"I heard that after you killed the old crocodile monster, you had a big iron pestle in your hand. Can it be big or small?"

"Can you lend it to me to wait and see?"

The two looked at each other, looked at Ye Yang, their eyes lit up, and they laughed.

"Of course you can. This treasure of mine is not a precious thing. If you want to see it, just take it and see it."

Ye Yang smiled slightly, took out an embroidery needle from the gap between his ears, put it in the palm of his hand, and handed it over.

Seeing that Ye Yang actually pulled out this treasure weapon from his ear hole, the man laughed.

He snatched the Demon-Suppressing Vajra in one fell swoop.

The two demons looked at each other, blew a breath and said: "Big! Big! Big!"

After a few sounds, the object that was about the size of an embroidery needle actually slowly grew in size to more than three feet long.

And it is still growing, and in an instant it has reached a length of one foot.

The two of them were quite excited to see the treasure channeling people.

"Boy, how about giving this thing of yours to me as a Second Saint?"

He secretly hid Ye Yang's embroidery needle in his hand and was about to put it away.

But he never thought that at this moment, the demon-subduing vajra, which was as thick as an egg and more than ten feet long, would suddenly grow in size, becoming seven or eight feet long and as thick as a washbasin.

The next moment, the huge demon-suppressing vajra roared, thunder and wind roared, and penetrated directly into their chests.

In just a moment, his heart burst and he died. The demon lay on the ground in a daze, muttering in his mouth.

"How come? I used the treasure-locking hand. Why is this treasure still under your control?"

Ye Yang didn't take him seriously, so he turned the demon pestle around and hit his head with its huge tip.

At this moment, another demon had reacted.

At this moment, knowing how terrifying Ye Yang was, he didn't dare to look at Ye Yang. As soon as he stepped on the ground, he flew after Mingyue.

Ye Yang smiled coldly, stepped forward, and suddenly a two-foot-long, blood-red orange tree appeared in his hand.

Green leaves are rising, and thirty-six golden-red sword balls the size of pigeon eggs hang from the branches.

The blood orange treasure tree shuddered in the wind and rustled, and then thirty-six golden oranges were seen falling, turning into sword pills and rising into the sky, extending out infinite sword energy and killing directly forward.

The old demon had already escaped a hundred feet away, and he couldn't help but feel slightly excited.

Although these people who practice Vajra's powerful methods such as the Elephant Demon and the Bull Demon are powerful, they do not have many long-range attack methods.

He was always cautious, and after sensing the other party's terror, he quickly moved away.

Trying to catch up with him with the power of the Elephant Demon is simply wishful thinking.

But never thought about it. This idea just appeared for a moment.

He suddenly heard the sound of swords whistling behind him, and he felt a chill in his heart. When he turned around, he realized that thirty-six golden and red sharp sword energies were slashing at him quickly.

At this moment, he was in the sky, and the golden-red sword energy burst out in unison, directly drilling into his back.

He quickly took out a huge turtle-shaped shield to resist.

But he didn't expect that the sword light struck quickly and cut countless holes in its huge and thick turtle shell.

Then the sword energy came out of the hole and regrouped, penetrating his body.

He screamed and was penetrated by countless sword energy.

Under the bright moon, the flesh and bones were evenly divided into thirty-six pieces, and then fell to the ground.

Mo Wuyin on the side was shocked when he saw the sudden scene.

"What a terrifying alien sword. Although it is not as sharp as my White Snake Sword, its transformation is even better."

He laughed miserably, with a trace of blood showing at the corner of his mouth, and then said:

"You monsters are just monsters. Not only are you cruel to others, but you are even more cruel to your own people. Not only are you killing your own kind, but you are also determined to fight to the death."

Ye Yang didn't take him to heart, walked over, took the two's storage bag in his hands, and found a third-level demon pill.

Ye Yang said: "They and I are not of the same race."

Mo Wuyin looked at his strong body before speaking.

"Looking at how strong you are and how powerful you are, could it be that the Elephant Demon Fist has reached the great state?"

After finishing speaking, there was a hint of hope in his eyes, and then he said.

"I heard that Feitianmen's sword master Ye Yang is good at raising an elephant demon. In terms of physical strength, the swordsmanship is still a bit behind..."

After finishing speaking, he sighed.

The sword Xiu would rather break than bend, it is extremely strong and strong, but his physical strength is not very strong. This time he was injured because of his weak physical strength.

