Once the North Sea Goddess arrives, it means that the Five Poison Sect has a real strongman in charge.

At that time, no matter what Feitian Sect or Guxuan is, they are all trapped.

After helping the old lady Shangguan, Ye Yang drove the Sun Chasing Flying Turtle to take her and Wang Sandao to the Feitian Sect.

This Shangguan Li is quite a legend in the Shangguan family. She has controlled the Shangguan family's affairs for many years and can be said to be the master behind the Shangguan family.

Ye Yang saw her sitting on the Sun Chasing Flying Turtle, her face was dark, and she exuded a faint smell of poison.

He stretched out his hand and tapped Shangguan Li's shoulder eighteen times in a row.

These eighteen times were arranged like the Big Dipper, faintly forming a mysterious and intricate pattern.

Shangguan Li didn't understand what Ye Yang did at first, but after a while, she felt the magical effect of Ye Yang's pulse tapping.

She couldn't help but exclaimed, and felt that the pain in her body had decreased by more than one level.

"Thank you very much for the help of Ye Hufa. I didn't expect that Ye Hufa is also a master of medicine. It's really surprising."

She had only heard of this sword master, who practiced both sword and sword, was very powerful, and seemed to have one or two water pills.

She never thought that the other party actually practiced medicine.

I heard that Ye Hufa was average in talent.

The reason why he was able to achieve extraordinary achievements in many ways was all due to his perseverance and hard practice.

"My Shangguan family has now fallen to the bottom. If future generations practice diligently and work hard, they will definitely be able to see the light of day again."

"There is no way to defeat others except self-blame. There is no way to surpass others except self-improvement. It really does not deceive me."

She sighed, and then thanked Ye Yang with a straight face.

"Thank you Ye Hufa for saving me."

The seven-star-shaped acupuncture method just now is a secret method recorded in the Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll.

Transferring the essence of life can help people stabilize their injuries and suppress negative states.

However, Shangguan Li was too seriously injured, and this move can only alleviate but not eradicate.

The speed of the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle was very fast, and it flew into the Feitian Gate in a short while.

Ge Canhong took Shangguan Li to the Yingbin Hall to rest and prepared to choose a day to treat her.

Ye Yang returned to the courtyard.

The moonlight at night was like water.

Ye Yang suddenly felt something in his heart and walked into the courtyard.

But under the bright moon, the courtyard was full of spiritual energy and fragrance.

The old persimmon tree was shaking under the moonlight, accompanied by the summer breeze.

I don’t know why, Ye Yang felt that his heart was surging tonight.

It seemed that something was about to appear.

So he closed his eyes, did not move, and waited there quietly.

One quarter, two quarters, three quarters, until the early morning.

The bright moon was hanging high, and many disciples had rested in the distant mountains, and it was dark.

He looked up and saw the full moon. The pillars and eaves of the "Shouzhu Hall" in the courtyard cast mottled black shadows under the moonlight.

He seemed to have thought of something and took out a glass-colored jade bottle from his pocket.

There were clusters of white gas in the jade bottle, like a knife light, and it seemed to be the traces of time and years.

It was exactly ten years ago that he met a wandering Taoist merchant and got the time bottle.

At that time.

The other party once said that he should cut a time knife at the time bottle every day, and he would come again after ten years of saving enough time power.

Ye Yang counted with his fingers.

Unknowingly, ten years have passed.

Sure enough, at the moment when Ye Yang had this idea.

In the sky, suddenly a figure of a person slowly stepped into the air from under the bright moon.

He bent his body with every step, and he seemed to be at ease every time he walked.

In addition, he carried a shoulder pole on his shoulder, with a box in front and behind the shoulder pole.

After a while, it landed beside Ye Yang.

Seeing the other party landed in the courtyard, Ye Yang couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Such a big living person walked into the Feitianmen mountain protection formation, but no one noticed.

Even Xiu Ya, who was already asleep, didn't feel anything.

Especially after the Feitianmen's spiritual vein was promoted, the entire sect's mountain protection formation "Five Elements Cloud and Mist Annihilation Formation" was reinforced again.

But the other party came from the moon, without causing a reaction from anyone, nor did it cause a warning from the mountain protection formation.

Just appeared in his courtyard.

It was as if the person in front of him didn't exist.

It was really terrifying!

Ye Yang walked up and bowed slightly, then said.

"Hello, senior. I was just thinking that the ten-year period has come, and I don't know when I can see you again. I didn't expect that as soon as I thought about it, you were already standing in front of me."

