Ye Yang knew nothing about what Yan Qingying was thinking.

Recently, he has been familiarizing himself with the water species of the Earth Spirit River.

The water species is strong, and the spiritual water is moist.

It is indeed very useful for water-based alchemy.

In the past few days, Ye Yang has been able to refine various common first-level elixirs with ease.

Of course, part of the reason is that he has accumulated a lot of experience and has already comprehended the Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll to a certain level.

Especially the part involving pharmacological changes, he has already understood a lot.

The other part is thanks to the help of the water species of the Earth Spirit River.

On this day, Ye Yang controlled the water species of the Earth Spirit River to rush back and forth in the courtyard, and rich water vapor filled the surroundings.

The lid of the alchemy furnace has been spinning at a high speed, and a layer of black ointment has seeped out.

Ye Yang removed the spiritual river and took out a gauze.

Then he spread the black ointment with gauze and exposed it to the sun for an hour.

He took out a jade knife and cut it into thin strips of finger length.

This is the Jade Paste Incense.

It is not a pill for swallowing, but a powder made by mixing crisp pear water with cool sandalwood.

After drying, it can be lit with a small fire, which can help people enter a meditative state faster.

At the same time, it can help the wounds of the heart to heal quickly, which can be regarded as a rather unpopular medicine, or incense making.

Ye Yang had just put the Jade Paste Incense into the storage bag when there was a knock on the door.

Ye Yang opened it and found that it was Gu Qingshu.

Ye Yang couldn't help but show a little surprise.

Gu Qingshu has been living in seclusion for some time, and he hasn't seen her for many days.

Usually, although she manages the Lishitang, she rarely shows up.

Ye Yang didn't know why she suddenly came here.

But Ye Yang still quickly welcomed Gu Qingshu into the house.

Gu Qingshu has changed a lot compared to before, with a cold face, thin cheeks, narrower eyes and slightly vertical pupils.

It looks like a snake.

However, Ye Yang felt an indescribable danger from the other party.

It seemed that there was an indescribable, earth-shaking power in the other party's thin body.

Dangerous, weird, and fierce.

"Hiss! I didn't expect that you could make pills in addition to making tea. You are a talent."

Gu Qingshu took a breath and smelled the fragrance of sandalwood and green pear in the pill furnace.

Feeling happy.

Ye Yang said.

"It's just some basic pills that can help the human heart injury recover quickly. Apart from that, there is no other use."

"These pills have just been refined. I don't know how effective they are. Please taste them, Elder Gu."

Ye Yang took out some of the jade paste incense and gently placed it in Gu Qingshu's hand.

Gu Qingshu smiled, but did not refuse. After she took it, she hissed.

For some reason, Ye Yang always felt that the person standing in front of her was like a python.

Perhaps it was because the courtyard was full of spiritual energy.

Perhaps it was the thickness and profoundness of the Difa Linghe River that made Gu Qingshu feel quite close to Ye Yang.

She seemed to be in a good mood.

"Did anyone stand out in the battle of Qingming Island? Please sort out the outstanding people in this war and give me the list. The sect will give a big reward."

Ye Yang had previously received a task of rewarding merits and punishing mistakes in the war against Qingming Island.

Along the way, he also discovered many outstanding disciples who had made contributions.

Hearing this, he quickly took out the list that had been sorted out.

In addition, there were some photo beads for evidence.

"Elder Gu, please look, I have already summarized these people in the jade slip."

Gu Qingshu took the jade slip, observed it briefly, and then said.

"The content is detailed, organized, and not bad."

Ye Yang wanted to say something else.

Gu Qingshu said.

"I see that your alchemy skills are not bad. I wonder if you can help me refine a Moon Sun Pearl."

"Moon Sun Pearl?"

Hearing this, Ye Yang was quite surprised.

This Moon Sun Pearl is a special elixir, which is quite similar to the Jade Paste Incense he just refined.

It is also called the True Yang Pill. It needs to be guided by a different kind of demon pill, gather the yin and yang energy, and be refined for several months. In the end, it is only the size of a needle eye and suspended above the heart.

Its greatest function is to provide a continuous source of yang energy for people with cold bodies.

Gu Qingshu must have begged for this Moon Sun Pearl.

It stands to reason that she is at the eighth level of the warrior realm, with magic power like liquid, like jade marrow, and yang energy steaming, and she is far from the end of her life.

The whole body should be full of yang energy.

I don't know what the use of this elixir is.

But Ye Yang still smiled and said.

"I have just started to learn the art of alchemy. The Moon Sun Orb is precious, and the raw materials are hard to come by, so I am not sure."

"Don't worry, I don't have a good exotic True Yang Demon Pill, so I need to look for it carefully."

"Besides, this matter is not urgent, it can be waited for a year or two, and your alchemy skills will be improved by then."

"In addition, this Moon Sun Orb requires at least a fourth-level demon pill. I am afraid you will not be able to refine it. I have reported it to the headmaster, and he can assist you at that time."

"The headmaster is already a third-level alchemist, and he is better than me anyway. Why doesn't Elder Gu ask the headmaster to refine it directly?"

Gu Qingshu shook her head and revealed a sneer.

"Don't I know his level yet?"

"Besides, the elixir you produced through the water method is much better than the fire method. How can he mess with such an important matter?"

"No matter how much he likes to make alchemy, I still need to be careful. How can I let him test it on me?"

Hearing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

It seems that the leader, the third-level alchemist, is not convinced by Gu Qingshu.

But as for the two brothers and sisters, he, an outsider, couldn't speak freely.

After Gu Qingshu put away the jade slips recorded by Ye Yang, she stopped talking and walked out alone.

Her face was cold and her body was filled with chills. She had even exchanged pleasantries with others before.

But now he is much colder and doesn't say much at all.

The main hall.

Gu Qingshu and Ge Canhong looked at each other.

Soon after, Gu Qingshu took out a roll of jade slips.

The jade slip is brand new, the jade stone is round and unworn, and it looks like it has just been refined.

Gu Qingshu said.

"Elder Ge, please take a look. This jade slip contains detailed records of the people who made great contributions in the Qingming Island War."

Ge Canhong quickly took the jade slip and said a few words.

"Elder Gu is too polite. Although the leader entrusted me with the decision-making power on some matters before he left, the rewards and punishments are within the scope of your official affairs hall. You can make your own decisions."

The two exchanged a few words, but Ge Canhong still couldn't resist Gu Qingshu's stubbornness.

Slowly opened the jade slip.

After reading it, he couldn't help but be quite surprised.

"The number one among them is not from the Feitian Sect?"

Gu Qingshu had already seen the jade slips and sighed.

"Yes, it is Die Wuhou of Taiyi Qingmen."

"This boy has discovered the magical effect of the Eye of Blood and Tears. It is a monster with bright blood and is as fast as lightning. He killed several warrior-level monks in a row."

"Logically speaking, he has reached the realm of warriors, and the purple electric silver peach is no longer useful to him. Why is he still so persistent in wanting to exchange the purple electric silver peach."

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