The water of the netherworld connects the heaven and the earth, winding and twisting.

At this moment, the voice of the woman in red was like the cold light of the ice and snow, making people's spine numb.

Gu Xuan said.

"Don't disturb them. They are the ferrymen of the underworld. They come and go at night and disappear in the morning. Don't look directly into their eyes."


Ye Yang has heard this name many times,

Ever since God's Will of Spring and Autumn, this name seems to have been appearing non-stop.

The death of God's Will Spring and Autumn Lord also has a crucial relationship with them.

"What the hell are they?"

"They are not things, but an inexplicable taboo."

Gu Xuan groaned and then said.

"People are born, old, sick and die. According to legend, after people die, they will enter the Netherworld. However, every time the Netherworld appears, it eats people and treats them as pigs, dogs and livestock."

"It's puzzling."

"A resting place for people after death, but they eat people and kill each other?"

He thought of the scene he had seen in the desert before.

The scene of those white bones with human bodies and snake heads kneeling, offering sacrifices to the Yellow River.

What kind of relationship do they have with Netherworld Underworld?

Ye Yang raised his head and looked forward at this moment.

The woman in red was half squatting, and her specific face and facial features could not be clearly seen.

But the moment Ye Yang looked at her, he seemed to feel something.

He turned around blankly and faced Ye Yang.

The moment when Ye Yang's eyes met.

Ye Yang felt horrified that this woman had no eyes.

At the critical moment, the scaly demon elephant in his sleeve looked up to the sky and roared.

The light of infinite sin emanates from itself, stimulated by this light.

Ye Yang just slowly woke up and turned around.

The woman looked at the scaled demon elephant and stared at it for a long time, but there were no facial features on her face.

Ye Yang couldn't see clearly what she was thinking, and her expression changed.


At the critical moment, Gu Xuan's body exuded a purple energy, forming an extremely thick purple canopy above the two of them, covering their figures.

At the same time, he was already prepared. He picked up the three pillars of fragrance from his storage bag and thrust them into the ground.

Then he took out some melons and fruits, put them down, and bowed three times.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm Gu Xuan, what do you call me?"

The woman waved her hand, stretched out her right hand with three fingers missing, and pointed to a dark and winding road in the darkness.

Gu Xuan quickly thanked him and took out some gold, silver, gems, elixirs and spiritual materials and sent them over.

"I would like to ask my Taoist friends to accept the gift of a little offering and get a ferry boat."

The man didn't refuse, and with a wave of his hand, the spiritual stone and spiritual materials were immediately swallowed in her mouth, and she burped.

Then, she looked at Ye Yang again.

Faced with such a blatant demand for bribes, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel speechless.

Fortunately, there were a few spiritual herbs in hand that were not made into elixirs, and they were thrown out.

The woman opened her mouth, revealing the deep black hole. She swallowed them all without any hesitation, and then the figure gradually disappeared into the mist.

"This water of the Yellow Spring is in a world of five turbidities, and it is difficult for humans to cross it. Let's move forward in a paper boat."

Only then did Ye Yang realize that the yellow and white spirit stone just now was shipping money.

It is strange to say that the white paper is thin, but it is impregnable above the underworld. The paper boat is not big, but it has a special space inside.

Even the huge sun-chasing flying turtle can lie in it.

After a while, the paper boat cut through the thorns and went up against the water of Huangquan.

The journey was extremely eerie, covered in white mist, with faint shadows and roars of ghosts.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xuan looked heavy.

Ye Yang's face was also as gloomy as water.

If it hadn't been for this exploration, no one would have known that there was such a large area under Feitianmen's mountain gate.

And the most important thing is that there seem to be many secrets involved.

If it breaks out in the future, Feitian Sect will always be in crisis, making people have to be cautious.

But Ye Yang was hesitating. This place didn't seem to be as simple as a simple tomb.

I don’t know if this time, the inheritance of the method of melting evil that I have been looking for can come true.

Ye Yang felt heavy in his heart.

"Master, tell me whether the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will Chunqiu Master still exists in the world."

Gu Xuan shook his head, feeling equally unsure.

"No one can say anything about this. I've been searching for it for so long, but I haven't found any trace of that thing."

"After some exploration, I felt that there seemed to be something terrifying existing in this area."

When he said this, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Aren't even those who are strong in the real world confident?"

Ye Yang was slightly shocked.

The two of them were silent all the way.

The paper boat traveled on the Yellow River. After a while, the sky became slightly brighter, and a ray of sunlight actually appeared in the distant sky.

