After he left, he never went back.

Now his life has come to an end.

This scene reappeared in front of him.

"Master, although you beat me, scolded me, insulted me, humiliated me, and called me a big-headed ghost."

"But in this life, I have always regarded you as my mentor and respected father."

"Today, the hand of the evil dragon entered my body. I know what you are thinking, Master."

"But I don't regret dying for you. From now on, I don't owe you anything."


Zhuang Guyuan's head fell to the ground.

Seeing that this person finally died.

A group of people looked at each other, and there was a trace of fatigue in their eyes.

Zhuang Guyuan counterattacked before his death, using the hand of the eight-armed evil dragon and the Guixu Canglong formation to bless himself.

His strength is really strong.

If it weren't for the tacit cooperation of a group of people and the detailed battle plan, it might not be possible to kill him.

But fortunately, the goal was finally achieved.

Zhuang Guyuan died with a clang.

An evil dragon arm covered with silver scales and hideous barbs fell from its body.

It was as bright as a bright light, emitting a ferocious sinful aura.

The cold light flashed, and the barbs were hideous and extremely sharp.

Everyone was moved when they saw this.

The eight-armed evil dragon's hand was so powerful that everyone couldn't help but want to fight for it.

But Gu Xuan snorted coldly, and no one dared to move forward.

Gu Xuan walked forward and gently put the evil dragon's arm in the storage bag.

Turning around, he stared at his broken arm and didn't speak for a long time. I don't know what he was thinking.


On the other side.

The mountain collapsed, the ground shook, the rocks fell, and there was a cloud of dust.

Ye Yang and the Peacock Saint hurriedly fled from the cave.

When they walked out of the cave, it was already sunset and it was getting dark.

The formation on Qingming Island was collapsing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The thick white fog around all dissipated, and soon the sky and the earth became transparent.

Seeing that the coalition forces of the outer sects were about to rush in.

Peacock Saint clasped her fists to Ye Yang.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, we will meet again in the martial arts world. Let's say goodbye now. If you have a chance in the future, you can come to Dayun Dynasty to find me."

Ye Yang nodded, and then said.

"Thank you Saint for the generous gift of water seeds. The journey is long, take care of yourself, and look forward to meeting you in the future."

At this time, Peacock Saint spoke again.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, you are a kind-hearted person who is indifferent to fame and gain. I know this, but now, the battle between Luo Changsheng and you is widely spread."

"There are many masters who have been defeated by Luo Changsheng, and those people can't find him, so most of them have set their sights on you."

"According to rumors, Luo Shenxue has cultivated the Luo Shen Sword, and has jumped directly from the 18th place on the Hidden Dragon List to the 13th place."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Luo Shenxue was defeated by Luo Changsheng. At that time, Luo Changsheng once laughed at a woman for daring to use a sword?"

"Luo Shenxue swore that when her single-edged sword is completed, she will defeat everyone who has been defeated by Luo Changsheng."

"It's really troublesome."

Ye Yang frowned slightly. Luo Shenxue is famous and ranks at the top of the Hidden Dragon List. She is known as the Luo Shen of swords and is good at the rare sword among swords - the single-edged sword.

The single-edged sword only has one side of the blade, and the other side is not open, which is equivalent to the back of the knife, and the sword is used as a knife.

Some will also have a blade on the back of the knife, called a reverse blade, and the blade head is the tip of the sword, so that the knife can be used as a sword.

"I wonder what her cultivation level is."

The Peacock Saint sneered.

"I heard that she has refined two different evil spirits. I think she is almost at the sixth level of the warrior's evil spirit."

Ye Yang's face changed slightly.

He is only at the third level of the warrior now.

He is more than one step away from the cultivation of evil spirit, how can he collide with these geniuses.

The Peacock Saint laughed and said.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I just wish you good luck."

After saying that, two huge peacock wings appeared behind the Peacock Saint, taking her away into the sky.


After parting with the Peacock Saint.

Ye Yang found a secluded place and flipped through the gains of this trip in his storage bag.

The biggest gain from this cooperation with the Peacock Saint was naturally the Time Sand.

He has been looking for the news of the Time Sand for more than a year, but in this year, there has been no news at all.

Or the time sand he got was not enough to refine the magic weapon.

Now, risking his life, the Qingming Island group finally got three grains of time sand.

Combined with the one he got from the Jiutian auction before, now he has completely gathered the main materials for refining magic weapons.

In addition to the time sand, the most precious thing he got was the earth law spirit river water seed he got from the Peacock Saint.

This earth law spirit river water seed contains the profound and heavy aura of the earth, which is very useful for refining water pills or practicing water magic.

The best thing is that this thing is one of the three treasures of the spirit river water. If there is a chance to gather the three treasures of heaven, earth and man in the future.

It can attract the brilliance of the three treasures of the sun, moon and stars, and give the refined water pill a touch of spirit.

Nothing else to say.

