The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 383: Jade Wine and Ice Spring, Bai Zhi's Current Situation

Ice and snow are connected, and the cold wind blows across.

After the snow, the winter sun shines through the sparse shadows of the trees, but it can't melt the ice and snow on the mountain.

The Fengxue Tower is located on a cliff.

On the peak of the snow-capped mountain that has never melted.

Many female cultivators carry long swords on their backs, looking nervously at the huge flying turtle slowly flying in the sky.

As big as a house, with a hideous tortoise shell, it floats in the sky. Many people see this huge flying turtle chasing the sun and talk about it.

"How can a turtle fly to the sky?"

"I seem to have heard of this turtle somewhere, why is it so familiar."

"It seems to be... the mount of the person from Feitianmen."


A group of people chattered and exclaimed

The giant turtle landed, rolling up endless air waves and stirring up wind and snow. Someone recognized the back of the huge flying turtle chasing the sun.

After a while, a slender, tall and thin woman slowly walked over.

"May I ask if that's Ye Protector in the sky?"

"Lin Han of Fengyu Tower has met Ye Protector."

"You're too polite, Fellow Daoist Lin. I'm Ye Yang."

After confirming that it was Ye Yang, Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief, bowed to Ye Yang, and quickly instructed the people around him.

"Open the formation quickly and let Ye Protector in."

Ye Yang nodded, controlled the Sun Chasing Flying Turtle to move, and landed on the hall in front of Fengyu Tower with his huge body.

This huge mountain is full of ice and snow, and it's snowy everywhere.

Only a golden pavilion on the top of the mountain, facing the cold wind and the morning sun, is outstanding and shining.

This is the origin of the name of Fengyu Tower.

Seeing Ye Yang slowly walk down the Sun Chasing Flying Turtle, Lin said.

"Envoy Ye, I don't know if you have any instructions for coming from afar. I have already told the head of the sect, and I believe she will be here soon."

Ye Yang said.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Lin. I'm here to look for an old friend, so I don't need to bother Master Yan." Lin Han shook his head and said. "That's not right. Fengyu Tower and Feitian Sect are now one family. Ye Hufa is not only an envoy from the upper sect, but also came from afar. It's rare to see him on weekdays." "It's our honor to come to Fengyu Tower this time. The owner has said several times that Ye Hufa is a genius. I didn't expect to finally see him today, but I have to take a good look at him." After saying that, she stared at Ye Yang with a pair of big eyes. It seemed that she wanted to see something from Ye Yang. The two chatted for a few more words, and soon, someone came. With white skin, big breasts and hips, dressed in palace clothes, and her hair combed high, it was Master Yan of Fengyu Tower. Master Yan was powerful and had reached the realm of martial perfection, especially his frost sword technique, which froze the world, which was extraordinary. Moreover, he has great prestige and has always been a figure like a senior.

The moment he saw the owner of Yan Tower coming, Ye Yang hurriedly stood up and said.

"Greetings to the owner of Yan Tower. I am sorry to bother you today."

The owner of Yan Tower smiled, his voice was like a silver bell.

"Why should Ye Protector be so polite?"

She personally brewed a cup of hot tea for Ye Yang, then lightly covered the tea bowl and asked the maid to bring it over.

"Ye Protector, this is the Jade Wine Ice Spring in my Fengyu Tower. You have never been to my Fengyu Tower. Try this ice tea first and see how different it is from your Bitan Piaohua."

This Jade Wine Ice Spring comes from a thousand-year-old tea tree on the top of the mountain in Fengyu Tower.

The old tea tree stands proudly on the top of the mountain. The tea leaves are like hexagonal snowflakes. They sprout in winter and wither in spring. Only less than 20 kilograms of fresh tea can be picked every year.

But the amount of fresh tea is very large. After drying, there is less than three kilograms, which is extremely precious.

Ye Yang has only drunk it a few times at Gu Xuan's place.

At this time, the owner of Yanlou brought out the Jade Brew Ice Spring, obviously thinking highly of him.

Ye Yang took a few sips, and as soon as the tea entered his stomach, he felt a cool and sweet air all over his body.

After the cold air melted, it was the feeling of ice and fire blending together, and it seemed that the bones and flesh on his body were shaking gently.

Ye Yang slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and even his spirit was lifted a little.

"Good tea, good tea."

The owner of Yanlou said.

"If you like it, Ye Hufa will take two taels back. It's not that I'm stingy, but the production of this tea is too scarce, and there is not much stock in the building now."

Ye Yang said.

"I'm sorry to trouble the owner of Yanlou."

After a polite greeting, the two stopped and got to the point.

The owner of Yanlou looked at Ye Yang with a smile.

"Protector Ye, I wonder what advice you have for me this time?"

"I don't deserve it."

Ye Yang said, "I came here for a private matter this time, to see a junior sister."


