No matter how Ye Yang moves.

Everyone can see his flaws.

Whether it is combat experience or mastery of magic and spiritual arts, they are far beyond what Luo Changsheng can match.

Lord Qingming is indeed powerful.

At this moment, he has just broken through the warrior realm.

One person beats two people.

Two dazzling divine lights shot out from his eyes, which was breathtaking.

There was a crash.

A thunder and lightning Kunpeng with spread wings appeared in his hand.

Golden claws, dazzling in light, grabbed Ye Yang.

The terrifying force carried the five thunder seals, causing the surrounding space to become unstable.

This is the claw of the Pengniao. What's even more terrifying is that with the blessing of the five thunder seals, the thunder flashes and it has extreme speed.

It seems to choose people to devour.

The five thunder seals carried the thunder and lightning Kunpeng, and the roar of a huge fierce bird sounded, tearing the void and shrouding Ye Yang in it.


There was a flash of light and shadow, and Kunpeng's thunder and lightning was frightening and extremely powerful.

Ye Yang rotated the ghost-headed seven-ring knife in a circle, drawing a circle. The knife rings collided with each other, making a loud bang.

The thick back of the sword was like a shield, trying its best to block the claws.

But the roc claw is extremely fierce.

Under the collision with the five thunder Kunpeng claws, several more rings of the ghost-headed seven-ring sword in his hand were shattered.

Ye Yang felt heartbroken when he saw it. He had been using this ghost-headed seven-ring sword for a long time.

However, the sword ring was destroyed by Luo Changsheng and Lord Qingming successively.

There were also scratches on the knife, severely limiting his ability to use it.

Another copper ring collapsed and fell to the ground.

Thunder and lightning continued to come.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Yin Yang Breast Guard automatically popped up a black and white light curtain, blocking all thunder and lightning.

Ye Yang's face sank, invisible murderous intent permeating the surroundings.

And Lord Qingming over there smiled coldly.

The atmosphere was tense and violent.

This is an extremely dangerous opponent.

The Peacock Saint also felt his terror, and then said.

"Brother Ye, you and I are working together to hold the other side down. He currently only has the early stage of Wu Ren Jing's cultivation. Even if he can use high-grade magic weapons and real people's magic, he will definitely not be able to last long."

Say it.

The Peacock Saint waved her hand, and the five-color peacock feathers in her hand were gorgeous and bright, and strands of brilliance fell down.

A layer of light enveloped Ye Yang and her.

The five-color divine light descends into the world, brushing away everything and descending on everything.

A trace of doubt flashed in Lord Qingming's eyes.

"Who are you, the Black Sin Peacock King?"

The Peacock Saint did not speak.

Lord Qingming gave a cold shout and stretched out his big hand, shocking people's hearts.

A sword light composed of thunder and lightning struck directly towards the heads of the two men.

"Do you think I can let you go without telling me?"

Ye Yang holds a sword in his left hand and a knife in his right hand.

The swords clashed, and the ghost-headed seven-ring sword slashed, and more than a hundred sword lights flashed around the body.

The sword was slashed out, and the fierce sword light that was several feet long shot out quickly. In the middle, the move suddenly changed, and the sword turned into thirteen rays of light.

And all around, countless red sword threads filled the entire space.

Thirteen swords of time!

The light of the sword differentiates, and the sword becomes silk when practiced!

The sword skills are majestic and majestic.

The sword is an old man's description of a sick tiger, the vicissitudes of time, and the sword cuts off the Chinese years.

The sword was extremely sharp, cutting across the sky, freezing fourteen states with one sword.

On the other side, the Peacock Saint shines with colorful light, and the entire palace is filled with brilliant luster.

The thirteen swords of colorful light and time all struck Qingming Lord's body.

But in an instant, he was blown away by the Five Thunder Seal.

However, the sword of time is colorless and tasteless. Although a lot of it was blown away by the five thunder seals, there were still a few sword lights that cut into his chest.

Lord Qingming groaned, feeling that a lot of the life essence in his body had been chopped away.

Even my bones feel a lot older.

However, his body was still young, so he was not seriously injured.

"What a poisonous spiritual technique! It can actually kill a person's life span."

"It's quite good, but it's not enough for me. Today I'm going to cut off your longevity."

At this moment, a sword that was all red, like a red maple, carrying countless sword wires, rushed straight towards him.

The sword stab penetrated three inches into the young man's shoulder, drawing a line of blood.


Lord Qingming roared angrily, and with a wave of his hand, an unparalleled thunder and lightning sword light rushed towards him suddenly.

Ye Yang groaned, and his body flew out uncontrollably, hitting him directly on the stone wall.

Ye Yang vomited blood.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, there is the shield of the Yin-Yang Heart Mirror for defense.

In addition, after practicing the Elephant Demon Fist, his body became like a diamond.

It wasn't hit hard just now.

However, there was also a numbness all over the body, and the body was shaking continuously, and the afterglow of thunder and lightning had not dissipated.

Just when Ye Yang was injured.

On the other side, a colorful peacock that covered the sky and covered the earth suddenly appeared behind the Peacock Saint.

The peacock opens its tail and fills the room with colorful lights.

The peacock opened its eyes and trembled. Countless colorful raindrops intertwined and enveloped Lord Qingming's body.

Although she was seriously injured, her cultivation was still there after all, and she was ranked 63rd on the Hidden Dragon List.

At this moment, a battle of his own was triggered, and his extraordinary strength was immediately revealed.

There was a trace of solemnity on Lord Qingming's face. These two young men were a bit too powerful.

