The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 303 The Demon Kingdom on Earth Returns to the Sect

After breaking through to the middle stage of martial arts.

Ye Yang felt that there was an indescribable powerful aura in his flesh, bones, muscles, and internal organs.

Especially the mana is rolling around, seemingly with amazing explosive power.

At the fourth level of martial arts, one can already come into contact with the true evil spirits of heaven and earth. By the time he reaches the fifth level, he can cultivate a breath of evil spirits.

There are three types of evil spirits: heaven, earth, and humans.

The sky is high and far away; the earth is thick and heavy; and the human beings are complex, falling into the world of mortals and transforming into seven orifices, indescribable.

Finding a breath of evil spirit suitable for your tempering will help you get twice the result with half the effort in your subsequent practice.

Currently, there is an evil spirit in the Feitian Sect.

One is the Tiangang Daoyinsha obtained from the previous capture of Heifeng Cave with Fengyu Tower.

A bottle can be refined every other year, and the Feitian Sect has saved some over the years.

The other type is the clear water Nether Demon that was refined in the Niu Mo River.

It’s just that the Blue Water Netherworld Evil Pit has dried up, and Feitian Sect currently only has a small amount of inventory.

The specific type of evil spirit to be used will have to wait until it is determined in the future.

After all, it is a matter of lifelong cultivation and foundation, and cannot be ignored at all.

This breakthrough reached the middle stage of martial arts, and Ye Yang's physical body, which he had cultivated into the Elephant Demon Fist, was much larger.

In the blink of an eye, it grew from 1.34 feet to 1.67 feet.

It's really like a giant.

He glanced at the vast space underground and saw another Pengyu aura growing next to it.

He flew forward, his speed was much faster, and he quickly caught it.

Carefully put it in a jade bottle, and Ye Yang put it in a storage bag.

"Now it's time to go out. I don't know what's going on in Feitian Sect."

Ye Yang groaned slightly, stepped on his feet, and left the crypt.

Logically speaking, in such caves, the power of fire is strong, the heat is almost suffocating, and no one has explored it for many years, so it is very easy to breed the treasure of earth fire.

But Ye Yang searched a lot and couldn't find any trace of the treasure.

He secretly guessed whether it was because the body of the fallen great demon Peng was too strong, and Peng Yu's spiritual light repels all things.

That's why strange treasures are not born.

Just as Ye Yang was heading towards the exit.

At the exit of this underground demon palace, there is a huge demon elephant that is more than ten feet tall. It has four feet on the ground and its fangs raised. It is extremely powerful and majestic.

The demonic elephant raised its head to the sky and roared loudly. Countless sword lights flew, and the people of Xuexia City who escaped from the underground palace were beaten into pieces of flesh and blood all over the ground.

Just as the demon elephant roared, a ray of sword light shot out quickly, like a green lotus sword, and coordinated with the demon elephant's attack to start a massacre.

"Brother King Kong, the masters in Blood Cloud City are coming out soon, so we need to be careful in dealing with them."

The elder of the Qinglian Mo family holds a diamond umbrella.

Countless sword lights shot out from the slight rotation, blasting out a wide passage from the crowd in front.

King Kong shuddered and changed from the body of a demonic elephant to a human form.

Xiong Fei on one side stood up to his position, with four arms that could hold up the sky, and punched out four times. A huge bull demon in front of him was immediately blasted into pieces of flesh and blood.

When the monsters in Xuexia City saw this, they chirped and retreated in a hurry. They huddled in the cave again, not daring to get close.

"Ling Xiaozi is very powerful. He has managed Xuexia City like an iron barrel over the years. He must pay the price this time."

"This Xuexia City belongs to your Celestial Elephant Alliance. The most precious treasure of my Qinglian Mo family was lost in Xuexia City. I only hope that I can help us investigate the monster who stole the treasure!"

Several people looked at each other.

He had an idea in an instant, and King Kong shouted: "Okay, in that case, we will make an agreement."

At this moment, Ling Xiaozi, who was skinny and with a pair of huge wings, had flown out of the cave.

He was extremely fast, his wings spread out to cover the sky, and he had a dragon restrained in his hands.

There is a blue fire in the heart of the flame dragon.

"It's pure Yang phaseless fire!"

"Ling Xiaozi actually surrendered that fire dragon."

The Celestial Elephant Alliance and the Qinglian Mo family looked at each other and were shocked.

Everyone had seen how powerful the fire dragon was, but they never expected that it would be captured by Ling Xiaozi.

