There are only a handful of people in the sect with such cultivation and channels.

Moreover, the other party is also related to Taiyi Qingmen, which makes the scope even smaller.

I heard Ye Yang say this.

There was a hint of excitement in Gu Xuan's eyebrows.

"It seems like you already know who the person behind the scenes is?"

Ye Yang nodded.

"Now is a time of turmoil. The black and white brothers are very ambitious. I have long wanted to take action and kill them, but it is not the time yet. As for the ghosts in the sect..."

The next day, Gu Xuan slowly drove into Taiyi Qingmen with the power of a real person and a group of guardians.

It's just that he didn't come here to raise an army to question his crimes.

An important appointment was announced.

The black and white elders personally held a sect meeting, and Wu Qi took over everything in the sect.

The black and white elders are about to take the Feitian Chamber of Commerce to Western Xinjiang to open up trade routes.

There are naturally many opponents and complainers among them.

However, he was quickly killed on the spot by the black and white elders under the watchful eyes of Gu Xuan.

Many people in the Taiyi Qingmen hated the black and white elders with a passion, calling them weaklings who betrayed the enemy for glory.

Feitianmen wants this kind of effect.

The black and white elders are naturally unwilling to do it, knowing that it is a conspiracy. Once they do it, they will definitely lose their prestige.

But there was nothing he could do. Under Gu Xuan's cold eyes, he could only kill him.

And Wu Qi took over the banner of Taiyi Qingmen as he wished.

The first thing to do when going up is to reuse the old enemies of both black and white.

At the same time, he brought Feitianmen’s spiritual stones and resources.

It is also agreed that disciples with outstanding performance can go to Feitian Sect to receive training and training, and participate in Feitian Sect's disciple selection and assessment.

He quickly gained support from the young disciples, stood firm, and stabilized the situation.


Ye Yang quietly opened a door

As soon as he walked in, he saw a tall figure who seemed to be about to go out.

When the man saw Ye Yang coming, he jumped in fright. He was a little scared and didn't dare to look directly at his face.

"Shanren, don't know where you are going?"

When the people of Nanmingshan saw Ye Yang coming, they didn't dare to move. It took a long time before they recovered.

He held an alchemy furnace in his hand and hesitated for a while before saying.

"I've met Protector Ye. I'm about to go out to the mountains to find Taoist friends, and I'm also going to Shiwanda Mountain to look for some medicinal herbs."

Ye Yang looked at the Nanmingshan people in front of him and couldn't help but go back to the scene ten years ago when he recruited these casual cultivators to get started.

At that time, the spiritual veins on Wangyue Mountain collapsed, and many casual cultivators had no choice but to join various sects.

This native of Nanming Mountain was a second-level alchemist at that time and was quite famous on Wangyue Mountain.

In the more than ten years since he entered the Feitian Sect, he has made great contributions and has trained many first- and second-level alchemists in the Feitian Sect.

Judging from Ye Yang's eyes, this man from Nanming Mountain has condensed magic power all over his body, and he exudes the fragrance of elixirs all the time.

And with the alchemy furnace in his hand, he is probably already a quasi-third-level alchemist.

"It's really hard for Shan Ren. After joining Feitian Clan for more than ten years, he has never come. To come suddenly today is not a good thing."

"The mountain people have prepared in such detail, even the house has been cleaned up. It doesn't look like they are going out to visit friends in search of medicine, but more like..."

"More like what?"

"It's more like absconding out of fear of crime."

"Guardian Ye, I respect you. The Guardian has just said so many things to you. Don't be ignorant of what is good and what is bad. You must have evidence for everything you do. This Feitian Sect is not a place for people named Ye."

He took a few deep breaths, although his words were fierce.

But he was still afraid in his heart, the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he felt dizzy.

Especially when he saw the sword behind him, even his breathing suddenly became suffocated.

"Guardian Ye, there must be many misunderstandings in this."

Ye Yang said.

"Shan Ren, why do you and I need to speak these foreign languages ​​​​of Kuang people? You should know the specific things better than me."

"I'm curious. I did this very secretly. How did you find out?"

"Actually, it's not difficult. I searched carefully for the herbs and found out that they were all sold through special channels."

"With such a huge cargo, it would be difficult to carry it if you are not familiar with the route."

"And since Shanren entered Feitianmen, although he was conscientious at first, he later became a bit too noisy."

"The Feitian Sect has thousands of people, and there are dozens of people who communicate with outsiders. There are now more than a dozen alchemists. If you want to punish me based on this alone, Protector Ye is a bit too arbitrary."

"Since I joined the Feitian Sect, I have worked hard and devoted myself to the sect every day. I have contributed more than three second-level elixir recipes passed down from my family."

"You are slandering me. I am going to find the leader and ask him to make the decision for me."

Ye Yang smiled coldly.

"Then how should the mountain man explain this?"

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang took out the Magical Spirit Pill and the Great Returning Yuan Pill from the black ghost.

"Shanren is one of the people in the sect who redeemed this magic pill this year."

