Later, under the strong rectification and the pressure from the powerful sects outside.

Feitianmen was clean and upright for a while

But now it has just passed the crisis.

There are also real people to suppress the foundation, which is at the peak of a thousand years.

But unexpectedly, this situation has begun to revive again.

Deacon Wang said.

"Now that the sect is strong and wealthy, there are more resources, and naturally some people want to grab resources from their hands."

"Such things are inevitable in all sects in the world."

Deacon Wang's expression was very calm when he spoke, and he was probably used to such things.

"Then you can't joke with these people who have given their lives to the sect."

Ye Yang frowned. He was originally the guardian of the Lishitang and served as an inspector. Such things were within his duties.

If it were in the past, when he was weak, he would have been able to get along with both sides.

He would definitely choose to stay out of it.

But now he has entered the realm of raising evil spirits, and he is already a high-ranking official in the sect.

As the saying goes, when you have a sharp blade, you will kill with a will. Compared with before, you are more decisive and happy.

These things are all under his control.

In addition, after practicing the Zhongyang Sword Technique.

He always felt that he had unconsciously begun to have a state of mind that shines on the world and is vast and prosperous.

He just said this.

He looked out of the window. The wounded were still groaning in pain, and all he saw were miserable cries.

Most of these people were middle and lower-level cultivators in the sect, and the resources they offered were tampered with.

But there was nothing they could do.

I'm afraid they were still buried in lies and didn't know the specific situation.

Little did they know that many changes had already happened above because they were ignorant and submissive.

Everything was controlled by others.

He shook his head.

Deacon Wang seemed to see his worries and said.

"Please rest assured, Ye Protector, the high-level supplies in the sect are all available, and there is no problem at all."

This sentence made Ye Yang even more silent.

Perhaps it is time to clean up a group of termites in the sect now.

Walking out of the courtyard, Ye Yang waved his hand and spread countless life essences.

These life essences were spread out and soon sank into the bodies of these people.

Many people's injuries improved a little, and they all showed gratitude to him.

"Thank you, Protector Ye."

"If it weren't for Protector Ye, I would need several months to recover."

"It is said that Protector Ye is powerful, but I didn't expect that he is even more kind-hearted."

"I hope Protector Ye will ascend to the immortal path as soon as possible and have a chance of longevity."


Just hearing these words, Ye Yang's heart couldn't be happy anyway.

Under the eyes of everyone, he slowly walked out of the retreat.

Arrived at Wang Sandao's residence.

After Wang Sandao came to Feitianmen, because of the old relationship, he still named his cave Shaoyang Cave.

Although the name is a cave, it is actually a huge house.

It looks particularly magnificent.

"Brother Ye, you are here."

Soon a man walked out of Shaoyang Cave.

The man who came was a tall man with a slightly yellow face. It was Wang Huan.

"How is the injury of Hall Master Wang now?"

Wang Huan said.

"Thanks to Brother Ye's help, the master's injury has stabilized, but it is still difficult for him to get out of bed."

"He is sometimes unconscious and sometimes awake, and even after waking up, he quickly falls asleep again."

Ye Yang walked over, gently pulled up Wang Sandao's wrist, and took his pulse.

Then he turned his eyelids again, and saw that the blood red under his eyelids had faded and turned into normal pink, and he breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"It seems that there should be nothing serious. He will wake up after a while. Don't pay attention to the doors and windows, and don't let the evil wind enter your body."

Wang Huan nodded and wrote down Ye Yang's instructions in detail.

Ye Yang said again

"I also brought some secret medicine this time. You can use it for Hall Master Wang every three days. This pill contains the energy of Xuanhuang thick earth, which has the ability to expel evil and strengthen the body, and can speed up the recovery of the body."

After that, he took out a wooden medicine bottle.

Wang Huan accepted it with great care.

Ye Yang spoke again.

"When swallowing this, just mix it with water and feed it."

After doing all this, Ye Yang groaned slightly.

"Have the medicines provided by the sect been provided during this period? Especially medicinal materials such as the Nine-root Fruit."

"The medicines provided by the sect are all available, and a batch is sent every three days. There has never been a shortage."

Ye Yang nodded, but in his heart he had estimated the strength and power of the person who took action from the clues.

They dared to make a move on ordinary wounded people.

But Wang Sandao, as the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, had no shortage of resources and supplies, and dared not go beyond the limit.

This shows that the other party was afraid of Wang Sandao's identity.

Before leaving, Ye Yang combed the breath in Wang Sandao's body.

Unexpectedly, Wang Sandao suddenly opened his eyes, spit out a large mouthful of blood, looked at Ye Yang, and spoke weakly and gratefully.

"Thank you for saving me, Guardian Ye. I will never forget your kindness."

After finishing this reluctantly, he fainted again.

Ye Yang pulled the quilt to cover him and walked out alone.


Name: Ye Yang

Cultivation skills: Thirteen Swords of Time, Scarlet Toad Swallowing the Moon, Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll, Zhongyang Sword Technique, Elephant Demon Fist, Great Demon Peng Technique, Peacock Finger, and Yarrow Tracking Technique.

