The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 393 The Unparalleled Fierce Lord, Empress of Yama

"Is this the fragment of that day's logbook?"

Ye Yang took it in his hand and rubbed it gently. Apart from the roughness and tingling of the piece, he didn't feel any other difference.

"That mysterious old woman is attached to the body of the mermaid girl and holding the fragment of the word murder. Could it be that she is using the power of the Book of Secrets to create a peerless master of murder?"

Ye Yang thought of that girl and the Empress of Yama.

It is said that the Queen of Yama was also an ordinary monk, but she suddenly rose up and claimed that she was guided by fate to save the common people and lead all beings in Yama to achieve happiness.

Therefore, she is called the Empress of Yama.

"That girl just came into contact with spiritual practice. She dared to walk among hundreds of thousands of mountains and covered countless miles. Her mental tenacity is far beyond what ordinary people can match."

"He does have the potential to become a murderer of a generation."

"Does this old witch want to train her to become another Empress of Yama?"

Ye Yang's heart trembled slightly, and he thought of a lot in an instant

"If I hadn't given this cruel word to that girl, would she have become a murderer in the future?"

"Just like the choice that Buddha gave to the beggar, in the end, did he obey the guidance of fate, or did he change the trajectory of fate."

Ye Yang suddenly had an idea in his mind.

This made him think a lot, and he wanted to take a closer look.

As for the information about that woman, he had already arranged it.

Ye Yang looked at the information on the jade slips

Name: Man Xiaohuang.

Origin: It seems to come from a small village deep in the wilderness. The tribe has some scattered inheritance, but it is of no great use.

According to the self-report, an elephant demon and a leopard demon have come to their village now, teaching everyone in the village how to practice Qi. There is also a mysterious figure who is powerful and weird, but no one has seen the steps of practice. There are traces of the Leopard Demon Fist.

Cultivation: Second level of ventilation

According to his own account: Along the way, he picked up a mermaid baby girl on the way, and then they depended on each other and fled to the realm of Feitianmen.

Putting down her message, Ye Yang groaned slightly.

He knew that the girl had come all the way and would not be able to gather enough contribution points to participate in the Feitian Sect's disciple competition.

As soon as he gave the order, someone came over immediately.

This is a protector of the Lishi Hall.

After seeing Ye Yang, he quickly stood aside respectfully and spoke.

"Protector Ye, I don't know what instructions you have."

Ye Yang said

"You go to the sect and find a girl, and then let her participate in the Feitian Sect's disciple competition."

"He is a casual cultivator."

"This... I understand."

The man was stunned for a moment at such an unruly thing, and then he patted his chest and agreed.

"Please rest assured, Protector Ye, I will definitely make it happen."

At this time, he didn't know what to think. He just felt that the woman was really lucky to be favored by such a person.

Those who are close to water and towers get the moon first, so be sure to fawn over them. You may have to beg for help in the future.

Ye Yang nodded and then spoke.

"You return this mermaid girl together and keep my identity a secret."

After the mermaid girl lost the possession of the mysterious old woman, she is now just an ordinary mermaid girl.

Although it is rare, there is no secret anymore, and it is troublesome to keep it, so it is better to give it back.

The deacon spoke immediately, smiling brightly.

"Don't worry, Protector Ye. You trust me by leaving the matter to me. I understand all these principles."

Ye Yangyang patted him on the shoulder. He was flattered and retreated immediately.

Ye Yangpan played with the fragments of the Book of Secrets.

This fragment was old and mottled, and Ye Yang injected it with magic power.

But he found that there was no special reaction, only a red ominous word on the outer cortex, blooming with brilliance.

The next moment, the fragment suddenly turned into a white light and penetrated into his mind.

He didn't feel the evil aura in it, but the moment the white light entered his body.

Suddenly I felt that my ears and eyes were clear, and I seemed to see something clearly.


At this time, an illusory and confusing message came.

It seems to be the guidance of fate, but also like an illusion.

In a long river, he saw a figure sitting on the bank. When the figure turned around, he found that it was his own face.

After a long time, this thing became normal again.

After studying for a long time, Ye Yang scratched his head and found nothing.

I can only put this thing away.

But the moment this object came into contact with the storage bag.

A mysterious and mysterious feeling suddenly appeared.

The next moment he seemed to sense something.

I took out a piece of dead grass as thick as a finger and tied with a red string from the storage bag.

It was the yarrow he got unexpectedly.

This thing is a magical divination method used by ancient ancestors when offering sacrifices.

There has always been a saying about half yin and half yang, half life and half death, predicting good and bad luck.

He has been using this thing all the time to track the enemy.

At this moment, under the aura of destiny of this fragment, the two merge together.

It exudes a hazy divine light.

Ye Yang took a moment and felt that the yarrow seemed to be alive, extremely flexible and extremely fast.

The moment he flew into the air, he closed his eyes and sensed the rich water vapor coming from the Luo River hundreds of miles away.

He pondered slightly and was shocked.

"The power of the yarrow tracking technique has actually increased by a full 30%."

"This Heaven's Secret Book is really magical. It may be inextricably related to the legendary City of Heaven."

According to legend, the City of Heaven is in the torrent of fate and the long river of time. It is not among the five elements, but jumps out of the three realms, and has its own mysterious numerology meaning.

It can guide the destiny of all living beings in the world.

However, no one knows whether this thing exists, and more people just regard it as a story.

There are countless people in the world who want to control time and destiny, and then they have been searching for it all their lives, but they have found nothing.

