This fight was just a matter of lightning, the rabbit rose and the falcon fell.

Within a few breaths, this man was beheaded by Ye Yang with a white horse sword.

Ye Yang stepped forward, lifted the man ashore, and untied his black robe.

However, the exposed face couldn't help but make Ye Yang frown slightly.

"It turns out to be Wen Yue from Taiyi Qingmen."

No one thought that the black ghost among the two ghosts in Baishan was actually the elder of Taiyi Qingmen.

The two ghosts in the White Mountains do all kinds of evil and are prone to robbery.

Anyone who knows this news will be shocked.

And now various sects are merging.

Taiyi Qingmen and Fengyu Tower are both important parts.

But just after the merger, something like this happened, which made people feel unpredictable.

There were not many masters in the Taiyi Qing Sect to begin with, especially after the death of Chang Qingzi, there was a lot of turmoil. Now there are only two masters in the Ningqing realm, black and white, left.

Wen Yue is not weak in Taiyi Qingmen, and his reputation is not small.

But at this moment, the other party is involved.

He couldn't help but think of the black and white elders of Taiyi Qingmen.

Those two people now control the Taiyi Qingmen, and they have just assumed the deputy positions of the Feitian Chamber of Commerce, so they are involved in a lot of things.

Picking up Wen Yue's storage bag, Ye Yang seemed to have discovered something and took out two pills with his fingers.

"Great Yuan Dan, Xuan Ling Dan."

These two elixirs are one of the few third-level elixirs in the Feitian Sect, and their effects are extraordinary.

The Great Returning Yuan Pill can help the warrior monks refine their essence. The reason why he was able to break through to the third level of warriors was indispensable with the help of this pill.

The magical elixir is more effective in helping people break through the middle stage of martial arts.

"The person behind this is really generous."

Ye Yang snorted coldly. As Feitianmen's unique elixir, outsiders are not qualified to exchange it.

Why it appears in the opponent's hands can be understood as soon as you think about it.

At this moment, a ray of light in the dark night suddenly came.

This light was so fast that he couldn't react for a while.

The next moment, Ye Yang's expression became extremely solemn.

Those who can use this move must at least be masters in the late martial arts realm.

As fast as a swimming dragon, it suddenly drew out from the void.

Kill with one sword.

He already knew the identity of this person.

"Now that Elder Black has appeared, there is no need to hide."

Ye Yang felt a chill on his back and continued to speak.

"As a famous swordsman like you, and a master of the same discipline, covering up your figure at this moment will only make people look down upon you."

But the man didn't speak, and there was still silence all around.

At this moment, Ye Yang was holding a sword.

Holding his breath and concentrating, the scaly demon elephant in his left sleeve beat slowly, breathing heavily, as if he was ready to attack at any time.

"The black and white elders always attack at the same time. Not only have they worked hard in the late martial arts for many years, but they also work together tacitly."

"If the two of us join forces, I will definitely not be my opponent."

But now Ye Yang is also confident.

Even for such a master of the sect, it is impossible to keep him.

Just the next moment.

A transparent sword light suddenly flashed from the sky and then stabbed Ye Yang.

The air moved slightly, and then appeared directly beside Ye Yang.

The Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique appears again.

Ye Yang pushed with both palms and struck out fiercely, and the white horse sword appeared in front of him with a roar.

The sharp knife slashed forward and directly collided with the transparent sword wave.

Then, Ye Yang jumped high.

"Guardian Ye, be careful."

Zhang Zhe on the side reminded again.

Ye Yang looked at him in surprise.

This disciple, who has always been considered stupid and stupid, has a keen sense that is far beyond ordinary people.

The attack was detected in advance twice in a row.

Before Zhang Zhe could finish his words, he saw Ye Yang flying into the sky like a roc spreading its wings.

The next moment, a sword mark appeared in the air.

However, Ye Yang dodged it with lightning speed.

"This is too fast."

He was surprised, but at this time Ye Yang was already lukewarm, holding on to his body tightly

He waved forward with one hand, and a mouse-like object immediately rose into the air.

The scaly demon elephant jumped into the air and roared to the sky.

Countless forests all around quickly retreated.

Under Ye Yang's full speed, he headed towards the boundary of Feitianmen.

"Elder Hei, why don't you stop him and just let him escape?"

Just after Ye Yang and the two escaped from this place.

A figure slowly appeared from the sky.

This man was dressed in black robes, and there was another person beside him. He was hidden in the darkness, and his specific appearance could not be seen clearly.

Looking at the figure in front of him, there was a hint of doubt in the man's eyes.

Elder Hei smiled and then said

"You underestimate this person too much. Even if you and I attack together, we may not be able to keep him."

"The sword method is good at attacking, and this person also has a fierce elephant demon in his hand, with long-lasting and profound magic power and mysterious speed."

"Just now I read the Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique, but even so, it didn't have too big an impact on it."

"If you try your best to escape, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep the other party."

"Then, what should we do if the matter is exposed?"

"It was just his guess. I didn't show up, and you didn't show up either."

