The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 287 The Real Person Attacks the Dragon-Binding Whip (two-in-one)

Hearing what he said, Ye Yang knew in his heart that he had not tested the fate on the mysterious panel.

Before he could explain, the wandering Taoist merchant next to him automatically made up his mind and said.

"Is it possible that you really have such amazing perseverance? Anyway, this test has no results, so I think it has increased my knowledge."

Ye Yang was silent for a moment. Since he came into contact with the practice, he has never stopped for a day, and the time is like a day of hard training.

Even when he was attacked and fell into coma, he was practicing unconsciously.

That's why we can make such progress.

The wandering Taoist merchant smashed this drop of blood essence into pieces.

Then he spoke again.

"In this case, I would like to thank my fellow Taoist for your efforts over the past ten years. I will go..."

Ye Yang said.


Hearing what Ye Yang said, the wandering Taoist merchant couldn't help but stop.

"What, but there is something else?"

Ye Yang said: "Senior, I got a copy of the inheritance of the Great Demonic Peng method in my hands. It's just that it's too incomplete. It only contains the method of absorbing evil spirits."

"I know that my senior travels all over the world, so I would like to ask my senior, I don't know where the inheritance of the Dapeng method is."

The inheritance of the Great Demonic Peng's method of collecting evil comes from Qingming Island, and it is a residual picture.

The Xuantian Magic Manual of Transforming Meridians is a dual cultivation of Taoism and demons. One channel is the Tianpeng Meridian Transformation Curse, and the other channel is the Siming Disaster Control Technique.

Among them, the Tianpeng Pulse Transformation Curse is a pure inheritance of Taoism, while the Siming Disaster Control Technique is a special control technique that can neutralize the Taoist demon's energy.

He wants to use the Great Demon Peng Method and the Elephant Demon Fist as the foundation of his practice. The Elephant Demon has unparalleled power and can shake the world.

The Great Demonic Peng Technique possesses extremely high speed, and when it reaches great perfection, it can travel a hundred and eighty thousand miles with one wing.

It's just that this great magic roc is extremely rare and difficult to find.

"It's not a secret. It doesn't hurt to tell you."

"Twenty thousand miles east of Feitian Gate, there is a Blood Cloud City. Thousands of years ago, a strong man who practiced the Great Demon Peng method died here."

"Later, the demons gathered here and built a city on the corpse of the strong man. There should be some inheritance and news of the Great Demon Peng's magic there."

After saying that, he didn't want to stay any longer and left in an instant, carrying a pole.

Bloody Cloud City?

Ye Yang frowned slightly when he heard this.

As far as he knew, Xuexia City was located deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains and was full of crises.

Its city lord Feixiazi is known as the tiger among tigers and the hero among tigers, and is quite powerful.

Before leaving, the Blood Demon Saint Son went to practice in the depths of Shiwan Mountain.

He said he wanted to challenge the masters in Xuexia City.

Ye Yang has not yet broken through to the middle stage of martial arts, so he is not in a hurry.

After the wandering Taoist merchant left, Ye Yang put the Dragon Blood Sword Box in his hand and looked at it carefully.

As soon as he put the sword box in his hand, a brilliance like a dragon and snake rushed straight into his body.

Sensing the sharp sword energy and strong blood energy in the wooden box, Ye Yang actually felt a little comfortable.

The next moment, Ye Yang put the red maple sword in his hand into the sword box.

As soon as the strong red maple sword was put into the sword box, Ye Yang saw countless dragon-snake-like brilliance of blood filling it.

The originally red Maple Sword now became like blood jade, dazzling and extremely gorgeous.

After sensing carefully, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel a hint of joy in his eyes.

This mysterious and precious Dragon Blood Sword Box seems to have some bloody brilliance drilling into the Red Maple Sword.

Then as it was being retracted and released, the power and pressure of the red maple sword seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

The next few days.

Ye Yang concentrated on practicing in the house.

Unknowingly, time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the time for Feitianmen to awaken his life for the second time.

However, this year, the leader Gu Xuan has been away from home for a long time due to his training.

Therefore, this once-in-ten-year natal awakening ceremony to worship heaven was not held.

