The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 380 Return to Tao'an Market, Disciple Competition

His body is tall and strong, with a giant hammer attached to his waist. He looks like a god of war, majestic and inviolable.

"It turned out to be Li Ba Yuan and Li Protector of Feitian Sect."

"This Protector Li is worthy of being born with divine power. During this period of time on this river, it was thanks to him killing monsters that everyone was safe."

"I heard that his awakened destiny is to be a giant spirit warrior, and he also has the blood of the giant god, so he is very powerful."

Li Bayuan threw the huge crab monster to the shore and walked up slowly.

Just at this time.

A small black dot flew from the sky in the distance.

Only when they got closer did everyone see clearly that it was a person, just wearing a white corpse suit with the corpse belt flying everywhere. The whole body was wrapped tightly, only a pair of eyes were exposed.

Seeing this person, everyone quickly backed away.

"It's Zhang Xing who trains in corpse clothes. He is also a strong man in the martial arts realm. This man is a ruthless person. In order to pursue the great road, he forcibly trained himself into a zombie body."

Zhang Xing was wrapped in a shroud, like a mummy, very fierce and domineering.

He also held a huge water snake seven or eight feet long in his hand.

After reuniting with Li Bayuan.

The two of them quickly decomposed these monsters.

"These two monsters are given to you, remember to work hard."

During this period of time, the rivers were dredged at Feitianmen. These casual cultivators did not have to go through life and death to hunt monsters every day, so they would have a lot of spiritual stones to withdraw.

Moreover, depending on the workmanship, more contribution points are given, which can be exchanged for spiritual secrets and spiritual techniques that were previously unimaginable.

The happy days are far beyond their imagination.

For a time, they felt as if they were dreaming.

Now that they heard that everyone has a share in this huge supply of monster flesh and blood, how can I keep them from getting excited?

Someone immediately spoke.

"Thank you, Protector Li, and thank you, Protector Zhang."

That's when.

There was a roar in the distance, and a huge black spot slowly flew in the sky.

After a while, a huge black shadow was projected on the ground.

These people looked up and discovered that it was a huge turtle with a dark and ferocious carapace and a frightening aura.

"Another monster comes."

"Why is this turtle flying in the sky?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw this huge turtle.

But the turtle did not fall, but flew towards the east direction of Tao'anfang City.

Seeing this huge turtle, Li Bayuan and Zhang Xing looked at each other.

"I didn't expect that Senior Brother Ye (Guardian Ye) would actually come out of seclusion."

"I haven't seen him in three years."

"I don't know how far his strength has improved in the past three years."

Li Bayuan sighed, stepped forward with Zhang Xing, and the two called out two heroic white horses with golden horns. They sat on the horses, rode the waves at low altitude, and followed the flying turtle.

"That's Feitianmen's cloud-carrying horse."

"As expected, he is a brave and handsome man. I heard that he can only be ridden by the protector when he is out."

"Why did they both disappear?"

"Wait a minute, why are the flying turtles so familiar? Only one person in the Feitian Sect seems to have tamed the turtles."

"Are you saying... it's that person? Hiss! This great immortal has not left the mountain gate for many years."

"Now that this person has shown up, I'm afraid it will shock countless people. After all, there are people waiting to see him from the south of the city to the end of the city."

Tao'anfang City.

In order to avoid attracting attention, Ye Yang did not control the flying turtle to land in Fangshi.

Instead, he first placed the flying turtle in the Niu Mo River, and then slowly walked onto the river bank alone and entered Tao'anfang City.

He looked up.

In today's Tao'anfang City, Xiongguan stands tall, and I don't know how much bigger it was than before.

Especially because of the heavy flow of people inside, it has been expanded several times, and the newly built houses have been extended all the way to the mountainside on the left.

On the other side, many water pavilions were built on the Niu Mo River.


There are three or four disciples on duty, forming a team with each other, riding black fire centipedes, coming and going like the wind, maintaining order in the field.

At the gate of Fangshi, many casual cultivators and family cultivators walked slowly into the gate, holding their mounts or carrying goods.

Ye Yang walked into the door. There were many casual cultivators inside, and they were rubbing shoulders one after another.

It was very noisy with all kinds of cries and people's voices.

At this time, there was a lot of discussion in the venue, and Ye Yang listened attentively.

Most of them were about the Feitian Sect's new disciple competition and the dredging of the Bihu Lake waterway.

"Did you know that the Feitian Sect's disciple competition is about to begin."

"I heard that Feitian Sect's disciple competition is unprecedented in scale and has an extremely large number of people."

