The Peacock Saint was also panicked.

After rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, I couldn't find my target, and I was confused.

After a long time, she sighed secretly.

"If my guess is correct, then the Jiuyao Thunder Fire Seed must have been taken away by Lord Qingming in advance."

Thinking of her previous promise to Ye Yang, she also fell silent for a moment and said nothing.

The previous promise was based on the condition that she could successfully obtain the Jiuyao Thunder Fire.

Once this thing is gone, it will be difficult to fulfill many of the agreements between the two.

The two of them couldn't help but sigh secretly at the same time.

Although Ye Yang knew it was unlikely, he still said shamelessly.

"I wonder if the earth magic spirit river water species that the saint just mentioned can be parted. I still have a lot of treasures here that can be exchanged with the saint."

The Peacock Saint frowned, not wanting to take out the Earth Magic Spirit River Water Seed.

But he didn't want to break his promise and offend Ye Yang, so he had no choice but to say.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, the black water spirit river water species is extremely precious and rare to the outside world. It was a gift from the master."

Ye Yang nodded and then said.

"Of course I know this. Please ask the saint to speak. I still have furniture here."

Even so, he didn't have any confidence.

After all, the Peacock Saint comes from the inheritance of a real person, has extensive knowledge, and possesses unlimited talents and talents.

What he holds in his hands may not be anything in the eyes of the other party.

The Peacock Saint pondered for a moment and then spoke.

"I have always trusted Brother Ye's character. Having just experienced a life-and-death fight, I can see that Fellow Taoist is someone I can trust."

"If you really want it, fellow Taoist, tell the truth."

The Peacock Saint pondered for a moment.

"I can give Brother Ye the water seeds from the Faling River here for free."

There was a hint of joy in Ye Yang's eyebrows.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he stopped talking.

There is no free lunch in the world, and this is true everywhere.

"I wonder if the Saint has any requirements?"

The Peacock Saint said.

"If I say I don't have any requirements, I'm sure Brother Ye won't believe it. In that case, I'll make it clear."

"I value Brother Ye's talent. Brother Ye has great perseverance and dares to practice swordsmanship. The sacrifices involved are far beyond what others can match."

"In addition, Brother Ye also carries the inheritance of the secret method of medical elixirs. It seems that it is not just as simple as refining elixirs."

"I was seriously injured, and I hope Brother Ye can help me take care of myself. If you ask for anything in the future, please don't refuse."

"In addition, after Brother Ye's strength and cultivation level increases, he will also help me when necessary. After all, Nihai Xiefan's internal affairs are not monolithic."

"There are far more than one saints and saints of the same age and realm as me."

Just now, Ye Yang performed simple treatment on the Peacock Saint, and she felt that her injuries had recovered a lot.

At this time, the Peacock Saint's eyes flickered, showing a hint of hope.

The vast world of cultivating immortals has countless territories and vast areas, and there are endlessly talented people and strangers.

Monks practice, break the limits of heaven and earth, and cultivate their own magic power in order to live forever and live as long as heaven and earth. This is an act that goes against heaven.

Injuries are common.

No one can guarantee that they will have a smooth journey and not get hurt.

If a friend who practices medical elixirs is here at this time, no matter what time it is, there will be an extra life.

Ye Yang did not respond immediately, but thought for a moment.

There is no harm in him making friends with the Peacock Saint.

After all, the situation in the world of immortality is ever-changing, and it is always good to have one more friend.

For him, the suggestion made by the Peacock Saint just now did not actually require much material sacrifice.

"I agree to what the saint said, but I only recognize the saint. Once it involves the internal and external battles of Nihai Xiefan, I forgive my inability to participate."

Nihai Xiefan is powerful and is a life-or-death enemy of the Universiade Dynasty. Ye Yang does not want to involve himself with the Feitian Sect.

"This is the right thing to do, and it will never embarrass fellow Taoists."

After saying this, Ye Yang's face showed a hint of relief.

According to his guess, once he obtains the Earth Magic Spirit River Water Seed, his water elixir technique will improve rapidly.

In this way, some of the healing techniques and second-level elixirs recorded in the Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll.

He should be able to get it soon.

The Peacock Saint reluctantly took out a water seed from her storage bag.

The water of Faling River here is in the shape of a rhombus. The blue water mist is mixed with light yellow, and the color is mottled, revealing a simple yet vast atmosphere.

She handed the water seed to Ye Yang and said.

"Brother Ye, please look, this is the water species of the Earth Magic Spirit River."

Ye Yang took it and felt that Shuizhong was warm and comfortable in his hand.

He put the water seeds into the storage bag.

There was a shaking all around, the cave was about to tilt, and rocks and soil rolled down.

I don’t know what kind of evil spell Lord Qing Ming cast, but the cave seems to be collapsing.

Seeing is not the time to take a closer look.

Ye Yang and the Peacock Saint looked at each other, and they quickly took advantage of the commotion to put the treasures they had just selected into their storage bags.

It's just that the precious things inside have been taken away by Lord Qingming a long time ago.

The two of them didn't bother to check, and hurriedly swept out of the secret cave.

on the other hand.

On Qingming Island, the red sun was setting in the west, and the island was covered with golden light.

The sky above Qingming Island was filled with thunder and lightning, and the light exploded.

