In the Feitian Gate.

Yu Qingshan opened his eyes suddenly.

This is a dimly lit cave, where disciples live, so the conditions are naturally not good.

There are no monks in the cave, only a layer of brown hardwood boards has been added to the ground to prevent moisture, and the walls are rugged with earth and rocks.

Fortunately, the only good thing is that the spiritual energy is still full.

The next moment, Yu Qingshan carefully picked up a worn storage bag from his sleeve.

He spread out the storage bag, and then took out a few scattered spiritual stones wrapped in linen oil cloth from the storage bag. Because they had not been used for too long, the spiritual stones were already stained with a lot of oil.

Yu Qingshan sighed secretly.

Not long ago, his mother, Ye Li, called him out alone outside the mountains and brought him this shabby storage bag that he had traded in countless times.

Among them were several spiritual stones that Ye Li had obtained by selling the last few pieces of jewelry she had after the Yu family was destroyed.

The hardship of cultivation made him more determined.

And the transformation from a rich family to a poor monk made him feel an unspeakable sigh about his situation.

However, many years later, he had already reached adulthood, and with his awakened high-level natal life, he still had a firm Taoist heart and an unyielding belief in his heart.

Relying on the Xuanjie natal life and the subsidies given by the sect, I can maintain it even if I practice on a daily basis.

Especially when he was out on missions, many guardians and deacons would give him some face based on his nominal cousin's identity.

He is often given some good work, and the spiritual stones he receives are a few more than those from ordinary tasks.

Since then, his practice has not slowed down.

Already at the peak of the eighth level of ventilation, you can condense the energy of heaven and earth at any time and enter the ninth level.

He also has his own plan and will not accept tasks that rely on a lot of time to earn spiritual stones and waste his own practice time.

This time the disciple competition is about to begin.

He was also under a lot of pressure.

His goal is naturally to obtain the martial arts golden elixir to help break through the martial arts realm.

It's just that the first place in the competition is very difficult, and there are too many masters aiming at it.

He was not absolutely sure.

The next moment, a strange-looking flying tiger suddenly appeared behind him.

The tiger flaps its giant wings, one side of the giant wing is like a sharp sword, and the other side is in the shape of a mad knife.

The giant tiger flapped its wings continuously, and actually led him to fly slowly into the sky.

He looked up and realized that he had flown out of the cave at some point.

He deliberately chose a remote location halfway up the mountain.

It's to keep quiet and not be disturbed.

Outside the cave, a green old cypress grows with its neck tilted to the horizon.

He flew over the cang cypress and looked forward, his eyes burning.

"It's time to go out and meet those opponents."

At this time, many people were already standing in the disciple hall.

Many people saw Yu Qingshan coming and backed away.

Ever since he awakened to his destiny of sword, fierce tiger.

Yu Qingshan has a weird temper and an astonishing ferocity, and the sharpness of his sword is self-generated, soaring straight into the sky.

Many people dare not have too much contact with him.

He frowned slightly, almost all the disciples of the sect were here at this moment.

The debate was loud and extremely noisy.

"How come those casual cultivators can also participate in the disciple competition?"

There are still many people who are worried.

"The number of people participating in this disciple competition is already very large, the highest ever. If there is another group of casual cultivators, the competition will be even more intense."

Nowadays, there are more than a thousand disciples of the right age in each major sect and family alone.

If we add the number of casual cultivators, there are probably two thousand people.

Out of two thousand people, he entered the top ten, the top seven, or even the first place.

No one knows if the enemy has any hidden tricks or back tricks.

No one dares to claim victory lightly.

"Li Ziyuan, you can't even defeat those casual cultivators, right?"

A group of people laughed and made fun of him.

But there were also experienced disciples who had been outside and snorted coldly.

"You have underestimated those casual cultivators too much. Those people have been digging in the fields for a long time. The competition is far more fierce than that of the sect disciples. I am afraid that ordinary people are really no match for them."

"I don't know if others are opponents, but that idiot is definitely not an opponent."

Someone laughed loudly and stretched out his finger to point to one side. Yu Qingshan looked along the person's finger.

I found that the person facing me was a young man with his head lowered.

He was dull and dull, and the disciple's clothes he wore had rough edges.

At this moment, I am holding a black pot of adenophora in my arms, which is half a person tall, like a small tree.

He stared at the small tree motionless.

He didn't refute out loud, and he didn't take everyone's words to heart.

Yu Qingshan's ferocity remained unabated, but that man was stupid and stupid.

Everyone around them quickly moved away from them, forming an empty circle, which made the two of them stand out.

After a while, the fragrant breeze came.

A beautiful figure carrying a long sword came slowly.

Her clothes were snow-white and her hair was covered with black hair. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, her eyes were like stars, and her broken hair stuck to her neck, which actually made her skin white even more perfect.

Among the many disciples at this moment, Huo Bingshuang was carrying a white ice sword. She really looked like a saint or a fairy in the moon, so that no one dared to look directly at her.

All the disciples automatically retreated to both sides, leaving a blank passage.

"Huo Bingshuang is back?"

"It seems like I haven't seen her in years."

Many people are talking about it. Huo Bingshuang rarely appears in front of people since she awakened her destiny.

It is said that she seems to have become a master of a peerless swordsman, who has always been mysterious.

Although many disciples have not yet fought against each other.

But the secret confrontation and competition have begun.

