I saw that the people in Shangguan's family were still busy.

Ye Yang arrived at the back mountain alone. There was a large pomegranate forest in the back mountain.

The pomegranate trees are intertwined, mottled and cracked. They grow on piles of rocks and have tangled vines, some of which are more than ten feet tall.

Originally it was just an ordinary wild pomegranate in the mountains.

But later, after Feitianmen's spiritual veins were promoted to the middle level, benign mutations occurred.

At this time, under the blessing of the dark yellow thick earth energy and abundant spiritual veins.

All the pomegranates actually bloomed slightly with purple light, carrying a harvest fragrance.

Logically speaking, it is now early winter.

The pomegranate should be ripe and the melon should have fallen off its stem.

The pomegranate tree also has withered leaves and its branches are turning yellow.

But at this moment, in the pomegranate forest, all the pomegranate trees abnormally sprouted their buds again.

Not only is there no defeat at all.

And it grows very well, with thick branches and leaves, and looks full of vitality.

At this time, something even more surprising to Ye Yang happened.

I saw a mountain stream about three feet wide slowly emerging next to the huge pomegranate forest.

There was no sound at first.

But towards the end, the sound of running water got louder and louder.

Wow! Wow!

The mountain stream flows past with a clear sound.

The flowing water is filled with rich aura.

The clear spring water flooded the wild grass next to it.

After a while, it flowed through weeds and rocks and reached the foot of the mountain.

Although there was a waterfall in the previous Feitian Gate.

However, there is often abundant rain in summer, or in late winter and early spring, when the snow melts and the snow can flow from the mountains into the mountain gate.

But the waterfall was not big, and it was just ordinary flowing water.

But today on this mountain stream, he actually felt a wave of spiritual energy.

Although very light.

But that aura of agility cannot be faked.

He walked to the mountain stream, squatted down, picked up a sip of water, swallowed it in his throat, and felt it carefully.

A strong spiritual energy quickly flows into the limbs and bones.

"Although the spiritual energy content is not as rich as in the old well, it is enough to meet the standards of spiritual water."

It is foreseeable that under the nourishment of spiritual water, the back mountain will be transformed into a treasure land.

Many disciples can also use this spiritual water to practice martial arts and nourish their bodies.

Ye Yang knows.

This sudden birth of spiritual water should have undergone such a strange change due to the blending of the thick earthy atmosphere of black and yellow and the middle-grade spiritual veins.

There is also a hidden cave in the back mountain.

So Ye Yang found the entrance and entered the cave.

A three-color gourd vine was planted in this cave. At this moment, it was shining brightly, and it was actually absorbing the atmosphere of the surrounding black and yellow thick earth.

Two palm-sized gourds are hidden among the green leaves, shining brightly.

The gourd was already filled with spiritual jade, black and yellow thick soil and stones, and other things that helped the gourd vine nourish and grow.

The mountain stream that just gushes out comes from this cave.

At this moment, the closer you get to the inside of the cave, the richer the spiritual energy becomes.

At this moment, the gourd vine actually moved slightly, absorbing the spiritual energy of many jade and mineral materials on the soil layer.

The next moment, a muffled sound sounded.

The huge three-color gourd vine shook slightly, and then the two gourds swung, falling from the green leaves to the soil with a snap.

Before Ye Yang could react.

The branches and leaves of the three-color gourd vine dried up quickly and turned into ashes immediately.

But Ye Yang can see clearly

The rhizome of the gourd vine has not disappeared. On the contrary, it has become stronger and stronger in the thick soil, shining with three colors of luster, as if new shoots are about to sprout from the severed branches.

The seeds of this Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd were planted by Ye Yang and others at the beginning, and now they have matured and finally fulfilled their lifelong destiny.

There were four fruits at first, but they naturally fell off when mature, leaving only two.

And at the moment when the two gourds matured.

All the disciples on the mountain felt the constant shaking of the ground.

There was a panic.

At this moment, a disciple seemed to have discovered something and hurriedly spoke.

"Look, everyone, at the gate..."

The moment this voice appeared.

Everyone looked up and looked outside.

Then there were a lot of exclamations and cheers

At this time, a light yellow mist gradually rose in the middle of the door, and then combined with the energy of the Nine Heavens Gang Wind.

A unique light mist formed in the Feitian Gate, flickering and moving continuously.

After a while, it enveloped the entire Feitian Sect.

However, the trend did not stop. On the contrary, the scope became larger and larger. It extended for dozens of miles from the mountain gate of Feitianmen, covering several mountain tops.

Then it extended to the Luo River at the foot of Feitianmen Mountain.

