The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 302 Peng Xiang Moves the Sky, Middle Stage of Warrior

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

This opportunity came quickly and went quickly.

The opportunity to break through was suppressed by something.

"It's the inheritance of the Great Demon Peng Law that's causing trouble."

Ye Yang frowned slightly, feeling that he was restrained when he was about to break through.

A wave of force came from the storage bag, forcibly suppressing his cultivation that was about to break through.

He opened the storage bag and took out a palm-sized stone slab. The stone slab had cracks and there was a big peng with one wing missing.

It was the incomplete inheritance of the Great Demon Peng Law he got from Qingming Island.

At this moment, the stone slab seemed to be stimulated by something, flying in the air, jumping slightly, shaking constantly, and standing in front of him.

At this moment, Ye Yang's unwillingness to break through turned into a roar to the sky.

Driven by the inheritance stone slab, his hands unconsciously moved automatically and waved a golden light in the air.

As he waved his hands, a golden roc about ten feet in size condensed on his chest.

It was like a golden feather, majestic and heroic, with demonic energy lingering around it. When it spread its wings, it would forever shake the void.

At the moment when the golden roc spread its wings and took shape.

The sound of wind swept, and the breath of the strongest and most masculine and demonic energy suddenly enveloped the surroundings.

This demon-feathered golden roc was as bright as a rising golden sun.

Ye Yang's heart was shocked, and he controlled the golden roc to flick its wings slightly.

Countless golden lights burst out from the huge golden roc's wings, which seemed to be able to refine everything and destroy everything.

Ye Yang hurriedly closed his eyes and carefully comprehended.

And the countless huge monuments and stones around him moved quickly, covering him in them.

At this moment, with every wave of his Great Demonic Roc, the wing fossils within three feet around him were also quickly shattered, reorganized, rotated, and ascended.

Like the stars worshiping him, they regarded him as the king here.

Ye Yang felt it carefully, especially the closer he got to the heart of the body, the stronger the feeling became.

At this moment, the huge figure of the demon roc that covered the sky and the sun seemed to be in front of him. As he moved slowly, he was getting closer and closer to the huge body.

Not only that, while observing the golden-winged roc, the gorgeous golden roc phantom in his hands gradually became clearer and larger.

The golden-winged roc can travel 180,000 miles with its wings spread.

There are countless feathers around it. If each feather can be successfully refined, it will be a ray of sword energy with amazing power.

If 1.08 million feathers on the body are shot out at any time and formed into 1.08 million infinite sword formations, it will definitely be amazingly powerful.

Ye Yang felt that he had gained more insights into the Great Demon Peng Method.

At this time, under the blessing of the Great Demon Peng Method, he punched out with both fists, whistled slightly, and the golden demon roc whistled, and the giant elephant galloped up to the sky, and the roc and elephant were raised together, one on the left and one on the right, surrounding the body.

The inheritance slate in front of him kept flashing light, and endless information entered his mind.

Ye Yang was shocked.

"I have the ambition of a tiger, and I can smell roses on the wall."

"I have a wing that can cut the sun and the moon, and I have a hand that can cover the world."

Ye Yang roared, and the huge golden roc phantom in front of him flowed into his body.

At this moment, a heroic and handsome golden winged roc with wings shaking the sky and dozens of feet high formed behind him.

And the elephant demon was below, carrying the earth, like a giant pillar, hitting the sky.

The mysterious fate that has been motionless for a long time finally has news

Great Demon Peng Method

Current progress: Getting Started

Progress: 0.5%

Next progress: Minor Success

[With a wave of wings, you can fly 108,000 miles, feathers like arrows, you can dance between heaven and earth, the inheritance of the most rigid, yang, and extremely fast golden winged demon roc, practice boxing a hundred times a day, persevere, and you will be successful in ten years. ]

The moment this panel information appeared, Ye Yang's brows showed a hint of joy.

He knew that he had successfully entered the practice of the Great Demon Peng Method.

At this time, the Cold Sun Gem, which had been slightly hot, suddenly flew in front of Ye Yang's chest.

The small bone jade zither appeared at the same time as the Cold Sun Gem.

The moment the two appeared, they suddenly exploded into countless bone fragments, all floating in Ye Yang's body.

"Something is coming in."

Ye Yang originally suspected that these two objects were made of the bones of the Great Demon Peng after its fall.

At this moment, the moment these bone powders entered his body.

He felt that something seemed to be slowly moving in his body, and even his physique was getting stronger and stronger.

After a long time, Ye Yang opened his eyes.

He stood up, and at this moment he actually felt an indescribable anger and murderous aura on his body.

This murderous aura is different from the murderous aura.

The Golden Winged Great Peng ate a dragon every day, and its ferocious and brutal aura was far better than that of the Elephant Demon. Its inheritance was naturally extraordinary.

At this moment, Ye Yang's body moved slightly, and a golden roc as big as a small sun appeared behind him.