On the other side of the huge Five Poison Sect, several people sat facing each other.

The person at the top is wearing a royal yellow cassock, with a snow-white scalp, and an ice jade whisk in his left hand, dressed as a nun.

The people sitting down were Elder Zuo of the Five Poison Sect and many disciples.

Several people in this huge house had different expressions, and the leader spoke.

"Currently, Gu Xuan is not in the gate, and the strongest person is Gu Qingshu, who has reached the perfect martial arts level. It seems that our attack is not far away.

Bei Haishenni briefly touched the whisk in his hand, and then said.

"The Feitian Clan is extremely rampant and has become even more popular in recent years. I, the bitter cold in Beihai, need this foundation to establish a business and inherit the family."

Wu Qing, the leader of the Five Poison Sect on the side, said quickly.

"If the master is willing to occupy the Feitian Sect, we, the Five Poison Sect, are willing to act accordingly and respect the gods and nuns."

After hearing what he said, the elders who sat down at the Five Poison Sect moved slightly, as if they wanted to say something, but there was no other reaction. .

After all, the powerful person in the real world is in front, and no one dares to express dissatisfaction.

Although they were slightly uncomfortable with Wu Qing's kitsch behavior.

But now that the Feitian Sect is so powerful, it is already the best way to bring in the Beihai Shenni.

There is an old monk sitting down. His face is divided into yin and yang with his nose as the center line.

At this moment, he was holding a huge orb, clasping his hands together, and then said.

"Namo Amitabha, my second sister is willing to take action, and I should obey. However, once the Feitian Sect is destroyed this time, I will go into seclusion in the world, with the Ancient Buddha of Qingdeng as my companion, and will not care about worldly affairs."

This person is quite famous as a Buddhist cultivator, and his name is "Buddha Cicada Light".

Ranked ninth among the Thirteen Giant Bandits in Beihai

The strength is quite strong.

It's just that he has been fighting in the world of immortality for many years, and he has already begun to think about going into seclusion.

She usually has the best relationship with Beihai Shenni, the second sister among the Thirteen Giant Bandits of Beihai.

That's why I got involved in this muddy water just now.

Beihai Shenni smiled slightly, and then said: "I naturally know what my ninth brother is thinking. The Dusk Danxia, ​​one of the eight wonders of Yalongling, is at Feitian Gate."

If I seize this place, you will live here in seclusion from now on, imitating the ancient immortals, poetry, wine and pastoral, play chess, calligraphy and painting, and watch the clouds rise and fall. "

Wu Qing spoke at this time.

"Shenni is naturally able to catch it with ease, but this Feitian Sect should not be underestimated, so we still have to be careful."

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and someone immediately brought stacks of jade slips.

he said.

"This is the information about the Feitian Sect that we have collected from many aspects, especially about their trump card, which has been recorded accordingly."

"Previously, the old head of the Five Poison Sect used the secret technique of transforming pills to transform into a monster and attack the Feitian Sect, but it didn't work. The opponent's mountain-protecting formation was quite powerful."

Bei Haishenni smiled coldly, waved the dust in his hand, and then said.

"Of course, the real-person realm powerhouses cannot be compared to the alchemy demon beast monks. How can those furry and armored ones use it? Don't worry, Feitian Sect will not survive long as long as I am here."

Wu Qing frowned, and while he was thinking, a hint of unhappiness flashed in his heart.

After all, the old leader Wu Mahan was his father, and the words of a man wearing fur and armor could be described as reducing him to a beast.

However, his psychological quality was very good. He put away the cold look in his eyes and lowered his eyebrows.

"What the nun said is true. With the nun here, the Feitian Sect will definitely be able to capture it."

Since practicing the Five Poison Sect's Five Directions Poisonous Beasts Rotation Dharma, his character has changed differently than ordinary people.

The leader, Wu Mahan, was his biological father and adoptive father. After being taken away by the Five Poison Sect, he had complicated emotions.

At this moment, he felt happy being criticized in person, but even so, he still became calmer and smiled.

"After all, a powerful person in the real realm cannot be compared to those demonic beasts that transform into pills."

