The Big Sun Star Beast flapped its wings, with iron feathers flying around its body. It was so huge that it could swallow up the heaven and the earth.

The waves of the wings brought out countless waves of wind and air, and the air was emptied and controlled, casting a large black shadow on the mountain gate of Feitianmen.

There are many monks standing on top of the Big Sun Star Beast.

Some of them are strong and some are weak. Although many of them are still injured, at this moment, everyone is full of evil energy and is fierce and iron-blooded.

It also carries a fierce aura that has experienced the baptism of war.

Gu Xuan stood on the head of the Big Sun Star Beast and said.

"Everyone, follow me on my journey. A hundred years of humiliation will end today."

After saying that, the Big Sun Star Beast suddenly flashed its wings and immediately escaped into the clouds.

And in a hidden corner of Feitian Gate.

One person was leaning against the firewood gate, watching the Sun Star Beast's retreating figure, until it turned into a black dot, and then slowly withdrew his gaze.

He has gray hair, a wrinkled face, and a black sword in each hand.

It was Ge Canhong who was trembling slightly as he walked.

The breeze in the mountains rose, blowing a strand of white hair on his forehead, revealing his old face.

He looked at the Big Sun Star Beast flying past in the sky and clenched his fists.

But the moment the aura on his body rose, it only flourished for a moment, and then quickly dissipated.

He shook his head and sighed.

"I'm really old."

He sighed secretly and looked at his belly.

There was a terrifying scar on his dantian, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

His Dantian was damaged, and all his magic power was gone. Even though he tried his best, it had no effect at all.

"Everything in the world always goes against its will, but it will only happen once in a while."

With a sigh, he slowly walked into the house and closed the wood door.

Only the sighs continued for a long time.

Above the Big Sun Star Beast.

Wind hunting

Ye Yang naturally saw that figure.

Ge Canhong's Dantian was damaged and he was now reduced to an old man with no strength to restrain himself.

Especially after losing the nourishment of mana, his body quickly withered, his face was wrinkled, and his hair was white.

Now he can be said to be a useless person

Compared to Ge Canhong.

The most serious injury belongs to Wang Sandao

Although he was saved by Ye Yang using Sanbao Wanying ointment.

But the injury was too serious.

He is still in a coma and has not woken up for many days.

Later, many doctors and alchemists were found in the Feitian Sect to come to treat him, but the effect was not good. Now Wang Huan is solely responsible for taking care of him.

The Big Sun Star Beast is very fast.

Along the way, many people saw this huge flying beast and knew that they could not be provoked. They hurriedly avoided the surroundings and did not dare to say a word.

"This seems to be the Great Sun Star Beast of Feitian Sect."

"Could it be those killers from Feitian Sect?"

The person next to him nodded and took a closer look.

"Yes, the leader is skinny and thin, with a cold and solemn face. He must be Gu Xuan who has just made a breakthrough."

"The other side has so many manpower, where are they going to go?"

Before the man could speak, someone on the side covered his mouth and then said.

"Look at their appearance, they are full of murderous intent, they must be heading to the Five Poison Sect."

"The Five Poison Sect has a feud with them. This time the Feitian Sect suffered heavy losses, and the second elder Gu Qingshu even transformed into a monster."

"I'm afraid this is going to the Five Poison Sect to settle accounts."

"In this case, we might as well follow closely, maybe we can pick up some leftovers to eat."

As soon as the man finished speaking, the people next to him were shocked.

"Did you know that Gu Xuan is not only a Taoist and demon cultivator, he is also extremely good at witchcraft and Gu."

"Now it has broken through to the realm of real people."

"If you offend him, as long as you find a trace of your belongings, you can run to the ends of the earth and die without a burial place."

Hearing such words, the man shrank his neck and did not dare to speak any more.

Quietly hid aside.

It only takes less than half a day to go from Feitian Sect to Wudu Sect.

The road was very fast and the light was changing, and soon we arrived at the mountain gate of Wudu Gate.

This is the second time Ye Yang has arrived at Wudu Gate in many years.

In front of him is a mountain with jagged rocks and dense poisonous clouds, shaped like five fingers.

On the top of the mountain, there are steep cliffs, no grass growing, and poisonous gas permeating the air.

The moment I saw this huge mountain peak.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The Five Poison Sect has finally arrived."

Gu Xuan saw the huge mountain gate and smiled coldly.

Then with a wave of his arm, a stone tablet of vicissitudes filled with Dao Demon energy suddenly dropped from the sky.

Powerful, vicissitudes of life, majestic.

Overwhelm the sky.

"People from the Five Poison Sect come out quickly and die."

Since taking over as the leader, Feitian Sect has been suppressed by the Five Poison Sect for many years.

For the sake of development, Feitianmen can only look back and pretend to be happy.

Laughing outside, hurting inside, and humiliating.

Even in some teachings, when teaching disciples, they say that a land of etiquette provides treasures year after year in order to seek peace.

