Gu Xuan held the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd and shot out endless fire rain.

But when the fire rain fell over Qingming Island, it was blocked by a layer of transparent spiritual light.

The hot and exploding fire rain shot into the ocean.

The surrounding seawater evaporated a layer, and countless thick white mists rose up, and you couldn't see your fingers when you stretched out your hand.

Seeing this, everyone stopped hesitating.

The owner of Fengyu Tower, Yan, shouted delicately, and countless icicles appeared around her.

She opened her mouth and spit out a sword ball with cold light.

The sword ball seemed to condense the power of thousands of miles of ice. As soon as it appeared, a lot of floating ice appeared on the surrounding sea surface.

Others also launched attacks.

For a while, spiritual arts and talismans flew together, the sword light was sharp, and the sword shadows were crisscrossed.

Nearly a thousand cultivators made all their moves.

After a while, most of the fog dissipated.

But the next moment, the thick white fog over Qingming Island rolled up again, and formed a hundred-foot-long wind and thunder dragon snake.

The dragon snake's body was winding, covered with countless lightning and lightning, swallowing clouds and wind, and there were four claws under its feet.

At this time, a vast and deep voice came out.

"Gu Xuan, my Qingming Island is already merciful enough not to cause trouble to you, but you dare to take the initiative! Do you really not take the power of real people seriously?"

"To tell you the truth, the ancestor has returned safely, and you will never be able to break through this Guixu Canglong formation."

The owner of Yanlou and Gu Xuan looked at each other and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"This Qingming Island actually has such a powerful formation."

Thousands of people attacked together, but they didn't defeat it in the first time.

One of the formation masters came out and said.

"Master Gu, this formation can transform into a dragon. There must be a dragon branch in the island, which cannot be broken from the outside world. Maybe we can try to surround it without killing it and cut off its spiritual power source."

"Over time, the power of the formation will definitely be greatly reduced."

Gu Xuan nodded.

"Even though Qingming Island has abundant spiritual energy, it will definitely require a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain such a huge formation. They are short of manpower and cannot persist for a long time."

When everyone heard this, they thought it was what they meant, so they controlled the expenditure of mana in their bodies and symbolically responded with ordinary means, surrounding but not killing.

As expected, at noon, the wind and thunder dragon snakes that were swirling in the thick fog gradually weakened their momentum, and even their size shrank by half.

At this time.

Gu Xuan gave an order, and countless people started a new round of attacks.

Fire crows filled the sky, sword lights as cold as ice, poisonous insects covering the sky, and spells such as fireballs and vines.

Covering the sky, the figure of the wind and thunder dragon snake became more illusory.

"Fellow Taoists, watch me strike."

Deng Ai, the Blue Feather God Thunder, roared, holding a three-colored hill in his hand, and the next moment the hill magic weapon suddenly grew larger.

He was like holding a mountain in his hand, pressing down suddenly, the wind was raging, the sea was surging, and thunder was roaring.

At the same time.

In a hall inside Qingming Island, there were several figures sitting.

After sensing the earth-shaking attack outside, the faces of the people in the hall became more solemn.

There were not many people on Qingming Island, most of them were the second-generation disciples of the three disciples of the Qingming Lord, and their cultivation was not very strong.

Especially after the destruction of the Qingming Lord's physical body, it seemed to be declining.

It was just that the news was blocked, and most people were still kept in the dark, thinking that the Qingming Lord was still in seclusion.

"Master, is the ancestor still in seclusion?"

Zhuang Guyuan had a big head and a small body. When he heard someone suddenly speak, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Just as he was about to answer, he never thought that another voice came from the side.

"Big Brother, I used a secret method to spy on them. There are many masters here. Gu Xuan and Yan Louzhu are both outstanding fighters. Why don't we go together to ask Master to come out of retreat and kill these villains?" Zhuang Guyuan snorted coldly. "Junior sister, Master has already instructed before he went into retreat that no matter how big the matter is, he should not be disturbed from practicing. Have you forgotten it?" Yunyin Fairy and Zhuang Guyuan are not on good terms. Before, she combined with Heibai Xuanyu and always wanted to compete with him for control of the island. Now that Heibai Xuanyu is dead, Yunyin Fairy is alone and has a hint of surrender. "Big Brother has always been trusted by Master. Since Master has spoken, let's wait a little longer." Zhuang Guyuan's face was as deep as water. Qingming Island is far away overseas, filled with white fog, and is extremely difficult to find. How could these people find the specific location of Qingming Island and launch a fierce attack right away? "Could it be that Feitianmen set a trap on me before?" A thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and then he shook his head. He had investigated several times, but found nothing suspicious.

At this time, another disciple rushed in quickly.

"Master, the attack of Feitianmen and others is fierce, and a gap has appeared at the southern end of Guixu Canglong Formation."

When everyone in the field heard the news, they were in a mess and walked back and forth.

"What should we do?"

"I heard that Feitianmen are all ruthless people, and Gu Xuan is an old shady guy. Few people who go against him will have a good end."

"If not, if not..."

Zhuang Guyuan looked at Yunyin Fairy coldly.

