The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 360: Once the golden lock is opened, thousands of kings will come in vain

The next day.

Wu Qi rode the fire centipede alone and left the Feitian Gate in a leisurely manner.

Although it is still autumn at this time, the residual heat of "summer tiger" has not dissipated yet.

The road was dusty and still very hot.

On the other hand, the leaves of some maple trees on the roadside have turned from green to red, and they look like flames burning, shining brightly.

Ye Yang sent Wu Qi out of Feitian Gate.

Within a few days, a message from Feitian Sect was received.

It is said that all cultivators above the martial arts realm are to be on guard and are strictly prohibited from going out.

As for the specific matter, there is no details.

But Ye Yang thought that it should be about the sect’s follow-up arrangements.

He waited carefully, but nothing happened.

In the past few days, he took advantage of his free time to record in detail his thoughts on treating Wu Qi this time.

At the same time, a simplified version of the Secret Scrolls of the Three Purities of Bi Luo was sorted out and compiled into a volume.

Prepare to hand it over to the sect's Sutra Collection Pavilion.

The art of water alchemy has a unique inheritance, and this inheritance should not decline.

Although it is difficult to practice the Biluo Three Pure Secret Scrolls, it also requires the power of time to be used as medicine.

However, the Feitian Sect is currently in a state of exhaustion and may need to recruit another group of disciples.

If the base is large, there will always be talented people who meet the conditions.

At this moment, in the Shouzhuo Pavilion, the breeze is blowing slowly and the water is calm.

Xiu Ya lay in his arms, stretched out a pair of snow-white and cold jade hands, and gently touched his body.

A large section of her long white legs as plump as snow jade was exposed, gently hooked on his wrist.

Xiuya shouted, looked at Ye Yang's side face, and then said.

"Sir, you said that the Jingyuan Fruit itself is a cold poisonous thing. Why can it be transformed into a pure yang thing after being soaked in spiritual spring water."

Ye Yang said.

"Yin and yang can naturally transform into each other. The ultimate yin is the nascent yang, and the ultimate yang can naturally be transformed into the yin of the falling moon."

"It's like the sun rising when the night is at its thickest, or like the sun setting in the west and the night rising. It's not an accident."

Xiu Ya nodded, looking thoughtful.

She had a weird posture, hiding in Ye Yang's arms, exposing a pair of jade legs, raised high.

Ye Yang looked curious.

"What are you doing?"

Xiu Ya said: "Sir, you are so powerful and powerful. I have taken many medicines to aid in pregnancy and calm the nerves, but I still don't feel anything."

After she finished speaking, she touched the beautiful flesh on her plump belly.

"I heard that hanging the golden hook upside down like this can allow your essence to flow into the body quickly."

"I heard from ancient books that this will help me give birth to a precious son."

Ye Yang just smiled and didn't say anything.

at dusk.

He slowly walked out of the courtyard.

At this time, he suddenly heard a voice coming from the main hall.

"I didn't know that Master Aoki had come all the way from afar. He was not well prepared. He only had tea to receive him. I missed the opportunity to welcome you from afar. I hope you will forgive me."

"After all these things are over in the past few days, I will definitely go to Shanhai City to visit the real person."

The man smiled.

"While passing by here, I suddenly heard that my ancient Taoist friends had accumulated many years of experience and once broke through to the real person of Zi Mansion, I came uninvited and disturbed you many times. I hope you will forgive me."

"Your sect is now full of waste and waiting for improvement. Of course I know that Zhenren Gu has many things to do. Your family and I are not far apart. My Wang family is good at formations. If you need anything, just come."

A slightly aged voice came out.

Although this voice was rough, it was mixed with an indescribable delicacy.

"It's Master Aoki of the Wang family in Shanhai City."

Ye Yang heard this and immediately knew the origin of the other party.

The Wang family is the formation family in Shanhai City, especially good at the defensive formation Golden Lock Formation, and is known as the Golden Lock Wang Family.

It means "Once the golden lock is opened, thousands of kings will come in vain.", which shows the depth of his family's formation skills.

It is also one of the big families behind the scenes that controls Shanhai City.

Previously, Feitianmen wanted to upgrade the Five Elements Destroying Cloud and Mist Formation and invited the other party to take action.

However, the Wang family was worried about offending the Red Lantern Club and the Blood and Bone Cult, so they ignored it.

Now after knowing that Gu Xuan successfully broke through the realm.

This Master Aoki came unexpectedly.

It gave him a sense of the impermanence of the world.

Master Aoki's complexion was reddish. When the two walked out of the house, he saw Ye Yang's strong aura.

Especially at the sword behind Ye Yang, he stared closely and then smiled.

"This little friend, could it be Ye Yang, the master of both swords and swords?"

