The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 364 Poison-scaled fire horse, catastrophe for the people

The sect's Five Elements-Destroying Cloud and Mist Formation was almost completely damaged.

The air of this dark, yellow and thick earth is good at nourishing all things.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Five Poison Sect to cultivate so many poisonous insects and poisonous plants to provide for cultivation.

If Xuanshan Shouhuang can be obtained from Heishan again, the two can be combined, refined, and integrated into one, and it can be safely used as the cornerstone of the mountain protection formation.

Gu Xuan said.

"Yes, in that case, let's find out."

After saying that, after everyone investigated, they arrived at a deep cave and sneaked into it carefully but quickly.

This cave is not big, but it is extremely deep.

As soon as Ye Yang walked in, he felt the rich earth energy in the cave.

Among them, at the top of the cave, there are many ores, surrounded by black and yellow snake-like gas, shining brightly.

It is the air of black, yellow and thick earth.

Even the ordinary ore has undergone extraordinary changes under the long-term nourishment of the thick black earth and spiritual veins.

Ye Yang looked at the ore all over the ground with a smile on his face.

The ore here has been infiltrated all year round, and its properties have mutated.

It can be used as an auxiliary material for making pots.

In addition, this product can calm the mind, strengthen the body, dispel evil spirits, and strengthen the body. It can also be used in the refining of many elixirs.

Help the elixir stabilize its potency.

I think it's because the Five Poison Sect is afraid that the earth's energy will be stagnant, which will affect the mountain guarding formation and spiritual veins.

Therefore, there has been no large-scale mining.

Roar! Roar!

At this time, a loud roar sounded from the cave.

Like horses and dragons, they don't seem to be one or two.

Everyone walked down the cave, and after walking for about half an hour, they discovered that there was something different underneath the cave, but a cliff-like platform.

The platform was surrounded by clouds and mist. It was located just above the cliff halfway up the mountain and was hundreds of feet wide.

There are also seven or eight strong horses on the platform, each with a heroic appearance, black with red, red with translucent, shiny and moist, like a dragon.

His whole body was covered with black and red dragon scales, his nose snorted, and white thick air flew out two feet away.

Each one was nine feet tall, black and fiery, like a nightmare.

There is also a huge bright red centipede about a foot long crawling on the forehead of each horse, with teeth and claws.

At this moment, the horses seemed to sense the aura of outsiders, threw up their hooves, and kept running.

Or shuttle back and forth on the cliffs and walk in the air.

It's as agile as a swimming dragon.

It is the king of fire centipedes, the poison scale fire horse.

This horse, also known as the Black Centipede Fire Horse, is a rare high-quality mount.

It can climb over mountains and ridges, walk in the air, and even breathe fire and smoke to assist the monks in their attacks.

Only high-level people can ride in Wudu Gate.

Ye Yang had seen one before when he killed Elder Zuo.

"It turned out to be the Poison Scale Fire Horse from the Five Poison Sect. This Poison Scale Fire Horse is much more precious than the Fire Centipede Colt."

"There are only a few among the Five Poison Sects. Many sects have been unable to cultivate the Fire Centipede even if they purchased it."

"Now it seems that the key to this cultivation lies in this dark, yellow and thick earthy atmosphere."

As soon as this was said, everyone immediately nodded as a matter of course.

This place is under the underground spiritual vein. If the spiritual vein hadn't been pulled out, it would be really difficult to find it.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled. No one thought that the Five Poison Sect would have such good things.

Pulling Feitianmen back can completely improve the Fire Centipede's bloodline, and it can even be combined with Feitianmen's packhorse.

Let's see if we can breed a new species.

Several people quickly took action, restrained the horses, and then transported them to the Great Sun Star Beast.

Afterwards, several people stood up in the air and hurriedly explored the boundaries of Wu Du Sect several times.

After confirming that there were no problems, he returned to Feitian Sect with a large number of books, jade slips and secret inheritance.

As for the remaining bulk items such as spiritual materials and spiritual minerals, it is difficult to transport them all at once.

A lot of people were left to guard it, waiting to transport it later.

This battle was a matter of pride, and years of humiliation ended with Feitian Clan's victory.

On the way back, everyone could not help but smile with joy.

It's just that the help of Taixu Dao Sect is needed to pull the earth veins.

Now after Gu Xuan has broken through to the realm of real people.

The relationship between the two sects has become increasingly close.

Thinking about it, it is not difficult to ask Taixu Dao Sect to take action.

Return to Feitianmen.

Ye Yang went to see Wang Sandao and Ge Canhong several times.

Wang Sandao was still asleep and had not woken up.

Ge Canhong, on the other hand, built a small wooden house on the cliff of Feitianmen and refused visits from some outsiders.

Seeing this, Ye Yang could only give up.

