Now, the Feitianmen Mountain Guard Formation has been renovated.

With the support of thick black and yellow earth veins, the defensive power is better than before.

This man took out a formation-breaking talisman and cast several spells, trying to break the formation.

But it was of no use. I hit a hard wall and couldn't get out.

But this man seemed to know the surrounding terrain very well. Seeing the pursuers approaching behind him, he ducked to the side and jumped directly from the cliff.


Seeing this scene, Ye Yang was stunned for a moment, filled with surprise.

The medicine hall is located on the mountain behind the sect, which is relatively remote.

The other party ran all the way and took out the formation-breaking talisman. It was obvious that he was prepared to escape after snatching the body.

The cliff is deep and steep.

If there is no realm of pure energy, even an ordinary warrior realm monk may not be able to do well in such a harsh environment.

However, Ye Yang adhered to the idea of ​​​​seeing people alive and dead, so he flew through the air and jumped off the cliff.

There is a sound of wind all around.

He stepped on the cliff with one foot, then tapped one foot on the hard wall and ran downward.

The speed was very fast, like a roc spreading its wings and descending from the sky.

In an instant, we reached the bottom of the cliff.

There are jagged rocks at the bottom of the cliff, a patch of low shrubs, and a deep undercurrent next to it.

Just when Ye Yang had just stabilized his body.

A figure suddenly jumped out, and a spear in his hand was like a poisonous dragon's teeth, stabbing directly into Ye Yang's back.

"Guardian Ye, be careful."

Zhang Zhe's weak exit reminded him.

Ye Yang had already sensed the possible attack before him.

He paid close attention to what was going on around him.

As soon as he heard the wind, he already knew the direction of the opponent's attack.

Before the attack could come, Ye Yang pointed his sword light, and the Red Maple Sword rose up without wind. It shook in the air, and countless sword threads suddenly appeared around it.

The red sword wire carries an astonishing energy, and seems to be able to tear apart space, cut the earth, and illuminate the night in an instant.

Only then did Ye Yang see the other party's figure clearly.

Not one person, but two people.

In addition to the man in black robes, there was also a white figure, tall and thin, wearing a mask.

What was shot out with the gun at this moment was the white figure.

The sword threads are densely packed.

The red maple sword stabbed away.

A jingle!

The long spear was knocked back several steps by the Red Maple Sword. The big spear fell to the ground, and the man quickly retreated to the rear.

The man in white had his hair disheveled, and when he saw the spear in his hand, he was shot down in an instant, and his hands were shaken by the force and became numb.

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to do anything again.

Ye Yang looked ahead.

One of the two men is a shadow in a black robe, while the other is in white robes and white hair.

Very conspicuous.

Ye Yang took a quick look and knew their identities.

"You are so brave, the two ghosts of Baishan. You dare to cast your thoughts on Feitianmen. Could it be that the good times have come to an end and you are seeking your own death?"

White Mountain Twin Ghosts.

One is white and the other is black. The white one is good at marksmanship, while the black one is outstanding in swordsmanship.

The two are good at combined attacks and are both masters in the martial arts realm.

It seemed like he was being instructed at this moment.

He tried every possible means to stop Ye Yang.

Ye Yang revealed the identities of the two in one sentence.

When the two men saw Ye Yang's Red Maple Sword, they seemed to have thought of something. They regretted it and were so frightened that they dared not take action.

"It's over. How can it be this evil star who is chasing me?"

"It's Ye Yang who has both swords and swords."

The nigger frowned, already thinking of retreating.

When he snatched the body before, he was afraid of causing a reaction from the Feitian Sect.

He ran away in a hurry all the way.

He didn't look carefully at the other party's identity.

At this moment, seeing that it was Ye Yang who was chasing him in person, he suddenly lost a third of his courage.

Some time ago, this talent entered the 28th place on the Hidden Dragon List.

There is no false person under the great reputation.

Moreover, the opponent has already established its reputation through repeated achievements. It can be said that it is a fierce tiger and a evil star.

"Although we brothers seem to be two people, we are probably not rivals."

Even though the two of them worked together, the thought of this man's horrific record and the terrifying effect of the thirteen swords in that time was still terrifying.

Their scalps couldn't help but feel numb.

