In Fengyu Tower, although the disciples participating in the Feitian Sect competition have not arrived yet.

But I heard that there are several disciples in this generation of Fengyu Tower who have mastered the frost energy and ice sword technique, which is no small matter.

"Senior Brother Wang, don't worry. Although fellow Qingshan Swordsman is said to be powerful, my Taiyi Qing Sect's Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique is a sword of the void, and it's not that easy to deal with."

Hearing this, Wang Lei was surprised and then said.

"The Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique is a method inherited by the head of Taiyi Qingmen. Only the head can teach it. You have already been exposed to it in advance?"

Shi Ming smiled.

"It would have been impossible before."

"But since Elder Black and White's incident occurred in Western Xinjiang, the sect, under the leadership of Master Wu, has relaxed its restrictions. As long as there is talent and understanding, everyone can be rewarded with the prerequisite Void Sword Technique."

There was a hint of admiration in his eyes, and his eyes were sincere.

"If Master Wu hadn't had such great courage and courage to decentralize these techniques, it would have been impossible for ordinary disciples like us to come into contact with such peerless techniques."

Wang Lei nodded, knowing that Shi Ming was right. After all, the Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique was at the top level even among spiritual arts.

"Yes, now that the various sects have merged under the leadership of Feitian Sect, they have indeed undergone amazing changes. For ordinary disciples like us, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages."

The previous Five Poison Sect was extremely ferocious, believed in the method of cultivating poisons, and the competition among its disciples was also very cruel.

Feitianmen, from this aspect, is extremely humane.

I will never use living disciples like them to practice martial arts.

And because they came from other sects, the two of them were eager to achieve success.

I want to make a splash at the conference, see if I can win the favor of a certain senior executive, and then join him.

Then the two discussed some things and looked much better.

"Why don't you go up and compete with Yu Qingshan."

The two of them smiled, already making a decision in their hearts.

While everyone is preparing for the disciple competition.

Only one person concentrated quietly and slowly threw the talisman paper in his hand into the bamboo tube on the side.

Strong dragons gather together and snakes coexist.

"There are too many masters in this disciple competition."

"If you want to successfully win a chance of survival among many disciples, you can imagine how difficult it is to grab the martial arts elixir."

Dong Feng frowned.

"I heard that this time among the casual cultivators of the right age, there are nearly a thousand people who have made enough contribution points."

"Although most of them are unorthodox methods, even if you only pick one out of ten, you can select a hundred strong ones, which is not a good thing for us."

Especially those casual cultivators who are powerful and have been between life and death for a long time. They are ruthless and will not give up until they achieve their goals. When they encounter an opportunity, they swarm them like a pack of wolves.

Dong Feng was deeply aware of their terror.

After joining the Feitian Sect, he chose the art of making talismans. Now he is a second-level talisman master. He is calm and reserved, and has received praise from many guardians.

He is low-key, upright and gentle, and does not confront others. He has also won the trust of many disciples.

At this time, there were still several people standing in front of him, some of them had old faces, some were old, and some were still young. Although they were not very powerful in cultivation, they obeyed his words.

They are all casual cultivators with no foundation, so they naturally regard him as the backbone of the group.

At this moment, Dong Feng frowned slightly and thought to himself.

"Even if you can't get the first place, you should try your best to get the title of Feitian Qizhen. This is an honor and has practical benefits."

"More than half of the last Feitian Seven True Masters broke through to the martial arts realm. The stronger the stronger, but on the other hand, very few ordinary disciples broke through to the martial arts realm. Although the theory of luck is mysterious, it cannot be ignored."

"Once I break through to the warrior realm, I will have more opportunities to go to the Blood and Bone Cult to avenge the entire village and my cousin."

Many years ago, he hid his identity, pretended to be his cousin's name, and joined the Feitian Sect. No one knew about it.

Someone next to me said.

"Senior Brother Dong, do you need us to check out any outstanding people among the casual cultivators so that we can make complete preparations?"

Dong Feng closed his eyes slightly.