The surging flames emanated from his body, like molten gold, emitting dazzling light.

At this moment, he felt that the aura of everything around him became clearer.

Perhaps because of the inheritance of the Great Demonic Peng Law, he could see more changes around him. Ye Yang had already discovered something wrong in front of him.

"That is, it seems to be the spiritual light of the roc feather!"

Ye Yang's eyes suddenly lit up, emitting a hint of green and red light.

The next moment, two sword lights suddenly shot out from the pupils, like arrows from the string, directly passing through the layers of magic feather fossils.

Ye Yang's vision widened, and then he saw a huge highland in the center of the front.

On the high ground, there are countless colorful clouds.

A large piece or a large group of auras, like the wings of a giant roc, floated from the exit at the heart and merged into the sky.

"It's Peng Yu's spiritual light."

There was a hint of joy in Ye Yang's eyes, and then he seemed to have thought of something, which was quite surprising.

Although this powerful man who practices the Great Demonic Peng method has fallen into disrepute for an unknown number of years.

The periphery of the heart has turned into a stone wall, and even the marrow and blood inside have been drained by someone.

But even so, there is still residual vitality, and the fetal membranes are still trembling slightly, which seems to be the remaining warmth of vitality.

At this moment, with every beat of the heart, a little bright red blood spurted out from the hole.

The blood light was similar to feathers, very light. As soon as it appeared, it flew straight into the sky with a puff of air.

"It turns out that this is how Peng Yu's spiritual light is produced in Xuexia City."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and already had the answer in his heart.

Peng Yu's spiritual light is extremely precious, rarely seen by the outside world, and it can greatly help one's own practice.

Seeing no one around him, Ye Yang called out. Now that he has learned the magic of the Great Demon Peng, his speed has become much faster.

With a little movement of power, Ye Yang flew out like an arrow from the string.

After a while, Ye Yang reached the heart.

He saw countless blood-red lights gushing out from inside. Ye Yang quickly reached out and fished out a large piece of blood-red aura.

Then, without seeing how he acted, he directly swallowed the blood light into his mouth to refine it.

The moment Peng Yu's spiritual light entered his throat, a huge amount of energy immediately entered his limbs and bones.

Then there was ecstasy.

At this moment, he actually felt that the Zhu Chan Moon-Swallowing Spiritual Technique that he had been practicing began to operate rapidly under the blessing of this majestic spiritual light.

It is more than ten times that of the outside world.

The cultivation that had been suppressed by the inheritance slate once again had hope of breaking through.

Seeing this, Ye Yang hurriedly took out a Toad King Treasure Pill and quickly swallowed it in his mouth.

The moment the Toad King Treasure Pill appeared and entered his throat, he had already quickly refined it.

It was too late to provide him with the spiritual energy he needed.

The next moment, Ye Yang took out a medicine bottle.

He directly swallowed the remaining dozens of pills in his mouth.

Dozens of Toad King Treasure Pills exploded in your mouth

At this moment, a vermilion-colored ancient toad holding the bright moon suddenly appeared behind Ye Yang!

Zhu Chan shouted, and countless powerful forces were immediately heard.

The moment Zhu Chan's cry rang out, Ye Yang spat out a mouthful of spiritual light, and countless spiritual liquids fell like raindrops and spread around him.

At this moment, behind him, a billowing stream of essence as thick as a bucket had appeared, pouring out like a torrent of water, filling his whole body overwhelmingly.

When it hits the ground, it is automatically absorbed by the fontanelle in the brain.

And the changes inside the body are even more terrifying.

The infinite mana washed away his blood and bones.

At this moment, Ye Yang suddenly realized something.

It accumulated strength and allowed its mental power to reach unprecedented heights.

During the practice, the magic power in the body has been filled to nearly half.

This is the moment!

Ye Yang roared, and his heart beat loudly.

Subsequently. His heart slowly expanded again, beating slightly.

The billowing mana pours into the body, as thin and sparse as a trickle, and finally expands and rushes down.

A loud noise came by itself.

Ye Yang stood up and breathed a sigh of relief.

The cultivation that had been holding him back for so long finally made a breakthrough.

The fourth level of martial arts is already the middle stage of martial arts. It is enough to be called a master in the outside world. If placed in an ordinary small family, it would be a high-level person.

Moreover, compared to the early stage of martial arts, practitioners in the middle stage of martial arts can already come into contact with the evil spirits of heaven and earth, gradually strengthen their bodies, and thus take further steps on the path to immortality.

After more than thirty years of diligent practice, I have finally reached a new level.

This time in Xuexia City, it can be said that he has gained a lot, and there is a smile in his eyes.

Ye Yang moved slightly, punched out, and suddenly a huge and vivid toad appeared behind him.

Manggu! Manggu!

The red toad is like a strong bull, with the bright moon in its mouth and the sky above its head. There are red bumpy scales all over its body. It is as majestic as a toad dragon.

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