The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 370 The White Moonlight of the Lord of the Dynasty Five Poisons Sealed the Heart

Everyone looked at the information on the list.

Name: Unknown

Nickname: The descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist

Cultivation: Mid-term warrior

Skills: Elephant Demon Fist, suspected incomplete Great Demon Peng Skill

Features: Extremely powerful body, extremely fast speed, holding a different kind of blood orange treasure tree, which can emit thirty-six blood-red sword qi. It seems to be more able to control weirdness, suspected to be from the mysterious force Demon Swallowing Immovable City.

Battle record: Killed the old crocodile fairy of Xuexia City, slaughtered the leader of the three-eyed iron bull of Xuexia City, broke Yanming Mountain, and punched to death the left elder Chen Cun of the late-stage warrior of the Five Poison Sect.

Ranking: 32nd.

"This descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist was also very popular in the Changsheng barrier before, and now ranks 32nd on the Hidden Dragon List."

"At that time, his three hatreds spread all over the place, one of which was to kill Ye Yang."

"Now one is ranked 28th and the other is 32nd, very close, I'm afraid there will be a big battle next."

Several people talked about it.

Inside the palace of the Dayun Dynasty.

A woman sat on a high platform.

At this moment, she was wearing an apricot-yellow shirt, willow-leaf embroidered eyebrows, eyes like autumn water, and an indescribable noble aura.

She had fair skin, a bun, bright lips, and looked even more luxurious.

Today, she did not wear a concubine's dress, nor a flower-beaded phoenix crown, but was dressed like an ordinary person, but her figure was graceful and she looked even more pure.

The woman stood up and walked to the window, looking at the prosperous scene in the palace.

The bright yellow colored glaze shone brightly, and in the pool, dragons and fish played, unicorns entered the water and spit out auspiciousness, and the air was floating, what a scene of immortals.

At this time, a maid came over and spoke respectfully.

"Empress Yan, this is the latest issue of the Yalongling Hidden Dragon Ranking, and there are quite a lot of changes."


The woman stretched out her jade hand and gently picked up the list. She looked at the many pieces of information on it and frowned slightly.

"This descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist is extremely mysterious. Since I saw him once in the Changsheng barrier, he has rarely appeared in the world."

"I didn't expect him to be ranked 32nd. It's surprising."

"He actually entered the top 30."

In the huge Yalongling, there are countless warriors below the age of 60.

There is no one in the top 30 who can be called a genius among the 100,000 people.

"Thinking back to the days when I was a casual cultivator, I lived in poverty and fought for some spirit stones. Now I have become a concubine, with fine clothes and food, and endless spirit stones and elixirs."

Thinking of the difference between the previous and the next experiences, it is like a world of difference, which is really sigh-worthy.

"And the reason why my fate has changed so much, now I think, I still need to thank the old Taoist priest in the Changsheng barrier."

"If it weren't for the three words Yang Xiaoyan, I wouldn't have the name of Yan Fei."

She knew that although she was pretty, the dynasty was so big, and there were countless beauties of all ages.

No matter what, she couldn't compare to those ladies with big breasts and big buttocks, pure desire fairies, and witches.

What's more, the lord of the dynasty was selecting concubines, and fairies, jade girls, and ladies of the right age could be lined up from the capital of the Dayun Dynasty to Yalongling.

She never thought that she could be selected, and her initial purpose was just to find a force to rely on.

But as the saying goes, everyone has their own destiny.

A few years ago, in the Changsheng barrier, she met a mysterious old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest said that she only had the title of concubine, but not the fate of a concubine.

He changed her name to Yang Xiaoyan.

She was just trying it out.

But she never thought that the old Taoist priest's words would hit the mark.

There were so many beauties in the harem, 30,000 concubines were inexhaustible, and there were countless beautiful women, celestial fairies, witches and lustful women.

The Lord of the Dayun Dynasty had never seen her.

When choosing a concubine, he first saw the three words Yang Xiaoyan on the list, and suddenly left two lines of tears.

Suddenly, an old friend passed by my heart, and looking back at the mountains and rivers, it was already autumn.

It seemed to have touched the softest moment.

He had never even seen her face, but he promoted her to the rank of imperial concubine.

Later, after many inquiries.

She learned that when Ren Taxian was born, he was just a poor boy from a farming family, and made a living by herding cattle and horses.

When he was a teenager, he met a woman, and the two had a very good relationship, and they were in harmony, and they were at the time of talking about marriage.

But she never thought that because of the poverty of the family, they could not afford the betrothal gifts and bonuses, so they had to be separated.

