-red monster with long hair bit towards the two of them.

"It's Flying Skull!"

The Flying Head is a kind of demon with only one head on its body. It can move freely and is not restricted by the body. It can fly into the sky and escape at any time.

It is powerful, has narrow eyes, and its red hair is flying, hanging on the ground, stirring up sand in the sky.

It flew quickly and carved countless cracks in the ground, which were more than ten feet deep.

Fierce and majestic!

Feitou's red hair was flying, and his hair suddenly stretched out, like countless steel wires, getting longer and thicker, heading towards the two of them.

Like a blood snake flying, the silver light is brilliant.

Seeing this, Ye Yang slashed out with his sword, surrounded by layers of strong sword energy, as sharp as a sharp light.

Then he tore the crimson hair into pieces and broke them all.

Baima swung his sword quickly, and a huge storm of sword light formed behind him, spinning and carrying countless torrents.

Flying Head's ferocious face had blood spurting from its mouth.

But in the storm of sword light that killed thousands of people, the bloody light quickly dissipated.

Gu Xuan made a stroke with one hand, and the evil dragon's arm suddenly became dozens of feet in size, and suddenly pressed the flying head to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Heaven-shaking Devil Hammer suddenly became as big as a house and gently struck in the air.

This huge flying head was immediately smashed by the Heaven-Shaking Demon Hammer with its brains splattered everywhere.

However, its vitality is extremely tenacious, and it is not dead at this moment, running away to the side.

At this moment, a huge ferocious demon elephant, covered in countless bone spurs and scales, suddenly stretched out two thick and long arms.

He pulled its hair and grabbed it out of the sky.

Then he stretched out his huge hands, stuffed him into his mouth, bit him a few times, and swallowed it.

Ever since the scaly demon elephant devoured the "Fragments of Fierce Words" in the Book of Secrets some time ago, Ye Yang found that the demon elephant's appetite had become extremely large, and it wanted to swallow anything it encountered.

After devouring the flying head, the demon elephant burped, closed his eyes slightly, and became sleepy.

In an instant, it turned into an object the size of a white mouse and got into his sleeve.

Fell asleep.

After Flying Skull dies, the sky changes again. .

Suddenly, a vast world appeared in front of Ye Yang.

In the vast expanse, there is a dark cave that seems to be hidden in the darkness, looming.

"It is God's will that the cave where Master Chunqiu retreated for the last time is indeed here."

Gu Xuan couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. After flying into the sky, he used the huge silver dragon arm to open the door.

A golden light suddenly appeared inside.

Ye Yang couldn't help but frown.

There was a loud click, and the two of them had entered the huge cave.

Ye Yang lowered his head and realized that a dead bone had been planted under his feet.

In front of him was a huge skeleton that was three or four feet long.

He sat upright on the seat, staring ahead, although he didn't know how long he had been sitting there.

But there is still a great pressure on him.

And under the seat, countless bones were piled up, all of which were worshiping.

The bones were piled up one after another, hidden in the mist.

This four-image master of God's will reveals an evil intention. Not only Ye Yang, but also Gu Xuan frowned.

"Where did so many dead bones come from?"

Gu Xuan threw the red flame flying crow gourd, and the fire crow spit out from the gourd. With a pop, the fire crow penetrated into the pile of bones and burned all the withered bones into powder.

After the bones were burned, a neat row of jade bookshelves appeared at the back.

The two walked to the jade shelf in front, with a palm-sized jade album on it.

After picking it up and taking a look, the two of them were excited but also slightly disappointed.

"It's actually the art of golden-armored bean soldiers."

"But why is there no trace of the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will?"

"How to make an army by spreading beans?"

Legend has it that the ancient immortals scattered soybeans, and there were countless Taoist soldiers all over the mountain. They could open roads, build bridges, and climb mountains, leaving no one in awe.

The art of Taoism is rare and is a secret that is not passed down among the major sects.

Only large sects have inheritance.

The most famous ones are the Golden Jiao Dao soldiers of the Jiutian Sect and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

And the unicorn seeds from the demon kingdom on earth.

These are the first-class Taoist inheritance.

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