The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 371 Cloud-Treading Horse Feitian Chamber of Commerce

Ye Yang carefully put away the Five Poison Heart-Sealing Pills.

He thought again of the scene he had seen before.

Many seriously injured deacons and disciples cried bitterly, but various spiritual materials and elixirs were always in short supply.

Some people secretly take advantage of their position to seek personal gain and consume huge amounts of spiritual materials.

Based on his secret observations in the past few days, several suspicious persons have been targeted.

But now that the Feitian Sect has just experienced a war, it is a time when everything is waiting to be done, and there is no room for turmoil.

So he didn't say anything.

But secretly searching for all kinds of evidence

Nowadays, there is a big war, and the staff in the official hall is also empty. If he does not have the necessary confidence, he does not want to attack rashly.

He was preparing to go find Gu Xuan.

At this time, white clouds were rolling in the distance, smoke was everywhere, and the white clouds were turbulent, like thunder.

Then dozens of horses formed a long dragon, fluttering their manes, like an army of thousands of horses, galloping in the low sky.

The first few horses are all white, with flying manes and no trace of color on their bodies.

There is a single foot-long horn on the forehead, which is eight feet long from head to tail. The hair on its four hooves is snow-white, and it runs through the air as if it is walking on clouds.

Wang Dong was carrying two gourds on his back and riding on a huge white horse in the middle, high-spirited.

In the cave in the mountain before, due to the vibration of the earth's veins, the three-color gourd vine gave birth to two gourds.

One of them is subtle, calm, smooth and soft, while the other is explosive and unparalleled.

Ye Yang took the calm and restrained one, cut it open, cleaned it, and dried it in the spiritual wind to make a precious medicine gourd.

It can hold all kinds of precious pills to ensure that the spiritual energy is not lost.

The other gourd exploded abnormally and had a powerful offensive power.

The sect then gave it to Wang Dong as a gift.

Wang Dong originally had a magical weapon fire gourd gifted by Wang Xijing.

Now he has refined the exploding gourd into a magical weapon.

Two gourds were strung together and tied to the back.

One is mottled with green and yellow, and the other is purple and red, shining with three colors.

At this moment, he was riding a white horse and was running in mid-air.

After seeing Ye Yang, the leading horse lowered its horn and ran to Ye Yang from the sky.

It stuck out its huge tongue, as if begging for something from him.

Ye Yang stretched out his hand and patted the huge Pegasus.

This horse seemed to be the king of horses, and it arrived in front of Ye Yang not long ago.

After a while, the heaven and earth shook, and thirty or forty cloud-carrying horses with golden horns on their heads and white bodies flew over from low altitude.

Those horses came roaring, flying in the air, as strong as tornadoes, swimming in the air, it was extremely spectacular.

This cloud-carrying horse is the one that followed Ye Yang before.

Later, he was trained many times in Taohuawu, and he drank a lot of miraculous medicines, and advanced to become a cloud-walking horse.

He shuttles like lightning, swallows clouds, absorbs mist, and dances in the clouds, becoming the king of horses in this group of horses.

Later, the Feitian Sect obtained seven or eight poison scale fire horses from the Five Poison Sect.

At this time, the poison scale fire horses also followed the group of cloud-carrying horses, flying at low altitude.

But it seemed that they were bullied by this group of cloud-carrying horses, so they all hid aside and did not dare to get close.

Cloud-carrying horses have difficulty in reproducing, and the Feitian Sect has only been able to breed eighteen horses for many years.

Later, a group of wild horses were captured on the banks of the Luo River, and blood was exchanged for the old tribe. (Chapter 29: Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony Begins)

After some cultivation in Taohuawu, seven or eight more horses were born in the past ten years.

This herd of horses runs in the mountains and fields every day. Except for not daring to go where the three sky-swallowing pythons are, they follow the sea of ​​clouds and run everywhere every day.

At this moment, he rushed to Ye Yang's house.

Ye Yang liked what he saw and took out a pill and threw it into the mouth of the leading Cloud-Taking Horse.

Wang Dong saw this scene and said.

"No wonder I fed Bai Chi a lot of elixirs, but he didn't eat them. It turns out that he was tricked by his senior brother."

"Bai Chi?"

Hearing this, Ye Yang was slightly surprised and then said.

"Congratulations to my junior brother. This cloud-walking horse has unlimited potential. It can be promoted from dozens of horses to horse king. It can be seen that it swallows clouds and spits mist, and is as fast as lightning. It is far beyond ordinary flying magic weapons."

Wang Dong also showed a hint of satisfaction when he heard this, and stroked his glossy satin-like mane with his hand.

"It's also thanks to the master's respect that he rewarded me with this horse that steps on the clouds. It's just that this horse is fierce and naughty and needs a lot of training."

After he finished speaking, the horse seemed to be able to understand people's words. It neighed loudly and blew out two feet-long puffs of breath from its nose.

When he had just broken through to the warrior realm, he and Ye Yang went to Wangyue Mountain together and were extremely envious of Ye Yang's Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle.

At that time, he was still riding the Fire Centipede, but now he finally has a mount that can fly, which is extremely precious.

"I wonder if the intercourse between the cloud-carrying horse and the poison-scaled fire horse can be successful?"

"If the offspring born after success can fly to the sky, control vines and plants, have the power of poisonous fire, and can assist in fighting, it will be the best mount."

Wang Dong said.

"The Five Poison Sect is good at controlling beasts. Now the sect has sent those inherited secrets to the Beast Control Hall, hoping it will be effective."

After saying that, Wang Dong clasped his fists and left.

He would also ride a cloud-riding horse and take the horses to the Luo River to graze, and then go all the way south and cross the mountains to Taohuawu.

The first is to borrow the distance to increase the compatibility with the horse riding on the clouds.