Later, he went far away from home, and it was hard all the way. After he became successful and famous, he collected enough money for the betrothal gift, and went to find the girl again. The girl had married someone else, and had two children, living a happy life of raising children and supporting her husband. He was left with nothing, but a heart full of love, but the girl was gone. When everything was ready, the girl was already married. This matter can be regarded as one of the many great regrets in the world. He wanted to take the girl away. But the girl only said one sentence. "You have your story, and I have my life." Then Ren Taxian had another fate and accidentally embarked on the road of cultivation. A hundred years later, one person ascended the immortal road, and the other was already old. But the past of falling in love with the girl. Still lingered in the heart of the lord of this dynasty. And the girl's name was Yang Xiaoyan. Although this name is vulgar, but people in the world use it, if not ten million, at least eight million.

That day, these three words touched the white moonlight in the heart of the dynasty leader.

"The path of destiny is too incredible, and the cycle of destiny is impossible to fathom."

"Only now do I understand the meaning of that sentence, "If you look back at the humble life of all sentient beings, you will never be able to live up to your fate."

White Lotus Concubine Yang Xiaoyan sighed and looked at the swallows on the horizon outside the house.

There was a pair of swallows flying high in the sky in the rain.

The drizzle is misty, and the swallows fly together.

Even though there is glory and wealth in this palace, there are fine clothes and fine food, there are endless elixirs and countless treasures.

But I lost a bit of freedom.

Plus she was born average.

Those who follow the Bodhisattva of Great Joy and give in the body are inherently unclean and are most likely to be attacked and admonished by all kinds of immortal ministers.

With no relatives behind him to support him, it was difficult for him to move forward.

"I heard that now the head of Gu Xuan has broken through to the realm of real people. Gu Qingshu has transformed into three demon snakes. The Feitian Sect is not weak."

"If the second brother can come to the Universiade Dynasty, it will be an extra boost behind me."

With this in mind, she gave instructions to the maid.

"What about the Queen Diewu of the Immortal Catcher Division?"

The maid spoke.

"Now he is coordinating all parties as the leader of the prefecture."

Concubine Yan nodded and said.

"In that case, we will pay him a visit in a few days. Although he is withdrawn, he can be considered an old friend. He is more reliable than those strangers."

"By the way, I heard that the North Sea Goddess came to the dynasty."

The maid said: "Yes, although the nun is a woman, she is not serious. Some time ago, she entered the Miao Nunnery and insisted on fighting with the old nun inside. The old nun was ashamed. Face flushed."

"Many people have rumors that he was a man who took away the daughter's body, so his six roots are not purified and he is crazy. But he is really strong. When he came to Kyoto, he defeated the Sanren Wang Shou of Luohe, and fought with Prince Li for more than thirty moves. No matter who wins or loses.”

This time, Jiutian Sect's Hidden Dragon List stirred up turmoil and uproar in the world.

Even in the Feitian Sect, there are still many discussants.

There has been an endless stream of people coming to visit Ye Yang these days.

Whether it is Fengyu Tower, Taiyi Qingmen, or other families and sects, there are dedicated people here.

On the one hand, it is to worship Gu Xuan and be promoted to a real person, to express his surrender.

On the other hand, he wanted to meet this master of swordsmanship with superb medical skills.

It can also pave a way for the future.

After all, in this dangerous world of cultivating immortals, no one knows when they will be seriously injured and need help from others.

But Ye Yangdu refused because he was busy with work and just practiced hard.

Today he was in the courtyard, exhaling slowly and meditating. After absorbing the first ray of purple energy between heaven and earth, he stood up.

In the past few days, he has been recuperating and recuperating, and has returned to the mortal world, so Ye Yang is practicing very happily.

He took out a jade book in his hand and frowned slightly.

"This Jiutian Sect is really mysterious. I'll leave it at that. Why has the identity of the successor of Xiang Mo Fist been captured by the other party, and the information is so detailed."

"According to the Holy Son of the Blood Demon, it's because the Jiutian Sect's mysterious magic weapon can capture information about qualified monks in the world, but someone with such power shouldn't be able to see what I'm hiding."

"Could it be that this mysterious fairy thing is wrapped in a red wedding dress, which makes me invisible and useless?"

Ye Yang secretly guessed.

After thinking for a long time but still unable to figure it out, he threw away his distracting thoughts.

With a flick of his fingers, a water dragon river roared out behind him, and with a loud roar, it was all submerged into the huge alchemy furnace in front.

As the water mist evaporated, Ye Yang poured in centipedes, scorpions, toads and many other medicinal materials one after another.

After a long time, Ye Yang waved his hand and raised the lid of the alchemy furnace. A round pill appeared in the middle of the alchemy furnace.

The elixir was crystal clear and seemed to have the shadows of five poisonous beasts on its surface.

The moment it came into contact with the air, it immediately turned yellow and matte.

This pill is the Five Poisons Fengxin Pill.

It is quite strange and cannot directly affect practice.

And there is a special magical effect that can help people hide their destiny.

Before, when Angelica dahurica sent over the medicinal crystals.

He then had an idea and helped the other person.

But at that time, there was no prescription.

Later, I got the elixir recipe from Wu Du Sect. After refining this elixir, I understood some cause and effect.

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