Bei Haishenni gave Wu Qing a cold look.

She can say this herself, but others cannot.

Just because she said that she wanted to establish the power of the real person, so that no one dared to underestimate her.

But at this moment, Wu Qing's words seemed to be a bit arrogant.

It should be noted that as a strong person in the real world, she has experienced wind, frost, rain, snow, and the changes in the world she has seen for hundreds of years, which are far beyond what ordinary strong people in the martial arts realm know.

In particular, the Thirteen Giant Bandits of Beihai are rampant in Beihai, Zhongtu, Yalongling and many other areas.

The nature of the mind is far beyond what other people can compare to.

She said: "Don't worry, everyone, tonight I will visit the Feitian Sect at night to find out what they are and what they are."

A strange color flashed across Wu Qing's face, followed closely by excitement.

After all, no matter what.

The Beihai Goddess and Ni are all strong men. This time, he was able to kidnap the Beihai Goddess from the North Sea, and it cost him a lot of favors and power.

He even used his children as protons and sent them to the North Sea Goddess to sit down and practice.

The hardships and the feeling of separation between father and son are beyond imagination.

In the Feitian Gate, the light shines brightly, and the bright moon shines on people.

It happened at midnight tonight, and the formations under the full moon were changing in many ways.

A group of people came fiercely and surrounded Feitianmen.

Everyone in Feitian Sect looked solemn.

Gu Qingshu looked at the bright moon outside the window and couldn't help but frown slightly.

She felt uneasy.

At this moment, the moonlight was falling in the distance, and they suddenly gathered in one place. Amidst the tremors of the earth, a figure slowly walked down.

"Enemy attack."

"Everyone, retreat quickly!"

A voice sounded, and figures flew around.

Then a snow-white figure came from under the moon.

Holding countless silver threads, he arrived in front of Feitian Gate in an instant.

"He is a real strong man."

"Start the formation quickly."

The silver-white floating dust turned into majestic and shocking sword threads, coming quickly.

The entire Feitian Sect immediately fell into a burst of explosions.

"Delay the speed and quickly activate the pulse protection formation."

Gu Qingshu was slightly startled, already feeling the strength of the person coming from the other side.

However, she did not want to easily suppress Feitianmen's morale, and did not point out the opponent's cultivation level.

The man in the sky waved his whisk slightly, and his figure was dimly covered with a layer of moon-white brilliance.

That terrifying moon-white brilliance was like a pillar reaching the sky heading directly towards Feitian Gate.

The terrain shook, as if the heaven and earth were tilting, and the earth's veins were overturned, and they were extremely powerful.

After Gu Qingshu gave an order, a short while later the formation above the entire Feitian Sect began to move, forming a huge golden bowl like an inversion.

"Looking for death! You are as small as an ant in the martial arts realm, but you still dare to resist!"

Gu Qingshu said: "Could it be that Senior Beihai Shenni is here?"

After saying this, she immediately raised her fists into the sky and said.

"I don't know if the Feitian Sect is far away from us when the gods and nuns come, please forgive me!"

A cold and sharp female voice sounded in the sky, and then said.

"You don't need to be so polite, so that you can know that Pindao has just come from Beihai and has taken a fancy to your Feitianmen land, so he wants to steal it."

"No, you can't use conspiracy. This should be about the strong defeating the weak. A good place will naturally be occupied by the strong."

Ge Canhong on the side called everyone to set up the formation. Seeing the other party being so aggressive, he snorted coldly and said.

"Shen Ni, although you are a strong person in the real world, my Feitian Sect is not easy to bully."

The goddess of the North Sea became famous at a young age, joined the Thirteen Giant Bandits, and roamed the land with great strength.

But as Ge Canhong said, today's Feitian Sect is not a toothless tiger, it is even quite powerful.

Bei Haishenni frowned slightly when he saw the huge shield below.

The next moment, she fired countless sword rays, and the snow-white whisk in her hand flickered, and the sword threads on it filled the entire sky.

It was like a waterfall rushing down from the sky.

But they were all firmly blocked by the immovable formation.

She sighed secretly and then said.

