The whole stall became extremely quiet.

Several law enforcement monks from Feitian Sect saw Ye Yang and wanted to speak.

Ye Yang signaled them to be silent and walked to this stall.

A man and a woman saw a resolute young man suddenly appeared in front of them. Seeing that his clothes were extraordinary and his face did not look like a villain, they quickly asked.

"Senior, I want to redeem this dragon blood spiritual ginseng."

Ye Yang nodded: "Bring the spiritual ginseng over and let me take a look."

This trading market is a mixed bag, and Ye Yang is afraid that the other party is cheating and confusing the fake with the real one.

There are so many monks in the world, and those with high skills can even hide the consciousness of a real person.

It is unknown whether the two were acting in a love story or whether there was support around them.

A man and a woman looked at each other, still remaining wary and not daring to put anything in his hand.

A law enforcement monk spoke.

"If you have any good things, please bring them out. Tao'anfang City is fair and just. I, Lou Xiaojia, will keep you safe."

Ye Yang gave the monk who reported his family a meaningful look.

When the man saw Ye Yang, his eyes were focused on him.

Ye Yang quickly showed a flattering smile. Faced with this kindness, Ye Yang nodded slightly in greeting, but that was all.

Now using various methods, there are too many people trying to get in his eyes, but he doesn't take these little clever things seriously.

After receiving the promise from the law enforcement monk, the two of them walked up to Ye Yang and placed the spiritual ginseng, which was about a foot long, in Ye Yang's hand.

This spiritual ginseng is divided into nine sections, with a complete shape. The roots are like dragon scales, and there are two ginseng buds as thick as chopsticks on the ginseng head.

Below is a sweet potato-like rhizome, as red as blood.

At the same time, there was a strong medicinal fragrance, which seemed to be not fake.

Put the ginseng into their hands again.

The leading man had already seen Ye Yang's extraordinary status, otherwise the law enforcement monk, who had always been aloof, would not have spoken for him.

So, he quickly spoke.

"Senior, my brother and sister want to exchange this for a spiritual technique that can be used for practice."

Ye Yang smiled and then said.

"This item is indeed precious, but it is still far behind the inheritance of spiritual arts. Please think carefully before you speak. I am not a wealthy monk who allows others to raise prices randomly."

Although the value of spiritual arts is not as good as the fundamental method of practice, among many small families, a spiritual art is the family's treasure.

I don’t know how many casual cultivators spend their whole lives traveling around, but it is difficult for them to have a set of spiritual skills at their disposal.

The two of them saw through Ye Yang's behavior, their faces turned slightly red, and then they spoke.

"Senior, if you don't have spiritual skills, you can also inherit the prerequisite spells of spiritual skills."

Although spiritual prerequisite spells are also valuable, they are naturally incomparable to the value of complete spiritual arts.

Ye Yang has many spiritual prerequisite spells in his hands. Whether it is the Wind and Frost Knife Technique or the Withering Hand, they are all the best among the spells.

But these are secrets of the sect. He only has the power to practice and cannot exchange them.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Yang spoke.

"I have a spell here. Although it is not a spiritual inheritance spell, it is very powerful."

"Even if you can practice to the highest level and have power that is not weaker than spiritual magic, you two can take a look. If you can, we will make a deal."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang took out a Yuanyang Evil Fire Curse.

This spell can absorb the fire of the Great Sun and is extremely powerful.

He got it from the storage bags of the blood and bone cult monks when he was in the Immortal Barrier.

However, the level is only a spell, and the training conditions are quite harsh, requiring the monks to feed themselves with fire.

He originally wanted to throw it into the Zongmen Scripture Collection Pavilion, but before he could do it, he encountered the Dragon Blood Spirit Ginseng.

After hearing Ye Yang's introduction, the two of them showed a hint of excitement on their faces, and then took the jade slip handed over by Ye Yang.

The two of them put the jade slip against their brains and sensed it carefully, a hint of joy flashed in their eyes.

"Thank you, senior, we are willing to exchange."

This spell is born by absorbing evil fire. Although the risk is a bit high and it is not the right way, as long as the poisonous fire is replenished, the progress will be very fast.

It is also loved by the majority of casual cultivators.

The two accepted the jade slip and then took out the dragon-like snow-white ginseng.

Seeing the two of them and Ye Yang, they reached a deal instantly

Many monks around him had a greedy expression in their eyes.

Some of them had come up with many common spells before, but none of them were taken seriously by the brother and sister.

As soon as Ye Yang took out this thing, he completed the transaction with the brother and sister.

This shows that his stuff is good, and it also means that he is likely to have something better than that spell.

Seeing the expressions of these casual cultivators, Ye Yang snorted coldly, and the air around him suddenly dropped in temperature.

"In the realm of my Feitian Sect, all fellow Taoists had better act with caution. If not, our Feitian Sect will not take mercy lightly."

