The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 217 Purple Lightning Silver Peach Distribution Matters

His words are very particular, both playing the emotional card and trying to win over others.

Ye Yang had already guessed what Zhu Yue said next.

Either it was for the inspection of the Zhu family, or it was for Zhu Mange to request the purple electric silver peach.

Both of these things are difficult to deal with, so Ye Yang is not prepared to deal with them head-on.

After thinking about it, Ye Yang decided to stabilize Zhu Yue first.

(There is no charge for this line of writing: I wrote half of this chapter on human feelings and sophistication in order to give back the opinions of some book friends. Some people like to write more. Please give your opinions on the proportion of content in this aspect in the future. Thank you)

"Since Uncle Zhu said so, my nephew will appear to be incompetent no matter how pretentious he is. I still have two bottles of elixirs here, so please accept them."

"Maybe Junior Sister Mange will be able to use it after she breaks through to the warrior realm."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang took out several bottles of Jingyun Dan.

These bottles of Jingyundan were always kept in his storage bag for cultivation. Zhu Yue came in a hurry, so he didn't prepare any gifts for a while.

He had no choice but to take out the elixir as a return gift.

The tragic situation of Long Gang and Yu Hu is still before their eyes, and Zhu Yue's two high-grade spiritual stones are expensive.

If it is accepted without reason and someone wants to make a fuss in the future during the inspection, that will be a troublesome matter.

These bottles of Jingyundan were exchanged by Ye Yang with contribution points from the sect. Although they were not worth the high price of two thousand spirit stones, they were not much different.

Seeing Ye Yang take out Jingyundan, Zhu Mange's eyes lit up.

Especially when I think of what Ye Yang said just now, I can't help but feel warm in my heart.

"It seems that Senior Brother Ye still has me in his heart."

However, Zhu Yue frowned slightly and then said

"What does this mean, nephew? Could it be that he wants to exchange the elixir for the spiritual stone?"

Ye Yang spoke.

"What did my uncle say? How can we change the relationship between your family and ours? This is a gift, and it is also my heart for Junior Sister Zhu's practice."

When Zhu Mange heard this, his eyes shined brightly, staring straight at Ye Yang.

Zhu Yue knew that Ye Yang didn't want to owe him any favors, so he sighed slightly in his heart.

"In that case, thank you so much, nephew."

He couldn't find any problem with what Ye Yang just said, and he couldn't think of any reason to refuse.

I secretly sighed at how powerful this young man was.

But Zhu Mange didn't know that the confrontation between the two just now was actually filled with intrigues, exchanges of interests, and many dangers.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Yue collected the elixir and poured a glass of wine for Ye Yang.

"The reason why I came here to find my nephew this time is actually to discuss something with my nephew."

Zhu Yue laughed, and then said: "My precious daughter is beautiful and a good practitioner, and my nephew is also a talented person."

"Why don't you fulfill the wish of our two brothers back then? How about I act as a matchmaker and betroth Man Ge to you today?"

In the past, Zhu Yue felt that Ye Yang's cultivation aptitude was average, he was from a poor family, and he did not have much influence in the sect, so he was not able to take a fancy to him.

At that time, I just regarded the casual agreement with Father Ye many years ago as a joke.

But now it is discovered that Ye Yang has cultivated to the martial arts realm by himself without anyone's support.

One after another, he killed the little monsters in the northern border with his sword, and was frightened away by the eyes of blood and tears, which provoked the mysterious Luo Changsheng to attack from thousands of miles away.

No matter how you look at it, he is not an ordinary person.

He was optimistic about Ye Yang's potential and wanted to make friends with him.

Zhu Mange's face turned red, and he glanced at Zhu Yue without saying anything.

The scene fell into an embarrassing situation for a while

Ye Yang was silent for a moment, and then he spoke.

"That's really my nephew's blessing."

He knew that this was just a joke and that he could use his knowledge of Zhu Yue to resolve the awkward atmosphere.

The other party would definitely not marry Zhu Mange so easily.

Furthermore, Zhu Mange has a lot of little ones in her belly and is too smart.

The smarter the woman, the more scheming she is and is not suitable for Ye Yang to choose as a Taoist companion.

Hearing Ye Yang get off the slope, Zhu Yue glanced at Zhu Mange dissatisfied, secretly annoyed that she would not seize the opportunity.

Zhu Yue had no choice but to say: "My dear nephew, the spiritual stones I brought to you last time were of some help."

Ye Yang was puzzled for a while. He had not received the spiritual stone brought by Zhu Yue.

Ye Yang was about to speak, but Zhu Mange on the side quickly grabbed the words and spoke.

"Dad, it's hard for Senior Brother Ye to have time to come here. I don't know if the people who want to see him every day can line up from Feitianmen to the Zhu family. You hurry up and get down to business."

She interrupted, not wanting Zhu Yue to continue talking.

At this time, Ye Yang thought of Zhu Mange when he came out of Feitianmen.

