Gu Qingshu said: "He has a maid named Ying'er, who is actually his adoptive mother who raised him up."

"It is said that the reason why he participated in the attack on Qingming Island this time was to win the Purple Lightning Silver Peach."

Gu Qingshu knew a lot of news.

Ge Canhong pondered for a moment and said nothing.

The person with more outstanding military exploits this time will not necessarily be awarded the Purple Lightning Silver Peach.

After all, the Purple Lightning Silver Peach is precious, and the Feitian Sect has not stated clearly before that it wants to exchange the Purple Lightning Silver Peach.

Naturally, their idea was to give this purple electric silver peach to the disciples in the sect, so that they would not leave any outsiders alone.

As for Die Wuhou, although there was news about exchanging purple electric silver peaches, these were all wishful thinking on his part. Feitian Sect did not agree or make an agreement with him.

It is also reasonable to give other precious treasures.

Gu Qingshu also already understood what Ge Canhong meant.

Then he said: "This Purple Lightning Silver Peach is the inheritance of my sect, so it is naturally good to give to people in the sect."

Ge Canhong unfolded the jade slip and continued to look down.

"This disciple comes from the Li family, an affiliated family of the Feitian sect. His name is Ba Yuan. He has awakened his destiny as a low-level Mystic level giant spirit warrior. His wealth is innocent, so there is no doubt about it."

"Li Bayuan? The elder of the Li family came to me once and asked me to take care of him."

"This disciple is very talented. He has broken through to the ninth level of ventilation a few years ago."

"I have also heard about this disciple, and his character is not bad. In this case, I will give it to him."

The two pondered for a while and made a decision.

"Will Fei Ge send a letter to inform the head of this matter?"

Ge Canhong thought of something and suggested that the things Zidian Yintao gave out in this reward were not the most precious.

But because of his special attributes that help monks break through the realm, he attracts special attention.

Gu Qingshu shook her head.

"Master, there are many dangers when he goes out this time. Don't disturb him or distract him with such trivial matters. If he succeeds, it will be a blessing to my Feitian Sect. If he fails, it will be destiny. I can't blame anyone."

Ge Canhong's heart trembled slightly as he thought of a possibility, and then quickly erased the thought from his mind.

"Hopefully, everything goes well."

"Aside from Li Bayuan, are there any good talents in the sect who have the potential to break through to the martial arts realm?"

Ge Canhong continued to speak.

Gu Qingshu said: "Hi! There are quite a few, but I don't pay much attention to these juniors on weekdays. This time there are only two purple electric silver peaches. They can only wait for the next time."

Ge Canhong said: "I also have a martial arts golden elixir here, which I took from the treasure house of Qingming Island. I might as well exchange it this time."

Gu Qingshu thought for a moment and said.

"This time, many ventilating monks rushed to kill the enemy bravely after the purple electric silver peach. The martial arts golden elixir is more precious than the purple electric silver peach. Taking it out suddenly would arouse gossip and make people think that we deliberately kept it secretly. "

"The time for the next Feitian Qizhen is about to start, so why not reward the top disciple then."

"fair enough."

After some discussion, the two made a decision.

Ge Canhong spoke again.

"Although Taiyi Qingmen and Fengyulou came with Feitianmen this time, they are also the main force participating in the battle, and I am afraid they will receive the rewards they deserve."

"If not, I'm afraid it will chill those sects."

Gu Qingshu said.

"As it should be."

Ge Canhong spoke again.

"This time in the attack on Qingming Island, we got a lot of spoils."

"The master also got a heaven-made fruit from Zhuang Guyuan. Now the master is a third-level alchemist."

"When he comes back, you can also buy another main medicine tree and start a furnace to refine the martial arts elixir."

Gu Qingshu was shocked when she heard this.

"It's better to be careful. In my opinion, it's better to find foreign aid."

"After all, eldest brother has just become a third-level alchemist. The heaven-made fruit is precious. Once lost, it will be difficult to obtain it again."