At this time, if someone looks down from the sky, they will find that the entire Feitian Gate is the center.

A huge yellow light haze formed that connected several mountain peaks.

Everyone couldn't help but show excitement,

Ever since Feitianmen's Five Elements Destruction Cloud and Mist Formation was defeated by two real-person realm powerhouses.

Now, this formation has finally been renovated and completed.

Once the formation is complete, Feitianmen will have a basic defensive plan.

At this time, coupled with the combat power of the real person realm, it is impregnable.

"No, this formation has aroused the ferocity of the three sky-devouring pythons."

Everyone looked up and couldn't help being shocked.

Only then did he realize that a huge three-headed python, several hundred feet tall, raised its head in the sky.

The three roared angrily, and the smell filled the air.

That huge body actually surrounded the huge formation defense shield and slowly walked around.

It brought an indescribable pressure to everyone.

It kept wandering around, as if it was disturbed by the formation and wanted to launch an attack.

But Gu Xuan quickly came out, floated on the demon snake's head, and then gently comforted the demon snake.

This time the formation repair took several days to complete before it was completed.

The moment the formation closed up.

Countless black-yellow thick earth auras and light mist crisscrossed and filled the surroundings of Feitian Gate.

With the help of the power of feedback, the mountain spiritual fields slowly changed under the nourishment of the formation.

Gu Xuan gave an order, and someone had already filled in countless spirit stones to test the formation.

The moment the spirit stone is filled in.

The mountain-protecting formation was operating rapidly, the sky was changing, and the entire Feitian Sect suddenly turned from day to night.

And the moment the formation came together, a violent storm formed.

After a while, it was like a black wind dragon, carrying the storm wind that swept across the sky, rushing towards the outside of the mountain gate.

"Okay, okay, the mountain-protecting formation has undergone a change under the blessing of the thick black and yellow earth veins, which can generate the power of storm."

And when the repair of Feitian Gatekeeper's mountain guard formation was completed.

The Universiade Dynasty, in Kyoto.

A figure dressed in red was reclining on a rosewood carved seat, and the room was filled with red lanterns.

Red table, red tablecloth, red wine glasses.

There is red everywhere.

Next to the seat was a long sword with a cold red color.

Suddenly, a person stretched out his snow-white arm, held a long sword, and glanced down coldly.

Someone immediately ran in in a hurry.

"Lord Commander, the Hidden Dragon List has been updated today."

After hearing this, Die Wuhou frowned.

"Bring it quickly."

The man wanted to take credit and had already prepared everything.

He walked gently to Die Wuhou and quickly took out a copied jade book.

He said respectfully.

"Congratulations, Commander. Congratulations, Commander. This time, the Commander directly entered the top 100, ranking 76th."

"In the past few days, I have killed King Luosha and killed the evil thief Zhang Shisan who guards the moon with my sword. Such a ranking is not surprising."

Die Wuhou was very satisfied.

Although he doesn't care much about this false reputation.

But many heroes are on this list.

The feeling of overwhelming the world's heroes made him happy.

He starts from the list and looks forward.

Meeting Wang Dong, the bloodthirsty wolf Wang Dong also performed well in this Feitianmen battle.

He used the power of thunder and fire to express his power, covering the world and killing many strong men.

The ranking actually reached ninety-seven.

Also entered the top 100.

"This Wang Dong is also quite capable. He has practiced half of Qing Ming Lord's Thunder Magic Treasure Art inheritance, and combined it with his own Tingyutian Fire Technique."

"It is rare for a mortal to be ranked among the top 100."

"However, he has neither special physique nor amazing skills, so I should stop here."

The moment this idea appeared.

He seemed to have thought of something and snorted coldly.

A figure carrying a sword still lingered in his mind.

In particular, the scene where the opponent was slashed with a single blow and the power of time hit the sky, making it unavoidable and unstoppable, often played out in his mind.

He didn't like that feeling.

The opponent is also a mortal, but I don't know why I can beat him every time.

With this thought, he quickly looked towards the top of the list.

The next moment he was shocked and furious.

"How can it be!"

"Ye Yang, the master of both swords and swords, actually reached the 28th place."

"Even if he successfully defeated Akatsuki Qinji, this situation would not be possible."

"This person is obviously of mortal bones and blood. Why does he hit me every time with his eyes of blood and tears?"

This is really unexpected

Queen Die Wu frowned and looked sideways.

Finally, he handed the list to the person and said

"Please step aside for now."

"Always pay attention to the news about Feitian Sect and Ye Yang, and report anything as soon as possible."

Thanks to ZhiGeKe for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you.

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