The wandering Taoist merchant's face had no facial features, no mouth, and no eyes.

But he was exhausted, his clothes were covered with dust, and it seemed that he had hurried to Feitianmen from afar.

Hearing Ye Yang's greeting, he spoke.

"This time bottle is full of rich time power. It seems that you have not been slacking off in the past ten years, and you have been slashing a time knife into it every day."

After speaking, he waved his hand slightly.

The glass-colored jade bottle flew quickly into his hand.

He took a quick look, couldn't help but admire it, and then said.

"People say that the body is unparalleled and the talent is unmatched, but in my opinion, the best way to prove talent in the world is hard work and persistence."

“Persistence itself is one of the greatest gifts.”

He was very satisfied with Ye Yang's approach.

After all, no one can guarantee that they will not get sick or have trouble in ten years, and they will continue to practice every day.

But at this moment, I felt that the other party had really not slackened off for ten years.

Really satisfying.

Therefore, his tone was gentle and warm, and he was more or less agile than before.

"As long as senior is satisfied."

The wandering Taoist merchant collected the vase of time, and then said: "Fellow Taoist, this thing is really a good thing, but it's a pity that I can no longer use it."

Hearing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but be stunned.

According to what the wandering Taoist merchant said before, he had a father who had suffered from a serious disease for many years.

This thing is used on my father to help him die without illness, disaster, or pain.

The next moment, the wandering Taoist merchant gave the reason.

"To be honest, my father passed away not long ago."

After he finished speaking, showing many human emotions, he said.

"There are ninety-nine brothers among us. I am the least favored, but I am the most filial in heart. When I died this time, no one else was there to wait on me. I was the only one who stayed at the bedside."

After he finished speaking, he waved slightly, and the time treasure bottle exploded immediately, and countless time powers dissipated into the air.

"In this case, this thing is useless."

Ye Yang was silent, not knowing what to say.

The next moment Ye Yang spoke.

"I dare to ask senior, what is this world like?"

As far as Ye Yang knew, this world was infinitely huge. He didn't know how wide it was, let alone how huge it was.

As far as he knows, this world has many boundaries such as the Eastern Land, the Western Region, the North Sea, the Northern Border, and the Southern Border.

There is also the vast East China Sea in the middle, and there are countless dangers and hundreds of thousands of mountains in the wild area. It is very huge.

When he meets a person who can travel around the world, he is naturally curious.

After hearing what Ye Yang said, the wandering Taoist merchant spoke.

"The land you are in is called Yalong Ridge. It has a radius of millions of miles and has countless cultivating families and sects. Deep in Yalong Ridge is the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and on the other side of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is the Sea of ​​Shura Blood."

"This world is too vast and countless."

"This world is so big that some people can't finish it in a lifetime, but it's so small that in the eyes of those powerful people, it's just a short distance away."

Ye Yang's heart moved slightly, these words had already revealed countless information.

Yunyou Daoshang said: "Did you know that a few days ago, countless vine-like tentacles suddenly descended."

Ye Yang nodded.

"Some people say that it is the ancient true spirit that appears in the world and moves around. I don't know whether it is true or not."

The wandering Taoist merchant raised his head and glanced at the huge scarlet vines slowly crawling in the sky.

Then he said: "Exactly, but this time it came not to migrate, but to find its mother."

"Its mother was kidnapped while traveling around this world. Her limbs were chopped off and turned into a divine pig. The blood attracted each other and she came to the world."

Ye Yang was slightly shocked in his heart, and then said: "I dare to ask senior, what realm does the true spirit belong to."

The wandering Taoist merchant said.

"True Spirit is an honorific title, which means the truth of heaven and earth, the spirit of all things. It cannot be divided by simple realms, but is a kind of strange spirit born from heaven and earth."

"For the strong, even the world in front of them is just a meal on their plate, while for the weak, they are just in the realm of real people and Taoists."

Ye Yang thought of the corpse-wrapped red wedding dress he had obtained before, and then said: "Senior, do you know what a fairy thing is?"

After hearing this, he did not answer immediately. Instead, he turned around and looked at Ye Yang in surprise, and then said.

"The fairy and strange things are the indescribable magical places in the legend."

When he said this, he had some scruples and did not say any more.

I spent a day visiting relatives today, and I also added Kavin, so I took a day off on the second day of the Lunar New Year, and the new updates will continue.

Today, based on the opinions of all book friends, I have written a general view of the world. Please correct me.

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