Now the great revenge is about to be avenged, and the years of humiliation are over.

Everyone felt even more indescribably happy.

The next moment, the stone tablet intertwined with demonic energy descended from the sky.

When it almost touched the ground, it grew several times larger again, becoming a hundred feet tall.

It seems to be a huge mountain.

The moment they saw this huge mountain peak appear, everyone couldn't help but feel horrified.

Ye Yang had seen this move before when Gu Xuan was still in the warrior realm.

Now after Gu Xuan broke through to the realm of real people.

This stone monument is extremely huge, as high as a hundred feet, like a mountain peak, which makes people tremble with fear.

at this time.

Huge stone monuments like mountains were pressing down, the mountains and forests were destroyed, and rocks were flying.

One of the mountains was suddenly crushed by a huge stone monument and turned into powder.

"It seems that the mountain-protecting formation of the Five Poison Sect is not activated."

Ye Yang looked at the huge gate of Wudu Gate and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Just now, Gu Xuan pressed down with one move, directly crushing the mountain peak and turning it into powder, which surprised everyone.

He couldn't help but think of Wu Qi.

"It seems that someone is already inside to answer the call."

as expected.

After a while, an angry voice came out.

"Why is the mountain protection formation not activated?"

"You guys, do you really want to kill them all and destroy my Five Poison Sect?"

"Gu Xuan, even though you have broken through to the level of a real person, you killed me so painfully."

"If the seeds of my Five Poison Sect escape from birth and break through to become a real person come again in the future, how will you resist?"

"Please note, keep a tightrope in everything so that we can meet you in the future."

This is a silver-haired old woman, her whole body is filled with poisonous mist, and her body smells fishy.

The head was not a human head, but a huge black toad with a short neck.

At this moment, her whole body smelled extremely fishy, ​​she opened her huge mouth and rolled her tongue.

I saw that the mountain-protecting formation of the Five Poison Sect was not activated.

She knew there was a mole.

Escape towards the horizon at top speed

"It turned out to be this old guy."

"What you say makes sense, but we don't accept it."

"Since there are still seeds, kill them all and turn them into powder so that no grass can grow."

Everyone couldn't help being shocked when they saw this strange man who was neither human nor animal, and started talking about it.

I didn't expect this old guy to still be alive.

This person is the great elder of the previous generation of Wudu Sect.

Later I heard that after practicing the Five Poison Sect’s Five Directions Poisonous Beast Rotation Method, I encountered a backlash.

He had to merge with the poisonous toad and became half human and half beast.

Everyone thought the man was dead.

I just didn't expect that she was still alive.

If the Five Poison Sect hadn't reached the last moment, I'm afraid the other party wouldn't have appeared.

"court death."

Gu Xuan snorted coldly, raised his hand, and countless densely packed golden beetles appeared.

The golden beetle had brilliant hair, flapped its wings, and was in front of the man in an instant.

The old woman saw the Gu insects flying behind her.

Suddenly, the body swelled, and the toad's head expanded countless times, like a giant object covering the sky, with a radius of ten feet and a thickness of ten feet.

He opened his mouth and stuck out a long red tongue, which turned in circles in the air.

Then he swallowed countless giant insects.

But before he could react, he was crawled on by the remaining giant insects.

It didn't take long before it was eaten up.

Ye Yang looked at the Gu insect with a strange color in his eyes.

He knew that Gu Xuan had practiced the Gu Demon Corpse Weapon Art and could control Gu insects.

These Gu insects he had tamed could not withstand the pressure when faced with the real person's realm, and had difficulty getting close to the real person's body, so they were of little use.

But when facing a master who is one level below him, the power displayed is truly terrifying.

At this time, shouts of killing also came from the Five Poison Sect.

Shortly afterwards.

A tall and thin figure drove a canoe, carrying several people, flying in the sky.

"Greetings to the master, disciple Wu Qi and all fellow Taoists would like to welcome the master back!"

Hearing this voice, many people on the Great Sun Star Beast looked stunned.

But Gu Xuan showed a smile.

"Okay, our Feitian Sect has never been afraid of worldly opinions, and all Taoism and demons are integrated into one."

"In the future, if you have the intention to reform yourself and cultivate immortality, you will be one of your own family. However, if there are any half-hearted people, they will definitely be killed without mercy, even if they escape to the ends of the earth."

After Wu Qi heard this, he drove the Poison Wood Spirit Boat and walked to the side of the Big Sun Star Beast.

The Big Sun Star Beast lowered one of its wings, and then a group of people slowly walked up to the Star Beast from an iron feather.

Wu Qi showed a kind smile to Ye Yang.

Quietly walked to Gu Xuan and said.

"Master, the Five Poison Sect has been controlled by us, but many people still escaped."

Gu Xuan said.

"Don't worry, we'll find those people's clothes, hair and menstrual blood."

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