A rough voice sounded, but it was a strong man as strong as an iron tower.

He has a head full of black hair, two bloody horns protruding from his forehead, which are almost three feet long. He has three eyes between his eyebrows, and his body is extremely strong.

"It's quite similar to the bull demon I killed before."

Ye Yang looked at his figure and thought it looked familiar.

Suddenly he thought of the strong bull demon he had encountered before.

Could it be that what he killed was the heir of this demon?

This man was obviously a master in Xuexia City. He also had a sharp mouth and was merciless when he scolded people.

At this moment, in addition to the group of people in Xuexia City, there are also two forces.

On one side is the Celestial Elephant Alliance, all of them are strong and strong men.

The people on the other side were all carrying long swords and wearing green robes embroidered with lotus flowers. They seemed to be members of the Qinglian Mo family.

The leader of the Mo family held a blood-red umbrella in his hand, and the umbrella was covered with ferocious scales.

The umbrella ribs are as shiny as gold and iron, and have a sharp tip at the front, making them look extremely sharp.

The strong man holding the sword umbrella is named Jian Twenty, and he is the strength of the Qinglian Mo family. He has a special sword umbrella in his hand, and there are countless sword energies hidden in the umbrella.

When the umbrella is open, it is like a diamond stone with unparalleled defense.

When attacking, with a slight rotation, the umbrella rib can fire sword energy. It is a rare and unusual sword.

There is another person next to him, with silver hair and a green lotus sword on his back.

Ye Yang has met the other person. This person once had a battle with Gu Qingshu when he was questioning Dugu Qiang in the Feitian Sect. He was extremely arrogant.

When the Qinglian Mo family came to Xuexia City, they seemed to have been searching carefully for something to cover up their traces, which was extremely mysterious.

Ye Yang has never seen their shadow.

Now that he saw these people from the Mo family, Ye Yang finally realized that the masters of the Mo family had already arrived, but they did not appear in public.

Now the Qinglian Mo family seems to have formed an alliance with the Celestial Elephant League, and they are advancing and retreating together with them. However, in the field, it is obvious that the people from the Blood Cloud City faction have the upper hand.

Apart from the powerful and somewhat scary Bloody Cloud City Lord Ling Xiaozi, there were two other people.

One person's body is covered with shiny scales, he is short in stature, and has a sharp mouth and a monkey tongue. There is no trace of his original shape.

But there is a monkey's tail, which is dragging its tail at this moment to maintain the balance of the body.

The other one is a woman, as pure as water, with a huge white fox tail behind her, she is as charming and graceful as can be.

Ye Yang thought carefully in his heart.

"Currently, the most powerful person in Xuexia City is naturally the city lord Ling Xiaozi. The skinny person with the wings of Kunpeng should undoubtedly be Ling Xiaozi."

"As for the man covered in scales, he is also famous. He should be the second city lord in Xuexia City, and his name is Lin Baiyun."

According to legend, he possesses the blood of the earth dragon and is also the eldest disciple of the city lord Ling Xiaozi.

As for the fox-tailed woman, she is no small matter. She seems to be from Qingqiu Fox Country.

At this moment, tensions were rising between the two sides, and a heated debate began over important matters.

Ye Yang looked at Ling Xiaozi who was in the front and saw that he was calm and confident.

He couldn't help but feel a little moved inside.

The more such a character is, the more terrifying it is. He usually doesn't say a word, but at critical moments, he kills with one strike.

"No matter how they fight, I just need to get the inheritance of the great magic roc and stay away quickly."

Ye Yang thought to himself.

At this time, Ling Xiaozi in Xuexia City clapped his hands, and a pair of giant wings behind him suddenly spread out, covering the area below.

He opened his mouth and expressed his appreciation: "I never thought that Brother King Kong from the Celestial Elephant Alliance would come to my Bloody Cloud City after traveling thousands of miles. You are truly an honored guest from afar, and I am a little reluctant to eat you."

In ancient times, the golden-winged roc eagles ate one dragon every day and were unparalleled in strength. The dragons and elephants on the ground were also their food.

King Kong, the leader of the Celestial Elephant Alliance, is a strong man with a body of seven to eight feet. He is the second disciple of the Celestial Elephant King.

He was quite powerful. When he heard Ling Xiaozi's words, he snorted coldly and then said.

"The Lord of Lingxiao City is so arrogant. If my master Tianxiang Laowang hadn't been alive, I wouldn't have allowed you to speak so arrogantly."

After he finished speaking, a burst of strong fire erupted from his body, like lava exploding out.

