The two searched again, but found nothing.

"Logically speaking, a great and powerful person like Tianyi Chunqiu would not leave a book of Taoist military skills before his death."

"Could it be that this thing hides some secrets?"

The two spread out the jade slip and observed it carefully, and finally found a finger-sized statue of an old man at the lower left end of the jade slip.

The old man was alone in a boat with a straw raincoat and a bright yellow oil lamp in front of the boat. He was wearing a tattered straw raincoat, and was fishing with a fishing rod in the wind and rain.

But his left hand was missing a little finger.

There were only nine fingers on both hands.

In the statue, the skinny old man kept the fishing posture, with his back to the two, and his specific face could not be seen.

But there was a shriveled dragon hanging on the fishhook, covered with black scales, jumping, and seemed to be struggling hard.

His eyes were wide open, lifelike.

Ye Yang took a look and had some vague guesses.

"People say that the Lord of Heaven's Will and Spring and Autumn achieved enlightenment with a broken body. His left hand is missing the little finger, and he has nine fingers in total, so he is also called the Nine-Fingered True Hero."

Ye Yang remembered an incident in the ancient book of the Sutra Library.

After hearing what Ye Yang said, Gu Xuan glanced at him and said.

"You know a lot. Where did you read it?"

Ye Yang answered truthfully.

"Some time ago, I was flipping through old books in the Sutra Library and saw a book called "Records of Strange Things" that recorded some rumors. I didn't take it seriously at the time."

"Now that I think about it carefully...", Ye Yang pointed at the old man on the jade slip.

"I think this is another image of the Lord of Heaven's Will and Spring and Autumn."

"No, maybe this is its true appearance. The huge skeleton is probably just his Dharma image. I didn't expect that he actually broke through to the Dharma image realm before he died."

"What is the Dharma image realm like? Why does it evolve into two different lives?"

Ye Yang looked at the old man in the lower left corner of the jade slip. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he felt that he was unusually kind and quiet.

It is hard to imagine the devil who accepted thousands of bones as sacrifices and buried three thousand infants and girls.

"The realm of Dharma cannot be described or imagined. When you reach this realm, you will see another world."

Gu Xuan shook his head and did not elaborate, but frowned and looked at the little man on the jade slip.

"Why did he carve his own mark in this jade slip and deliberately hide it in the bone pit? What kind of message is he conveying?"


Ye Yang and Gu Xuan looked at the jade slip again, as if they thought of something, and spoke at the same time.

"Maybe, the secret is behind us."

The two turned the jade slip upside down, and then they found that the nine fingers of the figure on the lower left of the jade slip were pointing to the seat of the huge skeleton.

As soon as the two thought about it, they knew that there must be something strange, and walked to the bottom of the skeleton.

This huge skeleton has been invaded by thousands of years.

As soon as it was touched by the fingers, it turned into ashes.

And there was a dark wooden box in the car under the skeleton.

The two opened the wooden box, and there was a blue book inside.

It was not a jade slip, nor was it a heritage bead, but a very ordinary and common ancient book on straw paper.

It seemed to be made of parchment, and the outer surface was sealed with white thread. Because of the long time, the blue paper pages had become wrinkled and dirty.

"It is really the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will. It has not been broken after 60,000 years. It is really rare."

Gu Xuan hurriedly picked up the paper and quickly flipped through it. When he saw the end, his face sank slightly, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy.

The atmosphere in the field was suppressed for a while.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang felt strange in his heart and spoke.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"There is good news and bad news."

"Master, don't keep us in suspense."

Gu Xuan sighed faintly, and then said.

"The method of melting evil you are looking for is recorded in the Tianyi Four Symbols Jue, but the Tianyi Four Symbols Jue in this ancient book is not a complete inheritance."

"There are only the inheritance outline and the Wind God's Wrath, Lightning God's Wrath, and Fire God's Wrath in it. As for the most critical and powerful Thunder God's Wrath, it is not included."

The reason why Gu Xuan came early was to get the inheritance of Tianyi Four Symbols Jue. At this moment, the things were not complete, and he was angry.

Ye Yang comforted him.

