The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 392 Breakthrough Killing a Thousand Kills with One Sword

Once upon a time there was a beggar who went out to beg every day. He wanted to live a normal life, so he accumulated the food he begged for. But after years of saving, his granary still only had a little rice.

One night, a big rat came to steal his food in the middle of the night, and he was very angry.

"You don't eat the food that rich people have so much, so why do you eat the food that I have worked so hard to save?"

Unexpectedly, the mouse actually spoke: "You only have eight decimeters in your life. You can travel all over the world and not get enough."

The beggar asked the mouse: "Why is this?"

The mouse said to him: "I don't know either. Just ask Buddha."

Therefore, the beggar decided to go to the West to ask the Buddha to find out what was the reason for such a fate.

He was begging all the way and was hungry. When he arrived at a temple, the beggar saw the abbot of the temple holding a tin staff.

The host received him, gave him food, and asked him where he was going.

The beggar explained where he was going, and the old host quickly took his hand and said

"Please, when you see the Buddha, you must ask him, I have been practicing for five hundred years, why can't I ascend?"

The beggar agreed.

Going further, the beggar came to a large river and was blocked.

A large turtle surfaced.

Old Turtle said.

"I have been practicing for more than a thousand years. I should have become a dragon and flew away long ago. Why am I still an old turtle?"

"If you can help me ask Buddha when you go to the West, I will carry you to the other side."

The beggar happily agreed.

After walking for an unknown number of days, he finally saw the Buddha.

Buddha asked him: "You must have something very important to come all the way here, right?"

The beggar said: "Yes, Buddha, I have a few questions to ask Buddha."

Buddha said: "Okay, but there is a condition. You can only ask two questions at most."

The beggar hesitated. He met two people along the way. Plus his own, he had three questions in total.

But in the end, he thought about it, one was five hundred years, the other was one thousand years. The host and the old turtle's problems seemed to be more important than his own, so he should ask their questions first.

After hearing the beggar's question, Buddha replied.

The thousand-year-old turtle did not transform into a dragon because it could not let go of its shell.

The reason why the old host cannot sit down and become a Buddha is because he cannot let go of the power in his hands.

After the Buddha answered the beggar's two questions, he disappeared.

He came to the river, and the little beggar conveyed the Buddha's words to the old turtle.

The old turtle suddenly turned into a dragon and flew into the sky, and gave him the turtle shell, which contained twenty-four priceless night pearls.

The beggar continued to the temple and conveyed the Buddha's words to the old abbot.

The old host also sighed and gave the Zen staff to the beggar.

He said that this is the inherited treasure of the temple. If you own this thing, you will be the next abbot of the temple. After saying this, the old abbot turned into a god and flew away.

Buddha came to the beggar again and said.

"I'll give you another chance. If you ask your question first, the two of them will become mortals and turtles again, and the tin staff and night pearl will be taken away."

"If this is the last question I ask you, you can take away the scepter and night pearl."

The beggar thought for a long time.

and after

Ye Yang said.

"Then the beggar did something."

"whats the matter?"

He is a little curious

"You haven't said what you did in the end."

"If you were this beggar, what would you do? There are only two answers."

"First, you chose what the Buddha gave you. If you do it again, he will tell you that this is your fate. You are born poor and cannot change it."

"Secondly, you didn't choose to do it again. With power and wealth, you changed your destiny."

This story has no fixed ending.

There is only one choice, and that is your own heart.

"If it were me, would I choose the second one?"


Ye Yang was silent for a moment.

"In order to control my own destiny, I believe in the power of persistence. I know the role of hard work. I don't want to surrender to this sense of fate of being controlled by others."

"Then you and I are just the opposite. I will choose the first option."

"In life, do times create heroes, or do heroes create times?"

"Under the torrent of fate, any personal power will be destroyed and disintegrated. How do you know that power and wealth will not be taken away by the host and the turtle?"

She seemed to have thought of something, and she looked up to the sky and screamed, her hair covered with white hair, automatic in the absence of wind, shining with a thrilling light.

"Under the ethics of heaven, there is no room for anyone's resistance."

“Only by following the trend and following the trend of the times can we stand at the top.”

"If the beggar chooses to come again and asks his questions, then he is obeying his fate. If the beggar does not choose to come again, he is fighting against fate."

Ye Yang smiled and then said.

"But are these things that the old beggar got destined to be?"

Of course not.

"If the beggar had not helped so many people, he would not have been able to obtain the pearl representing wealth and the tin stick of power, and he would not have been able to change his own destiny."

"Then what is the so-called fate and luck?"

Ye Yang took a long breath and finally understood something. The so-called fate is actually the choice in the heart.

Choices affect a person's future destiny.

And in that torrent of fate, what people have to fight is not the sense of destiny that has been achieved, but their own hearts.

