Several elders of the Mo family looked at each other and said.

"Naturally, the few of us dare not represent the Mo family's thoughts. At this time, we have to nod to the ancestor Xiao. The ancestor is not here at the moment. We will only participate as casual cultivators and will not involve the Mo family."

"Okay! In that case, let's do it."

Ling Xiaozi snorted coldly, stepped out, and saw murderous aura billowing in the sky. Behind him, a pair of soaring magic feathers covered the sky.

His speed was extremely fast, like a thundering giant. In a few steps, he was in front of the fire dragon and stretched out his hand to snatch the golden bead.

The fire dragon's body writhed, and its huge body swung its tail.

Fire dragons and fire phoenixes sprang out from the magma.

Soon it covered the surrounding sky.

For a moment, the smell of burnt meat roasted by flames was everywhere.

At this time, the King Kong of the Celestial Elephant Alliance flipped in the air with a huge figure of seven to eight feet tall, turned into a demonic elephant spirit, and rushed into the sky.

Xiong Fei on the other side also roared angrily, stretched out his two arms behind him, raised his four arms together, and shot out a red light, heading towards the golden bead.

The fire dragon's body was extremely huge, with countless flames swirling around its body. After a while, the fire of the flame dragon under its claws transformed into a fire phoenix, and the claws were interlocked, lifelike.

Several people were surrounded by the huge dragon body.

Seeing this moment, Ye Yang couldn't help but have a strange look in his eyes.

"That is!"

He turned his sword pupil to see clearly.

At the heart of this flaming giant dragon, there was actually a fire that flickered with green and blue flames.

This fire dragon is not a living thing, but a strange change from the spirit of heaven and earth.

At this moment, its body expanded, rolled up in the air, and turned from a dragon body into a golden-winged roc eagle.

His claws were unparalleled and he directly drove back Ling Xiaozi. At the same time, he waved his wings and shot out a huge fire dragon and snake, forcing Xiong Fei and King Kong back.

Although it changes in many ways, the only thing that remains unchanged is the spiritual fire in the heart.

Ye Yang thought of something for a moment.

"Could this be the legendary pure Yang phaseless fire?"

Pure yang phaseless fire is a strange fire born from the underground magma.

The explosion is fierce, and although it is not suitable for refining water elixirs, it is versatile and can be used to practice many fire secrets and offensive techniques.

Several years ago, Ye Yang once obtained a training method of Yuanyang Evil Fire.

And gave it to a pair of siblings to exchange for dragon blood ginseng.

If a person who practices Yuanyang evil fire can absorb this fire, it will definitely be extremely powerful.

At this moment, under the siege of everyone, the pure Yang phaseless fire is changing in many ways, and there are many strange phenomena.

After a while, various strange phenomena such as rocs, dragons, red birds, tigers and leopards appeared, shattering the demonic energy and sword light produced by everyone.

The entire underground palace was blazing with flames, the air was bursting everywhere, and everything dry seemed to be burning.

The temperature was astonishing. Even though Ye Yang was far away from the battlefield, he felt sweat on his forehead and his whole body was burning.

One can imagine the pressure on the attackers inside.

He stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and dodged to one side amid the roar of dragons and tigers.

Only then did he realize that the fire dragon had regenerated and transformed into a flaming creature dozens of feet tall, covered in red light, with feather-like wings covering the sky behind him.

Its eyes were like silver moons, and two giant red chain snakes as strong as dragons hung under its huge and sharp claws.

This huge creature moves and changes, and is extremely ferocious. While waving its giant wings, it shoots out wisps of red fire.

The surrounding rocks were shot like a sieve.

"Everyone, be careful. If we combine the positions of the Nine Palaces and Eight Formations and stick to our own side, this flame will definitely not last long."

A voice came out. Lin Baiyun, the eldest disciple of Ling Xiaozi, was wearing a blue-red black cloak, but a golden melon sledgehammer appeared in his hand.

He smashed it with a hammer, which did not hurt the huge creature, but successfully exploded the earth veins.

A lot of rubble fell, covering the intense flames below.

"Hey, there's a strange little bastard hiding aside. Are you going to be a oriole?"

At this moment, a figure pounced directly on Ye Yang.

Ye Yang was stunned when he saw the strong bull demon from before turned into a huge bull and came towards him.

That bull demon seems to have some special magical power.

