"I've heard of it, I've heard of it, it's the master's treasure, it must still be in his bedroom."

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

"Take me there quickly."

The man nodded in panic, fearing that Ye Yang would kill him with a knife.

"Junior is willing, junior is willing."

After saying that, Ye Yang held him with one hand and flew forward.

But at first glance, Ye Yang was shocked. As he imagined, the scene of the disciples on Qingming Island resisting fiercely did not appear.

Where he saw were corpses everywhere, and the deaths were strange. Most of them were bitten to death.

There were fang marks on their necks, as if their throats were bitten by some wild beast.

The further they went, the more corpses there were, but the injuries were exactly the same.

Ye Yang was cautious.

"What's going on?"

The disciple shrank his head, revealing a trace of horror.

"It was Master Uncle. Master Uncle used the hand of the eight-armed evil dragon and the blood of the monks on the island to stimulate the evil spirit of the fierce dragon. Many people, many people were bitten to death by him..."

His body kept shaking, like a sieve, as if he thought of something, and a trace of fear appeared on his face.

Ye Yang was digesting the news he had just revealed.

"The hand of the eight-armed evil dragon? What is this?"


On the other side.

Gu Xuan, Yan Louzhu and a group of people besieged Zhuang Guyuan.

But Zhuang Guyuan combined with the Guixu Hidden Dragon Formation, and his strength was strong. The wind and thunder wings behind him covered the sky, which was extremely terrifying.

With a flash of red lightning in his eyes, he repelled Yan Louzhu several miles away.

"Go to hell!"

The wind and thunder wings vibrated, he roared, turned into a flash of lightning, and rushed towards Yan Louzhu.

At this moment, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He was extremely frightened, blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and he pinched his hands, but it was too late.

"Who cast this death curse on me!"

Zhuang Guyuan was horrified. He didn't even know when he was cursed.

His heart ached so much that he couldn't do anything.

Gu Xuan on the side showed a sneer on his face. A paper scarecrow appeared on his palm. A yellow paper talisman was pasted on the face of the scarecrow, with the three words Zhuang Guyuan written on it.

He held a poisoned silver needle in his hand and stabbed Zhuang Guyuan's heart.

"You are looking for death!"

Zhuang Guyuan suppressed the pain in his heart. His original intention was to combine with the Guixu Hidden Dragon Formation first to consume the opponent's strength.

Then he used the hand of the eight-armed evil dragon to catch him off guard and kill him.

But he didn't expect that the opponent was so vicious that he had already cast a witchcraft in his body.

Zhuang Guyuan roared, and a vicious and sinful light appeared on him.

He roared to the sky, and a two-foot-long dragon arm with silver-white scales grew out from his lower abdomen and navel.

The five claws at the end of the dragon's arm are sharp and slightly curled, like eagle claws or daggers.

And behind him appeared an evil dragon with eight arms, a single horn on its head, and ferocious barbs all over its body.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth and fell on the giant claws, making the evil dragon's arms even thicker and more ferocious.

"I am a disabled person with five disadvantages. Since I was rescued by my master and started practicing, I have been practicing for more than 200 years. I have been practicing diligently all the way and I will never agree to give away my ancestors' foundation."

"But... human power is limited, human power is limited!"

"I am going to die soon. If you have the courage, we will die together."

His face was full of wrinkles, with wind and thunder, lightning and thunder, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a huge and ferocious evil dragon.

When everyone heard the words of the eight-armed evil dragon, they hurriedly retreated.

The eight-armed evil dragon is an alien among dragons, known as the evil among dragons.

Legend has it that this ancient beast lives in the vast ocean, overturning rivers and seas, and enjoys devouring monks.

Ordinary monks who encounter it in the ocean can only be destroyed.

It is the most ferocious and brutal beast in the vast sea.

At this moment, on Zhuang Guyuan, it is overturning the world, like a raging sea, and reappearing the power of the evil dragon.


Ye Yang held the person in his hand, he pointed in a direction, and then said.

"Senior, please look, there is the Taoist temple of Master Bo Zhuang Guyuan."

After running for a while, Ye Yang saw a large string of spiritual light restrictions appearing in front of him, and he couldn't help showing a hint of joy.

But at this time, there was a sound of the earth shaking between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, a huge puppet covered in golden light and wearing armor attacked him.

"This place doesn't seem to be as simple as imagined."

But on second thought, it's normal.