"I didn't expect the turtle shell of Feitianmen to be so hard. There is actually a Xuanshan Shoushi stone in it. It seems that you have also dealt with that old Black Mountain monster."

At this moment, a dark and unpredictable sword light suddenly lit up around Beihai Sheni.

The sword light was silent and suddenly fell into the sky, killing her on the back like a dream.

Beihai Shenni snorted coldly and waved the whisk in his hand behind him to block the sword light.

The light of the sword was destroyed by the whisk.

But he never thought that a huge black dragon suddenly appeared on the left side.

There were actually two people standing on top of the dragon's head. One was wearing a black robe and had a cold face, while the other was tall and thin with a sallow complexion.

It was Ge Canhong and Wang Sandao.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

These two people joined forces and dared to swing their swords at Beihai Shenni.

As far as he knew, the two men had previously combined the Feitian Clan's Black Sun Sword Art and the Three Yang Sword Art, and were determined to create a powerful sword art.

I don’t know if it has been achieved.

The strength of a strong person in the real realm is very terrifying. As soon as he appears, Feitian Sect will reveal all its trump cards.

At this moment, Beihai Shenni had just cracked the illusory sword light that had sneaked up on him.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a huge black dragon sword appear behind him, and he couldn't help but snorted.

The black dragon was really like the shining black sun, unparalleled in speed. The black dragon opened its eyes, filled with countless rays of light.

For a time, even the moonlight was covered by black, the sky was dark, the earth was dark, and the wind and sand were shaking down.

Bei Haishenni felt that his speed was slightly affected.

Before she could speak, the next moment another huge three-handed monster whip swooped down from the sky.

The strange whip seems to be the body of a strange snake.

At the front and tail end are three heads, divided into red, yellow and blue colors.

At this moment, countless flames, poisonous wind, and hail are sprayed.

Seeing these weird three giant pythons, Bei Haishenni couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and then said.

"It turned out to be a magic weapon made from the evil bones of three sky-swallowing pythons. In this case, Wu Mahan died in the hands of your Feitian Sect."

These three whips of the sky-swallowing python are known as the "dragon-binding whips".

It was a magical weapon made by the Feitian Sect many years ago using the flesh and bone body of the three demon beasts that transformed into pills, the sky-swallowing python, and countless precious spiritual materials.

As soon as it is successfully refined, it becomes a top-grade magic weapon.

During this period, he experienced Feitian Sect spiritual vein promotion, and after being washed by spiritual energy, he became stronger.

In order to avoid attracting attention, the Feitian Sect has been kept secret, but now a powerful person from the real world is coming.

With no choice, Gu Qingshu could only take the lead in taking out the treasure to fight back.

The dragon-binding whip is very powerful, upside down and chaotic, and its three heads spit out flames, poisonous smoke, and hail, which is very powerful.

The body extended to tens of feet in length and turned into a soft silk, tightly binding Beihai Shenni.

Beihai Shenni was tied up with the dragon whip. Seeing the black dragon sword coming to kill him, he snorted coldly and spit out countless moonlight frosts from his mouth, forcing the black dragon sword back.

This black dragon sword is a brand new sword move developed by Ge Canhong and Wang Sandao after working together for several years.

Seeing that it didn't work, the two looked at each other, roared again, and an even bigger black dragon sword covered the moonlight and appeared in the sky again.

Fight towards Beihai Shenni again.

At this moment, under the all-out sneak attack, even Bei Haishenni couldn't help but feel a little panic.

But after all, he was a strong man in the real world. He snorted coldly at this moment and flew high in the sky. Countless Gu insects flew out of his sleeves.

These Gu insects look like insect bodies, but are actually refined ice and snow essence.

The black dragon sword that Ge Canhong struck out as soon as it appeared froze into ice blocks and fell from the sky one after another.

"You are very brave."

Beihai Shenni was slightly startled and was about to launch an attack.

At this moment, I felt a pain in my heart, a trace of blood showed at the corner of my mouth, and I turned around in disbelief.

Thank you to Mr. Sun Liansheng for the 1,500 starting coin reward! ! ! Because of you, I am full of energy v Come on

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