The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 384 Repaying one another with one's own body Yin and Yang reverse chaos

At this moment, Bai Zhi looked haggard, her eyes were sunken, revealing a sense of exhaustion and weariness.

It makes people look indescribably distressed.

Ye Yang said.

"What's going on here?"

At this moment, the two of them were separated by the transparent barrier of Bing Ling Cave, not waiting for Bai Zhi to speak.

He could already feel the cold and trembling feeling coming from the other party's body through the cave.

Bai Zhi's eyes showed a hint of exhaustion, and after seeing Ye Yang, her expression showed a hint of surprise.

"Senior Brother Ye, I practiced the sect's Ice Fighting Heaven Technique, but I never thought that the combination of the medicine dragon's destiny and the frost energy would cause many changes in my body."

After finishing speaking, she raised her fair and delicate fingers to show Ye Yang.

Only then did Ye Yang discover that a layer of white ice crystals had condensed on her fingers.

Light blue, like snowflakes and frost, covers the key joints on the fingers.

Ye Yang shook his head, but he could see Bai Zhi's problem at the first glance.

"Junior sister, you have been a little too hasty, and haste makes waste. Now that the frost energy is coming out of your body, it is obvious that your muscles and veins are overloaded while the technique is running."

Bai Zhi smiled bitterly.

"It's not that I was too hasty, but I suddenly learned that the evil bandit Bai Guyue has now refined the Blood Demon Tao Tiansha and is about to break through to the late warrior stage."

"Senior brother, time has not waited for me. Although I have awakened the life of Yaolong, my basic qualifications are average. He is ruthless and will give up everything for his goal. He can even kill his own parents."

"The longer time goes by, the more I want revenge, and the more difficult it becomes. I have to take things by surprise and do my best."

"How can a weak woman like you bear this blood feud?"

Bai Zhi shook her head: "Senior brother, you are wrong. Heaven is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs. How can there be distinction between men and women on the path of cultivation? We monks are going against heaven. The so-called distinction between men and women is just an external manifestation. "

"Everyone is equal under the sky. On the path of immortality, there is no difference between men and women."

Hearing Bai Zhi's words, Ye Yang was enlightened and thought for a moment without saying anything more.

To be able to say such words, it was obvious that Bai Zhi was fully prepared and determined.

Ye Yang said.

"Junior sister, since you are so aware, I won't say any more."

"This is the Five Poison Heart-Sealing Pills that I refined. I know that you will be in great danger if you go to the Splitting Sky Sword Sect. If you take this pill, it will be impossible for anyone to discover your destiny."

"In addition, I also have a Three Treasures Omnipotent Ointment here, which can resurrect the dead, flesh and white bones. As long as there is still breath, it can hang a life, waiting for the opportunity to rescue."

"Take these."

It is difficult to refine the Three Treasures Wanying Ointment, and it requires many elixirs.

The remaining one in his hand was obtained through "thrift" when he was saving Hong Zhenren's son.

After speaking, Ye Yang took out a blue gourd and poured out two pills wrapped in wax paper.

This gourd was made from the 17th generation seeds of the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd. After more than ten years of gestation, only two were born. One was taken away by Wang Dong and refined into a magical weapon.

The other one was taken down by Ye Yang and made into a precious medicine gourd.

On weekdays, you can conserve the medicinal energy, nourish the medicinal properties, and maintain the quality.

Put the two pills in a rosewood box and place them on the ground. Seeing these two pills, Bai Zhi cried so hard that the pear blossoms rained down on her.

"Senior brother saved my life last time, and this time he gave me such precious elixirs. I really can't repay him."

"If I can get revenge in the future, I hope I can entrust my remaining body to my senior brother and repay him with my own body."

Wu Du Feng Xin Pill.

She had heard Ye Yang say it a long time ago.

The Three Treasures Wanying Ointment is even more exaggerated. Nowadays, I don’t know how many monks want to get one, but they all have no way.

"Junior Sister said these words and you are out of touch. Just take it."

Bai Zhi then gave up.

next moment.

She suddenly took off her snow-white clothes, revealing her body as white as gelatin.

The heat of her breath swept over the transparent white barrier, and she felt a little at a loss.

Bai Zhi held up her arms to cover the turbulence on her chest, but still revealed the amazing arc.

His fingers followed the delicate collarbone and lightly traced the fair and tender skin.

The white pearl necklace adds a bit of elegance.

The fingers are as warm as jade, and the hair is pulled back, while the jade legs are slender, fragrant and luxuriant, plump and attractive.

Bai Zhi's face turned red instantly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang swallowed slightly and was shocked.

"Junior sister, what are you doing?"

Bai Zhi said.

"I am in seclusion, and senior brother can't see anything through the Bing Ling Ku. This is my most precious body. I give it to senior brother for a look. I would like to express my gratitude to senior brother for saving his life many times."

"Junior sister, why are you doing this? The medicinal power crystals helped me a lot last time. Without the medicinal power crystals, I wouldn't be able to refine these pills."

Ye Yang sighed.

Bai Zhi is very tolerant.

"Those things are not nearly enough."

