The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 222: Betrayal on the verge of betrayal - Wind and Thunder Wings

Ye Yang looked up and found that it was Zhu Mange.

A gorgeous rose as big as a bowl appeared on Zhu Mange's left shoulder.

Three colors of red, yellow and blue appeared on it, and a bright knife suddenly drew out, blocking several rays of knife light.

But there were still a few that rushed out of the gap, and their right arm was accidentally scratched, and blood flew out.

"She has broken through to the warrior realm!"

Ye Yang was shocked.

However, it was precisely because Zhu Mange had just broken through to the warrior realm that his mana was floating around and he could not control his strength well, so he was injured at this moment.

"The purple electric silver peach actually fell into her hands."

If you want to break through the ninth level of ventilation to the warrior realm, it is very difficult, so you need external help.

The martial arts golden elixir and the purple electric silver peach are both spiritual objects that induce the transformation and advancement of mana. The opponent can break through to the warrior realm in a short period of time.

Thinking about it, Zidian Yintao's help is definitely indispensable.

Zhu Mange had just broken through to the warrior realm. After a while, he gave a sweet shout and received another scar on his body.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

A clanging sound like metal clashing came out.

The sword light split, and countless sword threads emerged out of thin air, colliding with the sword light and knocking them away.

Zhu Mange had a look of horror on her face, and her plump and white body moved towards Ye Yang.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ye, for saving your life."

Ye Yang said: "The situation is critical, I hope Junior Sister Zhu will be careful."

After saying that, Ye Yang's forearm flicked slightly, his muscles bulged, and billowing mana poured into his hand with each sword.

The ghost-headed seven-ring sword and the red maple sword buzzed and vibrated, and the sword light and sword light suddenly increased to more than one foot in length.


The swords clashed, and a vacuum sword field formed around Ye Yang, with blood-red sword threads on the left and sharp cold light on the right.

At this moment, the Wind Thunder Dragon Snake in the thick white mist in the distance raised its head and sprayed countless sword lights again.

On Qingming Island.

The two brothers Zhang Nan and Zhang Bei raised their heads and looked at the huge star beast covering the sky.

In particular, the huge wings of the Big Sun Star Beast flipped up and down, and countless iron feather-like scales swayed in the wind, hanging high in the sky, blocking the sunlight and casting a large black shadow underground.

Zhang Nan was a little older, his expression changed, and he thought carefully about how to deal with it.

"What do you think of the current situation?"

Zhang Bei sighed and shook his head slightly.

"Qingming Island is not a well-established force to begin with. It all depends on the name of Lord Qingming. There are only ten warriors on the island, and they have lost a lot recently. I think it will be difficult this time."

"That's not as good as"

The two looked at each other, and an idea suddenly came to their minds.

The two have always been brothers, and even more so.

A decision has been made secretly.

At this time, the Wind Thunder Dragon Snake in the sky lacked the support of spiritual energy.

It was attacked one after another by the monks on the Big Sun Star Beast and fell from the sky.

"It will be too late if we don't act!"

The two of them were shocked and quickly flew into the sky, speaking in unison.

"But the ancient head of Feitian Sect is in front. Junior Zhang Nan and junior Zhang Bei are here to meet our seniors."

The people on top of the Big Sun Star Beast were about to attack when they saw the two people suddenly appearing.

Elder Hei of Taiyi Qingmen said: "What? Are you two here to lead the charge?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the two of them coldly, and the Void Dragon Sword gradually emerged in the sky.

The two of them felt cold sweat running down their backs. They knew they could no longer hesitate, so they clasped their fists together.

"Senior, the two of us were kidnapped to Qingming Island for many years and suffered humiliation. At this time, we are willing to serve as pawns for our seniors and enter Qingming Island to bring order to the chaos."

"Please senior, please give me two a way to survive."

The scene was awkward, and no one expected it.

Before this officially started, someone on the other side surrendered.

However, this also shows that the situation within Qingming Island has deteriorated to a certain extent.

"In that case, you two quickly open the formation and let me wait in."

Gu Xuan said.

Zhang Nan and Zhang Bei looked at each other and slowly put down the formation flag in their hands.

However, Gu Xuan and others were afraid of being deceived, so they did not enter immediately. Instead, they summoned countless fire crows, rushed into the formation, and bombarded Qingming Island indiscriminately.

Then let it go.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang gently put away his sword.

The wind, thunder, dragon and snake were difficult to deal with. After being bombarded by nearly a thousand people for nearly a day, they still did not disappear. He thought it would be a fierce battle.

But I never thought that someone would rebel in advance, which saved me a lot of trouble.

Under the guidance of brothers Zhang Nan and Zhang Bei, the Big Sun Star Beast slowly descended, and everyone finally landed on the huge Qingming Island.

Qingming Island is said to be an island, but in fact it is more like a huge landmass, but it is filled with white fog and cannot be seen clearly.

The vast ocean and blue waves hit you, and the golden sandy beach and emerald green coconut trees stretched as far as the eye could see.

At this moment, there were still a few helpless disciples on the golden beach. Seeing the huge Sun Star Beast coming, they seemed to be at a loss what to do.

But before he could react, he was already reduced to a pulp.