At this moment, every time Ling Xiaozi flaps his wings, he can unleash countless sword rains.

These sword rains were similar to the feathers of birds but were extremely sharp. They flew leisurely in the air and directly cut out a vacuum area in front of them.

At this time, King Kong struck with two fists, and flew away into the sky like an angry elephant king.

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, he collided with Ling Xiaozi.

Qinglian The two elders of the Mo family also stood up from the ground, thrust out the sword in their hands, and shot out an enchanting and dangerous Qinglian.

The other person slightly rotated the sword umbrella in his hand. The umbrella rotated smoothly, shooting out countless sword lights, and coordinated with the others to kill into the sky.

The three of them are all masters, and Ling Xiaozi is the most outstanding city lord in Xuexia City for thousands of years.

At this time, one person was fighting three people alone, and he also had the cultivation of alchemy. In an instant, the three of them were knocked down from the sky by him.

"You dare to come to our Bloody Cloud City and act recklessly. The three of you are not qualified."

"The old demon of alchemy is indeed powerful!"

"A strong attack is not the answer. We must seek foreign aid."

Only the old gods from the Qinglian Mo family were there, and they didn't take it seriously. They seemed to have some confidence in their hearts.

At this moment, a sky-high blood sword condensed into a line and struck in the air. It was extremely sharp, as sharp as sword light and as thick as blood.

After the bloody sword light came, it headed towards Ling Xiaozi.

Ling Xiaozi still had the upper hand against the three of them.

But the moment he saw this tiny light of blood, he was shocked.

He cursed angrily: "Zhenren Chongxiao, you are also famous, but in the end, as a senior, you attacked me as a junior. I don't know if you feel blushing."

But the man in the sky didn't take it seriously.

Not only did the sword light not stop, it actually moved faster.

The bloody sword light pierced Ling Xiaozi's abdomen in an instant. Ling Xiaozi screamed and fell into the sky.

At this moment, a giant hand as big as a mountain was photographed from the air, casting an infinite black shadow on the ground.

Then a huge figure that was arrogant and arrogant vibrated a pair of giant wings and flew in the sky.

Pick up Ling Xiaozi.

"It's the Great Demon Yitian."

Everyone was silent.

Yitian Da Yao is a well-known person in charge of combat power in the demon country on the earth. He is as famous as Zhenren Chongxiao.

They are all strong men in the real world.

Especially Master Chongxiao, who has undergone transformation from the Blue Lotus Sword of the Mo Family, comprehended how to kill the Blood Lotus, and has condensed golden elixir in his cultivation, and is about to break through to the realm of Master Tiangang.

Far from ordinary real people can compare.

The first realm of real people is the real person in Zifu. After breaking through to the real person state, Zifu opens up, and the inner palace is filled with skylight and purple clouds, which is indescribably precious.

The second level is Jin Dan Zhenren.

My own will was born in the Zi Mansion, and a golden elixir of mana was condensed. At this point, a golden elixir was swallowed into my belly, and my fate was determined by me.

The third level is Zhenren Tiangang.

At this time, the magic power of the golden elixir has condensed into substance, reaching a special state where the heaven and earth are inviolable and all methods cannot come close to the body.

The fourth level is the real person of the Dharma.

If the true form of the Dharma is realized, it will be the image of heaven and earth, the spirit of all things, reflecting the heavens and the world with itself, a new baby sprouting in the mind, and the earth will crack with one hand.

The cultivation level of the demon race is similar to that of the human race, except that they have demon elixirs themselves. Therefore, when entering the realm of real people, they must dissolve the demon elixirs and condense the golden elixirs again.

This is the realm of alchemy. This realm is slightly inferior to the master of Zifu, but far superior to the strong martial artist.

After the demon elixir is transformed, the golden elixir will be reorganized. At this time, you can call it a great demon.

Master Chongxiao condensed the golden elixir many years ago.

Although Yi Tian Da Yao is not as strong as him, he also has the golden elixir cultivation level and a special bloodline. Previously in Wangyue Mountain, the real person of the Mo family was crushed to death like a three-year-old child in his hands.

At this moment, Ling Xiaozi was held in the hands of Yi Tian Da Yao. After Yi Tian Da Yao looked at it carefully, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

"This kid actually has a trace of the blood of the golden-winged demon roc. He deserves to go to my demon country on earth for further study."

After saying that, he stopped fighting with Master Chongxiao, rolled up his wings, and flew straight into the sky.

The speed was so fast that the whistling mountain clouds and the demonic wind on the ground were all swept to the ground by him.

In an instant, he had reached the horizon.

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