"If not what?" Yunyin Fairy swallowed her saliva, fearing that Zhuang Guyuan would kill her on the spot, and she didn't say it after all.

Zhuang Guyuan was furious. As his eyes opened and closed, countless purple electric sparks appeared around him.

A shadow with huge wings, surrounded by lightning, appeared faintly behind him.

It was so overwhelming that everyone couldn't breathe.

He shouted loudly: "What are you afraid of? Even though they have more people and more power, we, Qingming Island, are real people. How can we be easily bullied?"

In fact, he had no idea, but he knew that in today's chaotic situation, if he could not stay calm, the entire Qingming Island would only collapse faster.

"Brothers from the north and the south, I order you two to go to the South Island quickly to guard the formation of the Guixu Hidden Dragon Formation."

"in addition……"

Zhuang Guyuan stood up and glanced at everyone in the field. The thunder and lightning behind him became larger and larger, as if it was going to break through the roof and go straight to the sky.

"In addition, during the war, no one who disturbs people's hearts will be allowed to appear. If anyone dares to speak nonsense again, he will be killed directly."

Zhuang Guyuan suppressed everyone with the power of thunder, and the surrounding environment became much quieter.

But brothers Zhang Nan and Zhang Bei looked at each other, and upon hearing Zhuang Guyuan's words, their expressions changed slightly.

The two of them only had the early level of martial arts. Even if the two brothers worked together, they were not much stronger.

The invading enemy at this moment is extremely powerful, and the South Island is the place where the enemy can be attacked head-on.

How could the two of them stop it easily?

The two brothers' expressions changed and they murmured.

"Elder Zhuang, this, this, this..."

The two of them blurted out the words at the same time, but after several times, they still didn't say it.

Zhuang Guyuan frowned: "What? Are you unwilling?"

Brothers Zhang Nan and Zhang Bei had a bitter smile on their faces, but they still held their hands.

"Of course I'm willing, of course I'm willing."

The two of them left the main hall and went to a hidden and uninhabited corner, whispering, not knowing what they were discussing.

"I just said that we must not accept these casual cultivators who come to join us halfway."

"We usually eat our food, drink our food, and use our food. But when we encounter danger, we don't dare to step forward. What's the point of using it?"

In an attic secret room.

Zhuang Guyuan looked at Zhang Nan and Zhang Bei who were whispering outside the window, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Behind him is the ugly-looking young man.

The young man was calm and composed, Zhuang Guyuan looked back frequently, as if he was the backbone of Qingming Island.

Obviously, Zhuang Guyuan was not as calm as he appeared on the outside.

"Master, what should we do now?"

"The water will come to cover us, and the soldiers will stop us. I didn't expect these sects to be so bold. Instead of hiding, they attacked in advance."

"But how did he find the specific address of Qingming Island."

Qingming Island has excellent feng shui, a special geographical location, and is covered by thick fog. It appears in a different place every day, making it extremely difficult for outsiders to find it.

This is the retirement home that Lord Qingming found for himself.

He never thought that an enemy could find this place.

"Ohara, if there is no other way, prepare for the worst. Compared with human life, a thousand years of foundation and ten thousand years of achievements are nothing."

Zhuang Guyuan was shocked and couldn't believe it, his whole body was shaking.

"Master, what do you mean..."

"Yes, a gentleman's revenge is never too late. You have been my master for many years. Although you are old, you still have no chance of breaking through to the realm of a real person."

"But master, this is where your foundation lies. I don't want your years of hard work to go to waste. I can't bear to..."

The boy sighed.

"Chier, do you still remember that I hid a heavy object in the Patriarch Hall."

Zhuang Guyuan looked shocked and then said.

"Master, are you talking about the eight-armed evil dragon hand?"

"Yes, it is exactly this."

"My disciple is willing to give it a try. My master has built up a thousand-year legacy, but I will never let it fall into my hands."

"You don't regret it?"

"I have no regrets. Without my master, I starved to death in the ruined temple in the wind and snow when I was six years old. You are my master and more importantly my father."

Lord Qingming trembled slightly, looked at Zhuang Guyuan, who had a head as big as a bucket, and gently touched his hair.

"Xiaoyuan, thank you for your hard work. I feel sorry for you as a teacher."

After finishing speaking, he sighed slightly in his heart.

"Master is also forced to do so. Since you are reluctant to part with it, let me let you pay for my master again."

Zhuang Guyuan didn't know what Lord Qing Ming was thinking, but a warm current flashed in his heart.

"Master, don't say that."

But he still couldn't bear it.

"The rest of the people on the island will wait."

Lord Qingming smiled coldly.

"The eight-armed evil dragon will be very dangerous when it appears, and these villains will deserve to die."

Ye Yang stood on the big sun star beast's broad back.

Holding a knife in one hand and a sword in the other, deal with it carefully.

Although the wind and thunder dragon snake in the sky gradually became illusory, the sharp sword light seemed to be endless and shot straight from Qingming Island.

He raised the ghost-headed seven-ring sword and knocked away a ray of light.

"Ah! It hurts."

There was a scream in his ears, and Ye Yang looked up.

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