Cultivation level: The fifth level of warrior cultivating evil realm:

Specialties: A third-level water magic alchemist, good at sword skills, and good at treating internal injuries, external injuries, and bone injuries.

Magical weapons: White Horse Knife, Red Maple Sword, Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Gloves, Water Method Alchemy Furnace

Demon pets: scaled demon elephant, sun-chasing flying turtle, peacock feather insect, six-winged blood centipede egg.

Treasures: a red wedding dress for shrouded corpses, dragon beads of good luck, a red sword of good luck, a golden elixir of good fortune, earth magic and spiritual river water seeds, and about 30,000 spiritual stones.

Inside the house, Ye Yang took out a piece of paper and organized all his things.

As soon as he closed his eyes, countless information changes suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Especially the yarrow tracking technique, which he had acquired for a long time, but was unable to use it due to the lack of yarrow.

The difficulty of this method lies in the raw materials, but it is not difficult to practice.

After getting this item from Elder Situ's storage bag, Ye Yang quickly passed the entry stage and directly entered the realm of Xiaocheng after several months of practice.

Yarrow Tracing Technique

Practice progress: Xiaocheng

Current progress: 67.5%

Next level: Dacheng

"Yarrow will not wither in the wind and frost for a thousand years, will not die in the cold and heat for a hundred years, can tell the comings and goings by counting them, determine the good and bad times, know the misfortune and blessings, and trace its traces thousands of miles away. ﹞

﹝Perseverance, watch the grass a hundred times every day, and it will take half a year. ﹞

After counting the yarrow and tracing the traces, Ye Yang looked at the Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll again.

Since ancient times, the method of spiritual practice and the art of medical elixir have always been indistinguishable.

One is a means of protecting the road, and the other is an opportunity to prolong life.

Both are indispensable.

Especially the Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll, in addition to the method of inheriting medical elixirs, it also covers many theories on the five elements of the human body and the internal organs.

While studying medical skills, it also helped him understand the changes in the human body and eliminate difficulties in practice.

Now, after reaching the fifth level of warrior.

If you want to go a step further, you have to rely entirely on water milling skills in practice.

After all, the state of cultivating evil focuses on the word nourish, and cultivation depends entirely on water and water.

Ye Yang was thoughtful.

Now his cultivation has reached a certain level.

Breakthroughs in cultivation progress are even more difficult.

After all, a person's energy is limited.

The Peacock Fingering Technique is a hidden weapon stimulation technique that he traded with the Peacock Saint from Qingming Island.

On weekdays, this method is used to push the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Finger Cot, and the power is 30% greater than usual.

But now the peacock feather insects are almost exhausted.

In addition, most of the opponents he faces now have developed evil spirits through cultivation.

The evil spirit is so strong that one can only rely on unexpected sneak attacks.

Facing the enemy head-on, it is very difficult to rely solely on peacock feather insects to break through the layers of defense.

"If six-winged fire centipedes are domesticated in the future, this set of fingering methods will have no effect."

Ye Yang groaned.

"If this fingering technique is abandoned, energy and time can be reserved for other secret techniques in the future."

Boom! Boom!

Just when Ye Yang was deep in thought, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Then a voice came.

"Guardian Ye, I have your letter."


He didn't know who the letter was from, but Ye Yang still stood up and walked to the door.

This disciple handed over a gilded red envelope with the golden lock logo of the Wang family of Shanhai City printed on it, and a line of small plum blossom seal characters below.

"Please protect Dharma Ye to take a look."

Ye Yang opened the envelope and found that it was from the Wang family of Shanhai City.

The content in the envelope was very simple, saying that he was invited to visit the Wang family.

The attitude in the words is sincere.

He thought of the previous invitation from Masato Aoki.

But now the sect is full of waste and busy with affairs, so he can't go out, so he wrote a letter to the disciple and asked him to refuse, saying that he would definitely visit him when he had time in the future.

After sending the letter away, Ye Yang relaxed slightly and was about to practice some meditation.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door outside.

It was getting late at this time, with a light wind blowing in the red clouds at dusk, and bursts of purple haze in the sky.

Ye Yang opened the door and found that it was the disciple guarding the main hall. When this man saw Ye Yang, he immediately said in a hurry.

"Protector Ye, if the master invites you, please follow me."

"I wonder what it is?"

Gu Xuan was busy helping Gu Qingshu recover her intelligence during this period, but with little success. It was a bit surprising to hear him suddenly send a message.

The disciple spoke.

"A few people from the Taixu Taoist Sect have arrived and are waiting in the master's hall. The master asked me to call you over."

Ye Yang paused.

"Do you know who is coming?"

The disciple said: "The person who came was short and fat, dressed in black robes, and there was a gray old man holding a strange whip. It seemed that Master Hong and Old Man Shanshan had been to the sect before."

I will continue to update in the early morning tonight, please support me.

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