The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 362 The exotic Gu that replaces peacock feathers

Wu Qi's eyes lit up.

"Master, wait a moment."

After he finished speaking, he gave a few instructions to the people around him, and someone immediately stepped off the back of the Big Sun Star Beast, controlled the Poison Wood Flying Boat, and flew back to the Five Poison Gates.

About two hours later.

Several people came slowly carrying a pile of shabby clothes, blood-stained shoes and socks, or some old things used by monks.

Gu Xuan waved his hand, and countless Gu insects appeared in his robes, and the Gu insects pounced on these people's old things.

Then it seemed to smell the scent and flew away.

There are also several clothes that exude a powerful aura.

He took the clothes in his hands.

He took out an iron nail in his hand.

The iron nails were contaminated with the scent of these things, and the black light flashed, and in an instant they glowed brightly.

This is the art of crucifixion.

During the previous battle on Qingming Island, Ye Yang had seen Gu Xuan use it to kill the wind and thunder beast Zhuang Gu Yuan.

It's just that at that time, Gu Xuan was still in the warrior realm, and it was far less terrifying than the real person realm.

After doing all this, even though Gu Xuan was a real person, he still consumed a lot of energy.

His breath moved slightly, as if he was about to turn into a zombie demon uncontrollably, and a painful roar came from his body.

It was hundreds of miles away at this time.

A group of people are walking through the forest.

The leader was wearing blue linen clothes and holding a black centipede Zen staff in his hand.

Behind him were a group of young disciples.

"Elder Dong, after walking through Qingfeng Mountain, we arrived at Baiyu Lake. There is a snake demon in that lake. We usually communicate with him a lot, so why not go to it to rest for a while before setting off."

After hearing this, Elder Dong flatly refused.

"We are now a bereaved dog. If we get into the mouth of that snake demon, we will be like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered."

"Times have changed and it's different."

The man nodded when he heard what Elder Dong said. At this moment.

Elder Dong suddenly vomited blood and his face turned extremely pale.

The young monk was surprised, and then said hurriedly.

"Elder Dong, what's wrong..."

Seeing this scene, the people behind him quickly gathered around.

"Elder Dong, please don't let anything happen to you."

"Now, you are the one we rely on."

The young monk next to him had his eyebrows knitted together, and a mark with the word "Sichuan" appeared on his forehead.

His face turned even red.

But it's too late.

The man he called Elder Dong suddenly straightened up and opened his mouth again to spit out a mouthful of black poisonous blood.

As soon as a few people came to their senses, they quickly took out the elixir and wanted to feed it to him.

As a result, there was no time to feed the elixir.

Elder Dong was already dying. He tilted his head and fell to the ground.

There was no breath left.

And this time.

The screams continued.

This happened to everyone around.

"not good."

At this moment, the young monk suddenly felt something and his head hurt.

It was as if something was trying to break his head and crush it to pieces.

Not long after, he roared angrily, his orifices bled, his brain exploded, and he died tragically on the spot.

Another deep mountain stream was shrouded in white mist.

Several people were riding fire centipedes and were moving forward slowly.

Because they were hurrying along, there was already a stream of sweat on these people's faces.

Qi and blood surged, and his face turned red.

While the horses were running, several people suddenly fell off their horses and fell to their death on the ground.

Same scene.

It also appears on many people who have escaped.

Above the Big Sun Star Beast.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes in time, and then slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

After breaking through to the realm of real people.

He gained an indescribable understanding of the Gu Demon Corpse Art.

This was also the first time that he used the magic power of a real person to fully exert the Gu Demon Corpse Weapon Art.

But after all, the number of people involved in fleeing is vast and the scope is far.

In this curse killing, 80% of the mana in his body has been consumed.

But fortunately it was very effective.

After a long time, he stood up.

At his command.

The Big Sun Star Beast controlled its wings and slowly landed at the Five Poison Gate.

Five Poison Gates.

Ye Yang looked ahead.

The terrain of the Five Poison Gates is quite delicate.

Take one belt and five.

In the middle is a platform, and the surrounding mountains form five huge peaks.

At this time, he was on the middle platform.

I also found several storage bags unexpectedly.

He opened it and saw that although there was nothing precious inside, there were many nourishing herbs that could be used as both medicine and poison.

Ye Yang put it away.

At this time, a voice suddenly reached Ye Yang's ears.

"Guardian Ye, here."

Ye Yang looked up and realized it was Wu Qi.