At this moment, the air of destiny on this fragment seems to have been absorbed by the yarrow.

Ye Yang carefully played with the broken fragment in his hand that was engraved with the word "fierce" in blood red.

To be honest, he didn't feel anything unusual about this thing, and he couldn't feel the vague sense of fate at this moment.

At this time, he felt that the scaly demon elephant in his sleeves seemed to move slightly, as if it had been stimulated.

Ye Yang hurriedly summoned the scaled demon elephant.

The next moment, the scaly demon elephant the size of a small white mouse swelled in the wind, and in an instant it became as big as a house, filling the entire yard.

The huge demonic elephant's tiny eyes glowed with a bloody red light, revealing a trace of excitement.

Looking at the damaged fragments of the evil word.

"It wants this thing!"

Ye Yang quickly sensed the thoughts coming from the demon elephant.

The next moment, he threw the fragment into the air, intending to hang it on the forehead of the demon elephant and connect it to the forbidden demon chain.

But he never thought that the demon elephant would directly open its mouth, stretch out its nose, and swallow the thing into its belly.

For the next few days, Ye Yang paid attention to the changes in the demon elephant.

Ever since this vicious word fragment entered the demon elephant's body.

He felt that there was an unspeakable sinister light on the demon elephant.

If he was just ferocious before, now he has some vicious feelings.

Just where you stand is chilling.

At the moment when the elephant demon swallowed the fragments of the evil word.

In an unknown land.

The brilliance of black and red light fell from the sky into a dark area.

Demons and demons dance around here, mountains are full of bones, and bloody corpses are everywhere.

At this moment, a strange laughter came out from the sea of ​​blood and withered bones in the proud land.

"The fragments of the evil characters in the Book of Secrets have reappeared."

A weak voice said.

"Empress, this time the fragments of the word "evil" appear in the world, which shows that the book of secrets has chosen the seeds of destiny again. Although the two words "evil" and "evil" complement each other, they have always been incompatible. What should we do now?"

"Let's wait and see what happens. It seems that Tianjishu feels that I am disobedient and wants to deal with me. Haha!"

"It's just that this time the host of the word fierce is so strange. Logically speaking, evil has a female body, and evil should also have a female body. This is in line with the combination of extreme evil, male and female, and how can it now have the aura of a male body and seem to be a demon body? Our lack of wisdom has caused many of our plans to come to nothing, and they are completely different from those calculated by Zhi Tianji.”

"What should we do?"

"Don't worry. The one we are most worried about now should not be us, but the leader of the Universiade Dynasty. He is born "not in the calculation", and the appearance of the Tianji Book will have the greatest impact on him."

The voice was full of hatred.

"Damn Pregnant Immortal, he actually said that he wants to accept the Empress as his concubine. It is really humiliating. Sooner or later I will break into the palace, chop off his head and use it as a urinal."

"Hahaha, it's okay. If you dare to accept me as your concubine, then I will dare to lewd the East Palace. I want to see if he is not good at it, or if my fate is better."

A few more days passed.

The Feitian Sect disciple competition is finally about to begin.

Countless people have prepared hard and accumulated over the years just for today.

I don’t know how many disciples are gearing up and eager to try.

This day.

As usual, Yu Qingshan practiced in the cave halfway up the mountain for a period of time, then slowly walked to the middle stage of Feitian Sect.

He frowned, thinking that he could break through to the ninth level of ventilation before the big competition came.

But after trying several times for several days without success, Yun cultivated his innate Qi.

Yu Qingshan has a good reputation. After walking all the way, many people greeted him.

But more people avoid it.

I don't want the sharpness of the sword to damage my fighting spirit.

When we arrived at the dining room.

The relevant monks, maids and servants had already prepared a spiritual meal and brought it to them.

Yu Qingshan couldn't help but feel quite satisfied when he saw it.

"It turns out to be spiritual goose meat, and a lot of spiritual grain rice."

He nodded slightly.

These spiritual foods are expensive, and they are also of great benefit to practitioners. If it were not for the disciples to compete with each other, they would never take out such treasures for their disciples to eat.

On one side, Yu Qingshan was eating, and at the other end of the dining table was a man wearing a green robe and a hooked nose.

This person is Wang Lei who used the insect method to tease Zhang Zhe before.

Wang Lei is very powerful, and he is a relatively powerful being among the Five Poison Sect disciples of that generation.

With a solid foundation, it is no small matter how to catch poisonous insects in your hands.

In addition, after joining the Feitian Sect, he used other tricks to learn many techniques of the Feitian Sect, and his skills are not weak.

Soon he got in touch with the disciples of the Five Poison Sect and the Taiyi Qing Sect.

Among the sect, they didn't pay too much attention to the petty quarrels of these disciples.

Appropriate and powerful competition is something that the sect has always advocated.

Yu Qingshan, a ferocious tiger with swords, is good at the art of swords.

Coupled with the special destiny of awakening, during this disciple competition, he has already caught the attention of those who are interested.

The man next to him was tall and thin, carrying a transparent long sword. He was Shi Ming from Taiyi Qingmen.

Many years ago, he was sent from Taiyi Qingmen to Feitianmen to practice, and he has spent a lot of time in Feitianmen.

At this moment Shi Ming spoke.

"Yes, if we want to obtain the title of Feitian Qizhen, Yu Qingshan is definitely one of our biggest obstacles."

"Think of every way to kill his spirit first."

This time the competition in Feitian Sect is too fierce.

In particular, casual cultivators are also included in the competition among disciples, and only the top few can receive rewards.

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