Ling Xiaozi was kidnapped by the great demon Yitian, and Master Chongxiao turned into a bloody sword light and rushed away.

The elders of Qinglian Mo's family and several people from the Celestial Elephant Alliance were even more excited.

The opponent's situation is gone, and only some soldiers and generals are left.

Several people continued the massacre.

At this moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the ground.

The demonic aura billowing all over his body was like a dragon soaring into the sky. With one step, he was a distance of ten feet and came directly through the air.

Several people couldn't help but be surprised when they saw this.

Especially Xiongba and King Kong took a deep breath and then said.

"What a pure aura of the Elephant Demon. Could it be that he is a descendant of my Celestial Elephant Alliance! But what's strange is that this aura is so strange. It must not be within the clan."

"No, the Elephant Demon is too powerful to be so fast. If the opponent is so fast, he must have practiced other secret techniques."

The moment he said these words, the silver-haired old man of the Qinglian Mo family swung out his sword energy and killed him.

King Kong was about to open his mouth to block him, but the sword energy had already reached him.

But he never thought that the approaching demonic figure was extremely powerful. He pointed his finger in the air, and a small tree more than two feet high appeared in front of him.

The small tree has lush green leaves and vigorous branches. On each branch hangs a kumquat the size of a pigeon egg, trembling slightly in the wind.

The kumquat fell down and shot out thirty-six sword energy, which directly hit the sword light of the silver-haired elder of the Mo family. The two twisted into a ball and fought together to block the attack.

Then the man rushed out of the cave like a huge cannonball.

Several people wanted to chase him again, but the man had disappeared.

"This man is so fast. I don't know where he came from. He doesn't look like a demon cultivator from Xuexia City."

Several people looked at each other and were slightly silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

On the other side, Ye Yang saw that there were no pursuers behind him, so he just put away the blood orange tree.

This blood-orange treasure tree has thirty-six sword energies, two colors of gold and red, extremely sharp, and its sword skills are ever-changing. After blocking the sword light, it still surrounded him, like a swimming fish, lingering for a long time.

At this moment, he was far away to the horizon, and he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that we're done, it's time to return to Feitianmen.

Ye Yang ran all the way, and after a while he left the boundaries of Xuexia City.

He ran to a river bank and looked up, only to realize that it was the land where the old crocodile monster had been.

The river is turbulent and the water waves are flowing. At this moment, two people are fighting with each other on the lake.

A man in a green robe pulled out a sword flower from his long sword. The sword flower outlined the shadow of the green lotus and attracted endless water light around it, which was quite powerful.

Next to the man was a leopard demon holding a spear. The man's clothes were messy and he was already in crisis.

"He is from the Qinglian Mo family!"

Ye Yang saw that the green lotus wielded by the sword in the man's hand was lifelike and had sharp edges.

It was obvious that he had practiced the Mo family's Qinglian swordsmanship to a certain level.

This person's status in the Mo family is not low.

Ye Yang did not doubt that he was there, walked forward, waved his hand lightly, and thirty-six bloody orange sword lights shot out, directly penetrating the man's chest and back.

The man was fighting when he was suddenly attacked. He was about to dodge, but the sword light was too fast and it was too late. In an instant, he was divided into thirty-six neat pieces of meat.

Ye Yang waved his hand and threw the pieces of meat into the river nearby.

"It's strange. I don't know why this person came here."

The leopard demon on the side saw that the enemy was killed, and quickly walked to Ye Yang and said.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, how come your strength has changed so much."

The Leopard Demon gasped slightly, a little in disbelief.

This man's Xiang Demon Fist was already an extraordinary skill before, but now among the heavy strength, there was an indescribable lightness, which made him unable to see clearly.

Especially the sharp sword light just now, he couldn't help but feel a chill on his neck when he recalled it.

Ye Yang did not pay attention to the Leopard Demon, but maintained his aloof persona and said, "Has there been any change during this time?"

The Leopard Demon said with a bit of credit: "The envoy is finally back, and I have something important to report here."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't wait to rub his hands.

"This news is not trivial. I wonder if you can allow me to meet with the Second Saint to elaborate further."

Ye Yang knew that the Leopard Demon was eager for success, so he snorted coldly.

"The two masters are currently working on breaking through the realm. We don't see outsiders. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

The leopard demon rolled his eyes and Ye Yang said.

"Why, you don't believe me!"

This sentence is already a bit threatening. The leopard demon in front of him is strangely different from the Yin Yang Goddess of the alphabet, and has a high level of intelligence.

A strange symbiotic relationship was formed with the Yin and Yang Son Mother Goddess.

Looks like it's time to give it a try.

Hearing Ye Yang's words and sensing the envoy's anger, the Leopard Demon didn't want to offend and spoke quickly.

"The envoy was joking, so I'll tell you right now. I hope you can also say something nice for me when you see the Second Saint."

Ye Yang didn't speak, putting psychological pressure on him. The Leopard Demon didn't hear the answer he wanted, so he had to wave his hands and speak in a rough voice.

"That person just now, I heard that they seemed to be looking for the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit."

"What!" Ye Yang was shocked

He naturally knows how precious the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit is.

There is one in the Immortality Barrier that takes thousands of years to mature.

At that time, the four of them made a pact of ninety years for the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit, and gained a strange brother-sister relationship.

It's just that the four of them belong to different regions. Except for the White Lotus Concubine Yang Xiaoyan, who has been in contact a few times, the others have not been seen for many years.

Hearing the name of Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, and his thoughts were racing for a moment.

"Is this news true?"

Leopard Demon said: "It is undoubtedly true. In addition, it seems that an old monk came to Lao Shizi's Five Poison Sect and asked to visit several elders of their Qinglian Mo family."

"They said they had something important to discuss, but even so, they were rejected by their clan elders."

"An old monk? Tell me in detail."

The Leopard Demon said: "The man has a withered face and gray hair, but he is powerful and has reached the realm of a late warrior. After fighting with him, the goddess did not dare to provoke him and let him go away."

After hearing what he said, Ye Yang had an idea in his mind in response to his description.

"Could it be Elder Zuo of the Five Poison Sect?"

"Where are the others?"

The Leopard Demon said: "You should still be in Qiuyan Mountain, five hundred miles east of this water."

The Zuo elder of the Five Poison Sect had robbed and killed him, and also left him seriously injured.

At this time, when his strength was greatly improved, he heard the Leopard Demon's words about this person's whereabouts, and he felt a desire for revenge.

"Qiuyan Mountain."

Ye Yang wrote down the name, then shook his mind and said:

"You two continue to pay attention. I will come as soon as I go. In addition, the human race at my feet must be protected and protected from any danger. I will be of great use in the future."

The Nine-Leaf Tianxiang Fruit is of great importance. It can help monks break through to the realm of real people. It is a treasure among treasures.

Even if it is just catching wind and shadow, but there is no smoke without fire, this news must be sent to Feitian Sect as soon as possible.

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