This sentence has been said rather euphemistically.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

To this day, both of them still remember Gu Xuan's passion for refining elixirs when he was young.

But the oven explodes every time.

Ge Canhong sighed softly: "Well, in this case, we can only let the leader show off his old face and ask for help one more time."

This time the siege of Qingming Island was quite fruitful.

The achievements are naturally extraordinary.

Soon, many people emerged and attracted the envy of countless people.

The most controversial one is naturally Li Bayuan.

Unexpectedly, he ranked first in contribution with a ninth-level cultivation, and obtained the only purple electric silver peach.

It is said that the elders of the Li family all came out to support him and gave all their credit to him.

But Die Wuhou was equally powerful and even exchanged the main material for refining a medium-grade magical weapon from Feitianmen's treasure house.

But he was not happy. After hurriedly getting the main ingredients, he walked out of the mountain gate alone without even staying at the Feitian Gate.

Many other disciples who participated in the battle also received many rewards.

For a while, there was laughter and feasting.

"Junior Brother Wang, I wonder if you have something important to do with me today?"

On top of a mountain peak, two people stood looking at each other.

He was tall and strong, carrying a sword on his back. Although he was not very handsome, he had sharp edges and a resolute face. There was a hint of maturity and experience in the corners of his eyes.

The other person was carrying an old gourd with green and yellow mottled colors on his back. His face was like a jade, but he had a pair of triangular eyes. He was Wang Dong.

Wang Dong was quite emotional and then said.

"Senior Brother Ye invited you out this time because he wanted to say goodbye specifically. In addition, he wanted to thank you."


Hearing this, Ye Yang raised his eyebrows slightly in confusion.

"Junior brother, what do you mean by this?"

Wang Dong said.

"I won't hide what my senior brother said."

"The Qingming Thunder Wind and Cloud Spiritual Technique that you contributed to the sect has quite a bit of help for the Listening to Rain and Listening to Fire technique passed down by my family."

"Now, under the guidance of my father, I have begun to practice the Qingming Thunder Wind and Cloud Spiritual Technique. The power of thunder and fire on my body is intertwined, just like thunder coming to the world and magma bursting. My strength has been greatly improved."

Wang Dong is ruthless, he is a ruthless person, he has good talent and good destiny.

Coupled with the guidance of his father Huo Jingang, and now that he has obtained the inheritance of Qingming Thunder Wind and Cloud Spiritual Technique, he will surely become even more powerful.

"Congratulations to junior brother."

Ye Yang said.

In fact, he had been envious of the Qingming Thunder Storm Spirit Technique for a long time. As the prerequisite spiritual technique of the treasure technique, its power was indeed extraordinary.

However, this technique was not suitable for his temperament, and he already had a promise from the leader of the Xuantian Magic Book of Transforming Meridians, so he did not forcefully practice it.

Ye Yang asked.

"Junior brother is going on a long trip, either for traveling or for something else."

Wang Dong's eyes showed a hint of cruelty, and then he said.

"I'm going to challenge the heroes on the Hidden Dragon List, and I'm going to challenge Zhu Xingyu in the Purgatory Demon Palace, and I'll make him pay the price with his blood."

Zhu Xingyu had fought with him in front of Feitian Gate before.

He burned one of Zhu Xingyu's arms, and Wang Dong passed out.

Coupled with the fact that the two are close in age, they already have a life-and-death feud.

After hearing what Wang Dong said, Ye Yang spoke.

"In this case, please take care of yourself, junior brother."

Wang Dong stood up and cupped his hands.

"I will definitely do it. This time I not only want to seek revenge on Zhu Xingyu and defeat him in an upright manner, but I also want to enter the Hidden Dragon Ranking, watch the world's events, be happy with my grudges, and strengthen my Feitian Sect's majesty."

"I am Wang Dong"

"Not weaker than anyone."

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