His body shape skyrocketed, his front hooves became hundreds of feet long, and his head turned into a fiery red triangular pointed cone.

The scales all over his body were as red as fire, and he stepped towards Ye Yang with a hoof.

But he never thought that before the call came, he would be swept aside by a red gauze and a charming voice could be heard.

"This young master has such a strong body, wouldn't it be nice to come with me to the Celestial Elephant Alliance and have some fun? It wouldn't be a waste of such a good body."

Ye Yang's expression changed slightly. The body of the elephant demon he transformed was very strong, measuring three feet in length, and had sufficient demonic energy.

In the eyes of many witches, it is a great living tonic.

His face changed slightly, and he hid to the side, not getting distracted, but carefully avoiding the woman's attack.

Seeing his expression, the woman was even more happy, with fiery red gauze flying around her.

He threw out a dragnet, trying to tie Ye Yang into it.

Ye Yang snorted coldly and waved the Demon-Conquering Vajra in his hand like a tiger, trying his best to block Hongsha.

The woman was blocked by Ye Yang with great force, shouted, and then said.

"What a powerful man. He is indeed the man I value."

"That's fine. It's strong and chewy."

The Demon-Conquering Vajra is unparalleled in close combat and has huge strength, but when faced with this kind of banshee who is good at long-range attacks, it seems to be very powerful.

Seeing this, Ye Yang threw out a treasure tree with thick branches, green leaves, and thirty-six branches from his hand.

The moment the blood orange treasure tree was thrown out, there was no wind, the leaves swished and green light emitted, and the blood red kumquats on the thirty-six branches suddenly drooped.

Then it turned into thirty-six golden-red sword energies and headed towards the demon girl.

"it hurts!"

At this moment, the demon girl stretched her neck and revealed her original shape. She turned out to be a pink and graceful giant snake.

But at this moment, the body was penetrated by Ye Yang's sword light, and there were big bloody holes on it.

Even so, she was still not dead. She was so frightened that she quickly ran away.

But he never thought about how far he had not escaped.

Then I saw the man use all his strength to throw the huge demon-conquering vajra pestle like a heavenly being shooting at the sun.

The Demon-Conquering Vajra made a sonic boom sound as it moved rapidly in the air.

Her expression changed, but she never thought that the demon-conquering vajra had already penetrated directly through her chest.

After killing the demon girl, the bull demon was also frightened by Ye Yang's cruel methods and quickly ran away, not daring to provoke her.

Ye Yang regained his composure and looked at King Kong and Xiong Fei of the Celestial Elephant Alliance. They were worthy of being the descendants of the Celestial Elephant King. Every time they punched, they were extremely powerful.

As powerful as a demonic elephant and as flexible as a spiritual snake, Ye Yang felt that he had gained a lot.

Ling Xiaozi opened his big wings, covering the world, as if the entire space was about to be split apart by him.

It is obvious that there are traces of the Great Demonic Peng Magic on his body, and the movements of the members of the Celestial Elephant Alliance are great, and their fists can split mountains, which is also extraordinary.

Every time he fought against the giant, he gave Ye Yang enough learning opportunities.

At this moment, Ye Yang suddenly seemed to feel something, and took out a cold-radiating gem from his storage bag.

In addition, there is the Xiaoqin that I got from Mo Wuyin before.

According to Ye Yang's guess, these two objects are probably some parts of the body that fell from the body of the powerful practitioner of the Great Demon Peng after his death.

At this moment, the neat rhythms coming from Hanyang Gemstone and Xiaoqin made Ye Yang feel slightly frightened.

The gravitational force is nowhere else but under the tens of thousands of feet of magma.

"Do you want to jump?"

"If it fails, there will be no bones left!"

Looking at the crackling magma below, Ye Yang hesitated.

At this moment, the Hanyang Gem emitted a faint icy light, and Ye Yang could not help but feel a chill all over his body.

The next moment, Ye Yang jumped into the lava.

The people nearby saw someone jumping into the lava and seeking their own death.

I thought someone had thrown the devil's body inside, but I didn't really care.

The scorching heat that I imagined did not come, but it was quite cool.

Ye Yang didn't move much, but there was a mysterious suction around his body that attracted him to move forward.

This is a world of countless flaming hells, with dragons and snakes flying, and a world of blood-red seas of fire everywhere.

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