Bai Zhi is still practicing and is not allowed to go out because she is in seclusion.

So Ye Yang hurriedly said goodbye to Bai Zhi and returned to Feitian Sect.

Seeing Ye Yang gradually receding in the background, Bai Zhi finally couldn't help but hugged her head and cried.

The person of her dreams was right in front of her, suddenly appearing in this unexpected way at her most difficult time.

The depression and confusion day and night finally found an outlet to vent.

The emotions in her heart were very complicated, ranging from joy that Ye Yang came to see her to depression and sadness.

There is even more confusion and worry about the future.

In her heart, at the most helpless time in her life, she met Ye Yang and got help.

She sometimes wonders what this emotion is, gratitude, dependence, or love.

As soon as he returned to Feitianmen, Ye Yang heard about a big event.

Wang Sandao, who had been bedridden for three years, was able to get out of bed.

His injuries were too serious.

Even if Ye Yang used the Three Treasures Wanying Balm to hang up one of his lives and save him.

But I have been bedridden for three years, and I can barely get out of bed today.

When Ye Yang walked out of the room, he happened to see Wang Sandao.

Wang Sandao limped over with a cane, his eyes moved, and he was infinitely grateful to Ye Yang.

"Guardian Ye, you saved the old man's life. I really don't know what to say."

Ye Yang quickly helped Wang Sandao up and said.

"Master Wang, why are you like this? You and I are part of the sect. You helped the Feitian Sect to withstand attacks from others. These things are what juniors can do."

After hearing what Ye Yang said, Wang Sandao stopped talking.

After a long time, he felt the evil energy floating around Ye Yang, his eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something and said.

"Protector Ye, I wonder if I can go in and discuss it in detail."

"Senior, please come in."

Ye Yang saw Wang Sandao's solemn expression and knew that Wang Sandao had something to say, so he led Wang Sandao to the Shouzhuo Pavilion.

The two of them drank a cup of tea, Wang Sandao looked solemn, and then said.

"Guardian Ye, I have always hidden a secret in my heart. I will tell you today to thank you for saving my life."

Ye Yang said.

"Senior, you're welcome. If you have anything to say, just ask."

Wang Sandao said: "Do you know the difference between evil spirits?"

"Naturally, evil spirits are divided into three types: heaven, earth, and humans, each with different characteristics. The heavenly ones are high and far away; the earthly ones are thick; and the human ones are complex and fall into the world of mortals and transform into the seven orifices."

Wang Sandao said.

"Our Jingzhou Wang family started out with sword skills. Some people practice sword skills, and some people practice sword skills, but they are naturally incompatible."

"Ye Hufa is compatible with swords, and they have achieved extraordinary attainments. The appearance on the sword is outstanding in ancient and modern times, which is amazing. Now, you are about to condense the sword heart and enter the realm of sword heart transparency."

"And the skill of swordsmanship is about to reach the point of killing with one sword, a thousand kills."

Ye Yang knew his situation, he was indeed about to condense his sword heart.

It's just that where the sword's heart is, it has never been established.

Relatively speaking, killing a hundred with one sword is followed by killing a thousand with one sword.

At present, I have figured out some tricks.

Wang Sandao said.

"The offensive power of the sword technique is powerful. You only know the evil spirit, but you don't know that the quality of the evil spirit is good and bad. There are superior ones, and naturally there are middle and inferior ones."

"If you can condense a good evil spirit, it will be of great help to the breakthrough of the real person's realm, but good evil spirit is extremely hard to find..."

After finishing speaking, he spoke again.

"I have a trace of a peerless evil spirit here, called Yin Yang Reverse Chaos Evil, which is one of the top evil spirits of heaven and earth."

Ye Yang looked solemn, how could he not know the preciousness of this evil spirit.

For example, although the Tiangang Daoyinsha in Feitian Sect is precious, it cannot enter the upper level.

At most, it is of the middle variety, which is considered good.

As for the Blue Water Nether Demon that was condensed in Niu Mojiang before, it can only be regarded as a middle-grade one at best.

Now that Wang Sandao said one sentence, he already knew Wang Sandao's painstaking efforts.

"Sorry to trouble you, senior."

Wang Sandao shook his head.

"Why bother? I am very happy to see the evil spirit you have gained through practice."

“It’s just that the Wang family has been in ruins for many years, and there is no one left.

"Now that the Wang family's hometown has been assigned to the Universiade Dynasty, you need to be extremely careful when you want to refine this evil spirit."

Ye Yang expressed his thanks again and again.

After talking to Wang Sandao, he asked Wang Sandao for some tips on how to practice the Zhongyang Sword Jue.

After Wang Sandao walked out, Ye Yang groaned slightly and looked at the huge persimmon tree, seeing that some tiny persimmon fruits had grown on it.

"I heard from the Peacock Saint before that she seems to be using the method of melting evil spirits to refine two different kinds of evil spirits, and then condense the pure energy to break through the realm. This method is far beyond the ordinary techniques of refining evil spirits."

Usually updated in the early morning.

The plot I conceived last night was never written out, so I updated it at noon. Please forgive me.

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