There is another person next to him who is covered in fiery red and has four arms that look like a strange person. He also practices the Elephant Demon Fist.

It was Ye Yang who followed that man closely, and his name seemed to be Xiong Fei.

This man also had a murderous look on his body, and then said.

"When my master was here, Xuexia City was nothing more than a mere sight."

"It's just that you were lucky enough to encounter the powerful Dapeng's bones by chance and refine them into a sitting city, so you can gradually become stronger."

Ling Xiaozi didn't take the words of these people seriously, smiled coldly, and then said.

"This is an internal matter for us and other demons. Most of you have the blood of the demon clan. How come you get involved with the Qinglian Mo family? You must be cheating and cheating on them."

"Shut up, you are the traitor!"

A group of people from the Celestial Elephant Alliance were furious and couldn't bear to see this big hat falling on them, so they immediately retorted.

Ling Xiaozi, the city lord of Xuexia City, fluttered his wings and then spoke.

"A few of you have come from afar. Since they are guests, I can't say more. Now that they have come from afar, let's take a look at the splendor of our Bloody Cloud City. Everyone, please take a look. The treasure has appeared again."

As he spoke, he stretched out his giant wings, filled with countless golden-red blood energy and brilliance, soaring straight into the sky.

When Ye Yang saw such a huge aura, his heart couldn't help but condense slightly.

The Lord of Xuexia City turned out to be a cultivator of alchemy.

The demon clan has reached the realm of elixir cultivation and is already similar to the real person of Zifu.

The real realm is divided into four levels: Zifu Zhenren, Jindan Zhenren, Tiangang Zhenren and Faxiang Zhenren.

Although the Lord of Xuexia City only has the cultivation of alchemy, but with his rapid speed and the inheritance of the bloodline of the Great Demon Peng.

Even the ordinary Jindan Zhenren realm powerhouse may not be able to compare.

The moment he finished speaking, light burst out from under the cliff in the distance, and countless golden lights shot out coldly.

It is bright and eye-catching, like moonlight, and like the golden sun, suddenly rushing out of the cliff from under the valley.

The huge fire dragon's body expanded violently under Jin Yang's call.

The endless magma all around cannot cover up so much golden brilliance.

Two golden beads rose from the ground.

Everyone was shocked, and then turned pale with horror.

So powerful!

It seems to be really like the sun and moon pearls, shining brightly like a disk in the sky.

The golden beads resembled eyes, with pupils inside. They seemed to be the eyes of the powerful man who practiced the Great Demon Peng method thousands of years ago.

"What kind of level of cultivation is this! An eye that fell thousands of years ago makes us breathless."

Everyone was shocked when they saw those golden dazzling eyes.

Just two eyes that have been lost for thousands of years can reveal countless golden lights.

Even the brilliance far exceeds that of the sun, so astonishing and even more terrifying.


The fire dragon seemed to be born around these two golden beads. At this moment, it sensed that someone was coveting the golden beads, and roared angrily, spitting out countless firelights downwards.

Ling Xiaozi said: "Dear friends, when this golden bead appears, it is the day when the seal of this underground treasure house is easiest to be unlocked."

"There are experts from all walks of life here now. Why don't we work together to kill the fire dragon and go down the cave to see if we can find any good treasures."

The faces of Qinglian Mo Family, Tianxiang Alliance and others changed slightly.

The moment the fire dragon breathed out flames, magma was densely covered in the ground and flames rose.

Even though a group of people tried their best to stop it, a large group of them were burned to death.

The four-armed alien hero of the Celestial Elephant Alliance, Feidao.

"It's not that we can't cooperate, but we, the Celestial Elephant Alliance, have to take away one of these golden beads."

"You, a child with a dirty mouth, should be discussing disputes over interests. You are really too young! You are too arrogant!"

Ling Xiaozi snorted coldly, with a hint of displeasure flashing in his eyes.

In the blazing high temperature all around, he snorted coldly. It was already filled with ice and snow, and there was cold air everywhere.

Lin Baiyun next to him was also very convinced about this sentence.

"That's right, even though my hair is not fully grown yet, I still dare to talk like an adult."

Although this group of people from the Celestial Elephant Alliance no longer has the pressure of the Celestial Elephant King, they still cannot be underestimated.

He opened his mouth and was about to curse a few times, but he didn't expect that Ling Xiaozi stretched out his hand and stopped him.

Ling Xiaozi said: "Okay, if it can be done, what if I give you one? What do the Qinglian Mo family think?"

Thanks to the book friend with the last number 1223 for the 100 starting coin reward.

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