The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 369 Qian Long appears and becomes famous all over the world

The huge mountain and sea city.

The crowds were jostling.

Outside a large mansion with carved dragons and painted phoenixes. The trees are shady, the pines and cypresses are evergreen, and the flowers bloom all year round.

Beside the yard, a few green leaves hang down from the locust tree.

The walls are carved with golden lock arrays.

At this time, the vermilion door with seventy-two copper nails slowly opened, and two people walked out.

One person is wearing green clothes, he is old and has white hair.

The other person is a young man.

Although he was unshaven and extremely casual, he had a resolute face and a bright light in his eyes.

There is also an array disk in his hand that looks like a golden lock, with a Bagua Meteor Array inlaid on the inside and traces of flying flowers and rain on the outside.

The moment shines brightly.

"I heard that this issue of the Hidden Dragon List has been updated? Jiutian Sect has spent a lot of effort this time, and the list has not been updated for three years. It must have changed a lot."

The white-haired old man spoke.

"This time everyone is rumored that the biggest dark horse is Feitianmen's swordsman Ye Yang."

"This man is truly terrifying. Not only is he proficient in the art of swords, he also has long-lasting magic power and is as knowledgeable as the sea. I don't know how he cultivated it."

"Previously at the Feitianmen banquet, he even exploded with extreme speed and easily defeated Chisui Qinji."

"Now, in this tough battle for Feitianmen, two more powerful men who have been cultivating evil spirits for many years have been killed."

While the two were talking, another person came and continued talking.

"Before, it could be said that this person was a rising star, but now Situ Guang, who has refined the White Wolf Sha, and Ren Hongxian, who has refined the White Tiger Devouring Soldiers Sha, have been defeated by him at the same time. It can be said that he has high-end combat power, and he has aged for a generation."

It is extremely rare to refine a breath of evil spirit and reflect the evil spirit of heaven and earth.

Even if the world is big, he can already be called a master.

It should be noted that among many small families in Shanhai City, the highest practitioners in the sect are just condensing evil spirits.

In remote areas, reaching this level, you are already qualified to occupy a piece of scattered spiritual veins alone and be called an ancestor.

The two discussed it.

The young man gently fiddled with the array disk in his hand.

The slightly clenched right fist showed that he was not as calm as he appeared.

After a long time, the young man sighed.

"This man is indeed extraordinary. I heard that he also has superb medical elixir skills. I am not as good as him."

"This time Feitianmen's Wang Sandao penetrated the heart of the murderous monster, but he was later saved by him. It is incredible that he can survive after being penetrated through the heart."

The old man said.

"We sent people to invite him to come to the Wang family to teach, but he is busy with work and is said to be a ascetic monk. He only wrote a reply and has not arrived yet."

Shanhai City is surrounded by mountains on one side and the sea on the other.

Its influence radiates over tens of thousands of miles, and it is one of the few trading places for monks in the southeast.

It is known as the southeastern pass of Yalong Ridge.

There are many monks in Yalong Ridge.

The update of the Hidden Dragon List has always been something that everyone is eagerly looking forward to.

Especially those who stir up the storm and ups and downs in the world.

It is also the topic of conversation among countless monks after dinner.

The two of them finished talking.

Soon a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old came over.

She had a graceful figure and walked over with her waist in her arms.

"Third uncle, fifth uncle, and second brother, I know you are thinking about the list. I have copied the latest Qianlong list."

"Just take a look..."

Upon hearing this, the three people quickly picked up the jade album list.

After seeing the changes on the Qianlong list above,

After a long time, the leader of the old man sighed.

"Damn it, none of the young disciples of my generation from the Wang family, whether it's Wang Qian of Zhenzi or Wang Ce who possesses the Zhoutian Astral Body, have made it onto the list."

Several people were furious.

After all, it took a lot of effort to produce a few talents that could be cultivated in the family.

A lot of money and energy were spent.

But I didn't expect that it didn't even make it onto the list.

After a while.

The old man had already roughly browsed the list and sighed.

"The Feitian Clan's generation continues to have outstanding talents, and the Bloodthirsty Wolf actually entered the top 100, ranking 97th."

"The Eyes of Blood and Tears without Queen is even more terrifying. It actually entered the top eighty, and directly reached the seventy-sixth place."

"This time he is valued by the Universiade Dynasty again. After obtaining many cultivation resources, the Eyes of Blood and Tears may be further awakened."

After a while, the young man next to him also saw something and was in disbelief.

"Yi Qi Chang Qiu Dao Xinghe actually surpassed Qiu Yi student from Tian Yan and ranked sixth."

There were exclamations.

A disciple of Qiu Yi from Tianyan Land came from the Hermit Sect of Yalongling, which was considered a sect of all other heavens.

The disciples of this sect have always been mysterious and rare. Only one person is born every hundred years. They are known as the fortune tellers in the world, who can predict future misfortunes and fortunes and predict all things in life.

It is extremely mysterious in the hearts of many people.

But no one thought that a mere casual cultivator from Dao Xinghe could surpass him and rank in the top six.

Most people thought that eighth place was already his limit.

"He is truly the son of a genius. He may have a unique destiny or an amazing inheritance."

Several people discussed it.