The two agreed that Ye Yang would help her practice and win the title of Feitian Qizhen.

Zhu Mange brought over two spirit stone bags, each containing three hundred spirit stones.

He was still curious at the time why Zhu Mange divided the spiritual stones into two bags.

Only now do I realize it.

Ye Yang said: "Uncle Zhu, when I meet you this time, there is actually a small matter that the sect pays great attention to. It happens that I also want to ask about it."

Hearing what Ye Yang said, Zhu Yue couldn't help but raise his head.

"My dear nephew, it doesn't matter if you tell me. If you know something, I will answer it without any hesitation."

Ye Yang said: "I heard that the remnants of the Red Lantern Notice show up again near Changqing Zhu's house?"

Zhu Yue stroked his beard and frowned secretly. He had already blocked this news, and somehow the sect knew it in advance.

Even though he has nothing to do with the Red Light Notice.

But what he fears is that someone will interfere with it, and it will be difficult to prove his innocence.

So he quickly explained: "My dear nephew, please listen to me."

"After the remnants of the Red Lantern Notice appeared, the Zhu family tracked them day and night, but they hadn't found out the situation yet, so they didn't report it to the sect. Don't listen to the slander."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Don't worry, Patriarch Zhu. This matter is important, and I understand."

Ye Yang directly addressed him as Patriarch Zhu. Zhu Yue sensed the change in Ye Yang's title and didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhu Yue smiled and said: "My dear nephew, it's hard to come to Feitianmen today. We won't talk about these mundane things, only our feelings."

"I heard that the sect's purple electric silver peach is about to mature..."

After finishing speaking, he secretly leaned into Ye Yang's ear.

"My dear nephew, I have to trouble you to go and say a few kind words in front of Master Gu. The Zhu family will definitely satisfy my nephew."

Ye Yang smiled slightly, he really wanted to speak.

‘I am dissatisfied with what my uncle said. Nowadays, there are many people who value the Purple Lightning Silver Peach. I really don’t want to get involved. ’

But he thought so in his heart, but he couldn't say it with his mouth. Otherwise, Zhu Yue would definitely feel a gap in his heart.

So Ye Yang said: "It's easy to talk, uncle, don't worry, I will definitely go and say a few nice words, it's just a matter of success or failure..."

I heard Ye Yang say this.

Zhu Yue was full of smiles and felt that Ye Yang was really generous.

"Don't worry, my dear nephew, no matter whether it succeeds or not, the Zhu family will remember my nephew's great kindness and kindness."

Ye Yang secretly sighed.

He couldn't refuse at this time. If he refused, he would only create a grudge.

He might as well promise it first.

It's just that the Zidian Yintao matter is sensitive, and he doesn't want to get involved, so he has decided not to speak to the leader.

Furthermore, even if he doesn't speak, Zhu Mange is still in the first echelon of the sect, so he may not be unable to exchange, and Zhu Yue may not only be looking for him.

Once the exchange is successful, he can still earn a favor for nothing, so he might as well agree to it.

Ye Yang continued to praise: "Junior sister Zhu is extremely talented and is born at the Xuan level. If she can break through to the warrior realm, she will definitely be a pillar of the family."

Zhu Mange was very excited when she heard Ye Yang praising herself, and secretly came to Ye Yang's side.

"They say you hide your beauty in a golden house, but I wonder if I, a canary, can hide it too?"

This sentence is harsh and just a joke.

At the wine table, no one took it seriously.

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"If it can be done, it will definitely be great."

Zhu Mange rolled her eyes at him and pinched the flesh of his waist hard.

"It's a beautiful thought, but you are so insatiable that you are very blessed."

This day.

Spiritual energy surged within the Feitian Sect, and the infinite spiritual energy brilliance rushed into the sky, causing loud rumblings all around.

Next to the main hall of the headmaster, the purple electric silver peach tree, which is about ten feet tall, shines brightly, and the crackling purple electricity jumps up to several feet high.

This conspicuous scene naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Ye Yang walked to the side of the main hall and saw the "Xinhuo Lord" stone tablet.

The purple electric silver peach tree was already covered with purple electric sparks.

The next moment, the two pink peach fruits at the end of the tree suddenly swelled in size and were actually absorbing the surrounding electric light.

After a while, the two fruits turned from pink to red, full of electric light, and purple energy rose into the sky.

At the same time, a strong peach fragrance spread all around.

Ye Yang took a gentle sniff and felt his body become lighter.

He sighed, this purple electric silver peach was indeed an ancient alien species.

No wonder Qinglian and the Mo family have always been thinking about it.

No wonder Lord Qing Ming fought for it.

Truly extraordinary.

At this time, Gu Xuan walked out of the master's hall with a small jade scissor in his hand. He walked to the purple electric silver peach tree.

Cut off two peach fruits and put the precious ones away on a sandalwood tray.

Everyone secretly guessed who would end up with these two purple electric silver peaches.

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