Even though they were two people, two against one, the opponent still had a terrifying scaly demon elephant in their hands.

He eats them alive at every turn and uses cruel methods.

Besides, the two of them can win.

I don’t want to spend decades gambling.

Even if others gave him more spiritual stones and begged him to take action.

But how can one's own lifespan be exchanged for spiritual stones?

At this moment, the two of them were hesitating about what to do.

Seeing this, Ye Yang thrust out a red maple sword forward. The sword's light was like lightning. Before the old strength of the two was born and the new strength had not yet appeared.

Like a red sun, it parted the clouds and mist and descended into the world.

A jingle!

The two of them were reacting, but they didn't expect to be hit by Ye Yang's sword.

At the critical moment, Bai Gui picked up the barrel of his gun and pushed it forward, trying to stop him. However, he was hit the hardest and flew out immediately.

"What a strength!"

The two of them were horrified. This bronze spear was made of wind-milled copper and weighed 3,500 kilograms. It was a special heavy-edged weapon.

It can also spit out spear light.

However, the opponent actually forced the bronze spear and its owner back dozens of feet with just a red maple sword.

His strength and strength are evident.

"Good swordsmanship! Good swordsmanship!"

After a fight, the two of them knew that they were no match and quickly moved towards the side.

At this critical moment, an unparalleled sharp knife roared, emitting countless silver light like a rolling wheel, and stabbed directly into the white ghost's body.

He died instantly.

Seeing his companion die like this, the black man was even more frightened and continued to run away without looking back.

At the bottom of this cliff, there is a dangerous and steep mountain road ahead.

There are cliffs on the left and deep undercurrents on the right.

Since the last battle with the Full Moon Evil Spear Yang Tie, Ye Yang knew that he lacked a tracking method.

So I specially practiced the yarrow tracking technique.

That nigger complemented each other in the night, now hiding in the darkness.

See no one around.

Ye Yang chanted a spell, and a piece of dead grass flew out from his sleeve.

On the withered grass, there was a faint illusory light like a Tai Chi diagram, and it was like the texture of a divination tortoise shell.

With a slight tremor, he pointed his finger in the air and headed towards the west.

It actually gave Ye Yang the direction automatically.

"It's a good plan."

"This undercurrent is deep and the water vapor is huge, which can hide the prying eyes of the sword. If I hadn't been prepared, he would have escaped."

Yarrow leads the way ahead of itself.

After a while, Ye Yang jumped into the huge water flow.

When the black ghost saw Ye Yang, he chased him relentlessly.

Holding the sword with both hands across his chest, he no longer dodges at this moment, but looks at Ye Yang coldly.

The red maple sword was as fast as lightning, and the white horse's sword behind him roared, and countless silver lights bloomed, just like the white horse neighing and the wheels rolling.

The two are entangled with each other and have already killed each other.

"It is indeed a double sword. The sword is swift and fierce, and the sword is fast and ferocious. It is far beyond my imagination."

"Old Bai, he died unjustly."

The sword went straight to his throat.

He gritted his teeth and flashed the long sword, his fingers fired the sword, and with the bright electric light, the same sword light pierced Ye Yang's neck.

Although he planned to put himself to death and survive, he ignored the hardness of Ye Yang's body.

crucial moment.

Ye Yang blew a whistle, and the whistle instantly turned into a bone shield, standing suddenly in front of him.

It turned into a huge copper wall and iron wall, blocking the sword light.

A sonorous sound!

The sword's light was sharp and sparks flew everywhere.

In the current, the waves are flying

The opponent's sword finger was blocked by the wall of bones. It slipped and hit a flash of fire, but it could not penetrate.

"Tell me, how did you sneak into Feitianmen?"

"Tell me, can you spare my life?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"It's natural. As long as you tell the truth about the person behind it, I can make the decision and let you survive."

"I don't believe it. Who doesn't know that the famous swordsman is actually the most ruthless? Besides, if the person behind me reveals it, the consequences will be more terrifying than death."

Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of the question, Ye Yang no longer hesitated.

He put away the Bone Shield, and the white horse's sharp sword spun around, faster than anyone could imagine.

It actually went directly around the opponent's neck from behind.

A huge human head immediately fell to the ground.

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