Master Aoki is quite old, and since Ye Yang can remember, he has been in the realm of real people.

At this time, calling him "little friend" has already given him enough face.

Seeing what he said, Ye Yang quickly spoke.

"The junior has met the senior. I am Ye Yang. As for the double skills of swords and swords, it is just an outsider's false praise. How dare you call it a double skill in front of a real person."

After hearing what Ye Yang said, Master Aoki nodded, a hint of appreciation flashing in his heart.

"I heard that this person ranks quite high on the Hidden Dragon Ranking, but he is not the same as other rankings."

He has also come into contact with a few people on the Hidden Dragon List, and they are all arrogant and impressive people.

He can understand it.

After all, he is still young and has great abilities. He is arrogant and strong-willed as he should be.

But the person in front of me is not too old. He is under the age of 16 and can be regarded as a young and talented person in the world of immortality.

It's just that the other party is quite mature and tactful.

This couldn't help but make him look even higher.

Most of these people have experienced the prosperity of the world, know how to make choices, know how to advance and retreat, know how to judge the situation and hide the dragon in the abyss.

It is far beyond the reach of those who are so arrogant when they are just starting out.

"Okay, what a great Ye Yang. I heard that you are not only good at swordsmanship, but also good at healing Dan Qihuang. You are indeed a great man."

"Go to the Wang family anytime and let the incompetent descendants of the Wang family see the real peerless dragon."

The peerless dragon he called was just a verbal title.

Although Ye Yang didn't like it in his heart, he still showed respect and excitement on his face.

He knew that in front of such real and powerful people, so-called casual compliments would cause an uproar outside.

He does not take all praises and compliments from others to heart.

Because still water runs deep, these casual compliments are nothing more than lip service and cannot affect his pursuit.

But at this moment, facing the other party's compliment, his expression moved slightly and he deliberately looked happy.

If you ignore it, you will definitely leave an arrogant impression on the other party.

He cupped his hands and said.

"Thank you, Master. I will visit the Wang family before I make a decision."

"Okay, okay, I also have a niece who is pretty and pretty..."

Master Aoki smiled, then put his hands together, transforming into a blue-red light and shooting straight into the sky.

Only then did Gu Xuan come to his senses. After confirming that Master Aoki was far away, he said casually.

"Now that the sect has become stronger, there are always people coming to visit us."

"The Blood Demon Sect and the Qinglian Mo Family just sent people here a few days ago."

"It's only been a few days, and Aoki, a guy with high eyesight, also came."

"We were in crisis before, and we didn't see any help from these families. They even tried to drive away tigers and devour wolves, trying to defeat us and have a good meal."

"Now it has become a popular item."

Ye Yang said.

"People say that after three days of separation, people should look at each other with new eyes. In the world, interests are at the forefront. They see the potential of Feitian Sect, so they naturally come here in droves."

Gu Xuan nodded.

"This sentence is quite right. Although my Feitian Sect is considered powerful now, compared to those sects that have been with families for thousands of years and have been passed down for countless years, we are still not even a little bit behind."

"There is neither an end point nor a way out for monks to practice, and the same is true for sects. Stopping means retreating. The journey is vast, and I will pursue it up and down."

Hearing this sentence at this moment, Ye Yang suddenly felt something and blurted out with a random movement.

“Work hard and work diligently and never slack off.”

"Two hundred years of vicissitudes of life, ninety thousand miles of great success."

When Gu Xuan heard Ye Yang's words, his eyes suddenly burst with light, and then he said.

"Well, what a man who works hard and works hard without slacking off. What a man who has gone through two hundred years of vicissitudes in the world and made a good move for ninety thousand miles."

"What a great courage. I think the young people of your generation are much stronger than us old people."

Especially the sentence about the vicissitudes of life in two hundred years reminded him of the two hundred years of Taoism, which were extremely hard and dangerous.

During this period, no one can explain how much separation, how much growth, how much loss, and how much gain.

In the end it can only be reduced to one sentence.

"It's just a little bit of wind and frost."

"How far have you reached in your cultivation of Zhu Chan's Moon Swallowing Spiritual Technique now?"

"We are almost reaching the Dacheng state."

Gu Xuan nodded, quite satisfied with Ye Yang's cultivation speed.

"Yes, it seems that in a while you will be able to practice the Tianpeng Divine Curse and the Siming Disaster Control Technique."

This day.

Even the Great Sun Star Beast that had been on Qingming Island was summoned back by the sect.

Standing high in the sky.

Brothers, I was wrong. I originally said I would update at noon. Something happened between last night and today. I just finished my work and am still in the hotel, so I will post it immediately.

Chapter 2 will be released immediately after another half hour to an hour.

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