The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 286 Ten Thousand Years Dragon Blood Sword Box

"The fairy and strange things are the indescribable magical places in the legend."

When he said this, he didn't say any more.

Obviously I don't want to spend too much time on this issue.

An idea suddenly emerged in Ye Yang's mind.

According to legend, this wandering Taoist merchant started from Dao 1 and ended at Dao 99.

It seems to be a special kind of weirdness.

He has a red wedding dress that shrouds the corpse, and there is a characteristic in it that the devil cannot swallow the city.

It can be used to ward off the ghosts in the world, but I don't know if it can be useful for such high-level monsters that seem to have intelligence.

Thinking of the countless treasures in the other party's hands, Ye Yang felt even more excited.

Ye Yang thought about it.

The wandering Taoist merchant over there seemed to have sensed Ye Yang's thoughts.

He stared at Ye Yang, and a smile appeared on his faceless features.

This smile was weird, Ye Yang hurriedly accepted the ridiculous emotion, and then he said.

"The promise I made ten years ago has been completed, and I will be leaving now."

Ye Yang said.

"Senior, I wonder if I can do some trading. I still have some treasures in my hand. I wonder if I can gain access to them?"

After hearing this, Yun Youdao Shang spoke.

"It's a pity that you don't have anything I need in your hands."

"That being the case, it's really a pity."

The rules of Yunyou Taoist merchants are very simple.

If they can sense that the transaction partner has something to trade with, they will be the first to speak.

If not, even all the pleadings are in vain.

At this time, Yunyou Taoist suddenly spoke.

"If you really want to trade, there is something in you that I like."

Ye Yang said: "Senior, please make it clear."

Yun You Dao Shang said: "You are able to practice so arduously and painstakingly for decades without interruption. I guess you may contain some kind of strange spirit body."

"I have seen not ten thousand but eight thousand spiritual and Taoist bodies. There are those who swallow the sun and the moon to absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and there are also those who return all dharmas to their origin, are invulnerable to all dharmas, and can travel thousands of miles in a day."

"But I have never seen a spiritual body that can make people practice hard and arduously. I have only seen you in my life, so I am curious."

Ye Yang did not agree immediately, but pondered for a while before speaking.

"Senior, please tell me clearly. I wonder how I can help you?"

"It's quite simple. I just need to borrow the essence and blood in your body."

Essence blood is different from ordinary blood.

There are only eight hundred blood in the human body, if not one thousand.

However, blood essence contains a whole body of essence, and a monk only has three to five drops on his body.

If the essence and blood are exhausted.

It is very easy to cause great loss of one's own lifespan.

Ye Yang knew that he had been able to persevere for a long time.

All because of the help of magical destiny.

It should be noted that his own qualifications are only the qualifications of a middle-aged person. At the age of 30, he can practice until he is about to break through to the middle stage of martial arts.

Not much weaker than most geniuses.

All because of the help of the panel.

To be honest, he was also quite curious about his destiny.

I want to use the hands of Yunyu Taoist to test it and see if I can find something.

It’s just that essence and blood are precious and cannot be wasted.

He opened his mouth and said, "I wonder what senior can give me in exchange for it."

It was no surprise to the wandering Taoist merchant.

He walked to the shoulder pole and slowly opened the burden in front of him.

Ye Yang saw that it was filled with all kinds of dazzling items.

The first one is a blood-red wooden box with mahogany texture.

The box is not big, with two long and short sides. It is engraved with strange kendo texture totems, and the corners are filled with countless blood-red brilliance.

Looks quite high quality.

"This is?"

The wandering Taoist merchant slowly opened the wooden box.

Inside is what looks like a drawer, and there are countless silver straps to secure items.

The inside of the wooden box was glowing with bloody red, and the red was mixed with bits of broken golden light.

It seems to be made from the fusion of Geng Metal and Black Iron.

In addition, there are blood-red thunder and lightning totem textures all over the outer corners of the wooden box.