Someone also spoke.

"Logically speaking, this disciple competition should have started a long time ago, but Feitian Sect has changed too much in the past few years. It was attacked first, and then launched a series of changes."

"After several years of development and several years of accumulation, it is expected that everyone will start the disciple competition now."

"Hush, apart from these, have you ever heard any news? It is said that this time the Feitian Sect's disciple competition is not limited to the Feitian Sect's disciples."

"Subordinate sects and families can also select disciples. As long as they are under sixty years old and have a cultivation level below the warrior realm, they can participate. It can be said that powerful dragons gather together and fierce tigers coexist."

"Who do you think will win?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say. From my point of view, Huo Bingshuang has a moon-piercing sword body and outstanding swordsmanship. He has already reached the realm of sword light differentiation. He should be the first!"

"That's hard to say. Even though she is powerful, don't forget that there are many old disciples from the previous class who are still waiting for their chance. Do you still remember the Swallow Sword - Yan Qingying?"

"From my point of view, Yu Qingshan, who has awakened the sword and tiger's destiny, is not bad. The sword technique is inherently powerful in attack. Don't forget! He is also that person's cousin."

After hearing these words, Ye Yang did not participate, but sat quietly.

He relied on his memory to walk to a large shop with a large area.

A boy quickly greeted him.

"My dearest guest, our Chen Family Tea Shop is an honest and honest person, and the quality of the tea is excellent, especially the Bitan Piaohua and Bitan Piaoxue teas. Even the Guardian Ye in the Feitian Sect admired them very much and appointed us as our tea. The number one imitation product within a radius of ten thousand miles?”

Ye Yang frowned when he heard this.

"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

The boy touched his nose.

"Of course you don't know. If you knew, you would be the Protector Ye. I'll tell you quietly..."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head to Ye Yang's ear and spoke mysteriously and quietly.

"There are people from our Chen family up there."

After finishing speaking, he pointed in the direction of Feitian Gate.

"Nowadays, many people are here waiting for news about Feitianmen's Three Treasures Wanying Ointment, Xuanling Pill, Great Returning Yuan Pill and many other pills."

Ye Yang showed a hint of surprise when he heard this.

"You actually have a way to get those things?"

"That's something to talk about later..."

The boy stopped talking and started selling tea.

"Sir, please come and try our tea."

Ye Yang nodded and followed the boy to the second floor.

This house covers a large area. The first floor is the Chen family's grocery store, and the second floor is the tea room.

It was the property he purchased many years ago when Tao'anfang City was just established.

But later I was too lazy to take care of it, so I rented it to the Chen family. Now it is well managed by the Chen family, and the second floor is almost full.

The seat by the window was already occupied, so he found a remote corner to sit down.

The waiter soon brought the tea and opened the tea lid, revealing snow falling on the blue pool.

Ye Yang took a sip.

The boy said.

"How are you, sir? It's authentic."

Ye Yang didn't say anything. Making Bitan Piaoxue Tea was not difficult at all.

When he first started practicing Kurei Hand, he made it by drying exotic flowers in the mountains and then adding tea leaves to make the base soup.

But the most critical part of this tea is the mutated sword ancient tea tree.

He is the only one in the world whose tea can neutralize the chaotic qi in the human body and eliminate the turbid qi.

The person who launched the high imitation version of Bitan Piaoxue tea has obviously also drank the real Bitan Piaoxue tea.

Although there is no sword ancient tea, ice mint is added to it to simulate a seven-point taste.

He couldn't help but think of an advertising slogan from his previous life.

"xxx, seven points tastes like flying sky."

As we all know, there is only one Feitian, but xxx, there are more than dozens.

"It's not bad, but something is missing. In addition, the jasmine petals are a bit big and fat. They are not the authentic wild jasmine from the Jasmine Mountains, 20 miles east of Feitianmen."

"Hey, I met an expert."

"I have been selling tea for so many years, and the guest officer is the first to speak out about these problems. He is very knowledgeable."

He extended his thumb to give a thumbs up, picked up the white towel and wiped the table, added hot water to Ye Yang again, lowered his voice and whispered.

"You can't blame us for this. The Jasmine Mountain has long been shrouded by the Feitian Sect's mountain-protecting formation. The wild jasmine flowers there are not enough of them, so how could they escape."

Ye Yang saw many people around him, waved down his servant, and heard a voice.

"It's a pity that we, the San Xiutians, have low life bones. I heard that the Feitian Clan disciples gave out the Golden Elixir of Martial Arts as a reward in this competition. It would be great if we could also participate."

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