"Three spiritual stones and one."

Zhang Yuer was obviously frightened by the price and taken aback.

"Why is the price so expensive? It's a third higher than the price outside."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Peiyuan covered his mouth and said, "Stop talking nonsense."

Zhang Peiyuan knew etiquette well and gave Ye Yang a fist.

"Senior, I don't understand the beauty of water method alchemy, so I almost bumped into you. Please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter. The elixirs I have here are of high quality, and the prices are clearly marked. It's voluntary for both parties."

Only at this time did Zhang Yuer react.

She looked at Ye Yang's stall for a long time before saying.

"Brother Peiyuan, most of these are first-level elixirs, which just meet our needs."

"And there are a lot of them. In addition to the blood-activating pills, there are also Jade Method Pills and Red Kite Pills that improve cultivation."

"Senior, we want all these elixirs. I wonder if they can be made cheaper?"

Some of these elixirs were obtained by Ye Yang from practicing, and some were seized by Ye Yang from other people's storage bags.

He made an estimate and said, "These elixirs require more than 800 spirit stones. If you really need them, I will erase the fraction and only accept 800 from you."


Ye Yang looked at the two of them with his eyes and spoke slowly.

"Can you two make the decision?"

In Ye Yang's perception, these two people were only in the middle stage of ventilation.

It would be difficult for the two of them to make the final decision on such a huge amount of spiritual stone spending.

After hearing Ye Yang's words, the two looked at each other and seemed to have made up their minds.

"Senior, please rest assured. Both of us are descendants of the Zhang family. Although these pills are valuable, the Zhang family can still afford them."

A trace of pride flashed in their eyes.

Riding on the waves and flying harpoons, the clan also has two first-order spiritual ships to protect the thousands-miles of green lake.

In addition, they are the Immortal Cultivating Family under the Feitian Sect, and they are indeed famous in Tao'anfang City.

As he spoke, there was a hint of complacency.

The two of them thought that after hearing about the Chazi Zhang family, the person in front of them would show an expression of honor and say a few polite words.


"It turns out it's the Chazi Zhang family who came here. I've admired them for a long time."

"Since the Zhang family is here, everything is easy to talk about" and other polite words.

But what surprised them was that the man in front of them had a pale face and was unusually ordinary. He didn't take them seriously at all, but spoke calmly.

"In that case, you have prepared the spirit stones."

"Senior, wait a moment. The amount of spiritual stones is huge and they are still in the Zhang family's shop. I will call the elders of the clan to come over."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Peiyuan asked Zhang Yu'er to look at Ye Yang and the goods while he went to call someone by himself.

At this time, when some casual cultivators saw that members of the family wanted to make a deal, they hurriedly raised their bids.

"Senior, I want these pills."

"Senior, wrap the jade magic pill for me."

These people made bids one after another.

Zhang Yuer quickly stretched out her arms to stop everyone, her eyes turned cold.

"Fellow Taoists, first come, first served. We have already collected this senior's elixir. If necessary, you can buy it at the Zhang Family Grocery Store."

"Hiss, he turns out to be a member of the Chazi Zhang family."

"Forget it, it's better not to provoke them."

"I heard that someone in their family has broken through to the realm of warriors in the past few years. Now there are two warriors in one sect, one is in charge of internal affairs and the other is in charge of external affairs. Their strength is not bad."

After Zhang Yuer heard this, she was quite satisfied with the performance of many casual cultivators. She held her head, showed a smile, and extended an olive branch to Ye Yang.

"I don't know if senior has any intention of taking charge of the family. The reward from our Zhang family will definitely satisfy senior."

Ye Yang shook his head, he was just selling some unwanted sundries.

Besides, no matter how superior the conditions provided by the Chazi Zhang family are, they cannot be compared with the Feitian Clan.

With his status, the Zhang family couldn't invite him, and he didn't dare to invite him.

After a while, Zhang Peiyuan led an old man from the Zhang family over.

Zhang Peiyuan pointed with his hand.

"Uncle Tong, look, he is the senior who is good at water method alchemy."

The old man who was called Uncle Tong was also quite surprised when he heard about the water method for alchemy.

After all, water method alchemy is rare and has not been heard of for a long time.

"Fellow Taoist, we, the Zhang family, want the elixir here."

Before anyone arrived, a voice came.

The next moment, an old man squeezed over and looked at Ye Yang. For some reason, he felt that this man looked familiar.

The next moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Could it be?"

He got excited and quickly took out a high-grade spiritual stone and walked over.

Zhang Yu'er didn't know why Uncle Tong was so excited. This Uncle Tong had been the housekeeper of the Zhang family for many years and had experienced many hardships. He had never seen anything.

This was the first time the two of them had seen him so excited.

But he saw that Zhang Tong had already taken out a high-grade spiritual stone.

The two of them couldn't help but be surprised.

"Uncle Tong, we have just talked about the eight hundred spirit stones. If you don't come up with eight hundred spirit stones, that's all. Why did you come up with the top grade spirit stones?"

"The price is much higher than before the discount."

The old man gave her a cold look.

"What are you yelling about?"

This was the first time for the two of them to see such a stern expression on the kind uncle Tong, and they did not dare to speak for a while.

After finishing speaking, the old man quickly put down the spirit stone, quickly clasped his fists, looked at Ye Yang and said.

"Zhang Tong has met Protector Ye. Juniors are not sensible. If there is any conflict between words, please forgive me."

As soon as he said this, everyone present was immediately surprised, and then said.