You must know that although his strength is no longer there, his real-person vision and combat experience are still there.

The fact that these two people were able to persist until now was quite beyond his expectation.

His black hair was dancing wildly, and with one move with one hand, the advantages of Wanfa Yuan Body were revealed.

On the one hand, the magic power is thick, profound and endless, four to five times that of others.

On the other hand, any spiritual technique can exert its maximum power in his hands.

He made a hand gesture with both hands, and a powerful sharp claw was drilled out of the Five Thunder Seal. He held the Five Thunder Seal in his mouth, sprayed clouds and spit out electricity, the lightning was bright, and the thunder snake stirred.

The sharp claws of the Suan Ni collided with the colorful raindrops, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a while.

Lord Qingming also turned pale.

After a big battle, he fought against two people alone, and the high-grade magic weapon was extremely draining of mana.

Even though the Wanfa Yuan Ti is powerful, after all, it was just developed and its level is low.

At this moment, the mana in the body is already somewhat insufficient.

Ye Yang covered his chest, spit out a mouthful of blood, then took out a pill and drank it.

Only then did I feel the stinging pain that suppressed my internal organs.

Suddenly I saw that Lord Qingming was in a bad state.

Ye Yang has secretly made up his mind to keep him here no matter what.

This person is so powerful just after breaking through to the warrior realm. Once he escapes, he will definitely be a big worry in the future.

Ye Yang stood up again, feeling like his internal organs were on fire.

Fortunately, after taking out a pill and taking it, the injury was much better.

He took out a pill and threw it to the Peacock Saint.

After the Peacock Saint took it, her eyes showed a glimmer of light.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, you actually have such a magical elixir, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Although this elixir is useful, it is not so obvious to the warrior realm.

The Peacock Saint's words were intentional, and she wanted to let Lord Qingming hear them, hoping to increase the psychological pressure on Lord Qingming.

Lord Qingming withdrew the Five Thunder Seal, his eyes flickered, and he hesitated.

Seeing that the two men had recovered a lot from their injuries, he was afraid that Feitianmen's masters would come to support him and did not want to fight again.

He waved his sleeves, collected many treasures, shook the Five Thunder Seal, and the seal burst out countless thunder lights, transformed into a Suan Ni beast, and led him out of the cave.

Seeing the other party fleeing without fighting, Ye Yang secretly shouted something bad.

He moved his fingers slightly, forming a peacock mark. This was the peacock hand he had just learned from the Peacock Magic Bird Technique.

The little finger moved slightly, and a gorgeous peacock shadow appeared.

The ring on his little finger suddenly erupted with countless transparent needles.

Colorful, like falling tail feathers, the brilliance is moving.

It is the peacock feather that he has worn on his little finger for a long time.

There are 48,000 peacock feather poisonous poisons inside. Once hit, the poisonous poison enters the body, causing ulcers all over the body and poisonous bone marrow, making it difficult to survive.

Lord Qingming was wrapped in the five thunder seals and was running wildly.

Suddenly, he felt countless needle poisons coming from behind him. He bit the tip of his tongue and forced a mouthful of blood.

The lightning on his body turned into a shield, blocking these needle Gu.

But Peacock Feather broke through the shield, although it was partially blocked.

But many of them passed through the lightning shield and hit him all.

He groaned, feeling the poison coming in, and couldn't help but secretly exclaimed.

"What a powerful poisonous poison."

However, after he activated his essence and blood, his speed became even faster.

The Five Thunder Seal took him and transformed into a blue thunder, and he escaped from the cave entrance in an instant.

On the other side, Ye Yang saw that he had used the Peacock Feather Gu, but still did not stay with him.

I couldn't help but feel slightly sad.

The Peacock Saint saw his worry and said.

"He was seriously injured, and he was drained of essence and blood. I'm afraid his body has been severely damaged."

"There are so many masters out there, and Qingming Island is surrounded by the sea. Don't worry, he will never escape."

Ye Yang nodded. Now the outside is probably controlled by masters from several sects.

Qing Ming's target is too conspicuous, and it may be extremely difficult to escape.

Fortunately, Lord Qingming was in a critical moment and did not have time to sweep away all the treasures.

Ye Yang quickly walked into the treasure house and walked to the glass bottle containing the sand of time.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes.

He spoke.

"Holy Girl, these three grains of time sand are of great use to me, please forgive me for accepting them all."

The Peacock Saint was also rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find the Jiuyao Thunder Fire kindling, and heard what Ye Yang said.

She said: "Since fellow Taoist is of great importance, I will let fellow Taoist choose first."

Ye Yang waved his hand and quickly put the three glass bottles containing time sand into the storage bag before he breathed a sigh of relief.

He said to the Peacock Saint.

"Thank you Saint for your generosity."

At this time, the Peacock Saint also found some good things.

She took out a peacock feather shaped like a sword, with a hint of excitement on her face.

"This peacock feather is the feather of the peacock demon who transformed into an elixir. It has a trace of the blood of the true spirit. It is extremely rare. It is exactly what I need."

After saying that, she accepted the peacock feathers

It's just that the two of them searched for a long time and couldn't find the Nine-Yao Thunder Fire that Lord Peacock mentioned.

Ye Yang couldn't help but reveal a trace of regret.

"Could it be that the Nine-Yao Thunder Fire Seed was taken away by Lord Qingming."

The Peacock Saint made it very clear before, helping her find the Nine Lights Thunder Fire Seed.

In exchange for this item, he can be given the legendary Earth Magic Spirit River Water Seed.

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