He reopened the alchemy furnace, boiled the black and yellow energy and ores obtained from the Five Poison Sect into powder, and mixed it with honey to make many nourishing elixirs.

Sent to the training center of Feitianmen.

This was the renovated courtyard behind Feitianmen, and many of the wounded from the war were placed inside.

As soon as he walked into the wooden door, he heard many people wailing.

"Ah! It hurts me to death."

"It hurts so much. This time the poisonous gas entered my body and my internal organs were festering. I'm afraid I can't go any further with my cultivation."

"Don't make any noise, Protector Ye is here."

"I've seen Protector Ye."

"Guardian Ye, please tell me if my leg can still be cured and if my cultivation can be restored."

Crying, the excitement of surviving the disaster, and all kinds of unspeakable anger and curses mixed together

He saw many seriously injured monks lying or leaning on couches.

Many people had serious stab wounds and sword wounds.

But more people are still invaded by toxins, their internal organs are damaged, their faces are extremely dark, and they are extremely weak.

Although there are many young disciples serving as caregivers.

But now Feitian Sect is full of waste and needs people everywhere. It still seems that there is not enough manpower and it is in a hurry.

"I've seen Protector Ye."

When many people saw Ye Yang coming, their faces showed hope.

"Hufa Ye is good at the secret art of medical elixirs. It is said that even Wang Sandao's heart was penetrated."

"But even so, his life was still saved under the treatment of this Protector Ye."

Since Ye Yang started practicing medical elixirs, he has seen many difficult and complicated diseases through a large number of people.

This also brought great help to him in practicing the Blue Luo Three Pure Secret Scrolls.

Most of these disciples have received his treatment.

He is also recognized as a master of medical skills by Feitian Sect.

Proficient in both external and internal injuries.

Many monks here originally had hopes of going further.

However, after a great battle, many people suffered physical damage and serious injuries.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Once the hero draws his sword, another ten years of calamity will befall the common people.

But in the world of immortal cultivation where you compete with me, you rarely have to fight with your life.

After all, if you don't bite people, you will be eaten by others.

In this vast world of immortality, such situations are all too common.

Although Feitianmen has used its greatest ability to help them recover.

But after all, manpower is exhausted.

Ye Yang took out the refined honey pills.

These honey pills cannot be called elixirs, but they contain rich black, yellow and thick earthy aura.

In addition, he added tonics such as Cornus officinalis, Eucommia ulmoides, and Ginseng Zhi.

It can strengthen the body and exorcise evil spirits, and help them recover from injuries quickly.

"Guardian Ye, these pills actually contain rich black and yellow earth energy. They came at the right time."

The person in charge here is surnamed Wang, and he is also good at medicine, but he is not good at making pills and refining medicine.

Ye Yang glanced at him lightly and then said.

"Distribute the pills quickly."

The man quickly gave instructions. After receiving the pills, many wounded people quickly swallowed them and refined them secretly.

At this time, Deacon Wang saw that Ye Yang seemed to have something to say to him, so he followed Ye Yang into a secret room.

"What's going on? Tell the truth."

Deacon Wang said: "These people were seriously injured. The sect coordinated various resources, but they were unable to make up for their injuries, so they could only recover slowly."

Ye Yang snorted coldly, and a huge coercion suddenly came from him. Deacon Wang on the pressing side trembled all over and almost fell to his knees.

"Don't say such nonsense in front of me. I have been practicing medical elixirs for more than ten years. I can't see any injuries. Many people have external injuries. How come they haven't been cured yet?"

"Liu Qing's injury requires nothing more than the Nine Root Fruit. Although this product is produced deep in the Shiwan Mountain, it is not uncommon. We have just purchased a batch."



Deacon Wang then remembered that the person in front of him was an expert in medical elixirs. Lying in front of him was simply full of loopholes, and the more you argued, the harder it became.

He bit his lip, looking cowardly and not daring to answer.

He lowered his head and found many reasons, but he didn't dare to speak anymore and remained silent.

Ye Yang had already seen the problem.

"These meritorious men have all made great contributions to the sect. Now they are seriously injured. How can they ignore it? What is so difficult about it..."

Deacon Wang took a breath.

"Dear Protector Ye, it's not that I deliberately concealed it. It's just that there are many people behind this matter. For example, the nine-root fruit was purchased in large quantities by the sect, but it is difficult to exchange it."

"Moreover, many other drugs are no longer in sufficient supply."

"how so?"

Ye Yang frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Previously, the Feitian Sect was rampant in corruption.

He personally sent it to Long Gang, the general protector of the trade route at that time, and Yu Hu, the protector of the mine.

Thanks to the book friend whose tail number is 9693 for the reward of 100 starting coins.

Thanks to the book friend whose tail number is 1710 for the reward of 500 starting coins

Thanks two brothers

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