"Protector Ye, could this be Feitian Sect's master of swordsman Ye Yang?"

"I heard before that he was seriously injured and it was difficult to improve his cultivation. I didn't hear that he was good at alchemy. Could it be that he has been concentrating on studying alchemy methods in these years?"

Ye Yang looked at the restless crowd and shook his head slightly.

"It is whatever it is. Since we have agreed on eight hundred spirit stones just now, it will be eight hundred spirit stones."

"There are so many comrades here. If I go back on my promise, how will they view my Feitianmen?"

Ye Yang took the high-grade spiritual stone, counted two hundred spiritual stones, and pushed it back.

Zhang Tong also wanted to react and quickly apologized.

"That's right, that's right. Many years ago, I led a horse for Protector Ye and delivered porridge late at night, but I never thought that we would meet here by chance today. I was so excited that I just said the wrong thing."

"Clan Chief Zhang is also in the shop. I wonder if I can ask Protector Ye to show his respect and go and see him."

"Oh, Clan Chief Zhang is here too? How is Shiranui Sword Zhang Feng doing?"

When he first went on a mission, he and the Zhang family and others attacked and killed the giant crocodile.

Zhang Feng's arm was bitten to pieces. Fortunately, he saved his life.

Zhang Tong quickly said: "Although Elder Zhang Feng lost his arm, he has not lost his determination in recent years and has practiced a left-handed sword technique. He has now broken through to the ninth level of ventilation."

Zhang Feng had been on the eighth floor of ventilation before, and his breakthrough was not what Ye Yang expected.

Ye Yang said: "Congratulations, please give me a few words when you get back. Just say, 'I will always think about you. I have something to do today, so I won't bother you. I will definitely have a drink and talk about it again tomorrow.'"

Zhang Tong was extremely excited when he heard what Ye Yang said. He quickly raised his hands to Ye Yang as he walked out and said, "The Zhang family will never forget the kindness of Protector Ye in killing the giant crocodile and rescuing the Zhang family. The Zhang family respectfully invites Protector Ye to come at any time." "

The words were shouted loudly.

His words actually had ulterior motives. He was not only saying it to Ye Yang, but also to everyone present.

Not only did he tell all the relationship between the Zhang family and Ye Yang and the Feitian Clan among many casual cultivators, he also created a "big trend" for his family.

It also publicized the reputation of the Zhang family in preparation for entering the elixir market in the future.

Ye Yang knew Zhang Tong's thoughts very well and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"Many years have passed, and Zhang Tong is still as smart and exquisite as ever, and has not changed at all. But the difference is that everyone is getting older."

Fast forward seven or eight years, and now he is in his mid-thirties, and he is no longer the youth he once was.

And Zhang Tong is already an old man.

Walking to the gate of Tao'anfang City, Ye Yang was about to summon the Sun Flying Turtle to return to Feitianmen.

But he saw a group of casual cultivators gathered in the corner, not knowing what they were doing.

Ye Yang didn't take it seriously at first, but he had been refining elixirs during this period, and now he could smell the scent of medicine.

Ye Yang's footsteps suddenly stopped and he walked towards the place where casual cultivators gathered.

There was a stall in the middle, surrounded by many monks, and intermittent sounds were heard at this moment.

"I said there is no business in the world that doesn't accept spiritual stones. I see that you two brothers are just young people who have just started to practice. You can't buy anything you want with the spiritual stones."

"That's right, the Dragon Blood Spirit Ginseng is not a precious commodity. It's just a dream for you to still want to inherit the spiritual arts."

"You really think that the inheritance of spiritual arts is nothing, how dare you ask for such a price?"

Several sounds came into my ears.

Dragon blood ginseng?

"How could something like this appear here?"

Ye Yang walked in and squeezed through the crowd. There was a young man in his twenties protecting a girl at the stall in front.

The young man was covered in muscles and wore a necklace of wolf fangs around his neck, revealing his full chest and muscles.

The woman was still young, dressed in white gauze, with a wreath on her head, and nervously holding a foot-long spiritual ginseng in her hand.

The beard and hair of the spiritual ginseng were all white, and the root hair was translucent. At this moment, the two of them looked at the crowd around them warily, for fear of being snatched away by them.

"Seniors, I have already said that my dragon blood ginseng will not be sold for spiritual stones or treasures from heaven and earth."

"My brother and sister only exchange for the pre-spell inheritance of a spiritual technique. Please don't press me too hard."

When he said these words, some monks sneered.

"I, the third child, have lived for such a long time, and I have never seen anyone who refuses to accept spiritual stones. Why, do you mean to ignore the regulations of Tao'anfang City?"

"That's right, who knows where you stole this Dragon Blood Ginseng from? Maybe it came from something shady and is a shady thing."

"I'm paying you hundreds of spiritual stones, why not just give it to me."

"It's really funny. You only have a few hundred spiritual stones to get the dragon blood spiritual ginseng."

There were many figures, and some people wanted to take advantage of the chaos, but the man and the woman were very careful and hurriedly hid the dragon blood ginseng behind their backs.

"This is in the middle of a city. Are you trying to rob it?"

The two of them were quite smart, and they shouted loudly, like thunder, which alerted the law enforcement monks who were patrolling on the side.

Several law enforcers wearing golden armor and carrying long swords walked up to the crowd and stared at them eagerly.

"Tao'anfang City has regulations that strictly prohibit forced buying and selling."

Seeing the law enforcement monks coming, the crowd immediately stopped making noise.

But the asking price for a man and a woman was too high, and no one was willing to bid for a while.

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