"Even if the quarrel has reached the sect, the Feitian sect war has just ended, and it is the time when we need to recuperate."

"With my status, even Gu Xuan may not dare to kill me."

"After all, he still has to consider the impact, doesn't he?"

After hearing this sentence.

The man next to him just breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he still wanted to take action, he knew that he was no match for Protector Ye, so he didn't dare to speak for a while.

"This time we made repeated plans to kill Fu Ming, snatch the body, and even invited the two ghosts of Baishan to come, but we didn't expect that we would fall short and lose everything."

Elder Hei laughed strangely and then said.

"Don't forget your identity. You are a casual cultivator yourself. Only in Feitian Sect can you have many platforms to perform."

"The journey to the great road is as difficult as climbing to the sky. It's not like you don't know how difficult this road is."

"Don't even think about it. If Feitian Sect hadn't made a fortune over the years, what would you have done to break through the realm? How could you have reached the middle stage of martial arts in just a few years?"

"That's true. How can you do something without a little risk?"

In the darkness, the voice never answered again.

I don’t know how long it took

Elder Hei then spoke.

"Gu Xuan has talked to us before. He doesn't want to use strong methods, but takes a gentle approach."

"My qualifications and age are put here, and the entire Taiyi Qingmen is betting behind me. I guess he won't force me too much. After all, what the Feitian Sect needs now is stability."

"Furthermore, the Feitian Chamber of Commerce has just been established. Whether it is manpower or cultivation, we are the humerus among them."

"Kill us at this time. It's completely self-defeating."

At this time, Ye Yang and Zhang Zhe stood on the scaled demon elephant and ran towards the Feitian Gate.

Although the demon elephant is huge, it is extremely fast.

After a while, we arrived at the mountain gate.

Zhang Zhe was originally a dull gourd, and now he and Ye Yang were riding on the demon elephant.

Also silent, not saying a word.

Ye Yang thought about the reminder he had received from this person before, and then said.

"Thank you. If it weren't for your reminder, I might have been stabbed by the sword."

Zhang Zhe waved his hand quickly.

"Even without my reminder, with Protector Ye's strength, he would have been able to sense something was wrong."

Ye Yang smiled, he was an honest and honest child.

He spoke again

"I haven't seen you return to the sect during this time, so the Zhang family is fine."

Zhang Zhe spoke.

"The Zhang family is much richer now. The Bihu Lake has expanded a lot after the heavy rain, and there are countless aquatic and spiritual products."

"In Tao'anfang City, the Zhang family also has several shops. Half of them are used as grocery stores and the other half are rented out. The spiritual stones they earn every year are enough to support the cultivation of the monks in the clan."

"My grandfather was very happy when he heard that I was practicing in the sect, and even asked Protector Ye to bring some gifts."

"It's's just that Protector Ye was not in the sect some time ago, and those gifts were not taken out for too long, so they have become moldy."

This fool, so foolishly, stared at the air every time he finished speaking and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, he said angrily.

"Guardian Ye, there is still room in your room."

"Why do you want to rent?"

Zhang Zhe nodded.

"Yes, I heard that Protector Ye's residence is rich in spiritual energy and has a rich supply of spiritual spring water."

"Now is the time to prepare for the disciple competition. I also want to improve my cultivation."

Nowadays, the houses are basically fully rented.

However, Wang Sandao was seriously injured, and Wang Huan went to Shaoyang Cave to take care of Wang Sandao during this period.

There is one room available.

Ye Yang showed a smile.

"Since you are willing to go, I will save a room for you."

Zhang Zhe nodded quickly.

"Thank you, Protector Ye. Wait...when I return to the family, I will bring you some gifts. This time I will definitely not let them get moldy."

After finishing speaking, he quickly lowered his head.

Ye Yang didn't care either.

After returning to Feitianmen.

Ye Yang immediately told Gu Xuan the news he discovered.

Gu Xuan sighed slightly and said nothing.

"Are you sure it's Taiyi Qingmen?"

Ye Yang nodded.

"Originally, I doubted whether someone had faked the Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique, but the person's sword that appeared later was as fast as lightning, condensing without firing."

"Without decades of accumulation, it would be absolutely difficult to reach such a state of cultivation. The Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique is originally Taiyi Qingmen's clan-suppressing technique, which is rare for outsiders to see."

Gu Xuan groaned and said nothing, as if he was hesitating about something.

Nowadays, the Feitian Sect has just settled down, and the Feitian Chamber of Commerce has just been established, and the two elders, Black and White, have been announced as deputy positions of the Chamber of Commerce.

The intention is to win over Taiyi Qingmen.

Now that there is a sudden liquidation, if word spreads, it will inevitably arouse ridicule, and it will easily arouse the resistance of Taiyi Qingmen.

Ye Yang also thought about this problem.

He looked at Gu Xuan and waited for his answer.

Gu Xuan nodded.

"It's just Taiyi Qingmen. How could it extend its tentacles into Feitianmen? There must be someone inside."

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