The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 297: Traces of the Great Demon Peng's Inheritance Method

Saying goodbye to Mo Wuyin, Ye Yang took the jade slip and continued towards the underground cave.

At this time, the sky was full of demonic energy in the distance, and a huge demonic cloud floated over under the moon. It was very fast, and soon it was approaching.

Although this demon has the head and body of a bull, it has a pair of black crow-like wings and holds a large silver spear in its hand.

The three eyes vibrated rumblingly, as if there were flashes of thunder and lightning, and their brows were filled with arrogance and arrogance.

He glared with three eyes, "The general guarding the city of Xuexia City is here, who dares to make a mistake!"

"So arrogant, have you killed the brothers from the Donkey family?"

He smelled the smell of blood, especially when he saw the seventy-two neat pieces of flesh and blood scattered on the ground. He took a breath of cold air and wondered what kind of ferocious soldier it was that had such power.

"Who are you? I have never heard of a master like you in Xuexia City, who is even stronger than me, Lao Niu?"

"Just thinking about it, there is an elephant demon who came to Xuexia City. Could it be you?"

Ye Yang bowed his hand to him and said politely: "I don't know what to call this demon brother?"

The bull demon snorted coldly.

"Who is your brother?"

He looked at Mo Wuyin, raised the big gun, pointed the tip of the gun diagonally at Ye Yang, and said.

"So that you can know that the masters of the Qinglian Mo family have appeared several times during this period, with evil intentions. The city lord has already ordered a massacre. I have to capture Mo Wuyin today. If you know the truth, just chop off his head." Hand it over to me."

Ye Yang sneered and then said.

"Brother Yao has a good plan. Who doesn't know that the Mo family is a group of sword madmen. If I chop off his head, I'm afraid that in a few days, a group of madmen will come to kill me."

The bull demon chuckled, and then said: "You are not stupid, you are almost half as smart as my old bull."

Ye Yang spoke again: "Brother Yao, if you want his life, just come and take it. I will never stop him."

"That's good, I hope you do what you say."

After he finished speaking, he rushed over quickly and turned into a giant bull the size of a house. He stamped his hooves and hit Mo Wuyin.

But he was still worried and didn't dare to take action easily, so he had to turn his attack into a bite and bit Mo Wuyin in his mouth.

Mo Wuyin was seriously injured, and his face was even more pale at the moment.

"Brother Xiang, I found something different in that underground palace. Save my life. I will tell you everything right now."

Ye Yang heard that his words didn't sound like he was lying, and then said.

"Tell me in detail."

Mo Wuyin said weakly.

"There is a heart of a demon roc under the underground palace, which contains the supreme power. Brother Xiang has great power, so he must have come here at a high speed."

"The Lord of Ling Xiaozi in Xuexia City has long seen the charm of Dapeng in his heart. This is what the ancestor of Chongxiao said himself, and it cannot be false."

Ye knew that Mo Wuyin had only said half of what he said just now, and did not tell all the specific information.

It was only in desperation that I told the whole story.

"Brother Niu, you want this Mo Wuyin's head. I also want to exchange him for the opportunity. How can I give you this gift from heaven? It seems that this matter will have to be competed with one's own skills."

Mo Wuyin had been seriously injured just now. When he heard that two big demons wanted to catch him in exchange for a reward, his face turned dark and he cursed in his heart.

"Kuye, these old monsters really treat me as a lamb to be slaughtered."

Suddenly, Ye Yang struck with a punch. This huge bull demon had two horns on its head and was very sensitive.

After realizing that Ye Yang was killing him, the evil wind blew, and the black wings behind him flew to the other side in a flash.

But at this time, there were already thirty-six blood-red kumquats behind them, killing them suddenly, silently, and as fast as lightning.

There was a flash of arc flash, and in an instant, the thirty-six kumquats were like thirty-six sword pills, each one becoming the size of an egg.

The next moment the sword pill soared into the air, shooting out countless sharp sword lights.

The sword light exploded, and all it took was one of the bull demon's thighs to be cut off.

It was forcibly cut into thirty-six sections, and blood rained from the sky, revealing the golden-red beef marrow inside.

The bull demon cursed loudly, "You damn little thief, you dare to sneak attack. How can you be considered a hero?"

He cursed angrily, and when he raised his head, he realized that the man in front of him actually held a sword box with blood-red dragon patterns in his hand.

The sword box turned slightly, and inside was a strange bonsai that looked like a green leaf of a kumquat.

This strange little tree fired countless sword energy, which was extraordinary, and it had just cut off one of his cow thighs.

His blood-orange treasure tree lost its brilliance, and he suddenly came to kill with a silver-iron spear.

