Next to this huge magma waterfall, there is a glazed jade pure bottle the size of a fist, exuding the luster of mutton-fat white jade.

Ye Yang punched and a huge demonic elephant appeared behind him.

The demon elephant breathed out the nebula, stepped on the ground with all four limbs, looked up to the sky and roared, and an infinite suction force came, and in an instant it swallowed the jade bottle in its mouth.

He looked carefully and found that although the jade bottle was only the size of a fist, it was covered with mysterious and intricate symbols.

This object is exactly the same as the Hanyang Gem he accidentally obtained.

The material is quite similar. It is said to be a jade bottle, but it is more polished from unknown bones.

The whole body is white and crystal clear, and there is a huge golden roc shadow on the bottle. It fights against the sky and travels around the East China Sea. It is extremely ferocious.

Before Ye Yang could take a closer look, the jade bottle suddenly made a cracking sound. After the crisp sound, the jade bottle shattered to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"This jade bottle is made from the bones of an unknown giant. It is very likely that it comes from some special divine bird. It may even be the powerful giant demon roc that fell thousands of years ago."

"It's just that I don't know how many years it has been carried in this magma, and it was worn down to the extreme by the power of time, and it suddenly broke apart."

Ye Yang put away the jade bottle fragments.

A loud rumbling sound was heard overhead.

Then the entire huge space continued to collapse, and the magma under the volcano was churning back and forth, as if the entire world was about to collapse.

At this time, the Celestial Elephant League and many strong men in Xuexia City who were fighting against each other in the sky also felt that the ground was shaking.

The fire dragon surged up, and the entire area turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The magma surged like an upside-down waterfall, and suffocating heat filled the air everywhere.

The faces of Ling Xiaozi, Xiong Ba, Jingang and others from the Celestial Elephant Alliance, as well as several elders of the Qinglian Mo family, changed dramatically.

"Some unusual changes seem to have happened here!"

Everyone looked at each other, as if they had thought of something.

Especially Ling Xiaozi, who didn't care, seemed to have thought of something. At this moment, he spread his wings, roared, and transformed into a golden roc, narrowly avoiding the fire dragon's attack.

With a flash of his body, he got into the thick sea of ​​fire.

Others also woke up and rushed down.

At this moment, everyone present was excited and kept rushing toward the cliff.

They had already guessed the huge changes below.

The strong man who practiced the Great Demon Peng method thousands of years ago must have been extremely powerful.

I don’t know what level of cultivation I have reached.

At this moment, they all saw the hope of having the treasure in hand, and rushed down quickly regardless of the danger.

It's just that the fire dragon is extraordinary. With a move of its sharp claws, its huge body roars like a mountain and river, and it quickly burns several people to charcoal.

King Kong of the Celestial Elephant Alliance and several elders of the Qinglian Mo family looked at each other, and King Kong said: "Brother."

There was a trace of inquiry in his eyes, and he did not follow the people in Blood Cloud City to jump into the lava.

The elders of the Mo family also hesitated for a moment, and other thoughts came to mind.

The Qinglian Mo family came to Xuexia City.

Not for the many treasures of this underground demon roc, but for finding a mysterious spiritual material - the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit.

The ancestor of the Qinglian Mo family, Chongxiao Zhenren, wanted to avenge the Mo family's devouring by the Yitian demon.

There was a dead-end battle with Yi Tian Da Yao, but he unexpectedly encountered a nine-leaf Tianxiang fruit.

However, after a series of fights with Yi Tian Da Yao, the Nine-Leaf Tianxiang Fruit was also obtained by the thieves and fled to Xuexia City.

On the surface, the people of the Qinglian Mo family are on good terms with the Celestial Elephant Alliance, and they attack Xuexia City together, but in fact they are looking for this treasure.

The secret of this matter is unknown even to many people in the Celestial Elephant Alliance and Xuexia City.

He also spoke sarcastically to King Kong without telling the truth.

He only said that the treasure of the Qinglian Mo family was lost here, and he came to find it with a great mission.

Xuexia City is powerful, and the Celestial Elephant Alliance has also spotted many treasures in Xuexia City, and has just formed a faction with the Qinglian Mo family.

The two elders of the Mo family spoke.

"We are not going to hunt for treasures in the magma for the time being. Instead, we will hide at the exit and rob them. After we see the treasures in their hands, we will rob them."