Wu Qi looked at Ye Yang.

"Guardian Ye, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are finally here."

Ye Yang smiled.

"How is your recovery from your injury now?"

Wu Qi showed a hint of excitement on his face.

"Thanks also to Protector Ye for his help. His injuries are much better now."

"I think that by taking advantage of this opportunity of being rewarded by the sect, I should be able to exchange for two bottles of Xuanling Pill soon."

"If I can accumulate a few more years and break through to the middle stage of martial arts, it will be a blessing."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Then I would like to congratulate Ambassador Wu in advance for his wish to come true."

Although the Xuanling Pill recipe is in Feitian Sect.

However, the materials are rare and difficult to refine.

Especially the amount of elixirs that assist breakthroughs is not large.

Nowadays, many people are fighting for it.

However, Wu Qi has made such great contributions, and it is not difficult for him to obtain Xuanling Pill.

After a while, Wu Qi spoke.

"Guardian Ye, come with me. There is a good thing waiting for you."

Ye Yang was surprised when he heard it, and then said: "I don't know what it is."

Wu Qi said.

"Last time you asked me to find a way to replenish the peacock feather insect."

"I searched through the Book of Thousand Poisons and Ten Thousand Beasts, and finally got an idea. I found a replacement specifically for you."

"It's in the cave of Wan Kuguo, the late Great Elder of the Five Poison Sect."

There was a hint of surprise in Ye Yang's eyes.

The death of Wanrong Kingdom was indispensable to him.

Back then, he used a trick to deceive the fox fairy Wei Wei and tricked the Five Poison Sect.

The opponent has lost its top level combat power.

In order to carry up the banner, Wu Qing used self-mutilation to enter the martial arts consummation.

Otherwise, the Five Poison Sect would not have been destroyed so quickly.

But there was still a trace of doubt in his heart.

"Wanku Guo has been dead for many years, how come his cave has not been searched by anyone?"

Wu Qi said.

"Brother Ye doesn't know something. When I first entered the Five Poison Sect, Wankuguo helped me a lot. It was because of his favor that I successfully penetrated into the core of the Five Poison Sect."

"He originally had the potential to impact the realm of real people, but later he was killed by a strange attack, which was really sad."

After hearing this, Ye Yang smiled and thought to himself.

"This matter of Wankuguo's death is still related to me. You must not mention it in front of him, otherwise there will be a gap in your heart."

Wu Qi said to Ye Yang as he walked.

"This cave is the hidden palace of Wanku Kingdom. If I hadn't obtained one or two secret inheritances from him, I wouldn't have been able to find this hidden realm."

A strong man like this who has reached the perfect realm of martial arts should have many treasures in his hands.

After taking a look at Wu Qi, Ye Yang said.

"Envoy Wu, do you want to share the treasure with me?"

It should be noted that in today's Five Poison Sect, Wu Qing came back once and took away almost the most valuable things.

What Gu Xuan values ​​the most is the various Taoist inheritance of the Five Poison Sect.

We have now arrived at the Sutra Pavilion.

Nowadays, except for the huge spiritual veins of the Five Poison Sect, it is difficult for other people to obtain corresponding gains.

Wu Qi was willing to share this thing with him, which surprised him.

Wu Qi said.

"Guardian Ye saved my life. Sharing it with Guardian Ye is what I deserve."

"In addition, this magical Gu insect can be hidden inside a mustard seed, just like the Peacock Feather insect."

"It's just that the insect eggs are being nourished by spiritual energy and cannot move. You still need to go in person to activate them with blood."

After hearing this, Ye Yang stopped being polite.

He followed Wu Qi to a deep cave.

The cave is covered with golden vines, which are shockingly poisonous.

Wu Qi waved his hand and created a wind to push away the poisonous gas.

After a while, the two arrived inside the cave.

Ye Yang took a look and found that the cave was densely dusty, and indeed no one had been there for many years.

Wu Qi said.

"That Wanku Guopo was proficient in formations, so he used his own formation technique to integrate this cave and the mountain-protecting formation of the Five Poison Gates."

"So all this time, this mountain-protecting formation is immortal and no one can enter it."

Ye Yang nodded.

"I wonder where that magical Gu is?"

Wu Qi took him to a high platform. Ye Yang looked up and saw five or six black eggs the size of eggs hidden on the high platform.

Egg exudes a simple and distant atmosphere.

On the black eggs, six blood lines are evenly distributed, evenly distributed.

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