Ye Yang turned his hands, and infinite demonic energy shot out. The billowing demonic energy was like an elephant's head, and he was thrown aside.

The demon-subduing vajra the size of an embroidery needle was taken out from Ye Yang's ear.

Then after blowing a breath, it suddenly grew to four or five feet long, flew out, and smashed towards the bull demon.

The bull demon gave a muffled roar, quickly backed away and pulled out a horn from his head, turning it into a bolt of lightning and thrusting it towards Ye Yang.

The bull demon was furious and his voice was like muffled thunder.

"I have been preparing for your sudden attack! Boy."

Ye Yang groaned, and a hole was drilled out of his shoulder blade by the horn, and blood flowed out.

In an instant, the two fought several times, and the bull demon was seriously injured, but Ye Yang's body was also red.

This bull demon is worthy of being the general in Xuexia City.

Although the injury was more serious than him, it moved like a mad bull, unstoppable, and struck with one hoof, and the huge cow's hoof turned into the claws of a flying tiger.

With one move, the black tiger took out his heart and stabbed straight into Ye Yang's chest.

At the critical moment, Ye Yang threw the Buddha-Demon Vajra, and the huge Demon-subduing Vajra shot out quickly, holding the claws of the flying tiger hard.

The air was trembling. Both of them were species that traveled the world with great strength. At this moment, they suddenly collided, and saw countless air waves bursting out between the sky and the earth.

The strength of the two is actually about the same.

The next moment, as soon as Ye Yang exerted his strength, there was no wind in his body, and he made three consecutive sounds of bone explosion.

The muscles on his shoulders grew rapidly.

Then, the huge bull demon was shot away like a cannonball.

He spit out a mouthful of blood, and then said: "Such a great power, such a strong strength, no wonder King Tianxiang was called the number one in land power back then."

But he was not dead yet. He took out the spear that Ye Yang had just chopped into two pieces and thrust it directly into Ye Yang's head.

In a daze, another thirty rays of sword light flew by, and the sharp sword energy turned into dripping sword pills, which circled around, turned around, and killed again.

The strong bull demon knew how terrifying this move was, so he ducked to the side. In his haste to dodge, he only dodged a few sword rays, and the remaining thirty or so sword rays struck another hoof again.

He was terrified.

At this moment, the cow's thighs and hooves had been cut off, and he was too scared to fight anymore.

The wings behind his back vibrated and he quickly flew towards the sky.

Ye Yang smiled coldly when he saw this.

The kumquat sword energy he had just refined was good at long-distance attacks.

as expected.

At the moment when the strong bull demon flew into the sky and spread its black wings, a green kumquat potted plant with thirty-six branches, similar to branches, suddenly appeared on the ground.

The green kumquats spurted out, and after a moment of shaking, thirty-six kumquat-like sword pellets flew up into the sky with a whooshing vibration, and exploded directly into the sky.

In an instant, he was in front of the bull demon.

The bull demon snorted, smiled, and then said.

"Brother Demon Elephant, stop it. I heard that you are good at being a vegetarian. It just so happens that we old cows are also vegetarians. At this moment, I am no match for you."

"From now on, you and I can become brothers of the opposite sex and eat grass together. Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

When Ye Yang heard this, sweat appeared on his forehead. Instead of stopping, he pressed harder.

The golden-red sword energy is like a blade soaring to the sky and an arrow leaving the string.

In an instant, the bull demon's back shot out countless blood flowers.

"It hurts."

The bull demon looked back and saw that his strong body was already filled with countless sword energy.

Ye Yang withdrew his sword energy. At this time, there was no trace of blood on the domineering golden red sword light.

Then eighteen rays of sword light merged into one, turned into a golden sword pill, and returned to the strange tree.

Killing people is like cutting grass, killing monsters is like picking things out of a bag, and it is so sharp. I am afraid that if the opportunity comes in the future, it will become an unparalleled vicious weapon.

Ye Yang stretched out his hand, as fast as lightning, grabbed it with both hands, stepped forward, and took out a golden demon elixir from the flying blood mist, which was the demon elixir of this bull demon.

Inside the fiery red demon pill is a pure black giant bull. It looks lifelike. I guess this demon bull also has extraordinary blood.

Ye Yang was quite satisfied.

Mo Wuyin on the side was already frightened to death when he saw this scene.

He was afraid that the huge elephant demon in front of him might attack him too.

But he never thought that the Elephant Demon had already taken the sword pill away, and when he came over, he smiled at him, revealing an ugly face.

He spoke the next moment.

"I will seal you here first, and then go explore the catacombs."

"If I find out that there is any truth in what you said, I will poke a bloody hole in your body today."

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