With this earth law spirit river water seed, Ye Yang will soon be able to try to refine some second-level pills recorded in the Biluo Sanqing secret scroll.

With a boom!

At this moment, the spiritual energy around was surging. Ye Yang looked up and found that the formation on the entire Qingming Island had completely collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, countless disciples flocked to the high ground like black ants.

"The sect has given me the responsibility of supervising and supervising the war. Now that the important matter is over, I must quickly enter the war and reward merit and punishment. Only in this way can rewards and punishments be fair."

Thinking of this, Ye Yang no longer hesitated, turned into a breeze, and entered the crowd like lightning.

He is extremely fast.

After a while, many areas on Qingming Island were inspected.

In order to check, he took out the jade slips and recorded the performance of each disciple.

Strive to be fair and just so that no one suffers a disadvantage.

Because before Zhuang Guyuan refined the hand of the eight-armed evil dragon, he needed a lot of human blood to stimulate the evil dragon's energy.

So, the monks on Qingming Island had been massacred by Zhuang Guyuan before.

Now, there are many fewer monks left in the entire Qingming Island.

There are even fewer masters.

Under the combined forces of the three sects, they were quickly defeated.

Compared with the tense situation when he arrived, he was solemn and majestic.

There were some cheerful smiles on many people's faces.

It’s just that Ye Yang has been thinking about Lord Qingming’s body-rebuilding body, and is afraid that he will make a comeback after escaping.

Therefore, I recorded the performance of each disciple in the war, and on the other hand, I also took this opportunity to constantly search for traces of Lord Qingming.

This Qingming Island is surrounded by the sea and surrounded by many monks. The Lord Qingming was seriously injured and should not be able to escape.

Maybe it's still hidden in a hidden place here.

Thinking of this, Ye Yang called out and summoned Sun Chasing Flying Turtle.

This flying turtle has been cultivated by Ye Yang for many years.

Now it has grown to the size of a door panel. The tortoise-shell beast is large, flat, thick and powerful, with circles of patterns on it.

Its limbs are longer and covered with scales, its claws are sharp, and it is especially strong.

The Sun Flying Turtle was summoned.

He came to Ye Yang's side from the sky, stretched out his head and kept rubbing Ye Yang's sleeves.

Seeing this, Ye Yang took out a demon pill he had just found.

The Flying Turtle has followed him for many years.

With a sufficient supply of spiritual energy and elixirs, he has reached the top of the first-order monster beast.

The demon elixir he obtained from Zhuang Guyuan's secret vault was also a third-level water attribute demon beast.

I wonder if it can help break through to the second level.

An idea flashed through Ye Yang's heart.

The Sun Flying Turtle on the side saw the third-level demon pill in Ye Yang's hand. He was panting uneasily, his body kept moving, and his breath was heavy.

Ye Yang was keenly aware of a hint of anxiety and desire in its mood.

But right now, the land of right and wrong is not a good place to break through.

Ye Yang put the demon pill in his storage bag, stepped on it lightly, and sat on the back of Zhuri Feigui.

Controlling the Sun Flying Turtle to lead him around the entire Qingming Island.

After searching for a long time, Ye Yang couldn't help but frown slightly.

He searched many places but could not find any trace of Lord Qingming.

I did meet a lot of monks.

After seeing him, these people hurriedly said hello and quickly took credit.

"Guardian Ye, please take a look. The head in my hand comes from a strong martial artist."

"Protector Ye Mingjian, I fought two eighth-level ventilation monks alone, and finally killed them."

"I have seen Protector Ye, a strong man in the warrior realm. He finally surrendered under the combined attack of my wife and I."

It was Han Bao and his wife who spoke.

The two of them were already good at combining attacks, and they were even more powerful. Even ordinary warriors wouldn't dare to defeat them when they joined forces.

This time, the two of them joined hands and made a sneak attack on a strong martial artist, which was a great achievement.

Ye Yang wrote down all the merits of these people and waited for distribution.

At this moment, a sound of rock blasting came from the distance.

Rocks flew, dust covered the ground, and clouds of smoke formed. In the middle was a huge figure, holding a huge hammer that reached the sky, fighting several disciples of Qingming Island alone.

In addition, there were two old men beside him to hold the battle for him. Ye Yang sensed that they were both monks in the warrior realm.

At this moment, as if sensing Ye Yang's gaze, Li Bayuan threw the giant hammer in his hand, causing the earth to shake.

A bloody light and shadow suddenly emerged from the giant hammer, as if a giant spirit warrior had come into the world, and crushed the enemy in an instant.

"Senior Brother Ye, how about my giant hammer?"

Last time Feitianmen released two martial arts golden elixirs, which were finally exchanged by Zhang Xing and Li Bayuan of the corpse refining clothes.

Zhang Xing used this to successfully break through to the martial arts realm.

Although Li Bayuan was very talented, he fell short at the moment of breakthrough and failed.

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