"The Lord of Tianyi Spring and Autumn is so powerful, there must be a lot of inheritance in the outside world, and sooner or later it will be repaired and complete."

Gu Xuan sighed.

"It's a pity that nine out of ten things you ask for are not as you wish. First, the treasure method is indeed precious. Second, it may be God's will that the sect has repeatedly failed to obtain the complete treasure method inheritance."

"Perhaps it is to let us Feitianmen deduce a real treasure method by ourselves."

The Tianyi Four Symbols Jue consists of the four major divine methods of wind, fire, thunder, and lightning, which complement each other and form their own lineage.

The Wrath of Thunder God is the third part, and the Wrath of Lightning God is the fourth part. Now that the Wrath of Thunder God is missing, even if the inheritance of the Wrath of Lightning God is obtained, it is impossible to practice.

Recalling the past.

Ge Canhong of Feitianmen killed the reincarnation of the Lord of Qingming and obtained another prerequisite for the Qingming Treasure Scroll from him - Feiyunqi.

While obtaining the Time Sand, Ye Yang killed the traitor of Qingming Island and accidentally obtained the Qingming Thunder Wind and Cloud Spirit Method.

Although both are the prerequisite fundamental spiritual techniques of the Qingming Treasure Scroll, there has been no news of the inheritance outline.

Now with great hope, he has obtained the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will.

With the key outline of the inheritance, I never thought that the inheritance of the spirit secret of Thunder God's Wrath was missing.

Nowadays, the Feitian Sect still only has one true treasure inheritance, the Canghai Zhenshan Treasure Secret, which is really disappointing.

Ye Yang groaned slightly, and Gu Xuan handed the blue ancient leather book into his hand.

Ye Yang glanced at it a few times and felt that the magic was mysterious and extremely complicated.

Even if I concentrate my attention and watch with all my strength, I still can't remember much.

It was only when I reached the end that I saw a formula on it, which records the method of merging two different evil spirits.

It's called An Yi Qingxin Mantra.

Although it was just the first look, Ye Yang couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy in his eyes.

The method of melting evil was finally obtained.

Moreover, this method of melting evil can be recorded in the inheritance of powerful treasures such as the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will.

The method of integrating the four different attributes of wind, fire, thunder and lightning must be extraordinary even among evil-melting methods.

Ye Yang felt a hint of joy in his heart. With this method, he could fuse the evil spirits of heaven and earth.

Trying to gather pure energy and break through to the late warrior stage.

Ye Yang knew that this was not the time to study it carefully, so he put it away.

At this time, Gu Xuan frowned.

"I suspect that there is a ruthless man who escaped from the Netherworld hidden underneath. Now that the target has been found, we'd better return to the sect quickly."

Ye Yang thought of the flying head, the Huangquan River filled with white paper boats, and the weird boat-folding woman.

And a line of red blood words on the white folding boat.

"I'm not the only one who died."

He also knew that this was not a place to stay for a long time.

The two of them retreated, thinking of returning to the sect quickly.

Although I regretted this trip, I did not get the complete inheritance of the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will.

However, the Feitian Sect has been supplemented with incomplete treasures, as well as the inheritance of three spiritual secrets: the wrath of the wind god, the wrath of the fire god, and the wrath of the electric god.

Nowadays, Feitian Sect has many basic techniques that can be practiced.

Among the inherited treasures, in terms of completeness and degree of inheritance, the one that naturally ranks first is the Canghai Zhenshan Treasure.

The second one is the Xuantian Magic Code of Transformation Pulse, which contains half of the treasures, pre-spells, and the general outline of the inheritance. It has dual cultivation of Taoism and Demons, and is very powerful.

As for the Qingming Thunder Wind and Cloud Spiritual Technique and Feiyun Qi, the combination of the two is a incomplete treasure secret, which is very precious and far superior to ordinary spiritual secrets.

In addition to these magic methods.

There are also two complete spiritual techniques and spiritual method inheritance of Zhu Chan's Moon-Swallowing Spiritual Technique, Zhenhai Spiritual Technique, and Tingyutian Fire Technique.

As for spiritual arts.

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