Ye Yang snorted coldly and said nothing. This person deliberately pointed out his name in a strange area. He didn't know what his intentions were.

Mo Wuyin seemed to have thought of something at this time, and felt that Ye Yang sounded familiar, so he spoke.

"Could it be that you are the successor of the Elephant Demon Fist in the Immortality Barrier?"

Although he has never entered the Immortal Barrier, he once heard that Ye Yang, a swordsman and swordsman, had a conflict with a powerful descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist in the Immortal Barrier.

The man was very powerful. He was holding a magic pestle that he could use to suppress evil spirits, and he was chasing Ye Yang everywhere. He was very powerful.

Especially when I had three hatreds.

First, I hate that the sky has no hands and cannot pull down the sky; second, I hate that the earth has no rings and cannot lift the earth; third, I hate that I cannot kill that young man - Ye Yang. "

It was once all the rage.

"As long as you know."

The tall figure transformed by Ye Yang smiled coldly.

Since you are pretending, you must pretend to be the same.

Especially now, if we want to pursue the traces of the Great Demon Pengfa, we have to show different signs everywhere. Naturally, we can no longer have anything to do with Ye Yang of Nao Shizi.

Seeing that Mo Wuyin seemed to be seriously injured, he said, "Why, why are they chasing you?"

Mo Wuyin said: "I secretly sneaked into the underground palace of Xuexia City before, trying to steal Peng Yu's spiritual light, but I was injured by the restrictions in the underground palace without thinking. These two people had a purpose, so they chased them all the way. ”

"What's it like in the underground palace?"

Ye Yang knew that the underground palace he was talking about was the physical body of the powerful practitioner of the Dapeng method.

The Holy Son of the Blood Demon once said that he and the people from the Qinglian Mo family came to Blood Cloud City for training. If this is the case, he must also be in that underground palace.

Perhaps because Ye Yang had just saved his life, Mo Wuyin was not very resistant to him.

He took out a guqin. Ye Yang opened it and found that the guqin was not big, only about the size of a palm.

But the texture is quite special, like jade but not jade, like bone but not bone.

Especially the strings, which seem to be made of sinews and bones, and like scattered feathers, look quite strange.

Ye Yang took it and touched it carefully with his hands, and felt a familiar feeling.

The surroundings seemed to become calm all of a sudden, and he seemed to see a big roc soaring in the turbulent sky, fighting against the sky, and flying thousands of miles away with a flutter of its wings.

"The body is made from the bones of Dapeng."

At the moment of contact, Ye Yang judged the origin of this guqin.

Just at this time.

The Hanyang Gem that Ye Yang got from the old crocodile monster also exuded a halo-like light. It seemed that it was aroused by the little piano, revealing a powerful aura.

He opened his mouth to admire, and then said.

"The dead body of the great demonic roc has transformed into a city after thousands of years. I really don't know how powerful it can be in life."

"Please tell me the details of the underground palace."

The pain on Mo Wuyin's body was unbearable.

He coughed a mouthful of blood and spoke.

"It's so huge inside, it really looks like the internal organs and bone acupoints. The big demon roc is really powerful. Even though Xuexia City has been explored for thousands of years, it still hasn't been explored yet."

"If you want it, this is the map I drew."

After finishing speaking, he handed Ye Yang a transparent jade slip.

Ye Yang took a quick look and found intricate routes recorded inside.

"You gave me such a hard-to-get thing for free?"

Mo Wuyin saw things quite clearly.

"You saved my life. It's okay to hand this thing over to my brother. After all, the life of the new generation of little swordsman of my Qinglian Mo family is much more precious than this unnecessary information on the jade slip."

A smile appeared on Ye Yang's lips.

"If that's the case, then I'll accept it."

With this object, he can virtually eliminate three points of resistance during his exploration.

"Since you are so generous, why not give this piano to me as well."

Ye Yang carefully stroked the delicate Guqin with his big hands. The object had changed with the Hanyang Gem. He was worried that it had some special effect.


After hearing this, Mo Wuyin pondered for a moment and spoke.

"It's nothing more than an external possession. Since my brother wants it, just take it."

Ye Yang didn't show any politeness to him and carefully put the jade piano away. After bidding farewell to Mo Wuyin, he stepped up into the air and followed the bright moon.

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