Sensing the martial aura emanating from Ye Yang's body, many people couldn't help but change their expressions. They didn't expect that this man turned out to be a monk in the martial realm.

That's fine, the other party is actually a member of the Feitian Sect.

At this time, someone had already thought of something. Looking at the sword behind Ye Yang, he couldn't help but shrink his neck.

"Could this man be a master of swordsmanship?"

"I heard that even the real disciple Beijiang monster was killed by him."

"With one strike, Luo Changsheng, who frightened away the eyes of blood and tears, provoked Luo Changsheng, who challenged three hundred and sixty-five sects with swords, to come and challenge him in person. He is a ruthless man."

"Even if he is seriously injured, it is not something that we people can compare to."

"Withdraw, withdraw."

When Ye Yang saw that the surroundings had become quiet, he took the Dragon Blood Spirit Ginseng, summoned the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle, and flew towards the Feitian Gate again.

Sitting on the back of the turtle, Ye Yang took the dragon blood ginseng in his hand and rubbed it carefully.

A faint blood seeped out from the skin of the dragon blood ginseng and penetrated into his mouth and nose.

The strong medicinal fragrance made Ye Yang take a few breaths.

This dragon blood ginseng is the main medicine of the second-level spiritual elixir Danxue Dan.

Although the Drying Blood Pill is only a second-level elixir, it is more precious than some third-level elixirs to many monks in the early and mid-level martial arts realm.

Because it can store the energy, blood and magic power that monks usually practice.

When the body is seriously injured, he can take the Drooping Blood Pill and return to a perfect state in less than a moment.

It is an extremely special and precious elixir.

Ye Yang drove the Sun Flying Turtle back to Feitian Gate and walked to the door of his house. Only then did he find a woman with a tall figure and a pair of snow-white legs walking in front of his door.

It's Zhu Mange.

It looked like she had been here for a while.

After seeing Ye Yang, Zhu Mange quickly walked over with her fat buttocks and a pair of snow-white legs.

She looked at Ye Yang and acted coquettishly.

"Senior Brother Ye, I have been looking for you during this time. I don't know where you have gone. My father has arrived at Feitianmen. I wonder if I can pay him a visit?"

Ye Yang groaned slightly. He had just made an agreement with Zhu Mange a few days ago. He didn't expect that Zhu Yue had already arrived at Feitian Sect in just a few days.

Reminiscent of what the headmaster said a few days ago, to inspect the Changqing Zhu family to see if they are honest.

Ye Yang then spoke.

"Since Patriarch Zhu is here, we naturally want to meet him."

Zhu Mange pouted.

"Senior brother, I prefer you to call him Uncle Zhu. Patriarch Zhu is too formal."

Ye Yang smiled and said nothing.

Zhu Mange said: "My father has already set up a banquet, and he specially wanted me to invite Protector Ye to sit down."

"Publicly speaking, Patriarch Zhu is the head of the family, and privately speaking he is the elders like me. How can I prepare Patriarch Zhu with a glass of wine? I should fulfill my duties as a landlord."

After all, Ye Yang still didn't call out the word "Uncle Zhu".

As soon as Ye Yang finished speaking, he heard a rich and deep voice.

"My dear nephew, you have troubled yourself, but since we are members of one family, there is no need to talk to two families."

"Mange has been at Feitianmen during this period. Nephew Duomeng has taken great care of me, so I can just thank him."

"I've already prepared some wine, and I still need my nephew's favor."

After hearing what he said, Ye Yang no longer insisted.

Zhu Yue is an old fox, impeccable in his words and deeds, and he is also very good at dealing with people and people.

But this person is too cunning. As the saying goes, Xiao He will succeed and Xiao He will fail.

Blindly pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages will only cost Qingqing's life, so he needs to be careful in dealing with it.

Zhu Yue is the leader of the clan and has long found a good seat in Feitianmen Yingbin Pavilion.

The two sat in. Before Ye Yang could speak, Zhu Yue took out two high-grade spiritual stones from his storage bag and handed them to Ye Yang's hands.

"My dear nephew, I haven't seen you since you broke through to the realm of warriors. But seeing you today is really extraordinary."

"These two high-grade spiritual stones were specially brought for you by me as my late gift. I must accept them no matter what."

High-grade spiritual stones are of extraordinary value. They are not just a simple currency, but have many functions.

Zhu Yue is a real veteran. He speaks and acts impeccably. I don’t know how much better he is than Zhu Mange and others.

Ye Yang naturally refused and refused to accept.

But Zhu Yue had already thought of his words.

"A few years ago, your father and I fought side by side. At that time, I often lent him spiritual stones."

"Now that I have become successful and famous, my family is gradually getting on the right track, but I never thought that he is no longer here. I can only repay future generations. If you win, it will make me feel a little better."

"It always makes me feel that I am not ashamed of my dead brother."

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