"If you know yourself and your enemy, it would be great if you could investigate."

"Just remember to be stealthy."

the man said.

"Senior brother, don't worry, I naturally know about this kind of thing."

At this time, another disciple said next to him.

"Senior Brother Dong, people from the Huo family have just arrived. They said they wanted to get in touch with Senior Brother, and they also sent a lot of spiritual stones."

Dong Feng smiled coldly.

"I'm afraid besides me, they also gave you a lot of things."

Several people nodded quickly.

Dong Feng said.

"After the Huo family came to Feitianmen, although they didn't know what their intentions were, Huo Bingshuang was inextricably linked to them."

"They looked for Huo Bingshuang several times, but to no avail. Huo Bingshuang disappeared behind closed doors. He must be trying to win over us and get information."

Then he thought of something and said.

"Remember not to let them take advantage of you. We, the Han tribe's descendants, must be even more cautious when dealing with things on weekdays."

"I want to start with me and other Han clan children to find out the news, but they underestimate us."

"What senior brother is saying is, no wonder those senior officials attach great importance to senior brother. Senior brother's thoughts and concerns are indeed much higher than mine."

In the mountain behind Feitian Gate, there is a person wearing animal skin, with a strong body and bare chest.

There is also a huge horse beside him, a white horse with golden horns, four snow-white hooves and deer stripes on its body.

It turned out to be a horse carrying clouds.

After the horse came over, it stuck out its tongue and nibbled at him very eagerly.

Although the number of cloud-carrying horses in the Feitian Sect has increased over the years, they are still precious.

Usually only those who are guardians or above are qualified to ride.

If an outsider looked at it, they would see that a famous ventilation disciple was so close to the horse carrying the cloud.

It will definitely shock a group of people's jaws.

There were several people nearby who were also dressed in animal skins. At the moment, some were carrying buckets to feed the cloud horses, and some were holding brushes to wash the cloud horses.

"Little Lord……"

Before he could say these words, the tall man stared at the two of them.

"Young master, now that we have joined the sect, we no longer have our old names. We can just call me senior brother."

Those people quickly changed their words.

"Senior brother, in addition to those powerful opponents these days, I heard that Wang Lei has had a lot of contact with Shi Ming, and I even asked for news about you a few days ago."

Wu Lang snorted coldly.

"Years ago, the tribe moved into the Feitian Sect and offered the skin of the clan spirit. The leader cared for us and herded horses and animals for the Feitian Sect."

"Although my strength is not that strong, if others want to step over me and use me as a stepping stone, it would be a big mistake."

After a pause, he seemed to have thought of something, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"It's a pity that Nie Meng was unlucky and died in the last sect turmoil. If not, he would definitely be on the list in this disciple competition."

After hearing this, several people did not dare to say anything more. Everyone knew that among the disciples, Nie Meng had the best relationship with Wu Lang, and they were also the closest.

They thought of that stubborn young man who dared to argue directly with Protector Na Ye about the sword technique in the Dharma Transmission Hall.

It's a pity that the fate was too bitter. First, the whole family was spied on by the demon cultivator because of the Yin and Yang Reverse Sword Technique, and all 272 members of the family were slaughtered.

He originally wanted to practice well and avenge this blood after joining the Feitian Sect.

In the end, he didn't expect that he would have died in the sect war before he could learn anything.

"This is all fate. In the vast world of cultivation, no one dares to say that he will not die."

A quiet room.

Sitting on the futon was a woman. She suddenly opened her eyes, and a ray of cold light arrived before she could see it. It smashed the paperweight next to her into pieces the moment she opened her eyes.

She has a fair face, her two pairs of beautiful eyebrows are slightly frowning together, and her hair is like a waterfall behind her. It is Yan Qingying.

At this moment, Yan Qingying stood up and sighed quietly.

"I've been suppressing myself for ten years."

"In this disciple competition, I am bound to win the Golden Elixir of Martial Arts."

In the blink of an eye it's already another day.

The light shines, the sun rises.

