After finishing speaking, Wang Dong sighed with emotion.

"It's a pity that you, senior brother, suffered a divine punishment and were seriously injured. If not, you would definitely have a place on the Hidden Dragon List."

He didn't know yet that Ye Yang's meridians had completely recovered.

Just thinking that Ye Yang still had some grudges in his heart, he spoke out to comfort him.

"Senior brother, please rest assured. Once you achieve something in the future, I will definitely find the murderer and slaughter his limbs to avenge you."

Ye Yang shook his head and sighed.

"The so-called fame and wealth are just fleeting. I have already seen through this kind of thing."

"Good practice is also a day, and bad practice is also a day. It's not that I take these things too seriously."

"It's just that junior brother has a hard time going out, so he has to be extra careful. The world of immortality is turbulent and dangerous, and no one knows when he will be injured."

After speaking, Ye Yang took out some healing elixirs.

After practicing the Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll, Ye Yang has become a first-level alchemist.

It's just that the potency of the water-based elixir is slightly better and more effective.

These healing elixirs are effective internally and externally.

RuNa Yangzhi Pills can help monks repair wounds in the internal organs and increase the recovery effect.

As for the blue powder, he mixed it with the powder ground from Blue Moon Spirit lotus root and Jinshang Dan. It is quite effective in treating external injuries.

"I hope junior brother will never have to use these things."

Wang Dong quickly accepted it.

"Senior brother, let me worry about it."

After saying that, he walked out alone.

Looking at the tall back, Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh slightly.

The last time the person who made such bold words was Dugu Qiang.

If you want to see the world's ups and downs, enter the Great Fortune Dynasty and challenge the heroes of the world.

But not long after, Dugu Qiang had become a demon gun, killing people all over the world and putting himself in danger.

It’s hard to get along in the world of immortality!

Especially in the outside world, without the protection of the sect, dangers are endless.

This is Ye Yang's true inner thought, so he doesn't want to compete for fame and fortune.

The clouds are rolling and relaxing every day. Wouldn't it be nice to sit and watch the wind blow up?

At this moment, Wang Dong is going out again, which makes people sigh.

"I hope everything will have a good outcome!"

Ye Yang groaned and began his unshakable practice again.

He had already decided in his mind that he would finish the chores in his hands during this period of time.

He quickly went to the Blood Demon Sect to find the Fire Refining Master, and then refined the time magic weapon.

After practicing, Ye Yang left the Feitian Gate alone.

Previously, he had accidentally recognized the elder of the Wudu Sect Zuo as one of the people who were chasing him.

Ye Yang, using the characteristics of the corpse-wrapped red wedding dress, secretly directed the Yin-Yang Mother Goddess and the Leopard Demon to kill Yue Hongliang, the beloved grandson of the left elder Yue Hongchen.

During this period of time, he has been on Qingming Island, and he should have received feedback on the results.

Halfway through the journey, Ye Yang pondered for a moment, then moved his body, and the devil's aura surged around him, like thick clouds turning upside down.

His figure suddenly grew in size, and he was put on a jet-black robe, with a huge mask on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yang transformed into a flying ape and quickly headed towards the distant land.

Not long after he left, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting.

Ye Yang couldn't help but frown slightly, and ducked to the side, hanging on a huge branch. After a while, several figures walked out of the dense forest.

The leader was wearing bright yellow armor and a scarlet cloak, holding a soul-splitting gun in his hand.

Several people behind him were also dressed in this way, but instead of bright yellow armor, they were dressed in black armor.

"It's the costume of the Universiade Dynasty!"

Ye Yang looked at the leader. Although he was strong and strong, he was old, had sparse eyebrows, and his face was full of wrinkles.

It's just that he is powerful, and his body seems to be like the sun hanging high in the sky, and evil cannot be invaded.

"Master Gao, according to the clues, the old man Xie Dao fled to this area and disappeared without a trace."

"Chasing him, we have to dig three feet into the ground to find him. Dare to participate in the Hundred Demons' rebellion in Beijing and intercept and kill the concubines. This is a capital offense."

The man known as Chief Gao said coldly, and then continued.

"This is the birthplace of Old Evil Knife. He must be very familiar with it. Inform the brothers to increase the search scope."

"In addition, send a message to the sects here and ask them to assist in the search."

"Yes, but the sect here is not under the rule of the imperial dynasty. I wonder if they are willing to give up face."

"You have to be willing if you want to, and you have to be willing if you don't want to."

"By the way, it seems that the leopard demon who committed heinous crimes before also escaped here and disappeared."

"Commander Huang is in charge of them. Don't worry. We have found their traces. We will kill them one by one this time."

At this moment, the leader, Chief Gao, seemed to have discovered something. He picked off a leaf next to him and threw it away.

The leaves suddenly became like sharp blades, thrusting straight into somewhere.

Ye Yang's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but be slightly startled when he saw a leaf coming towards him like a steel blade.

This man's perception was so keen that he discovered his existence from such a distance.

As soon as he stepped on it, he jumped to another big tree through the gap in the branches. He was as fast as a ghost and disappeared in an instant.


Chief Gao snorted coldly, transformed into a bright yellow figure and came to kill in an instant, and the thick ancient tree was blasted into powder by him.

It's just empty, and the other party's figure has disappeared.

The people from the Universiade Dynasty seemed to be chasing the evil sword old man.

Ye Yang thought to himself while running.

The old man of the Evil Sword is good at wielding the Full Moon Evil Sword. He is the son of a bandit cultivator. He once gained a great reputation in the Green Forest Mountains and established Qilian Seventy-Two Village.

He claimed to be the leader of the village, and when he was strong, he burned, killed, and looted, causing the nearby sects to suffer miserably.

But not long after, the Seventy-Two Villages in Qilian Mountain were destroyed by the Thirteen Giant Bandits of Beihai, and even this man was missing.

It turns out that he arrived in the Universiade Dynasty and committed heinous crimes.

Ye Yang was very fast, like lightning, throwing away everyone, and quickly passed through the dense forest and reached a primitive forest.

There was no sunlight, it was dark, and you couldn't even see your fingers.

The next moment, a strange figure floated over quickly, with a baby in her arms and disheveled hair. It was the Yin and Yang Mother Goddess.

There is also a ferocious and ferocious demon leading beside him. It has the head of a leopard and is extremely strong. It is a leopard demon with mugwort leaves and flower skin.

The Yin Yang Mother Goddess noticed Ye Yang's figure and rushed over quickly.

There was also a head in his hand, with black hair and beard, and not very old.

Ye Yang took the head in his hand and observed carefully that it must have been a while since the head was removed.

It has lost some moisture, so it has shrunk quite a bit.

But it can still be seen that he must have a good background.

"This is Yue Hongliang, he is born with a good skin."

When Ye Yang saw this man dead, he couldn't help but smile.

At this moment, Ye Yang seemed to have thought of something, and his brows couldn't help but frown, full of solemnity.

Only then did he realize that the body of the Yin-Yang Mother Goddess seemed to have been severely injured, and there was a golden talisman spear stuck in her heart.

However, she has a strange body and does not have the weaknesses of the human body. Even if she is seriously injured, everything looks normal.

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