An eight-armed figure with a big head and a small body, a gray beard, half human and half dragon, kept wandering over Qingming Island.

Zhuang Guyuan used the hand of the eight-armed evil dragon to combine with the Guixu Hidden Dragon Formation, which was extremely cruel.

He transformed into a dragon and held back the large army.

Gu Xuan and others used the newly obtained Shifang Feitang Formation, and boundless mandala flowers bloomed, covering the ten directions.

But the defense is sufficient, but the attack power is insufficient.

The extremely powerful six-armed Mahakala spirit has an upturned mane, wears a five-skull crown, and holds a skull bowl, ax, sword and other utensils.

But he still couldn't conquer the strange eight-armed evil dragon in the sky.

However, the fierce battle lasted for nearly a day, and many masters were dispatched, and Zhuang Guyuan could not hold on for much longer.

In particular, the Guixu Hidden Dragon Formation and the eight-armed evil dragon's hand sucked all the blood essence from his body.

With his warrior-level body, he can accommodate so much abnormal energy.

Even if you practice physical training, it is still unbearable.

Even if he escapes this disaster, he won't survive for long.

"You really deserve to die."

Zhuang Guyuan had not completely lost his mind. He said nothing, and the light of thunder and lightning all over his body turned into a powerful murderous aura.

"If you're not afraid of death, come here and I'll kill a group of you one by one."

Having said that, he couldn't help but take a few breaths and looked back at his feet.

I saw that Qingming Island was now in pieces, and the formation of the Guixu Hidden Dragon Formation had also been destroyed.

The spiritual light collapsed, and many monks rushed into Qingming Island through the gaps in the formation.

Gu Xuan saw that it was getting late, and there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

"Everyone, it has reached the end of its strength. We are going to attack with all our strength. Delaying it for a long time is not the answer."

There was crazy murderous intent in his eyes, and he strode forward.

But the power of Zhuang Guyuan's evil dragon entered his body and was so powerful that he overthrew Gu Xuan to the ground with a wave of his hand.

Gu Xuan spat out a mouthful of blood and pointed with one arm.

"Here comes the gourd."

After finishing speaking, two gourds suddenly flew from the sky in the distance.

One was filled with flames, while the other was flashing with lightning.

Zhuang Guyuan was furious when he saw it. The thunder gourd was his treasure, but it was taken away by Gu Xuan last time.

Unexpectedly, this man actually reshaped his gourd and pointed it at his original owner.

Gu Xuan made a magic trick, and the two gourds behind him collided violently, bursting out countless fire and lightning arcs.

The two combined and turned into flying crows of thunder and fire that were filled with black smoke and rushed towards Zhuang Guyuan.

Seeing this opportunity, four people behind him waved the golden and red formation flags in their hands.

The entire ground was shaking, and the Shifang Feizang Formation was exerting all its strength.

Suddenly, it covered the surrounding sky and enveloped Zhuang Guyuan.

And the ferocious and powerful six-armed Mahakala spirit also clung to Zhuang Guyuan.

The leader of Yanlou spit out a snow-white sword pill and released thousands of icy sword lights.


Zhuang Guyuan roared angrily, and the roar of an evil dragon could be heard.

But he couldn't escape the entanglement of the six-armed Mahakala spirit, and all those bombardments fell on his half-human, half-dragon body.


Gu Xuan opened his mouth, and countless Gu worms flew out of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Gu Xuan is indeed as good at the art of witchcraft as rumored.

He is indeed an old yinbi!

But Gu Xuan still didn't give up.

He took out the scarecrow he had used before.

There is a yellow paper talisman and seal on it, with the words "Zhuang Guyuan" written on it.

He pricked the scarecrow's forehead with a silver needle, and a blood hole immediately appeared, with blood flowing outward.

Zhuang Guyuan screamed in mid-air, a hole as big as a bowl appeared between his eyebrows, and his skull was broken.

Being attacked by so many people at the same time.

Zhuang Guyuan roared angrily, but his momentum became weaker and weaker, and finally he couldn't stand it anymore and fell from the air.

His body reeked of flesh burned by thunder and fire.

Taiyi Qingmen's Void Wandering Dragon Sword hidden in the dark pierced his spine. He screamed and fell to his knees.

The figure in front looked stunned, Qingming Island was injured in the flames of war.

And people have reached the end of their lives.

A swish sound.

The huge human head on his neck was chopped off by the light of the sword.

The head fell to the ground, but Zhuang Guyuan's eyes were wide open and he still didn't close them.

At this moment, the night he had dreamed about countless times appeared in his eyes again.

The snow was flying heavily, and the wind blew in from the hole-filled walls of the mountain temple.

It's so cold it makes you shiver.

In the mountain temple, there was a thinly dressed beggar with a head as big as a bucket and a thin body. He was tortured by the beggars around him.

He huddled on the ground.

Others snatched his food and took away his rice bowl.

He had not eaten for three days and nights.

Those people beat him so much that it hurt.

At this time, a middle-aged man came to the temple wearing thunder and stopped the violent people.

"follow me."

"What's the benefit of going with you?"

"It will make you eat well."

So he knelt down and followed the man out.

Thank you to the book friend Wen Wei for the 500 starting point coin reward! ! !

thanks thanks

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