"Okay, this story is over."

"I didn't realize that you have so many insights and feelings at such a young age."

"No wonder you can practice the Thirteen Swords of Time to such an extent."

Ye Yang frowned.

"You can see that I practice the Thirteen Swords of Time."

The old woman laughed.

"Yes, and I can tell you that there is a treasure inheritance above the Thirteen Swords of Time."

"What is it?"

Ye Yang's breathing became slightly rapid.

"That depends on whether you have this fate. Most of those who practice the Thirteen Swords of Time died tragically in the long river of fate."

Ye Yang would not take this matter to heart. There are no lice to itch, and there is no worry to pay back debts.

Some people said that the fairy and strange things he obtained at that time could not end well, but with the suppression of the Fortune Dragon Pearl, there has been no problem.

Although there are many detours in life.

But he is still alive and well now.

"What if I have the Fortune Time Suit to suppress it."


She didn't expect Ye Yang to answer like this, and she was so angry that she spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Ye Yang frowned.

"What are you going to do?"

At this moment, he actually found that a shadow of a silver-haired old woman flew out of the mermaid baby girl.

She wrapped around Ye Yang's arm and floated towards his mind.

At this moment, Ye Yang suddenly realized something during the fight between the two.

He actually saw a mighty, fierce and domineering female figure, who seemed to stand proudly on the top of the waves, looking down on everything.

"Is it the figure of Queen Yama?"

Ye Yang's heart trembled slightly. Queen Yama ranked second on the Great Yun Dynasty Demon Exorcist List.

There are thirteen evil spirits under her command, all of whom are real and powerful, and they dominate the sky.

Even the giant like the Great Black Sin Peacock King is only ranked fourth.

Who is this old woman and what is her relationship with that powerful person?

This person is definitely not a good person?

Ye Yang frowned slightly and thought of many things in an instant.

She had just tried to confuse him with the story and tried to take over his body.

"Let go of your body and mind, and you will become the great king of the world."

"Under the guidance of fate, you will become an immortal, a hegemon, and a proud hero of all ages."

"Just like the young Queen Yama, she got the fragments of the "evil" in the Book of Heavenly Secrets, and now I give you the opportunity of "evil."

"Under the vast destiny, no one can resist its call."

"Get out of my body!"

Ye Yang roared.

However, the phantom not only did not disappear, but became more radical. Ye Yang felt a sharp pain in his mind, and something was forcibly taking over his body.

At this moment.

The red wedding dress that Ye Yang had always treasured moved slightly, and suddenly flew into the air, burning with a fierce flame.

The old woman's eyebrows were high, full of horror.

"You actually have a fairy and strange thing."

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

In the next moment. The old woman had been burned by the strange flames, and she was scattered and turned into powder. Countless golden lights were all trapped in Ye Yang's body.

When the golden light fell to the ground, Ye Yang felt a little different.

But at this moment, a ball of black light flew out from his body.

Like a panicked ghost, it flew out all of a sudden, and the red light did not dissipate, and it could distinguish the wind and clouds.

It seemed to be crying non-stop.

Ye Yang hurried to catch up.

But the red light passed through the prohibition of Feitianmen.

As if there was no obstacle, it floated to the place of Dayun Dynasty.

At this moment, Ye Yang had no energy at all. He roared, and the sword demon ape behind him was madly absorbing the falling golden light.

It grew more than one level, became more huge, and his eyes were smart.

He actually drew out the big knife behind him and started to use the knife moves.

At the same time, the white horse quick knife was automatically rotated without wind, and countless sharp knife lights flew around.

Densely packed and stacked, filling the whole room.

Then a violent storm came, countless sword lights flew diagonally into the sky, and the house was directly turned into dust.

"A new realm in the art of swordsmanship is to kill a thousand people with one sword!"

Ye Yang had some insights and was surprised.

"One sword kills a thousand people, this new realm of swordsmanship, combined with the Thirteen Swords of Time, is simply tailor-made for him."

After killing a thousand people with one sword, there are endless swords.

The two are of the same origin.

As long as the cultivator can comprehend the one sword kills a thousand people, after being proficient in using the sword moves, he can quickly master the trick of endless swords.

At this time, the originally old mermaid baby girl has turned back to normal.

Ye Yang stretched out his hand, took the baby girl's wrist, and felt it carefully.

Only then did he find that there was nothing in the baby girl's hand.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Is this the fragment of the Heavenly Secret Book he mentioned?"

Ye Yang walked over and picked up the fragment.

This thing is mottled and old, covered with green rust, except for a blood-red character in the middle.

Because of the long time, the edges have been worn and are extremely dark, but the outline can still be vaguely seen.

A big character!



Everyone, tell me what you think of this picture, whether the logic of fate makes sense.

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