The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 363 Six-Winged Blood Centipede Xuanhuang Earth Qi

Wu Qi said.

"This is a six-winged blood centipede. It can transform into nothingness, blend with the surrounding environment, and hide among the mesons. It's quite strange."

"The most important thing is that this six-winged blood centipede looks like six eggs, but it is actually one body with six lives, connected to each other. When it makes a move, six rays of blood will shoot out."

"It ranks 675th in the Book of Thousand Poisons and Ten Thousand Beasts. It is extremely precious and can completely replace the peacock feather Gu."

"It should be noted that although the peacock feather has strange characteristics, it has not yet been included in the list."

"And the most important thing is that this object has a great restraint effect on the evil spirit, and it is not afraid of the pressure of a real strong person."

"If it is cultivated well, even a real strong person will not dare to look down upon it."

The Book of Thousand Poisons and Ten Thousand Beasts.

Ye Yang heard Wu Qi say before that this book is a strange book, which records thousands of poisonous insects in the world.

Among them, the top 1,200 made up the Heaven and Earth Bug List.

Those who can be ranked above it must be a peerless beast, extremely powerful and terrifying.

Ye Yang was worried that the peacock feather insect could not meet his needs. Suddenly, he heard about the six-winged blood centipede, and he couldn't help but feel itchy in his heart.

In particular, this thing can withstand the pressure of a real strong person, which is extremely rare.

Gu insects and the like have extremely low intelligence and can only act on their own nature.

Ordinary Gu insects would not even dare to attack when faced with the pressure of a real strong person.

However, this thing was so precious that he felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"This thing is so powerful, why hasn't Wanku Country cultivated it before?"

Seeing that Ye Yang was quite satisfied, Wu Qi felt a little relieved unconsciously.

He opened his mouth to explain.

"Wanku Kingdom practices the method of immortality. It is not good at fighting. It has gone through a lot of hardships to get this insect. It is very precious and is about to be cultivated."

"In the end, I never thought that this Gu would have died at the hands of evil spirits before it was born."

"In addition to the difficulty of breaking eggs, the most important thing about this six-winged blood centipede is that it requires a huge amount of resources to grow. However, people say that Protector Ye has a good way of making money, so these resources should be nothing to Protector Ye."

He knew that Ye Yang had an old ancestral house in Feitianmen.

In addition, there is a huge shop in Tao'anfang City.

The annual rent for just two houses is astronomical.

In addition, this person has a good fortune in life and is proficient in the art of water method and alchemy. Even if the fee is not high, his net worth is terrifying.

Ye Yang avoided the topic.

"I don't know how to use this six-winged blood centipede."

Wu Qi took his hand, walked to the six-winged blood centipede's egg and said.

"You use your fingers to force out the blood essence and apply it on it to make the six-winged blood centipede recognize its master."

"This is a rare treasure among Gus. I originally wanted to raise a few, but unfortunately I didn't have enough money, so I had no choice but to give up."

"In addition, I plan to practice the Five Directions Poisonous Beast Rotation Technique, which requires the poisonous blood from five directions to be absorbed into the body. This six-winged blood centipede is a blood-sucking thing, which is incompatible with the properties of the Poisonous Beast Rotation Technique."

Hearing this, Ye Yang was slightly stunned, and then said

"Is it possible that Fellow Daoist Wu wants to continue on the path of poisonous poison?"

The Five Poison Sect's poison poison skills are indeed very overbearing, otherwise it would not have been possible for them to have firmly occupied the first position among the surrounding sects for many years.

But again, this technique has many flaws.

Although you are brave and diligent at the beginning, at a certain stage, it is difficult to make progress and you are prone to backlash.

It was for this reason that Wu Qing had to seize the body of Beihai Shenni.

The previous leader, Wu Mahan, was also seriously injured, transformed into a monster, and was besieged and killed by the Feitian Sect.

Wu Qi smiled bitterly when he heard what Ye Yang said.

"My natural capital is not top-notch, and my awakened destiny is just an ordinary poisonous beast. The reason why I came to the Five Poison Sect as an undercover agent is for the benefits promised by the sect."

"Now that we have reached such a level of cultivation, if we want to make breakthroughs, we will not be able to meet even the smallest amount of resources."

"Besides, the Five Directions Poisonous Beast Rotation Technique, although it is dangerous to practice, is extremely powerful. After all, it is half a treasure."

"If not, it would not have been confirmed as the method inherited by the head of the Five Poison Sect. If the Five Poison Sect had not been destroyed for some reason, it would be impossible for me to obtain this inheritance based on my status."

Ye Yang was silent for a moment.

Everyone has their own choice.

He didn't say much anymore. After all, it was indispensable for monks to practice the Dharma of Wealth Couple.

Just like what Wu Qi said, if he hadn't made great contributions to the Five Poison Sect this time.

In a lifetime, it is impossible to obtain the inheritance of the Five Directions Poisonous Beast Rotation Method.