Ye Yang collected the first ray of purple energy from heaven and earth. After practicing, he felt in his body that Zhu Chan's Moon Swallowing Mana was more than pure.

And the evil spirit on the body surface became more and more intense.

A layer of rich evil spirit has formed outside his body.

"The self-generated evil in the body has reached a certain level, and the realm of cultivating evil has been completed. It can be integrated with the evil of heaven and earth."

Ye Yang also had a bottle of Seven Emotions Wrath and a bottle of Seven Emotions Fear in his hand, both of which were unexpected gains.

It's just that these two kinds of evil spirits are not suitable for him to use.

Integrating the evil spirits of heaven and earth is related to a lifetime of practice and requires caution.

No matter what, Ye Yang refused to fuse the evil spirits indiscriminately, resulting in eternal hatred for one mistake.

"Today is the competition among the disciples in the sect."

Thinking of this, Ye Yang slowly stopped practicing.

Walked out of the door.

The sect had already given him the cassock, and after Xiu Ya had cut it properly for him, he washed it specially.

Ye Yang put on his robe and slowly walked out to the sect's main hall.

At this time, many disciples were standing next to each other in the main hall of Feitian Sect. There were more than two thousand people, forming several clearly defined areas.

Some were wearing the robes of Feitian Sect disciples.

And some groups were all female cultivators, cold and cold, carrying long swords, extremely cold, and looked like they should not be approached by strangers.

This is the monk from Fengyu Tower.

Among the major subordinate families, each family can only recommend five to ten people to participate, and there are also a lot of disciples.

In another corner, the crowd was even larger, with more than a thousand monks in various attire standing there.

Some wear coir raincoats on their heads, some wear animal skins, and some wear coarse linen and kudzu clothes, and the magical weapons in their hands are also different.

Some have long swords, some carry gourds on their backs, and some hold ghost claws, maces, giant hammers, and even farm tools, to name a few.

These are the casual cultivators who have collected more than a thousand contribution points.

Looking around, thousands of disciples crowded into the crowd.

But everyone showed determination, knowing that a big competition that would determine their fate was right in front of them, so they were all prepared and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

About two quarters of an hour later.

The earth trembled and the bells rang.

The huge sound of the bell resounded throughout the Feitian Sect.

The smoke fills the air, like a thick fragrance covering the ground.

A vast aura circulates, and the spiritual energy is rich.

Then the stream of light flickered, and a majestic aura surged from the sky.

The dazzling light tore through the sky, and then several figures landed on the ring.

"The host of these disciples' competition has finally arrived."

There are three hosts in total. Their specific ages and faces cannot be seen. They are all wrapped in black robes and golden masks.

But there is a powerful and unbelievably huge aura about him.

The disciples looked up and felt that these presiding people had powerful magic powers. Even the light was absorbed and distorted by their powerful aura.

"At least they are all strong men in the warrior realm."

Everyone present could not help but sigh when they saw several people in that scene.

In order to avoid suspicion, Feitianmen concealed the faces of all the ring hosts.

No matter how they looked, they couldn't clearly see what those people looked like.

Even among the strong warriors, these people are extraordinary, which shows that the Feitian Sect attaches great importance to this disciple competition.

The Feitian Sect has been established for thousands of years.

This is the biggest disciple competition.

On the other side of the high platform, a purple light suddenly appeared from the sky, like a high sun, which could not be looked directly at.

"Gu Xuan, the leader of Feitian Sect, has arrived!"

The aura of the real person is revealed slightly, and the majestic momentum is overwhelming the heavens.

The huge air flow made everyone tremble.

"It's the ancestor of the real person."

"It's Sect Master Gu, and he actually showed up."

"Today I actually met the ancestor of the head of the real-person realm. He was really radiant and his eyes were spiritual."

Then, before everyone could react, they saw a huge demon snake hundreds of feet tall slowly appearing behind the ancestor with a strong purple light.

Thank you for wearing the raincoat once and for your time and 100 starting coins for the reward! ! !


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