Secondly, I went to Taohuawu to complete the garrison mission.

"I wonder how Mo Niansheng is doing?"

Ye Yang frowned slightly, remembering a person in Taohuawu.

A few years ago, the other party closed the barrier of life and death and never saw outsiders.

Even when the Feitian Sect was facing a life and death crisis, it did not appear.

Nowadays, many new disciples who have joined the sect have forgotten the existence of this former great elder.

However, Ye Yang knew that the other party had a mysterious past and story.

With this thought, Ye Yang walked to the head hall.

It's just that Gu Xuan is not in the main hall.

After some questioning, Ye Yang found out that he had gone to the top of the back mountain to cultivate a relationship with three sky-swallowing pythons.

He hurried to the back mountain again.

The red leaves are like fire, the forest is dyed, the white mist is lingering, and the mountain wind is howling.

On top of the cliff, three heaven-swallowing pythons, one hundred feet tall, leaned out of the cliff and crawled slowly.

A person stood on the cliff, facing the mountain wind, with his back to Ye Yang. Gu Xuan stretched out his hand and was gently stroking the three heaven-swallowing pythons in front of him.

Although he was not as big as a scale of the sky-swallowing python, he was soothed by his hands.

The three sky-swallowing pythons, which were originally restless, gradually calmed down.

After sensing Ye Yang's arrival, Gu Xuan opened his eyes slightly and spoke.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Yang was about to speak, but he never thought that the three sky-swallowing pythons sensed a strange aura and suddenly went crazy.

The pupils stood upright, and with a piercing sound, the scales rubbed against the rocks, bringing with them sparks, and arrived in front of him.

The three mouths open and bite in the air.

At the critical moment, Ye Yang dodged to the side and escaped the sudden attack.

Gu Qingshu obviously no longer has the intelligence of a human being, and is only left with the tyranny and ferocity of a monster.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan called softly.

The three sky-swallowing pythons calmed down and came behind him again, but their auras were still fierce.

The ferocious aura that the demonic beast had just transformed into pills made Ye Yang feel uncomfortable all over.

At this moment, the python faded away, and he felt a little relieved.

Ye Yang said.

"Although the sect is becoming more and more prosperous nowadays, some people..."

"Is it true that some people take advantage of their positions to line their own pockets and plunder property?"

Ye Yang showed a hint of surprise, not expecting that Gu Xuan already knew about this situation.

Ye Yang nodded.

"Exactly like this, the interests of the upper-level monks can still be protected, but the lower-level monks are already extremely serious and cannot even protect the treatment resources."

Gu Xuan was slightly silent.

"Since ancient times, this kind of thing has been extremely difficult for all sects and sects to solve. No matter how drastic the means, the big ones can stop it, but the small ones can hardly prevent it."

Ye Yang also knew Gu Xuan's worries.

A sect requires thousands of people to maintain its operation, and it is difficult for one person to keep it on track.

"Every human being is greedy. In the face of resources and cultivation, no one can control themselves. It is impossible to kill them all, but they can be stopped for a period of time."

Ye Yang carefully tasted Gu Xuan's words.

He knew that this sentence was telling him that he must do it.

But now that the sect has just won, there is still internal turmoil.

Pay attention to the scale in this matter, otherwise it will trigger more chain reactions.

After all, moving people's interests is like killing your parents.

Since ancient times, reformers have rarely had a happy ending.

It's just that Gu Xuan, as the leader of a sect, did not choose to say these words clearly.

But Ye Yang had already guessed Gu Xuan's concerns.

Speaking of which.

Ye Yang already knew it.

He hugged his fists and said.

"Please rest assured, Master..."

"You are a smart person who can guess people's hearts, understand others' thoughts, and know how to advance and retreat. It is very rare."

Although the rest of the words were not finished, both of them were smart people and knew it well.

Just when Ye Yang was contemplating whether to leave, Gu Xuan spoke again.

"Nowadays, Taiyi Qingmen and Fengyulou are extremely afraid of Feitian Clan. What do you think?"

"Should we directly bring it into Feitianmen's sphere of influence, or directly capture it..."

Ye Yang thought for a while and said.

"With our current strength, it is not difficult to directly attack the second sect."

"It's just that after a big war, the sects don't have enough manpower. If we attack by force, the two sects will inevitably have fish slip through the net. Once they escape and enter the vast mountain, it will be difficult to find them."

"Carrying out guerrilla sneak attacks at that time will actually make people exhausted."

"Since the two sects are willing to surrender to my sect, it is better to take their inheritance and gradually divide and disintegrate, swallow up and merge."

"In addition, with the Feitian Sect as the superior sect, two outstanding disciples from the two sects are sent to train and provide a lot of resources. If they want to practice, they can only follow the Feitian Sect's footsteps. At that time, they will resent the old sect for not having enough resources and too few opportunities. ”

"Ten years and a hundred years later, there will be no talent, no inheritance, and no foundation. Sooner or later, the two sects will be integrated into the Feitian Sect."

"What we lack now is time."

Nowadays, although Feitianmen has a lot of high-level combat power.

However, many protectors and hall masters died during the war, and the new strength was not enough.

After a few years, the strength of the new batch of disciples caught up, and the two sects were already extremely weak.

By then, all concerns will be perfectly resolved.

Gu Xuan nodded.

"That's true. Even if it is as powerful as the Universiade Dynasty, which has defeated so many sects in succession, it is easy to defeat but difficult to recover, and there are many problems."

"Several major sects entered the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains and forcibly caused destruction. Nihai Xiefan even hid in the darkness. Hundreds of demons caused chaos in Beijing and countless people died."

"I want to form the Feitian Chamber of Commerce based on the three sects, and let Master Yan and the black and white elders of Taiyi Qingmen serve as my deputy."

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