Ye Yang stepped on the ground, and the dust on the ground flew.

A deep pit of about ten feet appeared.

He buried Mo Wuyin in it, leaving only his head exposed, and moved a huge rock to cover his body.

Then he ran to the underground demon palace.

Xuexia City is located on the shore of the East China Sea.

It was late, the bright moon rose slowly, the sound of the sea waves, and the faint howling of wolfhounds in the mountains and forests.

Ye Yang ignored it, his huge body, and his footsteps were like a cannonball, and he arrived in a flash.

After a while, Ye Yang saw a vast plain in front of him, and in the middle of the plain was a huge freshwater lake with a radius of three or four hundred feet.

The wind blew the waves, reflecting a faint scale light under the moonlight.

There were some heavy soldiers guarding around the lake, most of them were aquatic monsters.

Some had shrimp heads and human bodies, some had fish bodies and human hands, and some shrimp soldiers and crab generals, holding golden spears, moving back and forth, with a huge battle.

Ye Yang sensed it slightly, but did not rush into the lake immediately.

He felt that there seemed to be some restrictions in the lake that blocked the devil's breath that was ready to move below, but it was precisely because of this that people felt more frightened.

"Who is in the sky? Tell me your name quickly."

Suddenly a voice came out.

Apparently someone below had discovered his existence.

Ye Yang was about to take action, and suddenly heard a rough and majestic voice from the sky

"I will not change my name when I walk, and I will not change my surname when I sit. The hero of the Tianxiang League is here!"

Then a fiery red majestic figure with an elephant head jumped out of the sky.

He was two or three feet tall, extremely ferocious, with two thick arms behind him, higher than his head, and his whole body was fiery red, surrounded by devilish energy.

After this person appeared, his four arms killed left and right, and soon killed all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals at the entrance.

Then he plunged into the lake without looking back, and disappeared in an instant.

Ye Yang sensed that there was a small pawn hiding in the dark next to him.

He flicked his finger, and a black demonic energy shot out, nailing the man hiding in the dark to the tree in an instant.

The next moment, Ye Yang chased after Xiong Fei, and jumped into the lake like a swimming fish.

Diving to the bottom, Ye Yang looked around, and the space at the bottom of the river was very wide.

He did not expect that under the wide lake, there was a deep and wide tunnel.

There was no cold water in this tunnel.

Instead, lava columns stood tall, and you could see the rolling magma below, bubbling out.

But what made Ye Yang feel weird was that the power of the flames around was so strong, but he could not feel a trace of heat.

The intense heat inside seemed to be absorbed by something weird.

He followed Xiong Fei's trail and got into the tunnel, and the space around him became wider and wider.

In the twists and turns, the cliffs below were jagged, like countless exploding scales.

Above the dense lava flames, there are black stone bridges that stretch for dozens of miles, crisscrossing and interlacing.

"It's better to be careful, there seems to be murderous intent all around."

Ye Yang was shocked. Along the way, he saw many lava pillars engraved with mysterious and complex patterns.

Those patterns intertwined with each other, forming a crisscross pattern.

It looks very powerful.

A lava fire surged.

Ye Yang dodged to the side, and then found that there was a huge flame monster hidden in the lake.

He bathed in the flames, stood up, and shook off all the lava on his body.

At this moment, he opened his mouth and spit out huge fireballs. In the rumbling explosion, the fireballs were extremely blazing.

"This is the throat bone of the flesh of the powerful practitioner of the Great Demon Peng Fa. You must be careful and never leave my field range."

Hearing this voice, Ye Yang quickly hid aside, crouched on the cliff, and listened carefully.

A muffled and majestic voice spoke.

"This is only the first level of danger. There are several more formations behind. If you are not careful, all your bodies will be destroyed."

There was a fierce fight in front, as if the fire giant and Xiong Fei and others had started fighting.

After a while, the sound of fighting gradually stopped, and Ye Yang followed the magma fire path and entered another area.

Compared with the hot magma before, this place is icy and snowy.