But as soon as the sun shines on the earth, it is covered by the moonlight again. A bright moon rises into the sky, and the moonlight quietly falls.

Finally, the paper boat stopped next to a reef, and several people stepped off the white paper boat.

At this time, there was a huge ship docked on the shore.

I don’t know how many kilometers the length of the boat is, and I don’t know how many kilometers across it is, and it’s stained with rust.

At this moment, it is like a long dragon, lying on the bank of the Yellow Spring.

Ye Yang was taken aback.

Although he didn't know the rank of this giant ship.

But it can be seen that this giant ship is of extremely high quality.

It has always been rare for such a huge ship to be able to run rampant in the ocean.

Like the huge flying beast, it is a strategic item of the sect and a treasure that is hard to find throughout the ages.

It can be used as the true foundation of a party's power.

A smile appeared in Gu Xuan's eyebrows, and then he said.

"The Lord of the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will is proficient in the changes of the four seasons and is able to move freely. If my guess is correct, this thing is his all-seeing four-sea ship."

"I just didn't expect that when he died, this treasure ship would also be buried in the tomb, and now that tens of thousands of years have passed, it has become tattered."

This ancient giant ship has experienced thousands of years, which is too long.

Many things inside have turned into decay and are difficult to use anymore.

But the hull remains strong.

Ye Yang stretched out his hand and knocked on the huge hull, and there was a sonorous sound like knocking gold and iron.

There was a hint of surprise in Ye Yang's eyes.

"This turns out to be a fourth-level iron axis wood."

Iron axis wood can grow one inch every hundred years, it can reach the height of a foot every thousand years, and it can reach the height of ten thousand years. It is extremely hard and has the ability to float in the air.

It is the preferred main material for large battleships and spaceships.

This Wanxiang Sihai Ship is so huge, and it’s hard to imagine how much iron shaft wood was used.

"Let's go in and take a look."

At this time, the two of them looked at the huge ancient ship in front of them, found a crack, and entered the giant ship.

The moonlight is bright outside.

It's extremely dark inside

Gu Xuan slightly waved his hand, and the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd flew in the air, with countless flames emitting from all around, dispelling the darkness.

At this moment, through the bright firelight, Ye Yang could see that there was a cave in this giant ship.

The furnishings inside are like a giant palace, well-proportioned, although the vermilion paint is mottled.

But the carvings are still clear.

There are giant beasts crossing the sky, cloud patterns and purple smoke shapes, there are also cranes flying and silver apes offering longevity.

It can be imagined that thousands of years ago it must have been extremely luxurious, resplendent and beautiful.

"Such peerless things are really rare."

"When this spirit ship was in its heyday, it was at least a fourth-level treasure. Even an ordinary real person who spent all his wealth might not be able to build one."

"Only when spiritual materials were everywhere in the ancient times, and an overlord like God's Spring and Autumn Lord gathered all the manpower and material resources, could they be forged."

The two continued to walk forward, walked through a giant door, and entered an internal space.

Compared with the previous grandeur, the scene inside has changed again.

The hall was densely packed with various skeletons.

There are human tibias, leg bones, and vertebrae, but most of them are skulls.

The layers are stacked on top of each other, and the top is filled with a layer of skulls, forming a tower.

But the weirdest thing is that there are five black holes the size of a thumb on the smooth skull.

It was as if someone had inserted five fingers and sucked out the brain.

"What kind of monster? Can it actually suck people's brains?"

The two frowned. The marks on these bones could clearly be seen as something that had happened recently.

It seems that the house on the giant ship was specially designed to hold these bones.

Looking further ahead, I saw a huge mural at the very back of the wall.

The mural is scrawled, but the shape of the painting can be roughly seen.

There is a figure sitting in the middle, with thunder and lightning changing from four seasons behind him, majestic and majestic.

Under his seat, there were countless figures kneeling down and bowing their heads.

It's just that the pictures in these pictures are not people, but babies with human bodies and snake heads that are about a foot long.

The limbs are between humans and monkeys, and the claws are connected to the sword by webs.

It was exactly the same as the skeleton he met in the desert before.

Below the mural, there are countless old wooden boxes.

He pinched his sword finger, the sword light erupted, and with a chirp, the wooden box opened.

Inside are all kinds of weird skulls.

Thanks to Mengziyou 123 for the 2000 starting coin reward! ! !

Thanks to Jiying Lonely for the reward of 200 starting coins! ! !

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