"Brothers from the north and the south, you deserve to die! If I don't kill you today, I swear I won't give up!"

As soon as the Big Sun Star Beast stepped into Qingming Island, someone felt a sensation in their hearts, the earth shook, and a shadow carrying infinite evil aura came to kill them in an instant.

It was Zhuang Guyuan.

Zhuang Guyuan was cold and ruthless, roared angrily, and took the lead in killing the brothers from the north and the south.

But in an instant, he was stopped by Gu Xuan.

"Old man, get out of here!"

The thunderous brilliance on his body flashed, carrying endless huge waves soaring into the sky. The wind and thunder beast loomed behind him, and there was an electric light that filled the sky and the earth.

Gu Xuan smiled coldly.

"Zhuang Guyuan, I respect you as a man, but it's not that simple to kill someone under my nose."

Zhuang Guyuan was known as the Wind and Thunder Beast, and he was the chief disciple of the real person. Although he looked ugly, he was a man of great integrity.

But the strength is very strong, and everyone has heard about it for a long time.

At this moment, his whole body was flashing with lightning. After taking a deep breath, he spit out countless electric lights and hit them directly towards the Big Sun Star Beast.

Zhuang Guyuan flew into the air. Everyone looked up and saw a pair of wind and thunder wings dozens of feet long emerging behind him.

The face is gloomy, the head is big and the body is small, which makes him look extremely fierce.

The defeated Guixu Hidden Dragon Formation, under the cover of the thunder behind him, actually had a tendency to start functioning again, with vague lightning sparks filling the surrounding area.

At this time, tens of thousands of thunderbolts landed in the thick fog, like thunder purgatory.

Gu Xuan roared angrily: "All disciples, follow me to slay the dragon!"

Brothers Zhang Nan and Zhang Bei quickly reminded.

"Everyone, be careful. He used the Qingming Treasure Scroll to forcibly combine the Guixu Hidden Dragon Formation with himself, and his strength has greatly increased."

"But the disadvantage is that it cannot last long. We deal with it carefully. If it lasts for a moment or three, it will destroy itself."

The two dived very quickly and quickly issued a warning.

Seeing this, a group of people quickly dispersed around.

The electric light on Zhuang Guyuan's body covered a hundred feet in radius.

The electric light contained a lot of power, and Ye Yang waved his sword to resist. As soon as it came into contact, he felt a numb feeling on his arm.

Ye Yang dealt with it carefully, but even so, he was still in a dangerous situation. Fortunately, he was protected by the Yin Yang Heart Mirror and was safe.

The huge pack ray was also scarred due to the lightning attack, and it kept exuding the smell of burnt meat.

A huge white jade stele fell from the sky, Gu Xuan waved it away with his hand, and the stele pressed down on Zhuang Guyuan.

"Come to death! You forced me to do this."

Zhuang Guyuan spread his wind and thunder wings angrily, his eyes showed a fierce light, he held a weird dragon claw in his hand, and was about to speak.

In a flash of lightning, a frost sword pill carrying a sword light came from the sky, giving him a feeling of coldness.

In an instant, powerful people such as Yan Louzhu, Gu Xuan, Ge Canhong, Deng Ai, etc. had already surrounded him.

On the ground, after Zhuang Guyuan was besieged.

The power of thunder and lightning has dropped a lot, and the thick fog in Qingming Island has gradually become thinner.

The disciples of the three sects headed towards the interior of Qingming Island to attack and kill.

Ye Yang was concerned about the traces of Time Sand. After pondering for a while, he went straight to the interior of Qingming Island.

Not long after he ran, he saw a monk.

This man was wearing the uniform of a Qingming Island disciple. He was horrified when he saw Ye Yang and was about to beg for mercy.

But he never thought that Ye Yang raised the knife and the tip of the knife was pointed directly at his eyebrow.

Ye Yang's tone was cold, and the murderous aura in his body was as real as it could be.

"Are you a disciple of Qingming Island?"

This man only had the realm of ventilation, and was in a panic, preparing to escape.

Suddenly, he saw a warrior-level master pointing a sword in front of him, and he was immediately frightened out of his wits.

"Senior, please forgive me. I am a disciple of Qingming Island, but I am an honest person and have never done anything harmful to nature."

"Because I was weak and cowardly on the island, I was often bullied. The people on Qingming Island are domineering. I have long wanted to rebel, but I have no choice but to survive because of my weak strength."

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

"Do you know where the treasure house of Qingming Island is?"

He quickly pointed in a direction to the side and said.

"Senior, please look, it's right there."

Ye Yang looked up and saw a towering mountain peak in front of him.

The mountain peaks were bare, with nothing on them.

But it was in Ye Yang's perception that the treasure light was rich and full of spiritual energy.

It looks like it should be a treasure trove.

"Are you lying to me?"

Ye Yang moved the blade lightly, and the blade slid between his eyebrows, bleeding a trace of blood. The man was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Senior, have mercy on me. What I said is absolutely true. That place is definitely the location of the sect's treasure house."

Seeing that this man still didn't spill the beans even though he was frightened, his previous words didn't seem like lies.

Ye Yang just put away his sword and stood up, no longer testing.

He spoke.

"Have you ever heard about the Sand of Time or the God of Time Stone?"

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