"One will kill one, two will kill a pair, and those treasures will fall into our hands in the end."

"This is a good idea."

Several people looked at each other, their eyes narrowed in joy.

"As long as we set up a big formation here and set up a dragnet, the opponent will definitely be unable to escape."

Several people immediately asked their men to form formations and prepare for a good plunder.

On the other side, there is a strong and huge volcanic crater.

Ye Yang crossed over the extremely hot magma and arrived at a huge underground palace due to the mutual attraction of the Xiaoqin and Hanyang Gem obtained from Mo Wuyin.

He looked up and saw countless huge stone tablets placed here, similar to the ancient wing fossils of giant rocs.

Those wings are connected one after another, densely arranged, large circles are formed into small circles, there are thousands or tens of thousands of them.

And in the middle of this layered array of mysterious patterns, there is a huge heart.

At this time, it has become a living fossil, but it is still extremely bright and shining.

There is a vague shadow outside the huge heart, one of which stretches out its huge wings, trying to fight against the sky. The huge golden roc between the sky and the earth roars, looking extremely brave and handsome.

Ye Yang did not dare to neglect, holding the demon-subduing vajra in one hand, holding this transformation as a treasure, holding it tightly.

On the other side, he held the blood orange treasure tree tightly in the palm of his hand.

Mana pours in at will, always preparing for possible sudden attacks.

He looked forward, past the layers of densely arranged stone piles, and walked to the huge desolate and vicissitudes of the heart.

He sighed in his heart.

"Could this be the legendary heart of the great demonic roc master after his death?"

Ye Yang looked at the boundless huge heart in front of him that covered the surrounding space, and couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

This heart is empty, there is nothing inside, there is only a stone wall on the outside, and the marrow, essence, and imprint inside seem to have been taken away by someone who has already taken advantage of it.

Ye Yang frowned slightly. At this moment, with all his strength, he also used his hands to change the shape of the peacock's beak, displaying the power of the demonic bird.

However, no trace of the inheritance information of the Great Demonic Poc Magic could be sensed in this huge and majestic heart.

"Who did it? After all the hard work and countless dangers, jumping from the lava, and risking a narrow escape, all of this was already taken advantage of."

At this moment, Ye Yang felt as if his punch had no impact on the cotton.

At this moment, Ye Yang felt a particularly familiar breath gushing out.

He sat cross-legged and sensed carefully.

An indescribable huge aura was sensed from this mysterious heart.

It is the unruly and unruly spirit that tears apart the nine heavens, and it is also the swift east wind that flies between heaven and earth with its wings fluttering!

This breath is so powerful.

Even the leaked breath made him feel waves of pressure.

Ye Yang was startled and hurriedly withdrew his consciousness and dealt with it carefully.

The moment he regained his consciousness, he seemed to see a huge demon in the huge magma.

The demon was so huge that its golden wings covered the sky and even the entire starry sky.

The sharp claws were as cold and gleaming as the divine weapons of heaven and earth, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

Even after the death of this powerful man who practiced the Great Demon Peng method thousands of years ago, his will still persists for thousands of years.

The people gathered in the sky waiting for the hereafter are truly terrifying, awe-inspiring and respectable.

Ye Yang's heart trembled. According to legend, the will of the most powerful person to cultivate immortality can last for tens of millions of years and be passed down to generations for future generations to observe and learn from.

This kind of treasure inheritance has never been heard of even in the Feitian Sect.

Although the magic of the magic roc imprinted in his heart was taken away by an unknown person.

However, the will of this demon roc that has endured for thousands of years without weakening is still there.

The moment he regained his consciousness, his whole mind was shaken with rumbles.

Suddenly countless auras surged in, and a huge demonic bird appeared in his mind.

The roc flaps its wings for a hundred thousand miles, and cuts down the stars in the East China Sea.

At this moment, Ye Yang felt that his body was filled with countless proud demonic energy.

This demonic energy finally kept swimming in his body, rolling around with his Toad Moon mana, faster and faster, faster and faster.

"We're about to break through!"

It has been some time since he broke through to the third level of martial arts, especially when he promoted the Feitian Sect's spiritual veins, and made great progress.

There was a hint of joy in Ye Yang's eyebrows. He actually sensed an opportunity for a breakthrough when he obtained the inheritance first.

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