After all, it is the Taoist temple of the warrior's perfect realm monks, and it is impossible to let people in and out so easily.

This puppet was more than ten feet tall, with purple hair like lightning and a face as blue as indigo.

The thunderous energy in his hands filled his body and he quickly rushed to him.

"Boy, this is the important place of my Qingming Island, retreat quickly."

Ye Yang felt it slightly, and the person who spoke was not weak, but seemed to be seriously injured.

Ye Yang took a look at the person he brought, and then said.

"Who is this person!"

The young man also had a strange look on his face.

"Senior, there is no such person in Qingming Island, and even this huge puppet, I have never seen it."

"Could it be that someone landed on the island in advance and wanted to catch the cicada with a mantis."

Ye Yang was puzzled and felt strange.

This action was very covert, and even he, who was quite trusted by Gu Xuan, did not know the plan.

How could someone get there first?

Seeing this, Ye Yang couldn't ask what he was talking about, so he swung his knife to knock him out and threw him under a big tree.

At this time, the puppet in front had already rushed towards him.

Ye Yang looked up and realized that this time there was a petite woman standing on the left shoulder of the giant golden-armored puppet.

Because there are colorful lights flowing around his body, he can't see his exact face clearly, but he shouldn't be very old.

This man shouted while commanding the huge golden-armored puppet to rush towards him.

"Boy, didn't you hear what I said? Get out of here quickly and don't come here to beat the autumn wind."

Ye Yang ducked to the side to avoid the puppet's thunderous strike.

The surroundings were filled with smoke and dust, and he opened his mouth to ask.

"Who are you? There is no one like you in Qingming Island."

The woman said angrily.

"You are a thief who wants to steal my treasure, and you still ask so many questions. You are really not open-minded. I will tell you the truth."

"I once learned skills from my master on Qingming Island, and then moved away. This time I heard that my master was in trouble, so I came here to help."

"Everything here belongs to me, you can't get a piece of it."

Ye Yang frowned.

At first glance, what this man said was untrue, and the so-called disciple was just a self-proclaimed name.

I'm afraid that I saw that Qingming Island was about to fall into ruin and saw that it was profitable, so I came here to do the robber business.

But this person didn't know that Ye Yang's whole body's aura was condensed. After practicing Xiang Mo Fist, he was like a diamond, invincible in a hundred battles.

At this moment, dodge slightly.

Ye Yang's martial arts third level mana surged out like a sea of ​​whales, and his swords spun in a circle and struck quickly.

The man became angry when he saw Ye Yang turning a deaf ear to his threat.

She controlled the golden armor puppet and waved her hand slightly.

Thunder exploded all around, and his arm suddenly reached forward, his fingers spread wide, and five sharp golden lights rushed towards Ye Yang.

When these five sharp golden lights rushed towards him, they paused slightly and formed a huge golden cage in the sky, trapping Ye Yang in it.

There was a look of pride on her face.

"Looking at your cold look, I thought you were so powerful, but it turned out to be just a silver-like wax gun tip."

But the moment her laughter stopped, she saw that the impenetrable cage she was trapped in was grasped by Ye Yang's hands, and then tore it apart, breaking apart inch by inch.

Then a vast sword light and sharp sword light appeared at the same time.

When the sky and the earth turned white, the sword glowed like thunder lying on the bright sun, and the sword light was as bright as the bright moon shining on Kyushu.

The sword light came quickly, the sword light all around was bright, and countless sword threads cut through the space, bright as day.

A figure broke through the golden light, holding a sword and charging forward, as if it were the Mighty King Kong, inviolable.

"Wait a minute, the power of swords is so powerful, are you the legendary swordsman Ye Yang?"

The voice was extremely surprised and hurriedly dodged behind him.

This woman was so fast that she evaded Ye Yang's attack just by looking at her.

"Yes, you must be a master of swords and swords, Ye Yang. Now that the Feitian Clan is attacking, you are a disciple of the Feitian Clan and you deserve to be here."

"Don't tell me that Swordsman Shuangjue Ye Yang was seriously injured and his meridians were severed. Looking at his ferocious appearance, there is no trace of his meridians being severed."

She thought of something in an instant.

"You are pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger! You are not injured at all, right?"

"Who are you?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to know him well, Ye Yang couldn't help but ask.

"Listen up, my aunt Yunqing is the one."

"Yunqing? The peacock saint Yunqing who is number sixty-three on the Hidden Dragon List?!"

Ye Yang was extremely surprised.

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