Then look down

"Luo Shenxue, the Luo Shen in the sword, fought against the Yao Bone Saint of the demon kingdom on earth, and killed the Red Fire Fairy Boy with the sword. The ranking moved up one place, reaching ninth."

"I'm afraid this woman still wants to fight Luo Changsheng."

"It's just that Luo Changsheng doesn't know where he is now, so he goes crazy and frantically challenges the masters in front of him."

"Third uncle, how high do you think Ye Yang, the master of swords and swords, ranks?"

"He easily defeated Chisui Qinji, and Chisui Qinji killed the seventy-eighth Little Luo Shen. I guess he should be able to enter the Sixty Sixty."

The old man shook his head.

"No, you still don't know the meaning of defeating the evil-dispelling realm with the martial artist's fifth-level evil-cultivating realm, and whether it is Situ Guang or Ren Hongxian, they are almost all beings who want to condense pure Qi, and they are not ordinary casual cultivators."

"With such combat power, even Su Lao, who is a warrior in the late stage, may not be his opponent. I am afraid that he will at least be in the top forty on the list."

"There are so many sects and thousands of miles of territory in the huge Dragon Ridge, and only forty people can be called Taoists, Taoists, or geniuses."

"Uncle, you guessed wrong. Look, he is not forty."

"Did you rank in the top sixty?"

"The top sixty is not bad, and being among the top sixty is also very rare. Although it is a little behind the top forty, it is not much different."

The woman covered her mouth and said.

"No, look up again."

After hearing this, the old man raised his cloudy eyes and looked at the list.

Name: Ye Yang

Nickname: Swordsman, the most durable cub

Cultivation level: The fifth level of warrior cultivating evil realm

Kung Fu: Feitian Sect inherits the Zhu Chan Moon Swallowing Spiritual Technique, the Thirteen Swords of Time, the Three Yang Sword Technique, and the mysterious speed inheritance of unknown origin.

Characteristics: Powerful attack power, rich and long-lasting mana. After killing the blood dragon Gui Ao and the sick scholar, he still has more than half of his mana and is calm and calm. Using the fourth level of martial arts to hold back Demon Wolf Situ Guang and the right elder of the Five Poison Sect, Ren Hongxian, he then broke through to the fifth level of martial arts before the battle and killed the two of them, but still had some magic power left.

Achievements: Killed the "Little Monster of Northern Xinjiang", the secret disciple of Beihai Shenni, defeated Yang Tie, the evil gun of the full moon, killed the blood dragon Gui Ao, killed the "sick scholar" Zhu Xingyu with the sword, killed the demon wolf Situ Guang with the sword, and killed the Five Poisons with the sword. Elder Menyou

Ranking: 28th

"Ranking, ranking twenty-eight..."

It's unbelievable.

"It actually entered the top thirty. It's simply terrifying."

"Within a radius of thousands of miles, this is the best ranking."

"Even the short-lived demon gun Dugu Qiang, who was neither human nor beast nor demon, was not such a human being."

The previous Feitian Sect did not have the background to suppress the strong people in the real world, and they could not show their strength.

Now, the other party has the suppressive background of two strong men in the real world.

When encountering such outstanding cultivation seeds, I'm afraid no one will dare to take a chance on them.

"The Feitian Sect is such a small sect that it can cultivate several martial monks on the list one after another. It must be unique in its own way."

"Especially after a few years, when these people grow up, the Feitian Sect will be impregnable."

"My Jinsuo Wang family must have a good relationship with such a sect."

"I heard that we still need to recruit disciples, so why not send my disciples from the Wang family to learn and train."

The old man made a calculation in his mind.

"The family seems to be willing to betroth Miss Yuyan to him and bring about a marriage between the two families. If it can happen, it will be considered a legend."

"Yuyan has been practicing in the Universiade Dynasty since she was a child. She is used to the prosperity. I wonder if she can like him."

"I heard that Miss Yuyan was posthumously named princess by the Universiade Dynasty because of her outstanding formation skills."

The old man smiled slightly.

"Of course I know what Miss Yuyan is thinking. He just saw the prosperity of the Universiade Dynasty. His horizons were broadened and his mind was fascinated for a while. But you must know that the roots of the Wang family are in Yalongling, and her roots are also here. She will also have her roots here in the future. Just go back to the family."

"Besides, no matter how outstanding her formation skills are, Ye Yang is powerful and proficient in the secrets of medical elixirs."

"Even if the reputation on the Hidden Dragon List is not considered, the practice of medical elixir alone can cause a lot of shocks, how can it be inferior to her."

"Uncle San, you see there seems to be a new master."

"The ranking is not low, there are actually one hundred and thirty-four."

"The Demon Sword walks alone and is proud of the world. This is a strange name."

A group of people looked at the list with wide eyes.

"If you are on the Hidden Dragon List, you should be pretty good."

"It's just that the name sounds like someone from the devil's path."

After all, Yalongling has no boundaries and there are too many young masters.

This person's appearance on the list is not unexpected.

"Why is there one here?"

"The identity is so mysterious."

"The successor of Xiang Mo Fist doesn't have a name?"

"He made it to the list no matter what."

"Heir of Demon Elephant Fist, I heard that this man seems to have a big grudge against Ye Yang, the master of swordsmanship."

"Ranked thirty-second."

I would like to ask everyone if you have any expectations for the protagonist entering the Universiade Dynasty.

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