Hearing this, the owner of Yan Tower showed a hint of joy in his eyes.

"I wonder which woman can be favored by Protector Ye and enter his eyes."

She frowned slightly and thought to herself.

"It would be a good thing if someone in the sect could get in touch with this Protector Ye."

"I wonder if Junior Sister Bai Zhi is in the sect."

Hearing the word Bai Zhi, the owner of Yan Tower frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Ye Yang felt something was wrong and spoke.

"What's wrong? Is there anything difficult?" The owner of Yan Tower shook his head and said.

"It doesn't matter. I have watched Bai Zhi grow up since she was a child. She is smart and honest. But in recent years, for some reason, she remains silent and often frowns, as if she has Worry."

"Now she is in retreat in the Ice Ling Cave. If Protector Ye sees her later, he might as well give her some advice."

After hearing this, Ye Yang pondered for a moment.

Master Yan didn't know, but Ye Yang naturally understood the changes in Bai Zhi.

Over the past three years, he has long been determined to send the Five Poison Heart-Sealing Pills.

I only contacted Bai Zhi several times, but nothing happened.

Later, I learned that Bai Zhi seemed to have met Bai Guyue, the traitor of the Bai family, and was greatly stimulated afterwards.

He practiced a powerful spell in seclusion in Fengyu Tower.

Now, the three-year period has passed.

Estimating that time was almost up, he arrived at Fengyu Tower from Feitianmen.

Master Yan clapped his hands and immediately walked over to two maids with ponytails and white skin.

"You take Protector Ye to Ice Ling Cave."

"Yes, landlord."

After the two men responded, they glanced at Ye Yang secretly.

Several people walked out immediately. Just after Ye Yang and the others walked out, another figure walked out from behind the teahouse.

"Master, this jade-brewed ice spring is so precious. Even the heads of several sects came and didn't give it as a gift. Why bother to give two taels of it to this Ye Yangman."

Master Yan smiled.

"It's really extraordinary that this person ranks twenty-seventh on the Hidden Dragon List. I thought that the outside world had exaggerated him, but today I was even more shocked when I saw it."


The voice seemed confused.

Master Yan took a sip of tea and then put down the tea cup.

"Low-key and calm, as calm as Mount Tai. The elk thrives on the left but does not blink, and Mount Tai collapses in front but remains unchanged. This state of mind of cultivating and refining qi is not like a genius, but more like an ordinary person, not showing off the mountains and showing off the water. , so it’s even more terrifying.”

"You deserve to be ranked in the top thirty on the Hidden Dragon List."

"In addition, to take a step back, this person is a water magic medicine master, and he also masters miraculous healing medicines such as Three Treasures Wanying Ointment. Who can guarantee that he will not be harmed in his lifetime?"

"Maintain a good relationship with a third-level medical alchemist like this, and you might be able to ask for help from them sometime in the future. You can't start a relationship when things are about to end, and your life is hanging by a thread. It will be too late."

"It turns out that this is what the original poster was paying attention to."

The man muttered a few words in his mind, stopped talking, and slowly retreated.

On the other side, the three of them were walking slowly on the ice and snow mountain.

The mountains and rocks here are always covered with ice and snow, the cold wind is howling, and the mountain path is as winding as a sheep's intestines, which is a unique feeling to walk on.

The two maids looked at Ye Yang with curiosity.

One of them was quite bold. Seeing that he was far away from the teacher, he mustered up his courage and said.

"Guardian Ye heard that you are the master of swords and swords, but why haven't you seen the famous white horse sword and red maple sword?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"Of course I put it away."

He held two weapons in his hands without any problem. Didn't this make it clear to others that he was Ye Yang?

The two maids had never thought that such a big shot would respond to their words, and they were quite excited.

"Sister, quickly take out the jade slips and take photos of me and Protector Ye. I will show it off to the other sisters at night. If you tell me about it, you will definitely attract the envy of countless people."

The two of them immediately got busy and rushed to Ye Yang's side to take a souvenir with him.

Ye Yang smiled, but did not refuse.

After a while, the three of them came to a huge ice cave in the shade.

This ice cave is more than three feet high, covered in ice blue, with a circle of ice swords wrapped around it, and a transparent barrier like ice crystals to prevent outsiders from entering.

As soon as he reached the edge of the ice cave, a pleasant voice sounded from inside.

"But Senior Brother Ye is here."

Ye Yang looked up and saw a figure standing in the huge ice cave.

Her beauty is extraordinary, her pear blossoms are covered with rain, and she is dressed in white clothes, which makes her whole body even more spotless.

She has shoulder-length short hair, looking dashing and heroic, with snow-white skin, red lips and small mouth, and her huge and plump chest, which is supported by a tight chest wrap, looks even more shaky and slightly rippled.

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