There are still icicles on the ground, and snowflakes are flying everywhere.

The cold air froze the magma at the entrance, and a strange beauty flashed around.

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

"This ice and snow uses the extreme reverse formation. Water and fire are born together. If the fire is not extinguished, the ice will not be extinguished. You have to be careful when walking."

Although Ye Yang was not familiar with the underground palace.

Fortunately, Xiong Fei and others from the Tianxiang League were scouting for him in front, which made him walk with ease.

After a while, the sound of fighting was heard again in front.

Ye Yang held his breath and concentrated, waiting until the sound of fighting in front of him gradually disappeared, and then he walked over alone.

At this time, he discovered that there were several powerful and strange corpses on the ice and snow floating bridge in front of him.

They looked like human figures, but not quite like them. They were all strong and had thick bones.

Obviously, they were practicing the Kung Fu of the Elephant Demon Fist.

In addition to these elephant demon corpses, there were some strange corpses, with eagle bodies and nine tails, three heads and four wings.

He heard that there was a poisonous beast called "Human-faced Eagle"

The big one has a body of eight feet, three heads, four wings and nine feathers. He has a trace of golden-winged roc blood and is extremely fast.

The appearance of this strange bird also gave Ye Yang a sense of peace in his heart.

It seems that the rumor that there is a bloodline inheritance of the Great Demon Peng in this underground tomb should be true.

Otherwise, this strange bird would not have been born here.

Nowadays, there is a fierce conflict between Xuexia City, Tianxiang Alliance and Qinglian Mo Family for unknown reasons.

This made Ye Yang feel that there was an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

he thought to himself.

"It is said that Ling Xiaozi, the city lord of this generation of Xuexia City, is said to be extremely intelligent and capable of defeating all kinds of magic. He possesses a trace of the ancient Penngling bloodline and is the most powerful city lord in history."

"And he is extremely fast. His name is Ling Xiao, which seems to be related to the Dapeng magic. Could it be that he found one or two points of the Dapeng's inheritance from this tomb."

Ye Yang secretly guessed.

The relevant information he had asked Bai Zizhen to find in Xuexia City was finally put to use now.

At this moment, Ye Yang felt an egg-sized orb in his hand, emitting countless electric sparks, which made people feel warm all over.

He quickly picked it up and looked at it. This object was the Hanyang Gem that he had obtained from the old crocodile monster before.

This thing was obtained from the underground palace. Now that the Hanyang gem has reacted, it means that it must have sensed something.

"It's close. It's close to that thing."

Ye Yang felt slightly excited.

Crossing the Ice-Cold Bridge, a mighty and powerful fire dragon slowly appeared in front of Ye Yang.

The huge dragon body swam back and forth on the cliff, and the entire cliff was covered in wet fire.

Even the rocks were burned into lava by the hot dragon body.

Although the fire dragon's bloodline is powerful, the Elephant Demon Fist he practices is also very arrogant and arrogant. He is one of the hundreds of ancient demons, and it has not been affected at all.

At this moment, he looked up and found that the cliff in front of the fire dragon was filled with murderous aura.

The cliff seemed to be a huge kidney, with countless vegetation growing on it and blood vessels connecting it.

At this moment, on the mountain peak, there are three parties, each with several powerful auras confronting each other.

One person has purple-black demonic energy all over his body, a pair of fists as big as a house, ten feet tall, a thick body and a thick waist, a face like purple fire, a steel beard and silver hair.

The other person was skinny and slender, wearing a bamboo-like black robe, with two pairs of huge wings behind him.

At this time, he had a long sword on his waist, his face was fierce and sinister, and his hooked nose was straight and full of sinisterness.

There are many old demons standing on both sides.

Or high-five and sing songs with a voice like thunder.

Or they may insult each other and use vulgar language that is offensive to the ears.

"You old monsters from the Celestial Elephant Alliance are as stupid as pigs. If you don't eat leaves on the grassland, why did you come to our Blood Cloud City?"

A rough voice sounded, but it was a strong man as strong as an iron tower.

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