Just like the traces left on the dead wood when thunder and lightning struck down, they looked like dragon scale-like textures or dragon-like totems.

It seems that there is some unparalleled ferocious beast hidden.

"This is the Dragon Blood Sword Box!"

The wandering Taoist merchant spoke.

"It is said that the real dragon dyed the forest red after being injured and bleeding. There is an ancient tree in that forest, which can absorb the surrounding essence and transform into a real dragon's blood tree."

"It takes a hundred years to grow one foot, a thousand years to grow one foot, and it takes ten thousand years to grow three feet."

"There is a piece of wood in the three-foot long dragon blood tree. It is less than three feet long. It is born with a dragon pattern totem that can brew sword energy. After it is refined into a magic weapon, it will be a special sword box."

"The sword box contains a sword bag, which can contain sword pills. The more powerful the weapon, the more sword energy, and the more powerful the sword pills will be."

Ye Yang stared at the Dragon Blood Sword Box with a strange look in his eyes.

The descriptions of these miraculous treasures are completely beyond what is commonly seen.

If the brewing is successful, dozens of sword pills will shoot out with a wave of the hand, and countless sword energy will rise into the sky. Who can resist it.

The wandering Taoist merchant said: "This Dragon Blood Sword Box is quite precious."

Ye Yang forced himself to look away, and then said.

"I wonder if there are other treasures?"

The wandering Taoist merchant opened a wooden box next to him and found that there was a rather full and round jade slip in the wooden box.

Among the jade slips is a strange beast that looks like a dragon but not a dragon, and looks like a horse but not a horse.

There is also a flying mad sword at the feet of the alien beast, which is quite generous.

There are dragon-like and snake-like textures on the sword body.

Ye Yang could see clearly that this should be a mysterious sword energy inheritance.

As expected, immediately after, the wandering Taoist merchant spoke:

"This thing is the sword energy of a dragon and a horse. You can practice it to create countless sword lights, like a dragon or a horse, strong and upright. It is a mysterious inheritance of dragon swordsmanship."

"This third item is a glass heavy water ball. It is good at absorbing river water and extracting spiritual liquid. It can refine a hundred feet of pond water into a drop of heavy water. It can attack enemies and also conserve water vapor. It is extraordinary."

These three treasures were all extraordinary, and Ye Yang was greatly moved when he saw them.

But it's a pity that I can only redeem one of them.

Ye Yang said: "In that case, I will redeem this dragon blood sword box."

The Dragon Blood Sword Box is extraordinary, and its material is even rarer.

The Red Maple Sword in his hand also needs to be brewed. As for the other dragon-type swordsmanship inheritance, although it is also extraordinary.

But currently, Shaoyang Sword Jue has almost reached the master level.

It won't be long before you can practice the Zhongyang Sword Art.

Ye Yang still understands the truth of biting off more than he can chew.

As for the glazed heavy water ball that can condense heavy water, it should be a treasure for some people who practice waterway secrets, but it is not of much use at present.

The wandering Taoist merchant said.

"You can make your own decision. In that case, let me collect your blood essence."

Ye Yang secretly used his magic power to force out a mouthful of blood essence and put it in a jade bottle.

Just after forcing out the blood essence, his face turned pale.

The wandering Taoist merchant looked solemnly at the mouthful of blood he forced out.

He took out a silver needle and pierced it into the jade bottle, and then relaxed his brows.

After exploring for a long time, I had to say:

"You are a mortal with mortal bones and a mortal body, and you do not contain a special spiritual body. But in that case, how did you manage to practice uninterruptedly for ten years?"

It is important to know that everyone is born, old, sick and die, sad or happy.

There are people who can keep practicing for decades without losing a single day. This is beyond his understanding.

Ask everyone for their opinions.

Real person realm, Zifu real person, Jindan real person, Tiangang real person, Dharmaxiang real person?

It is better to use the traditional golden elixir before, during and after the Nascent Soul Transformation.

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