Yu Qingshan looked at Huo Bingshuang, a trace of love and obsession flashed in his eyes, then he smiled bitterly and lowered his gaze.

But the gaze was too hot. Huo Bingshuang was shocked by the gaze, and suddenly turned around. When she saw it was Yu Qingshan, she smiled at him.

But he sighed secretly in his heart.

"This Yu Qingshan is not stupid in appearance and has a smart mind. He has awakened such a good destiny. How could he be so stupid?"

"Master Ye is such a peerless talent, and he is practicing the art of swordsmanship, and he is still his cousin. He doesn't know how to rely on him. He only knows how to break through to the warrior realm by relying on his own brute strength and practicing hard. "

Yu Qingshan didn't know what Huo Bingshuang was thinking.

Huo Bingshuang just glanced at Yu Qingshan and then looked away again.

In her eyes, there was only one person she could keep in her heart.

There is only one person who can allow her to gather all her energy to fight in this disciple competition.

That was Yan Qingying, who was already well-known among the previous generation of disciples.

She has clearly reached the peak of the ventilation monk and can break through to the warrior realm.

But in order to obtain the golden elixir of martial arts, be on the safe side.

But he forcibly suppressed his own cultivation and chose to compete with these new generation disciples.


When Huo Bingshuang was thinking about something, suddenly a dull voice sounded in the quiet hall.

The sudden sound brought everyone back to their senses.

Only then did I realize that it was the unknown, stupid Zhang Zhe.

He stretched out his hand, and everyone discovered that several white insects were flying on the pot of adenophora he was holding.

Nibbling on the thick black orchid leaves.

Many people secretly despised him.

"This man is really stupid."

"Tiantian only knows how to guard his broken Tongshen. Is it possible that he can still spy out some tricks?"

"This kind of person is a waste of resources. Even if you give him a martial arts elixir, he won't be able to break through to the martial arts realm."

"I heard from the deacons that he always couldn't remember the things given to him. He would forget them in a day and be in a daze every day. Even if you ask him something, he won't be able to get a fart out of it."

Many people laughed in their hearts, but they did not dare to be too provocative.

Although this person is stupid and dull, he comes from the Zhang family after all, especially his grandfather, who is the supreme elder of the Zhang family.

Many people don’t dare to provoke

At this moment, the insects on the Wujing Zelan suddenly started to fly.

Everyone looked up and saw that the insect had bitten two holes in the orchid.

"Such a sharp tongue is the king of the Five Poison Sect."

Zhang Zhe's eyes were slightly red.

"You pay for my adenophora."

"Excuse me, fool, get out of here."

When Yu Qingshan saw this scene, he snorted coldly, already knowing who the visitor was.

"Wang Ye, we are all brothers now. What you are doing is going too far."

"Yu Qingshan, what's wrong? Are you trying to take action for him?"

A joking voice sounded. The man was wearing a green robe, with his chest half exposed, revealing his strong chest and abdominal muscles.

The face is painted with color.

He held a jet black bug bag in his hand.

Although the Five Poison Sect was breached by the Feitian Sect.

But many of the outstanding disciples were also accepted into the Feitian Sect.

During the integration of the old and new disciples, there were also many overt and covert struggles.

The person who took action was named Wang Ye.

He is a representative figure among the disciples of this generation of the Five Poison Sect, and he has various poison control methods such as iron worms and bear power worms in his hands.

Strength cannot be underestimated either.

This Zhe Chi Chi is silly. Although the Adenophora adenophora in his hand is only a first-level cognate, it is extremely rare.

It has a fatal allure to the spiritual insects he controls.

He wanted to exchange it in the Sutra Pavilion, but he never thought that Zhang Zhe had already taken it away.

Originally, he was planning to do a private transaction and have a good conversation with him.

But the fool simply ignored him and never replied to him no matter how he wrote or asked for help.

As a result, the two formed a grudge

His cultivation has reached the ninth level of ventilation.

He was originally an extremely powerful being among the previous group of disciples from the Five Poison Sect.

After hearing this, Wang Ye snorted coldly.

"Yu Qingshan, if you want to stand up for others, you must have the ability to stand up for others, otherwise it will be a joke. I would like to learn how sharp your sword technique is?"

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel horrified.

"How strong is Wang Ye that he dares to challenge Yu Qingshan?"

"Could he not know that Protector Ye is this man's cousin?"

However, there are also people who have already obtained various information privately.

"It is said that when Protector Ye was young, he went to the Yu family to borrow spiritual stones. Unexpectedly, he did not borrow enough spiritual stones. Instead, he was laughed at by the Yu family. Therefore, the relationship between the two families has never been good."

"But after all, the bloodline is broken and the bones are still connected."

The two were at war with each other, and Huo Bingshuang separated them with a cold sword blow.

Everyone was shocked, but no one saw how she drew the sword.

"Two senior brothers, we are from the same sect. Why are we so hard on each other and playing tricks on others?"

"The range of people participating in the sect competition this time is extremely wide. The many brothers and sisters should cooperate internally and externally to ensure that the first place does not fall to others."

Huo Bingshuang is extremely talented and powerful.

In addition, I later heard that she had become a disciple of a mysterious person.

So the two of them suppressed their anger and did not dare to speak any more.

Everything in the sect is proceeding in an orderly manner

On this day, Ye Yang summoned Sun Flying Turtle to Fengyu Tower.

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