Although today's Feitian Sect has the complete inheritance of the Canghai Zhenshan Treasure Secret and the Xuantian Treasure Transformation Meridian.

But these two are the real core treasures. Unless they are the core of the core, they will never be passed on to ordinary disciples and protectors.

Relatively speaking, the five-way poisonous beast rotation method is Wu Qi's best choice.

In this case, Ye Yang said no more.

At this time, he looked at the six egg-sized centipede eggs in front of him.

These eggs are filled with evil energy.

He forced out a drop of bright purple-gold blood on his fingertips.

The blood was as condensed as mercury and lead, and as soon as it was applied to the balls, a dazzling purple-red light erupted.

Wu Qi was shocked when he saw this scene from the side.

"This Protector Ye is indeed something extraordinary."

"I didn't expect that in addition to being good at sword skills, he also practiced some powerful physical skills. Otherwise, how could he bleed like gold and condense like mercury and lead?"

Ye Yang was quite excited after taking away the six six-winged blood centipede eggs.

Although this six-winged blood centipede has not yet been born, after absorbing his spiritual blood, a bright halo has been faintly revealed on the outer skin.

The harvest from this trip made Ye Yang quite satisfied.

Then the two of them searched the cave again, and each of them got more than a dozen high-grade spiritual stones.

and some good weapon refining materials, he also collected them one by one.

Finally, Ye Yang was a little surprised when he looked at the pill recipe he found in his hand.

"This turns out to be the prescription for the Five Poison Heart-Sealing Pills."

Ye Yang has heard about this pill for a long time. It is said that the pill is made based on the five poisons. After taking it, it can mask one's own breath.

When Bai Zhi brought him the medicinal crystal before, she said that she wanted to go to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect to practice the Black Dragon Conquering the Sky Sword Technique.

But she was born with the medicine dragon.

At that time, Ye Yang heard that there was a special elixir among the Five Poison Sects that could cover up one's own aura. This was it.

Ye Yang took a few cursory glances and found out that it was not difficult to refine the Wu Du Feng Xin Pill because of the difficulty in mixing the medicinal materials in the pill recipe.

This can be regarded as an explanation to Bai Zhi.

After packing up their things, the two slowly walked out of the cave.

At this time, he had seen many disciples of the Five Poison Sect, escorted by Feitian Sect monks, carrying books, jade slips and other files towards the Big Sun Star Beast.

This huge operation lasted for three full days.

Three days later.

Basically, everything that should be searched for in the Five Poison Sect has been searched.

At this moment, a loud voice came from the sky above Feitianmen.

"Disciples, please retreat quickly. I want to cast a spell to collect the spirit beads."

After hearing this voice, Ye Yang quickly stepped aside.

After a while, a dry and thin figure suddenly floated in the sky, it was Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan waved his hand slightly, and silver and purple lights appeared around him.

Immediately afterwards, purple aura and silver dragon energy formed a huge cloud above his head.

The spiritual light lingered in the clouds, and then merged into the underground spiritual veins under his control.

Then, he pulled his dragon arm towards the sky, and the whole ground shook violently.

After a while, the earth cracked, rocks flew, and a dozen large round beads emitting bright spiritual light floated out from the ground.

Those spirit beads all exude astonishing spiritual brilliance.

Taken into the hands of Gu Xuan.

After all, the Five Poison Sect has accumulated over thousands of years.

This spiritual vein is close to the middle grade.

Feitianmen's mountain gate had just been breached by two strong men in the real-person realm, and the spiritual veins had been damaged to a certain extent.

At this moment, use the spiritual veins of these five poison gates to replenish them.

The effect will definitely be far beyond everyone’s imagination.

"No, there are still changes."

At this moment, the spirit beads flew out.

Ye Yang occasionally had the feeling that there was something majestic under the ground, which was about to surge out of the soil uncontrollably.

It stands to reason that after the spiritual veins lose a large amount of spiritual energy, the ground should dry up quickly.

But at this moment, after the spiritual marrow bead was extracted.

Instead of becoming dry, the ground became more moist and fertile.

Shortly afterwards, wisps of thick earth air emerged from the ground and lingered in the air for a long time.

"There is such a strong black-yellow thick earth atmosphere here."

"The earth veins of the Five Poison Sect are arranged in a strip of five, with the flat land in the middle and the surrounding peaks nourishing the earth's energy."

"The surrounding peaks transport spiritual energy to the flat ground in the middle. Now that the spiritual energy has been absorbed, the rich energy of the earth's veins appears."

At this moment, everyone stood on the platform and looked into the distance.

Although a mountain peak has been crushed by Gu Xuan's Dao Demon Jade Monument.

But at this time, the rich black and yellow earth energy there was not only abundant, but almost solidified.

"If this earth vein can be introduced into Feitian Sect, maybe Feitian Sect can breed special products."

Ye Yang looked at the rich black and yellow ground energy, and seemed to have thought of something, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"It's just that the method of pulling the earth's veins has always been a secret of the major sects. I'm afraid we have to rely on the assistance of Taixu Dao Sect."

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