"There are also some qualified casual cultivator brothers. If they can participate, they can change their destiny."

Hear the news.

Someone immediately asked hurriedly next to him.

"I haven't heard of this policy now. At present, it should only allow disciples of sects or families to participate."

Countless people regretted it.

"It is difficult for us casual cultivators to practice cultivation. It would be great if we could join the sect."

"The Feitian Clan has a kind heart. I heard that the disciples' cultivation resources are also openly provided, and they are not raised like cattle and horses."

"It's such a pity. I've always wanted to be that high-ranking second-generation immortal and a member of the family."

Hearing this, Ye Yang frowned slightly, and then relaxed his brows randomly.

In fact, the Feitian Sect has taken great care of these casual cultivators.

It's just that the entry requirements are extremely high. As long as you can enter the third level, such as elixirs, talismans, weapons, formations, elixirs, spiritual plants, animal training, etc., the Feitian Sect will give the green light to be hired as a deacon.

Just being able to practice to the third level can already be said to be a high-level technical talent.

The casual cultivators already have many choices, and they may not choose Feitian Sect.

However, these people's discussions gave Ye Yang a wake-up call.

The base of these casual cultivators is huge.

Participating in Feitian Sect's disciple assessment may be able to pick up the slack and add fresh blood to the sect.

The most important thing is to form a stable and upward system for the casual cultivators at the bottom, allowing them to see hope and gain motivation, and they are no longer a simple class solidification.

It is also conducive to the implementation of Feitian’s subsequent series of plans.

However, these casual cultivators are mixed in quality.

No one knows whether there are criminals and traitors.

In addition, he went from obscurity to power.

As time goes by, it is difficult to guarantee that we will not be half-hearted and end up like the people in Nanming Mountain.

Since the last time I absorbed the lessons from the people of Nanmingshan.

Today's sect has made a series of reforms to the system.

In particular, the important resources of the sect such as the mountain-protecting formation, the spiritual vein nodes, and the Sutra Pavilion must be strictly monitored.

They are all guarded by the disciples of Genzheng Miaohong within the sect. These people are only at the command of the leader, and it is difficult for ordinary elder guardians to command them.

Thinking of this, Ye Yang didn't drink the remaining half cup of spiritual tea.

A man walked out of Tao'anfang City, took the Sun Flying Turtle, and returned to the sect.

The system for this disciple competition was originally formulated by him.

Soon, under Ye Yang's call, the official hall was filled with people.

Not to mention the fact that Gu Qingshu, the leader of the Official Affairs Hall, transformed into a monster.

The deputy director, Zhang Li, has also been sent out for an unknown number of years.

The remaining deputy hall master Liu also died in the sect war.

At present, this is the official affairs hall.

When it comes to cultivation level and qualifications, he is the first person.

Soon, someone brought a jade slip, which contained detailed rules and regulations.

"Guardian Ye, look, this is the process of this disciple competition."

"I wonder if there is anything that needs improvement."

Ye Yang took a look and found that the regulations were detailed and fair.

"That's right, but the sect always has a good way of recruiting talents, and the emphasis is on absorbing fresh blood."

"In the past few years, the sect system has been improving, and many casual cultivators want to join. We should select the talented and capable to be accepted into the sect."

"The specific system to be adopted still needs to be discussed."

Nowadays, he no longer needs to handle specific matters personally.

He just needs to give the order, and someone will do it immediately.

Discussions soon began in the field.

"In my opinion, among casual cultivators, those below the level of Jiazi who can master the first-level skills can join the sect."

For example, it is not difficult to train a first-level alchemist.

However, casual cultivators lack inheritance and have no one to give special guidance.

Those who can practice to the first level of skills under the age of sixty. The qualifications should be good.

Many people agreed.

Ye Yang also thought it was quite feasible and said

"In that case, let's go down and prepare well. After the regulations are finalized, we will report them to the head for review."

In the afterglow of the setting sun.

The water flows gradually away.

A huge green mule pulled a cart, and on top of the cart was silt excavated from the river and miscellaneous gravel.

Beside this huge cart were two or three ragged, muscular men.

They took a look at the mud on the cart and then said.

"This car spirit mud has been nourished by water vapor for thousands of years under the water, and it is fat and strong."

"After we go back, we will expose it to the sun and dry it in the spiritual wind. There will definitely be many families willing to take it back to nourish the spiritual field."

"If you don't talk about it far away, just take a fork at the Zhang family. Aren't they going to buy a lot of it?"

"In this way, my brothers and I have found another way to make a living."

Well, Bantou Ang let out a lazy sigh, held a huge whip in his hand, and whipped the green mule.

The huge mule, covered with green fur, immediately started walking quickly.

He held a toothpick and urged while picking at the shreds of meat in his mouth.

"Stop fucking around and go back quickly. The masters of Feitianmen killed two monsters today, which is enough to get rid of the meat."

"Both these two demonic beasts are about to reach the third level of cultivation. They are full of flesh and blood. Give me a few more bites later, and maybe they will break through the realm."

The first to second levels of monster beasts correspond to the realm of ventilation.

There is no big difference between the strength of the third-level monsters and the early warrior monks.

The fourth-level demonic beast has risen to another level and has begun to accumulate demonic elixirs in its body.

Only those who are above the seventh level of martial art can deal with it.

For these low-level casual cultivators.

These two huge monster beasts can replenish flesh and blood.

It's a beautiful thing that I can't even imagine.