"And the medicinal power exuding from your body is as fragrant as mulberry and musk orchid. You must have just refined the Great Returning Yuan Dan not long ago."

"Although Shanren united with Elder Hei, he underestimated me. He couldn't keep me, and he also underestimated me, a third-level alchemist."

The Nanming Mountain man was dripping with cold sweat on his forehead, his face was pale, and he was restless.

The other party was meticulous and calm, especially because he could smell the scent of the medicine he used to refine the Great Huanyuan Pill.

It had been more than a month, and this level of attainment in the art of alchemy surprised him a little.

After a long while, Nanmingshanren sighed and said,

"This matter was discovered by Ye Protector, and I am convinced, and I have nothing else to say."

"It's just that Ye Protector, the reason why I collected resources with so much difficulty is to enable myself to go one step further."

"You said it was for cultivation and for immortality, am I wrong?"

Ye Yang smiled coldly.

"Of course it's not wrong for you, but it has damaged the interests of the sect, and you are guilty of the greatest crime for the sect."

Hearing what Ye Yang said, Nanmingshanren was speechless, and felt that his heart seemed to jump out, trembling constantly.

"You can't beat them, and if you run away, this is the headquarters of Feitian Sect, where can you escape to?"

"Protector Ye, I was wrong, please give me another chance."

"I was so ruthless, I was blinded by lard for a while, so I had those thoughts."

"Elder Ge and I have been friends for many years."

Ye Yang sighed leisurely.

"I have already paid a visit to Elder Ge."

"He said that he was careless in choosing friends, and the matter is up to the sect to deal with."

"No, you are lying, Canhong and I have been friends for many years, he will definitely not say these words."

"No... He will not sit idly by."

At the end, he no longer had much confidence.

Ye Yang sighed and threw out a piece of white paper.

"This is Elder Ge's handwriting!"

His nervous palms were full of sweat, and he quickly shook the paper tremblingly. Seeing the handwriting on the white paper, he stopped talking.


He sighed and seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

Ye Yang pointed out.

Nanmingshanren roared.

"No, I'm not wrong."

He pushed out a huge copper-topped alchemy furnace to resist Ye Yang's attack.

But he never thought that Ye Yang had already circled behind him.

With one hand, he poked a bloody hole directly on his thigh.

Nanmingshanren was only good at alchemy. Although he was quite prestigious, he quickly gave up in front of Ye Yang, who had been through many battles.

After a while, his whole body turned red and his face turned pale.

Ye Yang knocked him out with a punch.

"This matter will naturally be handled by the sect, and the rest has nothing to do with Ye."


A huge news shocked the entire sect. Nanmingshanren, a quasi-third-level alchemist who has always been prestigious in Feitianmen, has violated the sect's resources for many years and was thrown into the sky prison and imprisoned for twenty years.

This scene shocked many people.

In particular, many old people thought of the scene of Long Gang's death many years ago.

For a while, the atmosphere was clear and everyone was silent.

But they had to admit it.

Under the high pressure, the sect became calm again.

All plans were spread out of the sect like lightning and began to be implemented in an orderly manner.

In Taoan Market.

People came and went, extremely lively.

Most of them were lone monks who came and went in a hurry.

There were also traveling merchants and merchants who walked back and forth in groups of three or five, pulling packages.

There were also many independent cultivators who came from afar, stopping from time to time to pick various things.

"This broken jade cold light stone is really good. This quality outside costs thousands of spirit stones."

"It only takes 800 spirit stones here. If we can sell it to Wuyang Town, we can make a lot of money."

"This thing is not bad either. The Yuanyang mineral powder, a specialty of Feitianmen, can strengthen the body and nourish the kidneys. Only here can you buy the authentic one. It has been snatched away outside."

"I heard that the most outstanding scenery in Feitianmen is the dusk Danxia, ​​with clouds rolling up and down, layers of clouds, and bright purple light, which makes people think about it."

"In addition to the dusk Danxia, ​​the peach blossoms flying all over the mountains in the spring also make people yearn for it."

"Not only that, in addition to these, there are many good things in Feitianmen, such as Xuanling Pill, Dahuanyuan Pill, Bitan Piaohua Tea, Huamai Xuantian Demonic Scripture..."

"Let's not talk about the miraculous elixir for now, just the imitation tea of ​​Bitan Piaohua has been sold at a sky-high price."

"What's this? You don't know that there is a special elixir in Feitianmen, which is called Sanbao Wanying Paste."

"This thing covers three types of elixirs: external use, internal use, and blood circulation. It has the power to bring back the dead. I heard that Wang Sandao, the hall master of Feitianmen, was pierced through the heart by a real person, but he was still able to survive because of this elixir."

Someone next to him spoke up.

"You don't know this, right? The son of Master Hong of Taixu Daomen was seriously injured and almost didn't breathe. It was also because of this elixir that he was revived."

"Hiss, that's really a second-generation immortal. No, I mean this elixir is so effective."

"A miraculous elixir!"

Thanks to Zhigeke for the reward of 100 starting coins! ! !

It's been a long time, I forgot to thank you, thank you.

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