The appearance of Team Leader Wang also represented the end of a hard day's work for this team of monks.

Chu Hao led the mule and looked up, only to see the vast water surface. The setting sun above the water flow gave the river a golden light.

This rich water light is boundless.

As a practitioner of water spiritual methods, he felt a kind of excitement coming from his heart.

He swallowed secretly as he thought of the two pieces of demonic beast flesh and blood.

Everyone knows that monsters are rare.

Especially second-level monsters are even more difficult to hunt.

If he swallows the flesh and blood of these two monster beasts and practices diligently, his cultivation may not be able to progress further.

"Unfortunately, the path of casual cultivation is too difficult. I am already in my twenties and am still in the middle stage of ventilation."

"I heard that the outstanding disciples in the Feitian Sect are already preparing to break through to the martial arts realm at this age."

After a while, a group of people pulled the green mule beast to a wooden house where they were resettled.

Bantou Wang, headed by R, glanced at everyone and then said.

"Don't stay away after eating. This channel is full of water vapor. No one has visited the newly opened water channel. There may be some water-type spiritual grass. Let's explore it at night."

"Maybe we can find something."

In this area, there have been heavy rains for three years, and many things have been washed away.

In fact, some people have gotten a lot of things from the river these days.

There may be spirit stones that have been washed away, fragments of magic weapons, or some elixirs that have been soaked in water for a long time.

After a while, a bowl of fragrant braised snake meat was served, topped with red sauce, filling the room with fragrance.

When people smell it, they can't help but salivate and spit.

It’s just that there were so many people, and no one was gone without a few chopsticks.

Just when Chu Hao licked his lips, tasted it carefully, and was about to exit, Team Leader Wang grabbed him again and led him to a quiet room.

Bantou Wang unexpectedly brought out another pot of braised snake meat.

"Chu Hao, please take a few more bites."


Chu Hao did not refuse. He was about to break through.

At this moment, he didn't think much about it. He was holding his rice bowl as big as a basin and eating and drinking wildly.

I don’t know how long I haven’t eaten these flesh and blood rich in spiritual energy.

Halfway through the meal.

That squad leader Wang walked up to him and said.

"How's the food? Is it still delicious?"

When you are in your teens or 20s, it is the time to eat and drink like crazy.

Chu Hao licked his lips, showing a trace of embarrassment. After eating, he was only seventy percent full.

He saw Bantou Wang coming and knew something was up.

He said as he wiped the grease from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

He quickly sat aside and left a place for Team Leader Wang.

"Squad leader, I don't know what I want to give you?"

Bantou Wang smiled, took out another piece of dried crab meat and placed it in front of him.

"This is when you are about to break through. Eat more."

Chu Hao glanced at him in surprise.

Although this leader Wang could not be said to be stingy after following him for many years, he could not be said to be generous either.

He has been working in this rainstorm lake for three years, and he is also a poor man.

I have never given him monster meat like this before.

Therefore, Chu Hao immediately felt something was wrong.

He looked at Bantou Wang and took a step back.

"If you have anything to say, squad leader, you know that I have always believed in you the most. As long as you don't drive me out of this canal, you can say anything."

"You also know that my cultivation relies entirely on the spiritual stones and techniques provided by the construction of the canal."

Bantou Wang sighed, scratched his head, and spoke a little embarrassedly.

"It's something."

"I heard that the Feitian Sect will be looking for a group of innocent and reliable talents among the casual cultivators in the near future to recruit them into the sect."

"That son is about the same age as Brother Hao, but he is not one ten thousandth as talented as Brother Hao."

"Also in the greenhouse, without going through a life-and-death fight, people's hearts are sinister, and they will never be able to get on the stage."

"So I hope that when the time comes, if there is a chance, Brother Hao can take care of it."

Chu Hao nodded and agreed to this matter without force.

First of all, this does not harm his interests.

Secondly, after all, he and Bantou Wang still have a superior-subordinate relationship, and reality does not allow him to refuse.

Seven or eight years ago, he accidentally received the inheritance and entered the world of spiritual practice.

But I never thought that it would be harder to practice casual cultivation than to reach the sky.

Over the years, I have read a lot of travel notes, humanistic geography, and various unofficial history books, but I am still far away from the real practice of Dafa.

Therefore, I yearn for the Feitian Sect even more.

But he also knew that his casual cultivators and others had neither extraordinary abilities nor special skills.

I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult to worship into the Feitian Sect.

Hearing this, Bantou Wang looked at his back and showed a smile.

He did not say the underlying reason.

In fact, he knew that the possibility of either his precious son or this Chu Hao being able to join the Feitian Sect was extremely slim.

After all, I don’t know how many family monks are waiting there.

These casual cultivators are late at one step and late at every step. It can be said that they lost at the starting line.

I don't know how far he is from those family monks, but few sects can take him seriously.

His real plan was to let his precious son take advantage of Feitianmen's opportunity to recruit disciples.

See if you can get into the eyes of the Zhang family and marry into the Zhang family.

In fact, there are many people who want to marry into the Zhang family, but the number of places is very small.

He valued the man in front of him who was honest and honest and didn't talk much.

I mean let him assist.

In fact, the means have already been arranged.

Let his son be with him. This man is so clumsy and stupid, so he naturally stands out even more.

If he can be valued by the Zhang family by then.

His old Wang family had finally escaped the fate of being a loose-legged cultivator.

Become a member of the family monks

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